Conf42 Golang 2024 - Online

Other editions:

2021 2022 2023


21 talks in 7 tracks


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How to test your code with Testcontainers in Go, and create your first test container

Julien Breux Kubernetes & Serverless specialist at Google Cloud

2024-04-25 17:15:00


Go for Kubernetes

Mohamed Abdelrhman Senior Software Engineer at Kotal

2024-04-25 17:45:00


Go-ing Serverless with WebAssembly

Thorsten Hans Senior Cloud Advocate at Fermyon

2024-04-25 18:15:00


Coroutines and Go

Raghav Roy R&D Software Engineer at VMware

2024-04-25 17:15:00


Go Concurrency powering a Gigabyte scale real-world data pipeline

Chinmay Naik Founder at One2N

2024-04-25 17:45:00


Graph your Game with Go: Strategic playbooks unveiled

Rangarajan Lakshminarayanachar Senior Manager, Software Engineering at Capital One

2024-04-25 18:15:00


Developing custom Load Balancer using Envoy

Sandeep Bhat Staff Software Engineer at Harness

2024-04-25 17:15:00


When "go build" is not enough: Introduction to Bazel

Eugene Khabarov Lead Developer & DevX at Arctic Wolf

2024-04-25 17:45:00


Using Nix to create reproducible Golang development environments

Haseeb Majid Backend Software Engineer at Curve

2024-04-25 18:15:00


Hallway track

Attendees, speakers & organisers are all invited to a video chat. Come to meet others, ask questions and hang out between: 2024-04-25 16:00:00 and 2024-04-25 17:00:00.

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Track: cloud

Track: deep dive

Track: frameworks

Track: lessons learned

Track: performance

Track: security

Track: tools

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