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Hi everyone, thanks for joining us today. Today we are going
to be talking about how you and your organizations can build the evolution evolution
of composable architecture. Graphql Graphql but
before that my name is Priya Singh and I am a senior senior
solutions engineer Mulesoft. I live in Raleigh, North Carolina.
I am a Dei advocate as well as sustainability champion.
I am also a home gardener. I grow flowers and vegetables
in my backyard container garden. I also call
myself a world traveler. And lastly,
talking about the future, I would like to be a professional chef and
at some point get my private flying license.
Enough about me, let's get into the session.
So we are talking about composable architectures,
which means we are talking about APIs. Every organization
is either building APIs or consuming APIs
in one form or another, which means that developers
need to consume data from multiple APIs all at
once. To do that in the past to get data from
multiple sources in the past, we were writing custom code to
be able to collect the data and write it into a presentable format.
Every single step was a custom code project.
It would start from scratch and in the end whatever the deliverable was
was restricted to that particular project.
But today we are not doing that. At least I hope most organizations
are not doing that. Today we are talking about reusability. We are building
APIs for one project and reusing them in different projects.
We are using multiple APIs to get
data from multiple backend systems and then writing maybe
more APIs to collect them and present them in a required
format. But still we are reusing one
API at a time and to extract data from the multiple
APIs. We are writing more APIs on top of it to massage
and transform and orchestrate that data. So that's the
present state. Looking at the future, we would
like for these consumption of multiple APIs to happen
all at once. We have passed these custom code.
That's a non starter. We have moved into the world of rest APIs,
which is a great start. But we can only reuse
one API at a time and this translates to multiple requests
and custom logic to extract the data we need for
our projects. Our aspirational goal then
is to reuse these multiple APIs at once. Like I said, get data
across these APIs at one time with just one request
and no additional custom work to get what we need or need
to write more APIs to create what we need.
And that is exactly why we are talking about GraphQL today.
So what is GraphQL? It is in the simplest form
a query language for APIs where you can query data
from different sources in one single API.
Call if you are familiar with SQL,
it is very similar to writing a join or a query
which fetches data from multiple tables only. In this case
we are fetching data from multiple APIs and
because it is a very low code, no code implementation,
we are talking about clicks and not code. And that's
the reason for its popularity. Another benefit
with GraphQL implementations is that it solves the problem of over
and under fetching. So for example, when you are collecting
data from multiple APIs, you have to parse
through every API one at a time and then extract the
data, read the data taken, write an API to be able to
filter what you need and taken present it to the front end. So that
problem is also solved by GraphQL. You don't need to write that logic
which will remove what you don't need and only pick what you need.
So let's go one level deeper to explain what it means
to query these APIs. A graph of APIs
which will unlock new efficiencies. So if you
look at the picture, this may look similar to your organization's implementation.
You have ERP information, customer information in either your ERP
or another backend, maybe a CRM or another
system, you may have shipment information, maybe in a
database. You may have your product information,
maybe in SQL server.
So data is coming from different sources and
all of these data models or data objects are
its own thing. Now of course,
nobody is just using for product information. Nobody is just asking for shipment
information. We are asked to combine the information and
then present it, for example, order. So an order information will
of course contain shipment id, the customer's information,
the product details of what is part of the order, and all of that.
So that is then another API which pulls data from the customer
API, from the shipment API and then creates that order
API that our developers might use.
So if you looked at this carefully, we can see
that these individual APIs often have relationships
with one another. For example, in these picture, the order API is
related to the customer API through a customer id.
An invoice API is related to the product API through a
product id. And that is interesting because these relationships,
we can conceptually stitch them together and
form a graph to build all the capabilities within
these APIs in one shot. And that's
graphql, the graphql of stitching these APIs together.
Now this big graph will unlock many new possibilities.
We can use this graph more efficiently
to reuse what is already existing in our organizations.
What does that mean? It means that tomorrow, if a project
is asking to show orders, the order status and
the expected delivery date, we will not write another API
to get the data from the product API, from the
customer API, from the shipment API, and the
order API, and the invoice API. To give that view, we will
actually write queries instead of APIs.
That's what we are talking about. The graphql
is actually the next evolution of consumption of
a composable architecture. Using graphQl,
you can easily unify a massive number of APIs
into one single endpoint, which is governed
by a unified schema. This unified schema
is basically the definition, the combined definition of all
the APIs that you are connecting together. In the slide here,
you are seeing that we are connecting product, order, customer,
shipment API into one graphql.
Imagine how many data points can now be
gathered at the click of buttons. This unified
schema allows consumers to request data from any
field, any field that exists within
any of these APIs that are associated or connected
into the GraphQL endpoint. This means actions
that would normally take 510 1520 weeks
will now be done in probably or possibly a day.
So if you look again on the slide, the store API, the marketing
item API, the customer API, all of that is part
of one big graph. And just like any graphql,
you're just going to write a query and pick what you need. So now
I hope you understand GraphQl and what we are trying
to solve with this. Now I will talk about
anypoint data graph. Endpoint data Graph
is Mulesoft's implementation of the GraphQL
technology. In short, it is a no code SaaS
solution with an easy to use GUI to federate your
rest APIs into one graphql endpoint.
You don't have to write multiple API URLs and endpoint
to get the information you need. It will all become one endpoint,
which is a GraphQL endpoint. It also offers very
easy to use GUI and I'll be showing that to you as part of this
session. And you can define very easily relationships
between these multiple data sources, customer, shipment, product order,
whatever you want. So anypoint data graph, I want to clarify,
is not a replacement of GraphQL. Instead,
it is meant to enhance what GraphQL is incorporated
or how GraphQL is actually incorporated into the software development
lifecycle by tightly integrating user experience
into that. More specifically, data graph
is meant to be an easy to use GUI for defining
relationships between multiple data sources and multiple
APIs. So with that said, with that explanation
done and clear, let's see what we are going to see as
part of the demo today. So in today's session,
I'm going to be showing you three core concepts. The apifirst one is
how you can automate the unification of multiple APIs
into one graphQL endpoint. And then I'm going to show
you how you can easily retrieve data through that GraphQL
endpoint. And lastly, I'm going to show you some but of
the box performance that you can get by implementing a
graphQl solution. So let's
get into it.
The first part is automating the unification
of multiple APIs from your backend into one graphQL endpoint.
We will start off with that, it will be quick and easy and we'll show
how it's done. To make this a little more interesting, I'm going
to be following the story of Sana. So Sana is a mobile
application developer and she works at your favorite
retail organization. Could be Macy's, Lowe's,
Walmart, Publix,
Zara, whatever your favorite retailer is.
She's a mobile application developer there. And as part of their
digital initiative, Sana has been tasked to expose
the order status and the expected delivery dates
to your customers on their mobile application. So what
she needs to do, as you're seeing on the screen, is this is the interface
of the mobile application and within these customer's my order page
she has to display the order status and the expected
delivery date. So let's see how Sana would have done this
in the past. So traditionally to accomplish this,
Sana would have to first identify
what APIs she needs to access. So she needs the
expected delivery date, which means probably needs a shipment API
and she needs the status, which means probably the order API.
So she will have to identify what APIs she needs access
to. And hopefully those APIs are already implemented by
the IT teams and the development teams.
Once she has identified, she needs to request access to those APIs
and make sure that she can get the data out using
those APIs and the
APIs to be available to her for consumption. And lastly,
once she has gotten access to those backend APIs,
she will write new code or new logic to filter out
only the information that she needs. For example, order API
will not just have order status, it will have order number,
it may have customer details, it will have product details,
it will have a lot of other extra information that is irrelevant to
Sana. So she will have to write the logic to just pick out order
status from it. Similarly with shipment API that will have delivery
information, the partner or the carrier,
and then the carrier's details and the order details and
could be many other information that is there. But she will have
to write the logic to just pick out the expected delivery date
for her order or for the customer's order.
So think about all this. I mean, I come from a development
background and I know we are talking months. We are
talking months to identify the right APIs,
to get access to those APIs, to make sure I can get
data using those APIs. They are still working and consumable
and to write the logic on top of it to exactly build
the view that I need on my mobile application. Yeah,
we are talking months. But the good
news is Sana's organization
or your favorite retailers have started using anypoint
data graphQL using endpoint
data graph. What these backend teams have done is they have already created
that unified schema for the combination
of order API, sales API, shipment API and
now they are sitting as one graphQl endpoint.
So all the order information, sales and shipment information
is already collected into one graph.
This will make Sana's life so much easier. She is not
just saving months and weeks of effort, she is
saving so much work that she needs to do
from scratch. So this is great.
And this is where my product
will come into the picture. I'm going to show you how quickly
the backend teams can easily combine those APIs for
Sana and present her with these unified view and how she can
then easily query to get the information that she needs for her project
on the mobile application. So we are looking at unifying order,
sales and shipment API and then create that unified schema.
So let's get into the demo and if I look
on the other side of the camera, I'm just going to my browser so
that you can see the right window. So this is
any endpoint data graphql once
you land on this page, this is the view that is presented because
Sana's organization has started using endpoint data
graph. So here in the overview
you can see that it is already deployed in production and the
endpoint is already here. This endpoint is
that one URL using which you can access all
those APIs, the shipment API, the order API,
the sales API and whatever other
APIs is linked into this one graphQL
endpoint. You have one URL to access
all of that. So now you can see the endpoint
here. You can actually use these endpoint in your favorite tool,
like any tool that you use for testing your URLs using a
curl command or any other method,
she can also go and look at the unified schema that was created.
And the good news is that the status is up to date.
This means this is relevant and it is already in production.
So this is how Sana will log in here and see that the
data graph is already created. Now let's see what that
unified schema looks like. So for Sana, she wants
to have the order status and the expected delivery date. So she will
start querying what data types and fields are
part of the unified schema. So if I click on these
unified schema, I see that I have the query operation
available, which means that I can get information, but of
these back end APIs using the endpoint
that was given, if I look here, these are the methods
that are available to me, which means these are the
operations that I can perform on the endpoint. So I can
get customers address by using the iD.
I can get customer details by id, order information,
shipments, address, customer and order. So these
are the main high level operations that are provided
to me to get data, but using the GraphQL endpoint.
So these are the operations available to me and these are the
data types. So if you see here, there is a level one type
and there is nested type. Level one types are
basically the high level data objects that you can directly
get from the query operation. And nested
types are the data fields that are part of the
level one types. So it is kind of like one level below.
So for example, if I wanted the delivery address of where
the product is being shipped to, I cannot just query
address by id and get the delivery address. The delivery address
will be part of the address object and by queries address by
id I can get the delivery address.
Similarly, if I click on order, order will have many fields
below and it may have some nested types.
So these nested types you can get the data using the level one types.
Let's go to order. So she needs order information. So she's going to inspect
whether the fields that she needs are part of the order
data type or not. So if I click on order, I see that
it is a merged type, a merged type,
like the name says, it's very self explanatory. It's a merged
object or a merged data type combining the data from
two APIs, two or more APIs. It doesn't
have to be two. So in this case we are creating an order
data object by combining the information from the sales
API and the order API. Let's see what that means.
So if I scroll below, these are all the fields that are part of
the order object in the unified schema.
So if you see here the order id, customer, email,
delivery, all of these cannot be part of the sales
API or the order API. So some fields here are coming
from sales API, some fields here are coming from the order API,
but we have created a high level order object to get
that all data into one object.
So along with all the fields, she also sees that she can get
the orders by Id or you can also get all the
orders of that particular customer.
So these are the methods available in the order
data type and these are the fields. So now
she needs status and expected delivery.
So she scrolls below and she sees that order status is
here in the part of order data object. And delivery
information is also available to her as part of this
order object. So let's make sure that the delivery object
has the shipment details. So shipment are part of it.
Let's make sure that she has expected delivery date.
So there you go. Address, order status and expected
delivery date are now combined into one order object exactly
as she needs. So let's recap
all the things we saw. So we went to unified schema and we
saw that. Let me go
back. Yeah, so shipment type and then these were all the data
types that were available to Sana. She looked at the order type and made
sure that the two fields she needs are available to her.
Now she's just curious, where are these two fields coming from? So she
can click on list of APIs that are added and it will show her
all the APIs that are part of these unified schema.
So now she knows that shipment address,
sales, customer and order, they are all part of
the unified schema. She can retrieve not just
the order status or the expected delivery date, but she
can extract means more data objects using that same
URL, the same endpoint. She doesn't have to write
different methods or different queries. So let's investigate
a little bit about the order API. So if she clicks on the order API,
it will show all the data types that are part of the order
query API. She can query by order by id, and here
are all the part, again, the fields that are available
to her. So we saw the order merged
object. Now let's see what else is happening with the order
object here. So this is the order. We discussed that it's a
merge type, but we see that it's also a linked type.
Let me show you what that means. So collaboration is enabled because
you want this data type to be added to other schema queries.
That's why we have enabled collaboration. And then these are all
the fields we already saw, these are the fields that are part of the order
merged object. And then here is the
link that is created, the link to another type. So if I click on
here, it will show me that this order
object is actually not just part of
the order API or the sales API, but it is also part
of the customer API and customer Id
is the foreign key. So if you understand SQL, this is
basically connecting your one API to the
other using a common parameter. Like we discussed earlier,
an order API and a product API can be connected with an order
id. Similarly, the order object is
connected to the order API and the customer API
using the customer id. So that's what we call the linked types.
If you again scroll below, it will show you how it is merged into
one and how the overall order object looks
like. So she's sure that she is getting all the information that
she needs, she's happy with it and she's satisfied that she should
be able to write a query and get the data without having to write additional
logic in her mobile application.
So let's go back to the slide and recap what
we just saw. So the takeaway from this part
of what I showed you about endpoint data graph is how
easily backend APIs can be added to one
bigger data graph or one bigger unified schema
or a graphql of those APIs combined together and
how you can do it with clicks and not code. I also
showed you how easily you can decouple all the back end access
issues and these security and all of that from the front end
developers so that they can save a lot of time and easily
get the information that is needed for their projects.
In this case, we are completely decoupling the
backend data source and the data access issues from Sana, who is
the mobile front end developer. And ideally she shouldn't need to be
worrying about those backend things. We will, of course.
So one thing you may wonder about the security is how
we have decoupled the access, but how do we make sure that it
is secure? So the graphql endpoint that I showed you,
you can actually manage that endpoint like any other API.
You can put a lot of security and governance on top of
those APIs so that it is only accessible to the
right teams and to the right people. So that was the first part.
Moving on, let's see how Sana can easily retrieve
data using that graphql endpoint. So we have seen how
backend teams can easily integrate APIs into a graphql.
Now let's look at how front end developers like
Sana can use this. So for this part of the demo,
I'm going to show you how Sana will log into data GraphQL and
build that query and get the data that she needs. So let's
get into it again, I'm moving my face because I'm looking to
the browser, so don't think that I'm going anywhere.
So again, let's go back to data graph. So this
is where we are going to see how Sana will
run the query and get the data. So for that I have to go back
to my unified schema.
And at the top, if you see there is on the right a run operation.
So I will run that operation. Basically run operation in this case
means running that query which will pull the data that Sana needs.
So in the interest of time, I've already saved the query here,
but you can use that graphQl endpoint on
your postman or arc or any other API
testing tool that you have and it will work the same
way. All you have to do is put that URL in the URL
bar and create a query like this. This is
a very simple JSON query that you can run and this should give you
the output that you need. So for example, I have saved this
query and it gives me all the fields that I'm asking for.
So Sana needs order status and these delivery date
so she doesn't need tax amount. So let me remove that
and let me show you another great feature about GraphQl. So right now I
don't know what is the field name
or what other fields are available for me to access.
Now I'll have to
pause. Just think about it. So I have connected order API,
shipment API sales API, customer API.
There were like five, six I showed you, right? They are all connected into one
endpoint. So now I can just simply type a
and it will show me all the APIs
that are available for. I mean I can type any Alphabet
if you think I need delivery
info. So I just write road delivery and it will
autocomplete the right field name for me.
And I don't need to know which
API is this field coming from because now all the
fields that are part of those APIs are combined as one.
So I can click delivery info and it's
giving me the red which means that it's an object. So I can
start writing delivery address.
Actually instead of delivery address,
let's do tracking,
maybe shipment expected
delivery date. There you go. So now if I run this query,
ooh, I think I'm,
I think I'll have to avoid having an array.
So let's try.
Would avoid having can array because I've
ran queries too many times. So let's see what else I
can use. Let's go back to tax amount.
So this is how easily Sana can write
a query and she can add as many or has less fields
she needs. She doesn't need to write more APIs
or custom logic in her mobile application to see
the fields that she needs. She can just abstract all of that
information, unnecessary information out of the query and just
write the fields that she needs. So this is how easy it has.
Now I'll show one more thing. So for example, let's take the example,
let's say Sana is working for a very business
critical application which is sending order
consumption to the customers. As soon as they place the order, they should immediately
get an order confirmation. And we all expect these days like
very quick responses to our retail experience,
right? So in that case, I am
sure the application that Sana would be writing will be very
closely monitored by the business. So she has
to make sure that these query she's writing is responding very
quickly within the SLA that the customers expects. So to make sure that
it is working the way that we expect it to, she can
go here and do a trace query. So now if I run
this again, there you go.
Not just it's giving you the response time
or the throughput time of not just the API call, but every
field. It is showing me how much time every
field is taking to respond back. Why?
Because every field might be coming from a different API.
So now you see that the second record is
taking a lot of time or tax amount is taking the most time.
So you can then find which API tax is coming from and
you can conclude that I need to optimize that API.
So using simple like,
there are so many metrics that are available here that you
can quickly troubleshoot if you are out of SLA or you want
to optimize your queries even further, you can do
that very easily using a lot of metrics available here.
So let's go back and recap what we just saw.
So this is what the takeaways were. We saw that
how Sana and other developers, front end developers,
can streamline data access from a single graphQL endpoint.
They don't have to use multiple URLs or APIs and
they are completely abstracted from the backend APIs.
These can easily update data. They can also improve the performance
and optimize their API calls or their queries to make
sure that they are within slas. So a lot of that
time that would have been spent in writing custom code and
finding out the right thing that we need to grab
and how to grab it, she can spend time on innovating.
So now let's look at the mobile app,
what SAna has used for the query.
These it is. So if you return the right, you have the shipment
tracking information, you have the order details, the status and everything
with clicks of buttons. So now, instead of
focusing on building logic to parse the data across APIs,
developers like Sana can focus on actual innovation.
They can discover and reuse the same single endpoint
to surface the information on the web or in the mobile apps,
saving them hours and hours of work.
So final takeaways we saw the automate unification
of APIs into graphQl and how backend
teams can quickly implement a graphQl solution, how front
end teams can leverage the unified endpoint to access the backend systems,
and we also saw how customers can easily receive the performance they
expect with out of the box functionality. I hope you
enjoyed the session and if you would like to learn more, I have
but some sources here. If you scan the QR codes, they will go
to a URL and you can find the right sources there.
Data graphql is free to try. So you can scan the code
and it will take you to I think a trial account registration.
So you can do that. If you want to get into some details about datagraph,
there is also a tutorial I have linked here that you can use
to maybe build your first project. Just get a little hands on on
how it works and then if you want to learn more about GraphQL
and its documentation, the third QR code will
taken you to the GraphQl documentation. And the last one is
a little bit of product overview, more about endpoint, data graph and
graphql and what it means and why businesses
should know about this and make the best of it.
I mean these days every popular company
that you know of, Pinterest,
Twitter, all of them are using GraphQl in one way or another.
It can find its use in many, many ways. So I
hope you enjoyed the session and I hope you learned something interesting and
something new. Looking forward to interacting with
you. Thank you and have a really great day.