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Hello and welcome. My name is Mihankowski and today I would like to
talk you through the journey about out quantum computing. I would
like to ask from the question is it actually real or
is it hype? Just brief introduction
of myself. I'm working for objectivity. I'm ahead of
emerging technologies so I onboarding
cuttingedge technologies to our customer organizations.
Right now my main focus is quantum computing.
Previously I was focusing on Nova roll call, looking on my whole
career. I'm person with a strong technical background,
still working and playing with the technology,
sharing the knowledge during different events like this and others organizing conferences
and I'm also Microsoft MVP in category Asia.
I would like to encourage you to scan the contact or invite me on
LinkedIn because if you have any question just
ping me on LinkedIn or send
me an email and I'm happy to answer all your questions.
Organization when I'm working in objectivity
is a software house. It is part of Accenture and we
are existing on the market over 30 years already.
We are specializing in building custom made solution
for our customers and this is our core service and
together those core services we have some additional services like
quantum computing, data and AI, machine learning and similar.
But today I would like to focus on
just brief introduction to the quantum technology agenda
is very easy. I would like to ask on the question what
is quantum computing, why we should look at this right
now and how it can affect my organization. I've been
talking about this technology from the perspective that we are looking on
in our organization and I will give you also some insights
when I not cover some kind of the topics and I will leave them
for you. So let's start with the question, what is
quantum technology? Quantum technology,
this is the new way of maybe not so new away,
but this is like a way of making the calculation
that give us a possibility either getting results
faster, either getting better quality results, or working
with bigger problems. Also, there's a possibility that
when we are running quantum algorithm we could get multiple scenarios.
And this is based on the quantum physics and quantum phenomenon.
I do not want to go deeper into this topic
because I'm afraid that
if I would like to do it correctly, it should take like
almost half of the presentation.
If you think about what is the difference between quantum computing
and classical computing, think about the book.
If you have classical computer,
you need to read page by page. If you have quantum device,
you can read the whole book at once and
think about the calculation, thinking about solving complex
problems. This is like this on this maze,
like this animation of the maze. You can see that
each time that we are just having
a junction there, we can check both group path
in the same way. Very often when I'm talking about the quantum
computing, there's always a question, will it replace the
classical computing? Actually not. For me, it is like an extension,
like something that will be working in concurrent
way. Some of the problems will be solved on the classical computer. Some of the
problems will be able to run on the quantum devices.
Looking on different predictions, it seems
that the quantum computing will have bigger
adoption from the commercial perspective between five to ten years.
I providing here a quote from the report, state of the quantum 2022
from November 2022. And you can see there in the report there
is information that 63% believes that commercialization
of the quantum computing will hit the market in next five years.
If we extend this timeline to 2030,
90% of organizations believe that they will be transferred
by quantum computing. And actually probably
you are thinking what is possible in the quantum computing.
And when I started my
journey, I was thinking, is it possible to run my application on the
quantum device? And it was easier
than I expected. This is example of IBM
quantum composer. This is one of the quantum devices that is available in the
cloud. And you can see here that the
screen is divided into five parts. On the left, top, left side
you can see there's operations. So this is the quantum gates that you
can put into the circuit. In the center.
You have already modeled a quantum circuit
by me. So you can see that in the circuit we are setting
the qubit to zero, then applying node gate.
It is working in very similar way like a classical node gate.
So if we have zero, we are changing to one. If we have one,
we are changing to zero. And at the end we are measuring
the status of the qubit. This is visuala
representation. On the right side you have the
example implementation in one of the languages. Actually here is Opencasm
2.0. When you can see that we are setting the register
with zero to zero, then we are applying x gate
on zero and measuring it. In the bottom you have
a prediction. This is a simulation of the
circuit. And you can see probably as you expected,
that if we have zero, if we are applying node gate, we are
getting one. So you can see this. On the lower left
side you can see that there is one. And also this is in the middle,
in the bottom, in the center,
there's other representation of that. And this is
what you get without even logging to the system. You just open
the environment and you can use it if
you would like. To run this circuit on the real quantum device on
the right side you have set up and run. To do that you
need to just log into environment. So this is also you don't need
to provide any credit card, you can get just the device
and run it. When you hit this button
you get information about different devices. So some of them are
available for free, some of them are paid version.
Actually the bigger quantum devices are
available by paying for
the access. Also you can see their information
about total pending jobs. This is a queue
that your job will be next one. So you need to wait
a bit. It depends on the time of the day and when
those processes that was scheduled before you will be
completed, then your process will be also executed.
As you can see here I select IBM Oslo. There is
over 300 jobs before my job
and this computer has seven qubits and first queue to
quantum bulb. If I hit the
run button then I would love to show you
real time demo on this presentation. But actually we will need to wait
a bit. So I just
share the results in the moment. This is default
setup and as you can see there are bigger quantum devices.
There's like 64,
128 qubit quantum
volume devices, different type of the number of qubits.
So you can just select on
which devices you would like to run the application.
I decided to run this on the, on the smaller one, because for one qubit
we don't need to have like a bigger device.
And after running that we are getting the
results. So you can see that actually we was waiting about
31 minutes in the queue, the system, the algorithm
was running 2 seconds.
And you can see also here that we was running
1024 times of the circuit.
Why? Because when we are working with the quantum devices,
we need to think about probabilistic approach
and you can see that as a results. Most of
our measurements as are predicted in the value of one,
but some of them have also zero value.
And actually this is when we, from our perspective
looking on these results, we can say that almost 95%
about this number, the results
will be one. This is because the coherence times, because the noise,
because different type of the challenges that current quantum computer
have. If we have a bigger circuit then
we have like a distribution because this is just one qubit here.
And then when we are looking on the
results we should have the maximum point of
the distribution. As to answer in most cases
and think about that. This is changing the way how we are working with the
computing. We know from the classical world that two plus two is
four. When we run the same application with quantum computing,
we should say two plus four is in 99% or maybe 95%.
It depends on the device four.
So you can see that you can
very easy run and I encourage you to just take
a moment after this session and run your first algorithm on
the quantum devices. And this is the way that
we are modeling the circuit very deeply
by using the quantum gates. But let's
think about why we should look on this technology.
And I already started at the beginning with the one of
the quotes that the future is almost there.
If you look on the different components like Capgemini Ey,
you can see that they are also providing very same results.
2025 2027 three to five years.
So that kind of the reports, and I encourage
you to read either UI or Capgemini report
about the quantum computer. They're a very nice report and you can learn a
lot from them. They're also predicting that the
quantum technology will start disrupting
our market in next maybe three to ten years.
It depends how you are optimistic about the technology.
Very interesting report is also have been created by Heparin
Research and published in November 2022.
They check in
the ecosystem of area adopters,
how successful PoC that they created that
they run on those devices. And looking at the report,
they are mentioning that area adopters are highly satisfied with their most
important quantum computing development activity.
Almost all quantum computing area adopters survey
indicated that progress to date was either very or somehow
successful. So the algorithms that
they run, the problems that they wanted to solve in this quantum computing
was successful looking on the market.
I just provided we had two
groups of the vendors. On the one side we have hardware vendors.
You can see here Microsoft, Google, Interhb, Alibaba, D Wave
and IBM. And there are many more vendors that are
providing quantum computing. Quantum devices that
you can access. And actually it is important and
interesting how you can access to these devices. On the one
side you can buy devices by your own.
It is not cheap device and probably it is
good. In the next year you need to buy the new one because the technology
is growing so fast. But much more easier
way to start using quantum devices is
either run your application on one of the quantum vendors
clouds or also in the public clouds like
Microsoft or AWS. And there instead of buying
quantum devices, you can just render for a minute for
the run of the circuit. This is like for me
a game changer, especially when I'm working with the customers
and I can use the public
allow that they already have in the organization. And it is much
more easier to create and
also verify the proof of concept with those customers, because for them,
in the long term usage of the quantum
computing, if for example we use either Microsoft or
Azure cloud, it'd be like additional invoice,
additional row on their invoice. So it is much more easier
to get it because we don't need to have a legal check because
it should be already done for the scrubs. On the other side,
you can see a lot of area adopters that are checking the
technology, looking on this technology, trying to
somehow predict its potential. And those area adopters
are from the different sectors.
You can see here, aerospace, banks,
automotive, Freetown, finance and many more.
And this is just top of the iceberg,
which is very interesting when
I'm talking about the quantum, discussing about the quantum from
my perspective, it is also a lot of fear in this discussion.
And looking on all of my previous experience,
I haven't seen such much fear
in scope of the discussion about the technology. And this is
strictly connected with the fear about
the possibility that on the one side, quantum computing
can break the encryption keys. That encryption methods that we are
using on daily, on daily life, think about that with
the quantum device will be very easy decrypt
the communication between our computer and our bank. So this
is one of the topics is security. And you are trying to
find the new way of sending, how to
send the information in secure way. From the
business perspective. The other dimension
of fear is also that what will happen if we miss the moment,
think about that. Somebody will develop the
algorithm that will be give
him like competitive advantage for the organization.
A huge competitive advantage actually.
He can live in bug all of the components that
didn't manage to work on the quantum computing.
Right now, regarding them
computing back to the security, there is a question
about the standards and there are already work to
standardize the new way of using quantum devices
and the new way how we should work with the encryption.
We are looking, we as human being,
we are looking of the new algorithms that are either quantum
safe or we'll be using this on the quantum devices.
So we are trying to prepare to the future, and this is a huge
unknown when this
future will get us.
And this is strictly connected to what I said
before. Maybe in two years, maybe in ten years, but definitely
it will happen. Talking about the quantum
devices, especially when I finish the session and we have
a discussion next to the with the coffee,
there is always a question about the bitcoin, if we'll be able
to decrypt the bitcoin and for that
kind of the cryptocurrencies some of them are
quantum safe, some of them are not quantum safe. But I don't want to
go here into more detail.
I would like to share with you with my opinion why I
believe that this revolution is happening right now.
From my perspective, this is like three main
reasons. First of all, I already mentioned
that we
can run quantum application in the cloud.
When I started my journey with quantum computing like over one
year ago, I thought that will be something
very special, something that will need to have a
very specific competences in that area.
And that's true. But my thought evolve,
my thinking evolve. And right now, for me, the quantum
computing is one of the methods that we are using to some
kind of the challenges. Sometimes classical
computer can be better, sometimes quantum computing can be better, sometimes it
could be hybrid. But the
possibility that we can run those application on the
cloud, in our existing application
ecosystem give us the opportunity that we can very
easily check the
new method, check how quantum computing is affecting previous calculation.
And on the right side you can see Microsoft Azure cloud,
Microsoft Quantum, and you can see
that there is like six quantum vendors that
you can run, six quantum
computing providers that you can select and run the application,
selecting one of them, Quantum, Toshibia, QCI,
regetti, Pascal, IonQ,
you can select one of those providers,
run your application and will be charged for the usage.
So this is like something that you can very easily try
your application, check how it's easy to
start using that kind of technology.
And actually Microsoft also giving you some additional credits
that you can use in this purpose.
The second very interesting and important
vector that is helping me believing that is
happening also right now is looking on the technology
roadmaps from different quantum providers and
progression in a speed improvement
of quantum processors. Those processors are right now
looking backwards into the past.
All of the quantum vendors, most of the quantum vendors, and especially
looking on those major ones like for example IBM,
they are keeping their promise. They are
keeping their promise with developing the new
quantum processors with bigger number of the qubits. Those number
of qubits allow us on the one side to handle error
correction, on the other side allow us to handle
bigger problems in this ecosystem.
And this is growing very fast. The last
thing, and for me, the first and the last thing are the most important.
What is happening on those roadmaps.
In previous years, we was mostly focusing on the
number of the qubits. And right
now we are switching the direction into building
interconnectivity between quantum processors.
So we are learning, we are developing the technologies that
allow us to scale
up those machines and why it has been so
important. From my perspective,
looking on my whole journey with
the computers, I started very eerie. My first computer was Commodore
64, then intel two
eight, six. And I remember all of those single core
processors. I remember all of the parameters when
we moved to multicore processors. Actually,
I didn't remember I was looking on those parameters when
I was buying a cpu, when I was buying a new processor
in a computer. But then I forget the
speed improvement was so high that
I stopped caring about that because the speed
of the processor was not the main parameter that was
important at the way. More important was the architecture,
how those processor are cooperating with each
other, how many threads we can run in concurrent
way. And this is happening also with the quantum computing.
So I
hope you, I encourage you that this is something important,
and I hope, I encourage you that you just give a moment
to this technology and check what is possible with that.
So let's think how we can check this technology,
and let's think how
this technology can affect your organization.
This is very important how you should check cuttingedge
technology and checking if actual ibis is real.
When I was starting with my journey with the quantum computing,
I know that as I mentioned at the beginning,
I'm technical person, so I'd love to play with
the technology. But actually I said that
I will not touch the technology at the beginning.
I would talk with the organization, with the people that
claim that they are using quantum devices.
Why this is so important? Because from my
perspective, if I want to offer the technology to our customers,
to people to discuss about this technology,
these technologies should bring the value to the organization,
should bring the business value, so it should generate
benefit for the people that are using the technology.
And when I see an initial benefit
of this technology, this means that this is a good moment that
we should think about this technology. And actually my first talks with
this was with the organization that are using the quantum devices,
checking what value it is deriving,
checking if actually this is delivering any value.
Checking how easy is to learn quantum computing, how easy is to
develop algorithm, asking typical questions, how long it takes to
learn it, what type of the skills are needed? How much does
it cost? What is the value this technology generated?
Based on the answer on those questions,
I started to thinking, is it a good moment or not?
And as you can see, I'm talking about the quantum computing. I'm building quantum computing
division in objectivity. So probably I get
a lot of positive information here. And from our perspective,
looking on the quantum computing, there are mostly three areas
of interest optimization. So solving
complex combinatorial problems optimization related
to staffing, scheduling, supply chain logistics.
The other area is modeling. So predicting customer behaviors,
forecasting team and future dementor of sales, or maybe
predicting the financial markets. And something
that looks very also interesting is quantum machine learning,
training models with the less data detecting
and management with the data, improvement in decision making with
the classifier. Those three areas
are strictly connected with the services that we are having in objectivity.
And I'm saying, and saying
very high here that those three
areas are connected with the things that we are doing in the organization
when I'm working and why. I'm saying
that because in objectivity we
don't have in our offering topics
related communication and the security.
And this is something that I already mentioned, that we are
afraid in this technology.
So if you are looking on this technology, think about
those additional additional areas. How we can use quantum computing
in communication, how we can send
the messages from
the sender to receiver in the secure way. Think about
encryption, how this technology can
affect already using encryption
algorithms, how we can create any algorithms that will
support us. And also think about the sensing,
think about what type of sensors we can build with the
technology. Figure out or think about that
with this technology, we can create
a sensor that will work like GPS and actually don't
need to have the link to satellite because it
will be so precise that it will just react
on different changes of
magnetic fields. And based on this information, it can
position yourself on the earth.
And think about that. It can work under the ground, under the
water. This is like a possibility of this technology.
I'm just briefly finishing my talk
and I would like to show you two examples, what we managed
to deliver in objectivity, in scope of the quantum computing.
First one, this is our PoC. This is
PoC when we are trying to help our
CEO to plan trips between our offices.
This is the result of one of the hackathons.
The hackathon was happening before the Christmas and
we was helping our CEO to allow
him to meet with all of the people between our offices
and wish them merry Christmas directly.
So on the one side we have information about
availability of the people in the offices. On the other side we have
information about flights, shuttle between our offices.
And you can see here that on the main screen
our CEO is able to plan his trip. He can decide
if for him is the most important part, lower price,
shorter flight, or maybe minimization of the co2
generation. He can select the start
office. He can select final
office, of course, end date is the Christmas, and also start date
is configurable. And also there's a possibility of
selecting the preference of how many days you would like to stare
in different places. When I hit the find the best trip button,
I'm sending the defined problem to the quantum device.
And you can see we have Schrodinger card and in few seconds we'll get
the results. So in this particular
case we are using DYF quantum annular.
So this is one of the types of the quantum devices.
And I'm showing this application to you because here is
a good example that this technology exists and we
can integrate it with our existing application.
So you can see here that we find a solution, you can see the successful
criteria, you can see which people you are meeting in each offices,
you can see the flight plan,
and this is the integration typical like the others,
by just using API. And you can see that
the communication have been done almost in the real time.
The second PoC that we conducted
with our customer was related to
planning the production of
goods. That value was increasing
in the time. And here we get from the customer recipe,
we get the information about the,
we get the information about the elements that are needed to
product this good, and the number of those items in
the warehouses, and we manage. And also our goal was to maximize,
our goal was to maximize the production in those next
13 years. Actually we managed
to reduce the calculation time by using quantum device
from 4 hours to 90 seconds.
But this is just one of the benefits of
this technology. The more interesting benefits was that
together with this reduction of the time,
reduction of time needed for calculation, we managed to
also generate additional scenarios of the solution.
Why this is so important? Because if customer would
like to, for example,
reduce the level of the insurance of their
warehouses, or maybe reduce the number of the operation
in those warehouses,
it is much more easier to have multiple scenarios
and just scoring the scenarios of finding which one is the best
from the positional criteria, instead of adding
new dimensions to the model. And also you
can see from the time perspective, this 90 seconds
means that he can, and of
course it depends on the scenario, it can take
decision almost in the real time. So this is like
a possibility that this technology is giving to
us. Probably you are thinking how the
code can look like on the one side. I already show you how
we can develop the algorithms by using quantum gates.
But the quantum gates looks like assembler and probably you don't want
to work with this technology that way. If we use
higher level languages, higher level libraries, you can
see that the application looks very similar to something what
we know from the current model. Do some kind of
initialization of the object and building and adding
some kind of variables, then distributing some
kind of elements. But you can see if you go
deeply in the code. If you show this
code to somebody who is for example, data scientist
or machine learning engineer for some
of the libraries, it would be hard to check if this
problem is run on the classical computer or
on the classical device. How to prepare your organization
for the quantum revolution from our perspective,
we divided this process into four stages. First of
all, you need to build awareness in your organization. You need to help
your organization to understand what this technology is,
what is possible with this
technology in the short, in the long term, and also
how it will benefit for your
organization. Then working with the
organization in the discovery phase, you need to figure out a
roadmap of the potential use cases for the quantum technology.
You should select the cases that will bring
and generate the biggest value for your organization.
Prioritize them by the value and by the
study of the possibility of delivering this on the current devices.
And when you have this backlog, you should think about creating
like a business case, like a plan of the adoption.
Because in most cases you will need to find a sponsor
that will allow you to go further with that. The next
stage is POC. So we are selecting the most beneficial,
the most possible to deliver project
and you are building proof of concept. So you are verifying the
idea, building a prototype and checking
how this technology is behaving with the data. And actually here you
can get different results.
Either quantum computing will be successful either no.
So this is very easy, but very often when we are working with
quantum technology, you will learn something about the process, you will learn
something about your challenge that you have and
it will affect also on the classical solution.
So even if you will be not successful
with the quantum projects, there is a huge chance that you will figure
out something that will increase the value of the classical solution to
your organization. And I think this is the most important part when you are working
with the technology. Finally, it should generate the business
value for your organization. And at the end,
you need to think about delivering the application to the
production to allow your organization using
this technology. Summar of this talk I would
try to answer on the question, is it really hype or
not? Actually, from my perspective, we can see
a huge hype on the topics related to quantum computing.
But still this huge hype has a strong justification.
Looking on how fast this technology is growing and
how fast, we can see the new information about adoption.
We can see a lot of use cases,
a lot of use cases of the quantum computing, quantum inspired or quantum
hybrid projects that are verifying
and that are successful on the market. So this
is something that you should look to inspire you from
my perspective, and I'm very optimistic about technology,
so just judge this information by
yourself. Read a bit more about the quantum computing.
But from my perspective, I would say that we should probably
think about waiting like additional two, four to five years
to get this technology enough mature to
be ready for the universal purposes.
Right now, it is very good for the optimization for some kind
of narrow cases that are not suitable for the current
devices. And multiple case
studies that we can see published in the market
shows that actually this technology is working and
providing advantage to organizations. So from
my perspective, I would recommend you that if you don't have quantum computing
technology in your strategic focus, in your
roadmap, put it there.
If you don't want to onboard it to this organization, if you don't
want to work with this technology and check it,
just have it on your radar,
try to remember it and check from time
to time because I would like to avoid the
situation that you miss the moment that this technology will be actually very
beneficial for organization widely adopted.
With this thought, I would like to finish the presentation.
Please remember that I'm only message or a call away from you.
So let's together unlock the potential of
the quantum technology in your business operation. And if you have any
questions, just ping me or link it in. Just send me the
email. I'm happy to answer all your questions, sessions and
thank you all for your attention today.