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Hello, I'm Daniel, and it's a pleasure to be here today
and to talk to you. So, in my presentation, I'm going to
explain how qubits differ from classical bits, and I'm
going to look at where quantum computing can have an advantage over classical
computing. So our existing NISC quantum
devices have limitations, and I'm going to talk about how these might be resolved
in the future. And we'll look at a future where we might see large,
fault tolerant, universal quantum computers that will
be truly transformational. So, for the moment, the three
use cases for near term quantum devices are quantum
optimization, quantum simulation of physical systems,
particularly quantum systems and quantum machine learning.
So my amazing colleague PipPa will talk about these use cases and
their possible business benefits. And then Pippa will go
on and look at our quantum data center of the Future Technology
Access program Qtap, which launches in
September. This free program will give education,
training in quantum computing, access to experts,
to reviews use cases, and access to quantum computing
simulation tools, and the Orca PT one quantum computer.
So Qtap is a unique chance for business users
to get started on their quantum journey. But before I start
that, I'd just like to briefly
describe digital catapult, the organization
that I represent. So, digital Catapult is the UK authority
on advanced digital technology. And through collaboration and
innovation, we accelerate industry adoption to drive growth and opportunity
across the economy. So our technologies
include five g and six g, artificial intelligence
and machine learning, immersive technologies, Internet of
Things, distributed ledger, and now quantum.
And we deliver acceleration and innovation programs.
We build test beds and demonstrators, and we
facilitate r and D projects. So now I'm going to
start my overview of quantum computing.
And you're probably feeling a bit bombarded at the moment because
there's a lot of information out there about quantum computing.
And maybe you're wondering, is this hype,
is this another it boom and bust cycle?
Are there really opportunities for my organization, or is
it forever five years away? Should I get started
now? And if so, how should I get
started? But before we answer those questions,
let's go back to basics and let's describe
what a qubit is. And let's do that by a thought experiment.
The quantum egg timer. So the
quantum egg timer starts off as full,
just like a classical egg timer. And at the end of the thought
experiment, the quantum egg timer is empty,
just like the classical egg timer. But in the middle of the
thought experiment, something quite unusual happens.
Because it's a quantum egg timer, it knows
the sound comes in lumps. Quantum means a
lump. And so it knows it can't be half full and
half empty. It's got to be either full or empty.
And the way this conundrum gets resolved is if we actually
measure the quantum ectiler, half the time,
we find it full. And the other half of the time, we find it
empty. So this quantum mechanical effect.
Is completely outside of our normal experience.
Because the objects we see in our day to day life.
Made up of billions and billions of atoms. And the quantum mechanical effects
typically get washed out. And so a qubit is
just like the quantum egg timer. And it has similar states.
So, like the egg timer, the qubit starts off
in a full state. So a qubit might be
an electron in a magnetic field, maybe an electron
in an atom. And it has an excited state and a
ground state. But whatever, it just starts off
in one state. There's nothing strange or
weird about that. But if we take a qubit. And we drive it with
a pulse of electromagnetic radiation. Of exactly the
right frequency and right duration.
We can drive it into this superposition state.
Where it is literally in two states at the same time.
And then if we continue the pulse, we can then drive it into the ground
state. So, so far, very good.
Very interesting. But you're probably wondering,
what has this got to do with computing?
Well, as you well know, in your classical device in the
computer, I'm recording this in in my mobile phone.
The units of computation are either
on or they're off. But a qubit is different.
A qubit is on if it's
in the excited state or off if it's
in the ground state. But it can be in this weird
superposition of started. Where it's literally in two states at
the same time. And it's parallel processing over mini qubits
in superposition. That can give quantum computers
huger benefits over classical computers for certain
algorithms. So all classical computers are
fundamentally the same. They all work in a sequential manner.
It's like reading a book letter by
letter, word by word, sentence by sentence.
Whereas quantum computer is like reading
the whole book all at the same time. So another
important quantum mechanical concept
for quantum computing is entanglement. And the idea
of entanglement is that two qubits are very closely
correlated. So maybe we
measure qubit one, and we find it's in the
excited state. Well, that means that if we measure
qubit two. Then it will be in
the ground state and vice versa. If we
measure qubit one and it's in the ground state, qubit two will be
in the excited state. But so far, actually, that's not really that mysterious
that similar correlations can be found in classical systems.
But say that I measure the qubit by changing the
magnetic field so that it goes into the screen,
and I measure it, and I find that it's pointing
out of the screen. One of the qubits is pointing out the
screen. That means the other qubit will be pointing into the screen.
And if I find that one of the qubits is pointing into the screen,
that means that the other qubit is pointing out of the screen.
And entanglement is a very interesting effect,
not only because it's a primitive for quantum computing, but it forms the
basis of quantum key distribution,
because measuring one qubit effectively forces the
other into a known quantum state. If someone comes
and measures the qubit, then effectively, they can mess
up the quantum distribution. So, now let's have
a look at a quantum computing circuit.
So, this quantum computing circuit has two qubits,
and the time advances from left to right during the computation.
So the two qubits start off, and they're initialized.
That means they're both in the ground state, and then a quantum
single qubit gate is applied. It's called the
Hadamal gate. And that sounds like very mysterious.
What does it do? But in actual fact, we've seen that
before, because the Hadamar gate does nothing more than take a
qubit in the ground state and force it into superposition
of two states. And then we move on, and we see something we
haven't seen before, a quantum two qubit gate.
And that means that the state of the top qubit can
influence the state of the bottom qubit.
This is actually a c zero gate, and it means that if the
top qubit is in the excited state, the bottom
qubit will be forced to flip its state,
and the computation advances. And at the end,
we make a measurement, and we get a classical bitstream out.
And the reason I've shown this is because it quite nicely
shows the limitations that we have at the moment.
So, the first challenge that we have at the moment with
the quantum devices of today is that there's noise.
The quantum states are very fragile. They easily get disrupted.
And because of this noise, the gate depth is quite limited.
You really, for someone quantum alchemist, want to stack up a
large number of gates. But if you try and do that, often, the signal
just gets washed out by noise. The second challenge
is the number of qubits is quite limited.
To do worthwhile computations, we ideally want thousands
of error free qubits. At the moment,
IBM have a device of 433
noisy qubits. So we're maybe quite some way away from where we
need to be. And the third challenge is that, ideally,
for our quantum algorithm, we want all the qubits connected,
each qubit connected to every other qubit.
But in quantum devices, that connectivity is quite limited.
Maybe one qubit might be connected to only two or three
other qubits. So let's look at
where we are today and the likely next steps.
But to do that, let's have a quick look at the history of quantum
computing. So, in the 1980s,
the fundamental concepts were developed. David Deutsch
described a universal quantum computer. Universal means
it's a quantum computer that can run any algorithm.
And Richard Feynman, an american physicist,
proposed a quantum computer to simulate physical
systems. And then in the 90s,
some quantum algorithms were developed, almost 30 years ago now.
And the strange thing about the algorithms was David
Deutsch also realized that it's possible to have a quantum speed
up because he designed an algorithm where a
quantum computer could do a computing in one
shot, but it would take a classical computer, two shots.
And Shaw expanded on that idea,
and he developed an algorithm to factorize prime numbers on
a quantum computer. That seems to come with the promise that it
will take a quantum computer, a polynomial
number of steps for a calculation. It would take a classical
computer, an exponential number of steps. What that means
in practice is that we'll be able to factorize large numbers
on a quantum computer one day, that we wouldn't be able to factorize on
a classical computer. And the relevance of that
is that Shaw's algorithm could be used to crack the RSA
encryption. That's very common in the Internet.
But at that time, the discussion of
the basic foundational concepts and the discussion of algorithms was an
academic. It was a theoretical discussion. There were no quantum
devices. In fact, some people thought that quantum computers could never be
built. But this century, we actually have devices
for the first time. And you can see that I plotted a
graph of IBM, the scale of IBM
device sizes. The reason for choosing IBM is that they
have a clear roadmap, and they publish the size of
their current device. And in blue, we've got the
actual device size. In orange, we've got their plans
for the next three years. And then in yellow,
I've extrapolated what size quantum computers
might reach. And I have to emphasize that
to get to quantum computers with
millions of qubits, then we need fundamental breakthroughs in
research to overcome some of the problems. Say, for example,
quantum error correction is a problem.
So, quantum error correction is where you try and
reduce the impact of noise by having,
instead of one physical qubit that's quite prone to error,
club the physical qubits together into a logical qubit.
If one of the physical qubits loses its quantum state,
it doesn't matter, because there's enough redundancy and information in
the other quantum qubits that you can
detect, correct, and detect the error.
So, in summary, at the moment, we're in the near scale intermediate
quantum era. So there's a few noisy
qubits. And the algorithms that can be run in this
era are quite specialized, and they're typically hybrid algorithms,
where a quantum computer works side by side with a
classical computer. But the promises is in that the future,
the technological challenges will be resolved.
We'll see large, universal, fault tolerant quantum computers.
Fault tolerant means that there's error correction involved and
that these devices promise to be truly transformational and
help maybe with material science,
developing new materials, maybe superconductors,
new drugs, better weather forecasting,
really quite transformational and quite dramatic effects on the
world. And, of course, they'll be able to run Shaw's algorithm. And so
they're a threat as well, because they can crack our encryption schemes.
So, in the nisk era, to do anything useful,
we can't have very deep quantum circuits. But what
we can have, and what looks as if there might be a
promising route of attack, is something called
variational quantum algorithms. And the idea is
that we take a parameterized quantum circuit. So that
means a quantum circuit where there's some parameters on the gate that
we can change. And that parameterized
quantum circuit maps to an optimization function,
maybe for quantum machine learning, it maps to some loss
function, and then we run the quantum circuit a
number of times. We get a classical output, we evaluate
the classical output, and then we tune the quantum computer
by using the classical computer to pass back in
a feedback loop the parameters.
And then the new parameters are used in a further iteration, and we continue
around until, hopefully, our quantum computers will
carry out a useful calculation for us.
So now I'm going to hand over to my colleague Pippa,
and Pippa is going to talk about quantum computing use cases.
Thank you very much for your attention. Great. Thanks,
Daniel. So, let's take a look at some of the applications
of quantum computing in the near term.
The key areas that have been identified as applications of
quantum computing in the more nearer term are the following.
So we've got optimization, quantum simulation of physical
systems and quantum machine learning. If we
start by taking a look at optimization, this is quite
simply the ability to optimize processes,
networks, facilities by utilizing quantum
annealing or variational algorithms in the quantum circuit model.
Applications of this can include optimizing
energy networks. So as energy networks become more and
more complex, with more and more assets on the network,
being able to optimize that and make it as efficient
as possible is going to be really key. Optimization of
the telecoms network is another one,
also optimization of logistics. So fleet.
So is there a better way to send parcels
around the country, send deliveries round,
even optimizing air cargo routes, or quite simply,
factory flows within a manufacturing plant or a factory?
Secondly, you've got quantum simulation of physical systems.
So quantum computing can simulate a physical system such
as computational fluid dynamics.
And using quantum computing to
do this can enable more accurate simulation of
airflow or fluid flow over an aerofoil or
a vehicle or a marine vessel.
And it can be also leveraged for pharmaceuticals.
So it can actually simulate a quantum system, because molecules
are a quantum system. So quantum computing can
predict or simulate the structure and properties
and the behavior of molecules, so it can help in drug discovery.
And finally, we've got using quantum computing or certain machine
learning applications. So these can
be the machine learning applications that we have today.
But quantum computing can help increase the speed and accuracy,
also improve scalability, and help
with more efficient use of resource in that context.
So with all this potential that quantum computing can bring,
it's really important for yourself and your organizations
to be ready for when quantum computing is
to be adopted into organizations.
So there are things that you can do for future proof.
Firstly, post quantum cryptography is so,
so important.
Quantum computing algorithm, known as Shaw's algorithm,
could break our widely users RSA encryption in the
next decade. So that means the data that you have around you today
is not safe in the future.
Therefore, you need to understand the timeline
of this, the steps that you might need to
take to make your business safe. There is massive
amounts of information encrypted using the RSA
encryption today. It could take an awfully long
time for us to future proof that and make that
safe against quantum computing.
So we should be starting to do that now.
Secondly, we still don't really know the full extent of how
and when quantum computing will be used, but there really
are some clear benefits and applications that we can see.
But it's important to understand that technology today,
because what happens if you have a business process
or a discovery that is reliant
on quantum computing, but you've not
upskilled your organization or educated
the organization in that technology, there will come
a point where it could be too late and you'll be on the back foot.
So look to derisk the investment today in
quantum computing by accessing education,
upskilling your employees, and exploring how
the technology can be leveraged in your organization.
And there are plenty of organizations and programs out there
that are looking to do just that to work with you to help
you understand and build a roadmap
to support the technology.
Digital catapult are running a quantum technology access
program, which is part of a wider program called the Quantum
Data center of the Future. And that program is
looking to embed a quantum computer within a
classical data center. And this is
sort of translating from the lab environment into
potentially a real world application. So how are we going to
use quantum computers in the future in a real scenario?
The technology access program aims to upskill and
educate end users on the applications of quantum computing.
And it will do this by providing training on what
quantum computing is on the core principles, the core skills,
and also provide access to expertise in the field,
both in house at digital catapult and our external
consortium partners, and provide
you with the opportunity to explore relevant
use cases, relevant applications with these experts,
and experiment with the technology by running sort of
quantum simulations and getting hands on experience with a
quantum computer. So it's a great
opportunity to get involved, start to
understand the technology, upskill employees within your
organization. If you are interested, our open
call goes live the start of July this year,
and you can apply via the digital catapult website
if you're interested.
The program will be a structured program and will be delivered
over a five month period. And it's split into
a few different stages, so you've got your onboarding. So bringing
in the cohort together, starting to really understand where
everybody is, some master courses to sort of upskill
and get everybody to a foundational level, and also for
us to understand what you want out of the program so we
can tailor the program to support your needs.
You've then got the discovery phase, so this is where
there'll be a lot more training specific
to your needs and also
an opportunity to explore use cases in the three
different streams. So you've got bulk tolerance,
you've got optimization, and you've got machine learning. So this
helps us tailor the program specific to what your use case is.
Then an opportunity, as I said before, to experiment with simulations
and demonstrate the algorithms on a quantum computer.
So really great program, and it will be
tailored to the participants of the program.
It's a fantastic opportunity and will provide
the following benefits to your organization.
It's a free program, it's structured that will
provide tailored support. So this helps ensure efficient
use of your time of your employees time to join the
program. It's a great opportunity to access experts
in the field and explore use cases.
So it doesn't matter if you don't understand how
your organization could leverage quantum computing. This program can
help you with that, so it can help explore what the potential use cases
could be for you and develop
those use cases relevant to the organization.
You'll get access to quantum hardware and software without
having to invest at this stage, so it's derisking those future
investments. Access to network partners
to help you build your network in the quantum computing space
upskill employees within your organization and
ultimately get on the front footing.
So help you understand the technology, the applications,
the timescales to better understand what
you need to do as an organization to be ready for quantum computing.
So get involved today. Future proof your business
and if you are interested in the Quantum technology
access program, as I say, the open call will be
live the start of July on our website,
but we can support you in a number of different ways. So if you'd
like to have a chat with us, please get in touch with myself and Daniel
at our quantum computing email address which is on
the screen it now and thank you for listening.
Enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you.