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Today we will discuss quantum computing technology for
material science, why material science is
important and how can we apply quantum computing
technology for material science? In every field
of science, engineering or others we use
material science and the quantum computing technology is the
most advanced technology today. And we need to apply
in the field of material science and how can we do it?
Today we will discuss it. I prepared
some slides to presentation about quantum
computing technology for material science,
why this is important, why quantum computing technology
is the biggest challenge for the material science
and how is it works. For the introduction part
prepared the quantum computing technology. I will
give some short information about the
quantum computing technology because it is very deep. It is very
deep topic about advanced technology,
but I will give the short information about that. And after
that we will discuss the power of computing,
how this is, this is how it is, it is
possible and how we are used. The qubits or
classical computers. What is the difference between classical computers
and the quantum computing and the power of computing
is very essential, very important for the material science.
And in the main topic, the material science and
power of computing, how can we apply this technology
in the material science, how we can change the
power of computing in the field of material
science and different industries and
studies. I will give some example
about that. And after that, material science
for quantum technology, we design different materials for
the quantum computing technology and quantum computing
technology will design different materials. It is very
complicated problem for science
today, but I will give some sort of
information and I will give some brief talk about
it. After that we will make a conclusion and
the quantum computing technology. This technology is
the most important scientific discipline of our century and
our future. Why I said like that?
Because it is the most advanced technology,
because we can achieve the most
competing power of competing with the quantum computing technology
in the material science. We can design any material.
We can make anything with
the quantum computing technology. This technology is the basis of the
systems that can achieve high computational capability with the
help of qubits. It is very different between the classical computer
and the quantum computing because there are many qubits
that are fair position in the qubits, which we
can apply in the games, in the different algorithms,
in the quantum computing with the help of the qubits
and we can solve many complex problems.
Help of the qubits and the inherent parallelism of
quantum computing comes from the superposition of qubits.
This parallelism allows a quantum computer to work on
a million computations
at once. It's very important because this
is the huge amount of computational power
of qubits. And we can achieve
the thousands of qubits today at the help of
IBM, it is very important scientific news.
This technology can fulfil high accuracy and computational
capability with different algorithms and a completely
different concept of information processing. It is very
different to use quantum computing
technology in accordance with the information process
because you need to design your algorithms,
your gates and your problem in
this field of competing. In this field of computing.
This technology creates its own ecosystems with five
different qubit models, different algorithm shapes,
problems and solution. As I said before,
this is a new concept and we need to design
the material science in this field.
And we can achieve anything. We can make anything
with help of quantum computing technology
and the power of competing. It is the main idea
of the quantum computing technology because we
can make a solution for the complex problems with
help of the power of computing. How we take this
power of computing because of there are qubits.
This technology brings with it the computational power unimaginable
to mankind because as I said before,
we already reach more than 10,000 qubits
due to the IBM arcs. This process
capability increases exponentially as two power of
n depending on the number of qubits. For example,
at 30 qubit quantum computer would equal
the processing power of a conventional computer that
could run teraflops, trillions of floating point
operations per second. Today's typical desktop
computers run at speed measured in gjaflow,
billions of floating point of operation. But that
amount of power of computing, it is very unimaginable.
And how can we use in the material science?
I will show you this image,
show the 10,000 qubit processor.
Image d wave systems also d wave
has a very good work about the
quantum computing qubit processor. How can we obtain
the qubits and how can we apply the qubits on
the problem with different algorithms, with the different
gains, how can we solve this problem and how
can we apply in industry? Next slides we
will discuss the material science,
how it's related with the qubits.
And this is the amount of qubits of IBM different
years. We reach more than thousands,
more than thousand in last year. It is very important
and big news about it, because that
amount of qubits gives us the unimaginable
calculation capability, power of computing capability
and material science. And power of computing in the
material science, defining the specifics of materials,
structure, property, process and characterization are taken
into account. We can design all all polymers,
all cells are metals.
With the processing performance, structure properties
and characterization values, we can combine them with
new materials and achieve high performance materials
and very different nanomaterials.
And we can obtain different shape of structure,
we can obtain different processes of materials.
We can obtain higher performance materials with the change
of atomic structure, with the change of molecular arrangement,
and with the change of movement of molecules in the
polymers. For example, when I give the parameter
for the polymers, we can change the moment
of the polymer chain, we can change
polymer thermodynamics of the polymer.
And how can we improve the process
about this thermodynamic processing?
Because there is a huge amount of problems
inside of metaverse. This is the power of competing,
we can apply, we can make a calculation,
we can achieve the more and more high performance
materials. Because we have the qubits,
we can solve many problems. It is very important.
Each parameter is carefully selected and combined to determine the
performance of the materials. You can make different alloying
elements and how can we solve the different kinetics
of materials parameters. We can create a
new material and you need to make assimilations.
How can you make simulations? You can't
even imagine the amount of the problem.
This is why we are using the qubits. This is the power
of computing. With the quantum computing technology
in the material size, we can solve many problems.
In the material size, we can design kinetics of
materials, we can make relationships in the
thermodynamics process. And this can help us
to design our materials thermodynamically,
in the atomic structure, in the performance of the materials,
in nano parameters or macro parameters.
It's very important and there are many different
industries and studies about this. The pharmaceutical
steel cell companies have devoted a growing share of
their net revenues to RD activities, averaging about
2020 19% over the past
two decades. By comparison, other research intensive
industry like software and semiconductors average about
15%. This is very important.
Pharmaceutical company companies can apply
the material science is the main factor,
why they are applied to quantum computing technology and
the power of competing in the pharmaceutical industry and
why we design new semiconductors. How can
we do it? Because there are big solution, a big problem
inside the atomic structure, thermodynamically and
atomic arrangements and many calculations. We need
to solve this problem.
Accuracy, accuracy. And you need
to be fast. And that's why the Cubans
help us. And different industries and
studies I will give the pharmaceutical industry and
quantum computing's primary value for pharma lies in research
and development. Disease understrength
development, target finding. This is very important to
use quantum computing technology to competing
with power of computing, because this industry
is growing very rapidly due to material science. In order to
design materials, collect appropriate data and ensure
chemical and physical stability. The big data network must
be analyzed quickly and the right decision must
be made. The pharmaceutical industry stands
out as the important area where quantum computers
and material science are combined. This situation grows
even more with financial data and investments instruments.
This is very important because in the chemical and
physical tests, during chemical and physical tests,
there are millions of data according to
drugs and crystallization ratio,
optimization ratio or anything.
The analysis of the chemical structure. How can we solve
this problem? Easily. And you
need to give good decision about the
set of industry, because it is very important in us.
You need to be very fast. For example,
pandemic and the Covid-19 you need
to make good drugs. And how
can you do that? Because you need to combine many
things in the drugs. And there are four stages
in the pharmaceutical industry to
make a good drug. And this is
why we are using this method and the quantum
computing technology. And this is very important
for this industry. And also there are other industries.
For example, semiconductors. As the semiconductor
industry, according to research
in the 2000 previous slides. In the previous slides,
you need to grow your crystalline structure in
the semiconductors. How can you apply at
the pressure level? The pressure level is important and atomic structure
is the most important part. Because the stability of the
electrons and the band gap, it's very important. It is
another parameters, there are billions parameters
and you need to combine these parameters very fast.
This is why we are using quantum computing.
The pharmaceutical industry is a significant
contributor to the global economy and to health systems and
health care across the world. According to data from
IQVIA, revenue in the global pharmaceutical market
is estimated to have reached 1480
2 billion American dollars
in 2022.
Why the financial growth is important
for the pharmaceutical industry, as there is a
Covid-19 and other diseases in the world. And you
need to find a good solution. And how
can we apply the completed power of competing?
We need to change. We need to measure the
drug crystalline ratio, solubility optimization
and product formulations. In the organic product formulations,
you need to know the material size and
you need to be quick. You need to solve
your problem as possible quickly.
And that's why you need to apply the computing power of computing,
because you need to know solubility optimization.
You need to change ratio of crystallity in accordance with disease.
You need to change product formulations in accordance
with body in accordance with disease. You need to
be quick. That's why we are using the turbines.
And then we need to examine
the other side of the other side of science,
accordance with material science in the quantum
technology. Material science for quantum computing technology
and how can we apply the materials in
the quantum computing technology. And this is other side of
this technology. The electrical properties is
one of the most important parameters for the quantum computing
technology because you need to obtain good
photons. The photon properties is
very important in this semiconductor materials.
You need to design your materials, especially two dimensional
materials is important to achieve more and
more stable photos.
When I continue in the slides, electrical properties of materials
emerge as the most important property for current computers.
Different structures and materials groups can exhibit
different electrical properties. It's very important. There are many
semiconductors in this field and the
different corporations and different industries
work with different materials. I will give
a tree of example in
the next slides. And especially the evolution of two
dimensional materials in terms of photonics is extremely important
for quantum computing. And one of them, one of them quantum
that technology and others broadband technology.
It is very important to design the band gap and the quantum
broadband technology is important to design your
band gap to take the photos
in the, for example, rapid ion system.
It is very important and essential for broadband technology,
for bandicap systems, for rapid
ion systems. On the other side, quantum dot technology is
very important for the superconducting quantum
computing technology. And this is why important because
these are different technologies used two dimensional matrix
for the stability of the systems. You need to design
your materials in the nanometer scale
as possible as good arrangements and
good appropriate. I said appropriate
electrical characteristics. It is very important to
combine different materials for the semi crystalline materials
because you need to. You need to obtain good
quality of the photon. And also lifetime is important
because if you take the photons, you need to
be processed with this photo. This is the lifetime of
the photon, is the ascension and there are some
parameters about that. For example,
super competing conductors
materials. In the most important parameters
is the operating temperatures. Because the
operating temperature is the source of energy.
It is very important to obtain good operation
temperatures to available systems,
to common systems. You need
to achieve for example -100 degrees celsius
for the photos. Because the cryogenic temperature
is very hard to make operation
in the system. Because the cryogenic temperature is
waste of time and waste of energy.
A big energy and a big time. It is very important to
obtain cryogenic temperatures for the photos.
On the other hand, lifetimes, emission wavelength range
and the photon priority and the back gaps of photons is
the most important parameters for the photonic characteristics
of the materials. Thus, the development of material
science directly affects computer technologies and
I will give some different materials and data values in
terms of photonic properties. For example,
molybdenum, molybdenum sul sulfide,
tungstenium and molybdenum d
selenium. These are different materials,
shows different characteristics, different protonic characteristics.
As shown, the lifetime is too short. This is very
important to make a process in the quantum
computing technology. You need to achieve to protect
your lifetime, your photos to process range.
This is very important to design algorithms
on the quantum computing system because of lifetime.
If you have good lifetime, you can make a processing
time. You can have good processing time. It's very important
also emission wavelength range is important
to work specific,
specific parameters for the system.
Because every photons have different emission wavelength
range and you need to simulate
your system in the field of emission wavelength range.
This is very important to work with different semiconductors
and also pretty of the photos. I will give
some examples about these materials for our
work. The purity of the photon is important to
obtain more clear information from the photos.
It is also important and the operation temperature.
And I said before, operation temperature is important to apply
this technology in
the industry because cryogenic temperature is very
hard to obtain that for the industry and
the every field of the life.
And you need to obtain good temperature, good operation temperature
to your process, to your system too.
For work. It is very important because temperature is the
cost of energy, mainly cost of energy
is the temperature you need to make a good setup
about that. And the belly gap is important to
to arrange the electron volts between the
minus and phosphine minus and p
type, n for n type. And this is very important and technical
issue for the obtain photos
in this field of quantum technology. And when
I make a summarize in the summary, a quantum
computing technology have been used to determine the critical properties of
magic. This has had a direct impact on the development of
high performance materials, especially in the pharmaceutical
industry. As I said before, the pharmaceutical industry
in the financial is the most important area which
depends on the quantum computing technology. Because as
you remember, the solution ratio of crystalline solubility
and formulation are very
important parameters. You need to be quick about that.
You need to gain good accuracy about that. In the pharmaceutical
industry, the use of quantum computing technology has become widespread
for processes that develop high computational technology such
as finding the solubility ratio and appropriate dosage.
Today, the number of qubits has exceeded 10,000 by
ibms is very important. Will you achieve
advanced technology? There are many sectors
and there are many cooperation in this
field. And this number is increasing by day by
in order to increase this number, different materials have started to
be developed in terms of photonics. The photonics
is the main section for
the material size for the quantum computing technology or
photo technically developed materials, values such as operating
temperature, band gap and pretty of the photon are very important.
Why we are using these are factors and I
discussed, and these are parameters, these are technic
parameters, and I don't give any
technical information about that, but it's a little
bit short talk and I'm very happy to discuss
these parameters with you. All the factors within the
ecosystem, material science, quantum computer technologies,
and the growing industries connected to them are growing in
terms of financial and usage areas. As I said before,
we are going to quantum
age with the material size.
How can we apply the material science in the quantum copy
technology and on the other side, quantum copy technology
for the material science, these are parameters,
is essential for the quantum age.
These are parameters, photonic behavior,
two dimensional materials, pharmaceutical industry, and also
high performance materials. They are related with the information
technology. Maybe next day,
maybe next day, on the next year, we need to obtain
more than thousands qubits because our
problems getting complex and we need to solve
this in the field of the size. And I just want to
say thank you about presentation
and thank you for us.