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Are you an SRE, a developer,
a quality engineer who wants to tackle the challenge of
improving reliability in your DevOps? You can enable your DevOps
for reliability with chaos native. Create your free
account at Chaos native Litmus cloud hello
everyone. My name is Filipi Files and today we're going to talk about how you
can keep your code safe during the development
path. Right? So my name is Filipi Files and I've been working at
principal security engineer at Talkdesk. By the way,
Talkdesk is a company from Portugal responsible to
provide some contact center as a service, as a product,
actually. And I'm security research at Can Segura.
Right. So, Sen Segura is a brazilian company, but they have many
customers around the world. They appear in many different reports.
Like a gardener, like a Forrester, like a coupinger tools.
It provides some solutions of the pen, privileged access
management. And I'm secured advocate and secured instructor
about many topics related to security. Right?
Andor. I'm research, not research. I'm advocate of this awesome project.
Hack is not a prime, by the way, this project, it's pretty awesome
because the idea here is to explain more about the concept, about the hacking,
right? Because hacking is really not a prime. It's a mindset,
it's a lifecycle. So how you can look into some software,
for example, and how you use your creative mind.
Okay? And I'm a contributor of the red team Village. It's a pretty
nice community in the US.
I'm a speaker there and I'm talking in many different events.
Andor. I'm a part of the staff team of the Defcon groups here in Sao
Paul. It's a community here. And I'm a creator instructor of
the Maor analysis course of Maura attack types with Q can.
It's a kind of technique using in an offensive exploitations
using the concept calling Maor. This is my web page,
if you'd like to see more information about me. Other talks
that I'm doing or I'm not doing, but talks
that I'm making in different events, different talkdesk
that you can see here. Andor. Here I have here some articles published
about different stocks related to cybersecurity, right? And here
you can find Philippe X 86.
Actually, this is my main GitHub. Here you can see more information
about my project, about some things, about me.
Okay, so let's talk about our main topic today.
About how you can improve your code, actually. So as you can
see here, I don't know if it's small but here I have in my GitHub
or sac demo, this is my project that I will be using
here during this demo. During these presentations. I have here different
codes vulnerable, right? So you can copy
that after this conference or this meeting and you can using this
in your presentations or your tasks in your demo. Okay,
so first of all I would like to explain more differences about the
same concept because I would like to put all those people in the same page.
Okay, so there's a simple definition about what is exactly sast dust
and leaks difference. Okay, so SAST is a statistic application security
testing. It's important step when you create
some software, when you develop
something. Remember when I'm talking about
the software development lifecycle, but I will put another
SSS DLC. So secured software development lifecycle.
So you can use in this strategy or
this method during your development process or development
path. Okay, so set analyzes the search code
of the system or that you using before you're
putting this code in the productions, okay. Tasks are usually performing before
the system, as I mentioned is in productions and only
in the search code. The idea here is to scanning your search code to
see if you find some vulnerabilities in
this code. The point important here is Orosack
is can open source project that you can see. I will put here
Orusaki in the Internet, for example,
you can check here and I will explain more about what is exactly
Orusaki during this presentation. Okay. Another point
is das is a dynamic application security test
is another approach. The dask
tests expose interfaces for a vulnerability. In this case it's
different when you compare to test. Okay. In this case, dask is great for
finding externally visible vulnerabilities.
So after the publications, okay, it tools recommended to find
vulnerability externally visible. I mean you need to publish this URL
to be tested is enough to perform, to test or a binary to
be executed. So this is can important thing. So you
have another different techniques
that you can use in this analysis like SCA or
container scanning. So part of the process using in this
development path, okay, so leaks is another interactive application
security test. You combine these two different strategy,
okay, just to be clear, when we talk about the vulnerabilities
in safe code, it's pretty important to understand some difference. So you
have some levels about the security, right. When you find some vulnerabilities,
probably, you know, but if you don't know, it's pretty important to clarify
this. Okay, so first it's critical, it's too high.
And the second is high, median low. It means this
is the definitions about the vulnerability and here in
this case. But this explanation is related to these
tools in this case or sac is the info, I mean when
you receive some info about the log.
No, probably we don't have any information about this.
Maybe something is suspicious but
it's not clear if it's malicious or not or it's vulnerable or not in
this case. Okay, so it is how you can
using these explanations related to these tools
in this case or Recyc, right? Okay so this is just to clarify something
related to this main topic about the security
Andor software development lifecycle. Okay, so let's
talk about what is exactly these open source tools or Sec.
Okay, open source autosec today is maintaining
for innovation supernovation is a brazilian company by the
way, it's my previous job and this tool is
responsible to identify vulnerabilities. Simple and fast.
Here is the explanation or SeC is an open source tool again
that performs statistical code analysis as I mentioned,
to identify security flows during the development process.
So here it's good
point here. Currently the language and tools for analyzing
are C sharp, Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Golang and take a
look this the terraform and kubernetes and another
like a JSon Alexa shell and so on
and so on. Okay and another point here, pretty nice in these
tools is has option to search for key
leaks and security flows in all files of
your project as well as in a GitHub history.
So you can using the Orsec tool in the
developer through the CLI and by using the devsecops
team on CI CS. I will explain more during this
conversation. Okay, just to clarify what is exactly this tool.
So here we have a web manager to manage the vulnerabilities
and you can using this in your pipeline as
well. It's pretty nice because you can improve your pipeline. Okay,
so here's some explanations on how the or Sec works.
You can read after this presentation the documentations. Okay so let's
return here in the documentations. So if I click here
in our sec, take a look this, I will fall into the main page here
as you can see, just to explain you. Okay let me close
this another tabs. Another point is you
can click here. For example, let me clear just the
main page. Let me put here again
rsack here one more time. Rsack Andor
I will explain the main page here. Rsack IO you
can click here on a GitHub to see the main page in a GitHub.
As you can see here you can check all those informations here about
what it is exactly, the documentation and how you can contribute
more in this case from this awesome product. By the way,
another point in this documentation is you have here the docs
Andor the community, you have here the forum, you can interact
with another people from the community. Here you have the english
page of orsack, you can open here many cases
or if you have some ebore using our sec in a GitHub actions or
using your pipeline. So here you can see you can using this
to exchange knowledge with the community. Okay, so pretty nice
that you have this opportunity. Okay, so let's return here in
the documentation. It's here, okay, and I will
click here in a CLI and I'm using here the installation processor.
So pretty simple, I will install here in my
Linux machine, I will be using curl here, as you can see I have
here by the way the main directory that I have the same ports vulnerable
as you can see here in my virtual machine. So first of
all you pass here and as you can see I will using the
crow to request this binary to install in my virtual machine.
And after to install, as you can see I'm downloading and I will move
this binary to the local bin as you can see here because
I can execute this binary in whatever place I have inside of
my virtual machine. So now I have here the orsack in
my virtual machine, okay, so I will set
h to see about what kind of comment I can use here.
So as you can see here, I can use into two different ways,
like a flags and like a comments, comments. I mean it's available
comments that you can use in the start to start or reset CLI
version to see the version, but basically and generate but
I mean the main comment that you will use in the start because I will
be using the CLi executing aerosack. So aerosack start
and after that h to see about what
kind of flag I can use here. And if you see I have many flags
to use here. So here a simple
explanation is start the orsac analyzing in your current
path. I mean when you executing this,
just by default you execute this in rsack
demo because this is the current path. Okay, so I can
set, by the way, if you would like to analyze another different directory, for example
another folder I can set for example p,
like this, let me show you here p.
Here p I mean the project path, okay,
so for example, in this case I am in this path,
but if I set here p,
I will write another different folder to analyzing this. It's pretty
simple and very intuitive how it can use the CLI and you
can set for example a. I mean it's authorization.
In this case the authorization token is responsible to send all those
information about the vulnerabilities to a web manager or a SEC
web manager that you can manage it.
All those vulnerabilities that you find in your
code in this platform. If you have a time I will explain during this presentations.
Okay, so another point is if you use another polycode like
a sonar cube for example, and you have gear
o to set the output format. And as you can see
here, I can send the output format to integrate with
the sonarcube. Because in Sonarcube you have the qualicold software
or tools for example. And of course in Sonarcube you have
some version with a security stuff.
In this different version, I think it's an enterprise version,
I don't know exactly. But Aurotech, it was developed by
the security team from supernovation. It's a guy different, right.
So when the team created the engine responsible to analyzing
this, it's a security team. So the
essential of this tools is from the security team. So this
is some difference. But you can recommendation to both of them
because Sonarcube is more focused in a quality code
and Sec is using a security code.
Okay, so let's execute to see how this works in
my environment, for example. So let me set here, let's check here
I have an agolake, let's see for example I will executing
this auto sec start
and I will set p. Okay. And I can put here for
example different path. I will executing this in the main path here I
will click enter for example and I will set this.
This is by default the folder that I am having here.
And I click enter and after that I will execute this
in my environment. So as you can see here,
I will start execution and I will see how the auto
sect works. Another point during the scanning is so how
exactly where you can using the
auto sac. So here I will go to the autosack,
sorry, going to overview. Anyhow you can see here the auto
sac analysis type. First is the set as I mentioned.
So there's a statistical vulnerability analysis. And the second is
they can be done in the search code or a byte code or
binary. So this is the main topic here, the main function using
the Orsat, but they have more two different analysis that
I like. By the way it's about the leaks, I mean
the leaks checks to the search code for possible
leaks, printations or private keys or hard
coded password, for example, if you have some hard coded in your code,
they appears to you that this is vulnerable.
Sometimes you put in your code in a clear text,
terrible vulnerability by the way. It's a misconfiguration, actually not vulnerability
in the code, it's a misconfiguration because you
take there. So dependence
audit you analyzing the project. Dependence is to check the vulnerabilities for
a 30 part libraries. Because sometimes you need to import semi
libraries in your code to execute something and sometimes this
library is vulnerable. So because of this, it's pretty nice you see about
this library. It's a kind of dependence
check, but it's pretty nice to see about this type. So for
me it's three different ways that you can,
different types that you can analyze. Okay, so I performed
this in my environment. I executing
this during this presentation.
As you can see the scanning about the RSAC.
Okay, so let me hit down here. So where can you
use the Orsec locally as I'm using here my files tomachine.
You can using this in your CI CD pipeline.
And if you are a developer, you can using this in your
IDE extension in your vs code. For now it's
just available an extension in vs code. So this is how
you can using the autosec in two different ways.
Not two, Andor three, in a locally Andor a CI CD
pipeline. Andor ide like a vs code.
Okay, so let me hit on it here and. Okay, so let's see the
log about the results of this scanning. Okay, let me
turn in the beginning. So here as you can see the type of the
starting of this code and the finish time. So as you can see
and the first, let's see about the lot.
First is the leaks. That's very totally critical.
Andor first is the engine security tools. It's can autosac
engine. Okay, it's pretty nice in
my opinion, because this is development by the security team.
In this case not security team, but development by the autosac team.
So engine responsible to see this vulnerability. This is
the files exactly vulnerable, right. In this case the Python.
TTC. Python and as you can see the code. Take a look. This is
not a password. In this case you have here the hard
coded password, as I mentioned. So where
is the exactly explanation about this vulnerability? In this case you can find
here the main information, not many information, the explanation about this
vulnerability. And you can see here the link of
the CWE. So Philippe, I don't know exactly
what is CWE. So you can open the link and
you can see here in the Internet, what is exactly this information
if you don't security guy, for example.
So basically, CWE is a common weakness enumerations,
right? So it's from my tree. And here is the
total explanations about this vulnerability. In this case,
the software contains 100 folded credentials such as a
password or a cryptography key. And here is the
extended description. And by
the way, here you can see here the relationship of this
main vulnerability. And the point is here, it's pretty nice
if you don't have a guy,
actually, if you don't have a guy, or if you know a guy of the
security here you have a good content
to read and to learn more about the security. Right?
So we have here the other variants of these vulnerabilities
or different vulnerabilities is connected with
this main vulnerability. And you can see here the many
explanation, the many informations about
this vulnerability. Here's some examples and how
you can find your code. So it's a guide
about the security and you can use in your code. So here's some vulnerabilities.
This is the idea of this vulnerabilities about
other vulnerabilities in different protocol, for example. So here
potentials mitigate, so how you can improve these vulnerabilities.
And here you can see many information about
these vulnerabilities using a safe code credentials.
Okay, so we have a here guide to suggest you andor to improve your
knowledge if you're a developer guy. And take a look this in the
second log we have here Java. And take a look
in this case the two line and the column seven. And here is
the correct files that we can find. The vulnerability
in this case is the app Java.
As you can see here, you have another different Cwe,
it's a three 30. It's a different when you compare to
the first, we have two different vulnerabilities and
two different searches, because the difference is the
vulnerability is different. Okay, so let's go more another
difference. So here, take a look. This python in this case, so take a look
is the security tools is different. It's not from Orsec,
in this case it is for Bandit.
So as you can see here, it's another engine. In this case it's open source
engine. So another different tools that
you can using together the RSC. From my perspective,
it's pretty nice because you can combine all those engines.
And if you see here below, take a look at this. You have an ago
sach engine, it's another, you have more than one
engine inside the same platform
here you can have more than engines
scanning your code. So here you can find others,
pretty nice information. Okay, in the end of this
analyzing, as you can see here, in this analysis, the total of this
ten possible vulnerabilities were found
and we classified it then into one critical,
right? So one totally critical, two highs,
three medium andor four low.
As you can see here, you have ten vulnerabilities in this,
remember in this fold here, in this case, this folder.
Okay, so if you see I have here
more than one project.
Let's see, I have here three different project in
different, okay, so Andor how Philippe can use in this
nvs code for example. So as I mentioned here,
let me open my, I guess put here sandbox.
Let's see here section
one. Okay, we'll take a look at this. I have here
the same project, okay,
I have here my Golang code, I have
here Java here node js folding the
same code vulnerable. Okay, as you can see here in my vs code
and I have here the extension. Basically we click here
and I write your autosec.
Pretty simple. If you're using vs code, for example,
as you can see just clicking here install and after
that you have the extension here in your environment.
It's pretty simple to use basically. Let's see here,
I just click in here in a start analyzing.
And after that take a look this, hold on
for a sec. Started to analyzing in your code. And as you can see here,
they will executing this analysis in my search code.
The same execution that I execute this in my
environment. So let me explain more about another thing
during this study with happening.
Let me explain here about auto sec. Let's check here the
overview, let me not here and about the
installation CLI installations one more time. And as
I mentioned, I executing this locally. As I explained here,
you can use here in the Windows platform. If it works with Windows.
For example, you have here different versions about the Unix platform in
Windows. And you can use in here Andor a Mac.
This is the process hash actually here's
the version on how you can use in such they
give the privilege actually. And here is the installations
by image Docker. Because you can using this in image Docker here
it's the common that you can use in your environment. And you
can using this the installation by pipeline. It's pretty
nice. I think we have time to explain during this presentation.
So I will use in the GitHub actions to explain you to simulate the pipeline.
Actually you can using this the AWS code build
so you can integrate. But basically here is the step that you can use in
the comments. The example here you can
use in your circle CI for example,
and your Jenkins, in your azure DevOps pipeline
or in your git CI CD. So all those
CI CDs, it was tested by the
Photosec team and this
works pretty nice. Okay, if you'd like to have another different cis
you can test or you can again using openness,
some case or tickets, not tickets, it's not a ticket, but you
can write in the forum and the security team and the Orsec
team can help you right to this project. Let's return
it here in this vs code here it's
running, still running the
orsack here. And by the way, I am doing the streaming, I am
using the virtual machining, I am doing the scanning at the same
time. So because of this, it's not too fast, but usually 30
and 40 seconds to perform this, it's too fast.
But in my case I'm using the virtual machining,
I'm doing the streaming, the recording many
functions in the same machine because it's more
not too fast. Okay, so let's see here the doc
Python, take a look. This, when I click here, this is a totally critical in
the line exactly where you can found the vulnerability. You can
put your mouse here below and take a look at this information,
the same information that you find in the CLI. So take a look at this.
You have here the hash reference about this vulnerability and you have
here the explanations about the leaks. Remember in the first log
that I show you, okay? And one more time here
the CWE, again 790 80,
the same link that you can click here and you can read more
about this information if you don't know about what is exactly the
CWE Andor here it's another, take a look.
This is the orsac engine, the engine responsible to the tactics they'll
define in this vulnerability. And here you can see the bandit.
So let's see another the Java here it's the same,
click here, you can read more about this insecure andor
number generate, and here the explanation why this
Andor number is vulnerable. Not my definition, not definition
from Felipe or from Zupi or from
Autosec, it's definition from my trip. Okay, the organization, the organization responsible
for the vulnerabilities. And here it's another Javascript, take a
look. This is another Javascript using a shell
interpreter when executing OS commands arbitrary.
So here it's another pretty nice explanation about
this flow. And as you can see here, it's just for info,
not info, in this case it's load, right based
on Ongo sac engine. So as you can see here,
the point that you can find, exactly point that
you can find the vulnerability. So for example here you can
set using some other different
solutions and you can set the environment,
the secret environment you don't pass. For example here
in the text, in the clear text, okay so here is the
way that you can use it receiving your vs
code in your ide, okay so in the last one are you using
in this case in the security Andor GitHub
actions. So I have here my GitHub actions, okay here
my action, it's flaws, it's not
any job running for now and I will return
in my main fold here. And if you click
here, so you need to set the workflow right in this repository.
So here if you don't know how this works, you can click here and set
up workflow yourself. Andor here is the information,
so how you can create this folder.
And here is the example that you can use in this case,
right, so let me click in action one more time here. As you can see
none jobs running out and I will create this
folder here and
I will go return here to the documentations Andor
when I will pop this and I will explain more about the here
and take a look. First of all I will create this job, the security pipelines
and take a look the job, okay, I will run
basically this comma, it's the safe code,
install the order sack, okay. And after that I will execute
the ordersack start and I will set the path, basically is the main
path here that I'm running this and I will
set as another flaws e I mean in this case it's
true because in this case if they found whatever
vulnerability in this code, they broke the pipeline. They create
a gate to break the pipeline Andor
because the code is vulnerable and it's impossible to go
to the production because the code is totally vulnerable. And by the way,
in this case with Python we have here the clear text,
remember that? Yes okay, I think you remember.
So I create this, so let's see about the GitHub
I think it's running just a log,
let me go, let me add this folder,
let me commit the
demo enter. So we have here the new folder,
the new file actually. So you push,
I'm working with a master not a main,
so you need to set my password.
In this case I'm executing this new
action. So let's return it here in my GitHub actions, as you
can see, non jobs running. I will click an action one more time and take
a look what happened. So now I have one
workflow here, security pipeline. And if I click here, take a
look at this, I am running now this new job in
my GitHub actions. So I'm trying
to see if my code is vulnerable, not if not vulnerable,
it pass, okay, but it's vulnerable I will break because
I set, remember the flag e.
In this case it's true, the code needs to be minos
one. If they found some vulnerability in this code,
they will broke or create a gate in this pipeline,
okay, so they will executing this, let me go
to the job. So take a look this setting the environment,
and after that they will check out the code,
and now they will running autosack in my environment.
So if they found here any vulnerabilities, as you can see here,
it's tools,
it's the same that I execute things in CLI and
vs code. And as you can see here, let me return here, as you
can see, create a gate or break the pipeline,
okay, and here is the execution,
right. As you can see, executing the curl Andor after that they
set the rsack, sast, p and
e if vulnerable. And let's see the logs.
So take a look this. It's basically 1 minute.
In this case, take a look this the same vulnerability that
we found since the first, right in the CLI,
in yes code, okay,
others about the many information about the logs. And take a look
at this here the password secret in python.
In this case, in a clear desk, one more time you pass it, one,
two, three, and another is, this is not a password.
Okay. And here, as you can see in this case,
more than one possibility. Andor,
take a look this a four process completed with
the execute exit code. One, because I set
the flag, remember Andor, as you can see the
code, it was broken.
In this case I can send many information,
I can send these information to the web manager, but we don't have to explain
more during this presentations. During this presentation,
Andor, after that you can treat all those vulnerability
and you can changing this code,
and after that you can rerun the job. If the code was
pretty nice, so they will pass.
Okay guys, so I finish here, my presentation, I don't
know if you have any questions, so if you have any questions, so please let
me know. I hope this presentation should be useful for you.
And one more time, thank you so much for being here using these presentations
and see you in the next event.