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Hi, my name is Sharon Yelenik. I'm API, API and Devex
content writer Cloudinary. And today I'm going to talk to you about personalizing
your images with aipowered features.
So first I want to touch on how you handle your images today.
Could be that you handle your images with a graphic designer.
If you only have a few images on your website, it's very likely that you
have a graphic designer who looks through every image,
crops it properly, adds the proper text, maybe localizes
it per country that you service,
maybe puts a proper logo on it to
watermark your images. And basically the
graphic designer has their eye on every single image in
order to prepare it for delivery. The problem is
that when you have a website with lots
and lots of images, then it becomes really impossible to have
a graphic designer or yourself go through every single image
and personalize it individually. Also,
if you have user generated content on your website, you also
can't really go through every single image because most likely it just goes directly
from user upload to be delivered on your website.
And if you have any of these scenarios where you either have a lot
of images or you have user generated content appearing
on your website, you probably have to up your game and do something
else besides going through every single image manually
in order to prepare it for delivery. And most likely
you're using some sort of AI to handle those
images for you. Now, AI can help you
manage your images by analyzing the image and returning
all the information for you that you need in order to make programmatic decisions
based on the information that's given. So I'm
going to go through a list of a few types of information that
you can get which will really help you to programmatically handle
and automatically handle all the images on your website.
So first of all, moderation, especially if you're using user generated
content, you need some way to automatically moderate each
image and make sure that there's nothing unlawful or inappropriate
going on your websites.
So AI can do that for you. It can automatically moderate
your images so that you can feel comfortable that everything that you're
showing on your website is appropriate.
Object detection. So AI can actually
go through each image and figure out which objects are
appearing in it. And as you can see in this little example here,
in this image, we've got a bounding box around car,
lady, jacket, bag, and each
object actually has a bounding box. And you can actually get the coordinates
so that you can know not only what images
or what objects are in the image, but you can even know where those
objects are located in the image.
Auto tagging is probably a
twin of object detection because how
am I going to access the information later that I
detected which objects are in the image, but how am I going to access that
information later? So you can auto tag the image
based on all of the objects that are there.
And basically auto tagging will save that information as
a tag on each of your images. So, for example, this image would be
tagged with all of these objects that have been found in it.
Face detection. It might be very important for you to know
which images have faces and which images don't have faces.
And you might handle images with faces and without faces differently.
You can also get the information of how many faces
are in the image. And you can also, again, get the same sort
of coordinates and bounding box for each face that's detected.
Now, I'm going to show you an app in a few minutes,
something that kind of demonstrates how we can receive
all this analysis on our image and then use
that information in our program. And we're actually
going to do something playful and we're going to detect which images
have faces and put sunglasses on each of
those faces that are found. Another very useful
piece of information that you can get is color detection.
You can automatically, with AI, receive information about what the predominant
colors are in the picture and act accordingly. Maybe you want to
group the pictures with similar colors together for aesthetics.
Maybe you want to add a background of the
predominant color or a border of that color. And finally,
OCR AI can detect any
text that's in the image and can give that information
to you so that you can save it and programmatically make
decisions based on that later. And of course, there's lots more,
there's lots more analysis that AI can do on your
images. These are just an example of a few.
So now that we've discussed a little bit about how to use AI to handle
our images better in our websites and apps, let's take a look at a sample
app, a little demo, and we're going to look at the code for it a
little bit later to see how to put those concepts into practice.
So in this demo, we're going to request user generated content. We're going
to perform analysis on the uploaded images, and then we're
going to display them according to the analysis that was
made on upload. So let's take a look.
We're going to upload the images and the analysis
is being done as we speak. And we're going to click
show details to see the images displayed based
on the analysis that was done. So, first of all, we've got two categories.
We've got people and we've got shoes.
So according to the object analysis that was done,
the people are placed in the area for people,
and the shoes are placed in the area for shoes.
And if you can just take a look at the images in
particular, you'll see that each image is
transformed according to the analysis
that was done on it. So all of the people are now
wearing sunglasses. None of the shoes are wearing sunglasses.
Also, we've chosen the predominant color in each image, and we've
put a border of that color around the image.
We have information underneath each images that
describes what we found out about it.
If there are any words, then it tells us what
the word is that was detected, the number of faces
and the coordinates of those faces, the orientation
of the picture, and the predominant color. One other
thing that I just want you to pay attention to is that
if you see, we actually
changed these images from being whatever shape they are,
portrait or landscape, and we made all the pictures
square. Now, there's a risk in doing that.
When you change the bounding box, when you change
the size and the aspect ratio of images,
you run the risk of either chopping off part of the important
part within the crop, or distorting the images.
And here we've used AI to do something else.
We put the picture into the shape that is requested,
in this case, a square. And we've out painted the picture
according to AI in order to make the picture fit
into the requested area. So you see that
in the original picture, we didn't have this content,
and actually this picture within a picture
was extended and AI was based
to fill out the picture in the best way possible
so that we don't have any distortions or false image
sizes. And here we see that the same thing is with the
shoes. The same information has been extracted with the shoes, the same
formatting, the same color detection. And last
but not least, please take note that the very relevant titles on each image
are comprised by the auto tagging that we added in
our image analysis on upload. So let's move on to
talking about how. How do we use AI to handle our images
better on our websites and apps? The solution that I
want to talk to you about today is with cloudinary. And actually, cloudinary is
what was powering the demo app that you just saw before.
So what is cloudinary? Cloudinary provides you with a cloud to store all
your images and videos and any other type of file that you want to store
there. And cloudinary handles your images from
end to end, meaning from uploading,
analyzing, storing, managing, editing,
all the way to delivering your images and videos for your
websites and apps. So how do
we access cloudinary? You want to make a free account,
go to and sign up for free and follow the
instructions there. And when you actually
get into your own account, you will see that you
get this very nice UI. We're going to
make sure that we're in the programmable media section
and that will give us access to our cloud
name, our API key, our API secret, and the environment
variable, which provides the credentials that we need
in order to get into it from our code that we're
going to write. So please, if you want to follow along,
you could copy the API environment variable for future use.
We're going to get to that in just a few minutes.
In addition, I want to show you the nice UI that you
get along with cloudinary.
And this actually allows you to see visually all the images that
were uploaded and everything that you can do
with your images and videos visually. You can
also do programmatically, pretty much.
So here are all your images. Let's double down
and open a single image to manage it. And you can see
that every single image has a public id, which is its
unique identifier. And you can also open the
image in a browser window using its delivery URL.
And this is the delivery URL that you can use to
deliver the image on your website or app anytime
and any place. So the last step that I need
to go through before I can actually go into the app code is
to install cloudinary. So I'm going to install cloudinary here in my terminal.
And also if you don't have it yet installed, if you don't, just use
it in your own apps. For this particular app
demonstration, we're going to use the env
library in order to import my credentials from a nv
file. So you can install that as well if you
want to follow along with this particular app.
So here we're going into my actual code, and in my app,
I decided to name the main file demo py. Of course you can
name it whatever you want. And the first thing that I do is I
import the environment variable from the M
file using the MV library.
And if we take a look at the M file, you see that that's my
environment variable that I copied from the dashboard a
few minutes ago. And in my demo
py file, the first thing that I need to do is to
create an upload preset. Now, this upload preset should
only be created once. And so if
you're actually running this app and doing it exactly as
it is here, you want to comment it out before you run the app a
second time. Now of course you might want to run this separately in just
another script if
you're going to do it in your apps on a regular basis.
Okay, so let's take a look at the upload preset.
So the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to call the
upload preset cloudinary API create upload preset,
and in order to use this, I have to import cloudinary.
Other libraries that I have to import from cloudinary are the uploader
and the API libraries.
And within the upload preset, I'm going to pass a bunch of parameters.
First of all, the name. I'm going to name it.
I'm going to give it a certain name. Of course you can name it whatever
you want. I'm going to make it an unsigned preset.
This enables me to upload all of the images
from the client side without any signatures and
without having to use my API key and secret use
file. Name equals true. That means that whatever the image name
is that I upload, that's also going to be its public id name within cloudinary.
And I'm specifying the folder that it's going to be uploaded to within
the UI, and I'm giving it a certain tag so that I
know that each image that's uploaded with this preset has come from
this computer vision demo,
and the remainder of the parameters that I'm passing are actually activating
the analysis. Color equals true means that I'm going
to track the predominant color of the images that I upload with
this preset. Faces equals true means that I'm
going to detect the faces, I'm going to count them, I'm going to return the
coordinates for each face.
Customization equals Google tagging means that I'm
going to detect objects in the images that
are uploaded, with auto tagging being 0.7.
That means that everything that was detected, any object that was detected
with a confidence of 70% is going to be based
as a tag on that image. Ocr this parameter
activates my text detection,
my Alphabet detection, my word detection and
moderation means that I'm activating AWS
recognition that add on to actually
monitor my pictures and make sure that I'm not
including any inappropriate content or anything illegal there.
So let's take a look at how I apply the upload preset to the images
that I upload. So let's go to the index HTML
file and take a look. I'm going to create an upload
widget and let me remind you what that upload widget was.
In my demo, I clicked upload files and there
appeared this nice little UI that allowed
me to browse my local files and upload the images of
my choice. So the button with id
upload widget calls the Javascript in
order to instantiate that upload widget.
Now I need to add this script from
Javascript and then I
need to instantiate my upload widget with a cloud name and
the name of the upload preset that I had just created.
On success I'm going to display the
images that were uploaded and then
I'm going to follow through and display
the next button that will bring me to
my output. So when I click the show details
button I'm going to submit the form and that's going to route me to
the output function in my demo py file.
Let's take a look at what happens in the output function.
So first of all, I'm going to get a list of all the assets,
all the images that I uploaded using the upload
preset and labeled as computer vision demo.
Next, I'm going to loop through every single one of those assets and get
all of the details that I gathered using the analysis
that I set in the upload preset. Cloudinary API resources
actually returns a JSON object which contains all the information that
we gathered on analysis, and it also includes the
images delivery URL. And here you can see an example of
what that might look like. Now let's take a look at the parameters that we
use in that method. I'm going to call each image
by its public id. That's how I'm going to specify the image.
And faces equals true means that I'm going to gather
all the information that I got on the faces. Color equals true means
I'm gathering all the information that I got on the predominant color.
First thing I'm going to do is I'm only going to display the
image if the moderation status is approved,
meaning that any image that wasn't deemed to be appropriate or wasn't
deemed to be legal is going to not appear on my website.
The next thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to save the
delivery URL of the particular images
in the variable URL. Now, I didn't discuss this earlier,
but you should know that one of the hallmark collateral
functionalities is that I can actually do edits and transformations
on the images by adding details, by adding parameters
to its delivery URL. Meaning if I want to crop
or add an effect or add an overlay,
all I have to do is programmatically change its delivery URL
and voila, you'll see it affecting how the image actually is displayed.
So we're going to look at that in a second. The next
thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to build the title.
Now, how am I going to build the title? If you remember,
I used object detection in my upload parameter and
I auto tagged each image based on the objects that
were detected. So I'm going to retrieve those tags
and that's how I'm going to build what I display in my title
for each image. Now,
the message on the bottom, all the information that I displayed
underneath each picture, I'm also going to build that. So first of
all, the object detection, if it detected some sort
of phrase, it's going to display that in the message. If there
was no message, if there's no text detected, then it's going
to tell me that also faces,
if I don't detect any faces, I'm going to display the message.
There aren't any faces, but if I do
detect one or more faces, then I'm going to display
that and I'm going to also print out the coordinates of the detected
faces. I'm going to also be able to output
whether the image is landscape or portrait
orientation by dividing the width and height of
the image as detected by the analysis.
I'm going to take the predominant colors and print that out.
And finally, and most excitingly, I'm going to take the
deliver URL and I'm going to create a transformation out of that.
Okay, in the deliver URL, I'm going to
say that I want to have a width of 600, a height
of 600, making it square. I'm going to
set it to paint out the background.
Remember what we said, that I don't want to squash my image, I don't want
to distort it, I don't want to crop off any parts of it. What I
want to do is I want to fill in the parts that
are kind of left blank when
I shrunk it to fit into a square. And I'm going to fill that
in with AI so that actually the picture is automatically
and beautifully painted out to fit the bounding box of a square.
This is where I overlay the sunglasses onto each face and
if I do say so myself, it actually did quite a
good job in placing those sunglasses right on top of the eyes of
every single image that was of every single face that was detected
in the image. I'm going to create a
border out of the predominant color and the
last thing that I'm going to do within the transformation is
also something that is a cloudinary feature which is
optimizing each image. Quality equals
auto and fetch format equals auto.
Actually optimize your image so that the loading
time for your website is reduced and your web
performance is increased by a ton.
So what quality equals auto does is it compresses
all of your images automatically so that you've got the
best compression versus keeping your
images as clear and as high quality visually as
possible. What fetch format does
is it delivers the image in the optimal format
for the requesting browser so that each time you automatically get
the image compressed and delivered
in the best format and compression possible for that image
for the requesting browser. Finally,
we finished with our transformations. We finished appending our messages
and the last thing that we want to do is we want to sort through
based on the tags and the auto tagging that we saved
for each image. And we want to make sure that we take the people
and we put them in the people category and the shoes and we put
them in the shoe category. And of course you can go on and on and
on and you can build this out to whatever your needs are,
whether you're displaying accessories or clothes
or shirts or dresses or menswear or women's wear,
children's wear, whatever you want. You can definitely
use the AI and the auto tagging to display the
images in the proper location. And of course,
the outcome of this function is to render output HTML where
all our images are delivered, using the analysis
and applying it to them appropriately as we instructed on our
program. So hopefully
you've gained a little bit of insight and a little bit of inspiration
from this app. You've gotten a taste of what AI
can do for you and how it can help you handle your images and
videos in your websites or apps when you're using a large volume
of images or user generated content.
And feel free to take any of these features
that we've shown here on our little demo
and use them as appropriate for your use case and your website
or app. This code is available on GitHub and I've
provided a link in the corresponding presentation. Now I've
also provided a few links that you can go ahead and
learn some more in our documentation,
including seeing AI in action transformations,
you've got a listing, a full listing of all the transformations that are
available, all the parameters that you can add and all
the effects that you can add, all of the optimizations
and transformations and
cropping methods that you can utilize just
by adding parameters inside your delivery URL.
Of course, the optimization make sure that compression for your
images are optimal, meaning that they are the smallest
size they could be, while not losing any visual quality
that you're delivering your images in the
optimal format for the requesting browser.
All of the options that you can set on your upload presets.
We've seen just a few of them in this app.
Images analysis, all the features, all the ways in
which you can ask AI to analyze your images,
and of course the upload widget, which is a cute little UI for
user generated content on your e commerce websites.
So I hope you enjoyed this presentation, and I hope you
enjoy the rest of the talks in content reference 42.
And please, I welcome you and I encourage you to experiment
with your new free account in cloudinary and let us know how you've
used cloudinary in our community and Discord Channel.