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Hello everyone and thank you for joining my session.
Here we'll dive into the dynamic world of Kubernetes
and explore how to create different Kubernetes
objects using the Go programming language of
course. Before we dive into the code,
let's take a quick look at our agenda.
Here we have the client to go Kubernetes Ebi and
Ebi machinery libraries, how to connect to our cluster
from our go application of course managing
resources controllers and operators
operator hub and then wrapping our session up.
I'll do my best to cover each of these topics,
providing as much information as possible within our limited
time token. So to the next slide,
what are client to go Kubernetes API and DBI machinery?
So Kubectl is the official client
to the official Kubernetes client to interact with Kubernetes
API. But we can use client to go
Kubernetes by and by machinery to interact with Kubernetes by
server as well. But what are, what are
they? So the client goal library
is like the primary part or the primary library
to interact with Kubernetes. It provides various
tools to create, modify and delete
Kubernetes objects kubernetes.
When we use client to go library to interact
with these resources, we actually modifying
the Kubernetes objects defined in Kubernetes API.
So basically Kubernetes API is where
we define our Kubernetes objects.
Lastly we have the ABi machinery. Ebay machinery is like
a collection of utilities used to
help us interact with Kubernetes Ebi better stuff like
selectors, emitter scheme and so
on. So now let's dive into our
code and check how it's done.
Now that we have established what are these packages and how they
interact with each other, let's see how it works.
Here I've created an empty directory and the first
thing we need to do is to initialize our go module.
So go initiatives
with Go. Then we want to
get our core libraries which are
the client to go ebim machinery and Ebi library
Kubernetes IO client go
renew Imma sure.
Then we want to create our main go file
and here we're gonna create our package main then funk
main within our funky main we
won't get our so
a cube config equals
a file of join dire
from line to goutils.
Then the file name.
So I'm assuming my, I'm assuming
your cube config lies under the cube folder
so you can change the balls if
you need to. By the way, if you don't have a cluster running
you can always use kind which is an amazing tool to
create your cluster in your machine using docker.
So it will create a cluster for you.
Then what we need to do is to create a client set.
First we gonna create rest config to bust those
client a client comment.
So list config
an error equals client
command build config from a flag.
Then we want to empty string.
Then the kube config file. If error
was nil we're gonna ban it here.
Then we want to create our client set
using a Kubernetes interface. So we want to import this interface
like go and we can use this interface
kubernetes new for conflict. Then we're
gonna buzz the rest. Of course here we hannah we gonna
have the client set and error,
error doesn't does equal nil.
Doesn't equal nil. We're gonna panic. Then voila
we have our client sit here. Of course there is a
million way to get
the client sit or to communicate with Kubernetes.
But this is the way I'm most comfortable with.
Now we want to check if this client set is
working as expected. So we will
get the number of nodes or
the nodes we have in our cluster. For example
we have a cube Ctl get here. I have a single
node with this name. We want to do the same thing here.
So as listaner equal
client for v one nodes,
list context, background list
options, list options from ebay machinery.
So we're gonna rename this v one because there is multiple interfaces
with the name v one. So we're gonna name this one meta
v one and use it here.
Then we want to iterate over this list
range list items.
Then we want to print the name of our nodes.
So record name. Let's check
it out. Go around main go. Okay.
Go. Mod go. Run go.
And here we are. We have our node
with the same name. So that's it.
That's how we connect to Kubernetes using
client set. Of course there is. You can take this further and
create a singleton for your clients so
you don't need to initialize it every time. But I'm sure
you, you can handle this. For the sake of this example
we're gonna make it simple and easy.
Now we want to create a boot using
the core v one interface from ebay library.
We can, we can create our board.
So basically what we need to do is to create
the BoD struct. It takes pointer to core
v one. We need to create the core v one.
So core v one from Kubernetes ev
one. We're gonna specify the board detail going
to define the object meter. It's from meta
v one object meter. Here we're
creating a board named let's say demo
board demo.
Then we want to define our
containers in this body. So specific
v one bot spec will
define the container contain gonna be called v
one containers. We're gonna have we
will define a single container or define
a single container named nginx.
Now we using the client set, we gonna create
bot client. So what
client gonna be clients core
v one bots within the default
name is this. Using this bot client we
can create, update or delete our boards. So bot
client create we're gonna bust the context background
gonna bust the bottom. Then we gonna pass the
list options. The create options. Sorry.
This will return a bot and an error
so result.
Will it check if we got any errors on
the equal nil we're gonna panic. Then we want
to print out the the
the board name. So. And here we go.
Let's run this go. Run main go.
As you can see here we have the node name and the
board. If we checked using Kubectl get bots.
We'll find here we have an open
and it's one running. That's it for the
boards. So next thing we want to do
is to create a deployment similar to creating boot.
Let's start and define
our deployment create deployment.
But first let's import the apps. V one package apps
v one Kubernetes evil apps v
one and here we can create our
deployment structure apps
and we name our deployment meta
v one object meta with the name deployment.
Then we want to define our as big
Fcv one deployment is big.
We'll define the replicas gonna have
two replicas it needs
and pointer two integers. So here we're gonna say for
example and int 32
with the number of deployments. And here we're gonna
bust pointer to the number of replicas.
Then we want to boss our selector from
pointer to meta v one label selector.
And here we gonna match labels.
We'll have app and
demo for example. Then what we want
to do is to define our template.
So after the spec we want to have the template similar
to the yaml file. If you
used kubectl with yaml files to deploy
a deployment, it's similarly, it's the
same thing here. So suspicious.
Gonna be the template, gonna be here template core
v one template.
The tricky here is to know which
interface to use with which. So with
this big we're using apps v one. With the object emitter,
we using meta v one. Here was the template,
we use core v one. This is just a trick in
this part, but it's very straightforward,
nice and easy as you can see. So object
meter as you guessed it, gonna be meta,
object meta with the name.
No we don't need name, we need labels here,
me string. Then within
our template we want to add
our aspect like
containers similar to our bot above.
Here we'll define a container as well.
So let's see, core v one,
we're going to have a single container with the name web
for example and the image gonna be
what else? I think that's it.
This is, this is our deployment struct. Now similar to what
we want to create our deployment client,
a deployment client from the client set of
course. So deployment from our
client v one deployment
within, within the default namespace. Then we
want to create our deployment from the
deployment client. So we're going to see deploy and
an error equals deployment client create
context, background and our deployment
and meta v one create options
as well. We'll check if we got any error,
we'll panic with the error. Then we
want to print out our deployment print
line deploy result. Let's check this together.
But first we need to delete this bot or
just comment as this part for the deployment,
for the boots. I'm sorry because we already
have the board here, so if we run this again it's
gonna give us an error as saying we. You already have
a board named the demo. But no, we want to go
wrong. So we have here demo,
deployment, let's check get deployments we
have here to get
bots. As you can see here we have our deployment,
our boards here as well. So you can
as well delete your deployment using the deployment decline.
For example we can to do to
do using deployment,
let's comment this later. Deployment decline.
That's it. Now we have created deployments,
we created our board, we have created
our client set. We can create secrets with the
same idea,
listener watchers, all the Kubernetes objects
you want to create, you can create from this client.
You just need to know which interface to use,
which interface to define the name, which interface to use when defining this
vic and so on. If you want to create something
like ingress routes, you can always use something like traffic.
And that's it for our third part which is managing resources.
In this session we have talked about Kubernetes resources and how
to manage and interact with these Kubernetes resources from
our go applications. However,
sometimes you might have a great idea or a
need in your app and these resources aren't enough
for you. Fortunately covering it support crds
or custom resources definition which way we can
develop our own resource. Let's say we have a resource
called the burger stand and we want to develop our,
this resource and use it in our cluster or any cluster really.
So I've created these files
here. The first one is a burger stand CRD. The second
one is the big ban burger stand which is
a resource I want to create at
the end. So I want to let's, let's try it out
and create the resource without, without defining
our CRD. So Cube CTL,
it will give us an error saying that Kubernetes service doesn't
recognize, doesn't look like this
kind or this definition. So what
we need to do is to create our CRD.
Here we have the name of our CRD,
we have the version here we have the scheme here,
the types as, I'm sorry, the probabilities
of our, the probabilities of our CRD
like resource like location capacity. Is it open or
not? Scope should be namespaced. The names
like Burger stands, Burger stand and the
kind of course unshorting him to, to get
our, to get our resources similar to Kubectl,
get NMSB or cubes, get NS
for example. So what
we want to do is to Cube CTL Burger
stand. Now we have our CRD
configured so let's try our resource
again. And here we go, we have our resource
created in our cluster. Let's check it out. Cube Ctl,
get B's and
here we go. We have our resource, we can cube
CTL of course get, get B's,
big ban o Yaml.
And as you can see here we have all the part of
our resource.
What we want to do next is to create a custom
controller because custom resource
only won't give us the
operator or the complete cycle of resource.
So the custom controller give
us or example which we use to
interact with this resource or
save the desired state of this, of this resource.
I'll leave this part for you. You can look
into it, a hint, you can use a cube builder.
It's a great tool. You can use it to create your custom controller.
After that you would have your operator which lead
us to the final part of our session with which is operator
hub. If we opened our browser.
If I opened my browser, you will find into
operator, operator hub IO.
You will find many operators here,
some of them like search manager,
eager operator, which we use all the time with Google Golang
application to trace our requests and
so on. So that's it.
With that being said, I hope you enjoyed
this session and thank you for watching
me to the end. And boy,