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Hi everyone, Justin here from Cape privacy. Today I'm going to be talking about
protecting sensitive data and machine learning models.
More specifically, I'm going to be talking about confidential computing, how Cape
enables confidential computing, and show a couple of demos
with our Python SDK called Pycape. So who am I?
I've been working at Cape for about five years. I've learned a lot about confidential
computing, as can emerging technology and how it can be used to protect sensitive data
and machine learning models. Mostly backend developer,
but I have some experience working in front end with
Node JS and JavaScript, and I've also spent some time
building sdks out written in Python and
some other languages. You can pick up Pycape
right now and try Cape out. We're looking for feedback on all aspects,
so I encourage you to try it out and let us
know what you think. We'll provide links to documentation, getting started guides,
and a link to join our discord so you can easily try cape out and
get started today. So let's
get tired of talking about what confidential computing really is. My favorite analogy
is to compare it to how ubiquitous encryption at
rest and encryption transit are. Confidential computing
is a broad set of technologies that allows data to be protected while in use.
Data is kept private and is not leaked to whatever party,
such as a cloud provider is actually processing the data. There are
many different technologies that can complement each other to help provide a confidential
computing system, technologies such as multiparty computation,
fully home orochropic encryption, and trusted execution environments,
or enclaves. Today, Cape's main focus is enclaves.
Before digging into enclaves and Cape's main service, I want to talk
about how important it is to keep encryption and key management
as essential primitives when developing a confidential computing platform.
Even though thinking encryption and key management is common and should be
more common for software developers, it can still be quite complicated to do these
things in a seamless way. When implementing encryption for your
application, there are a lot of decisions to be made, such as
ease using EAS,
which mode to use, for example GCM or CBC security.
Depending on what is chosen, security could be better or worse efficiency.
Depending on methods chosen, one could be more efficient than the
other, and finally, how to pack all the required data
before sending it to a consumer.
Finally, here's an example from Kai Cape source code of some vague
looking acronyms that should probably be understood before using them.
You can see Shaw 256, OAEP and
MGF one. Also, should you be passing something
for the label or not? Ideally, you would understand all these acronyms,
the choices that must be made and the implications of using them if you implemented
them yourself. While you can likely look up good defaults for encryption parameters
without some background knowledge, it can be still difficult to make the right choices
or even understand what you're deciding. It'd be much easier if a library
could make the best choices for you. In addition, the library can provide education and
the option to configure things if needed. This is our goal with Pycape and
our other sdks. Key management can be quite hard
as well. Depending on the cloud provider you are using, you would have to
consider which products best fit the needs of your software. AWS,
for example, has KMS and secret managers and even other products
help manage keys or other secrets. Simplifying this
is just one way to do key management would be quite powerful. So from
the outset, one of Cape's major goal was to make this easier to
manage for the average software developer. Software developers need to
consider the importance of keeping data safe in their day to day activities.
Alright, next we're going to talk about nitro enclaves. Cape is
primarily built upon AWS nitro enclaves nitro
enclaves is a service that allows users to deploy code to a lockdown
containing no one can see what is running inside the container.
Awdes cannot see and when running on Cape's platform,
we cannot see what the users are running. Through an attestation process,
the person who is triggering the code to run inside the enclave can confirm
that they are in fact talking to an enclave and is running
the code that they think it is. Everything is fully auditable.
Nitro enclaves is a flexible platform because you can virtually take any
container and turn it into an enclave image file.
Often referred to as an EIF. This file is used
to deploy your code to secure container. The EIF contains the
whole os file system that is generated from
the docker container plus metadata to assist with attestation.
It can also be signed with a private key to prove that it came from
a specific source. Eifs contain metadata that
help tell a user where the EIF came from.
Eifs can be signed by a private key to prove the identity of the
entity creating the EIF. A hash of the signing certificate is
also stored in a platform configuration register or PCR.
The pcrs contain hashes of important information about the EIF.
These help enable the attestation process so the user knows exactly
what is running when communicating with the enclave.
Since I've mentioned it a bit already, I'm going to go over what
attestation is from a high level. Attestation is the
process where a user can communicate with enclave and prove the enclave
is what the user thinks it is. During communication, the enclave
sends what is called an attestation document, this document
containing all the information needed to prove what software the enclave is running.
The pcrs are one of the most important aspects of
the document. Along with these, the document is signed by a root AWS
certificate, which also must be verified to confirm the authenticity
of the document. Next up, an overview of
Kate Kate has been working on the bleeding edge of confidential computing
for over four years. Our platform helps developers easily protect
their data and their users'data. We provide three main entry points
into our system. Here are those entry points unencrypted
as previously mentioned, while processing data securely, it is
just as important to provide simple encryption primitives for developers to
use to easily encrypt their data before sending it to be processed.
You can easily encrypt your data for yourself or another entity you
Deploy deploy is used to send
a Python function to cave to eventually be run inside the nitro enclave.
This is a secure processing code that will eventually be used
to process your previously encrypted data.
Run run is used to run the function that you just deployed.
Here, you pass a function, id the encrypted data and
in return you get some output depending on what your function does.
There are some concrete examples coming up soon.
Cape provides many sdks for encrypting data and interacting with the
cape system. We provide sdks in Python JavaScript,
either from the browser or with node JS and Java.
We also have a CLI tool written in golay. We plan
on supporting as many languages as possible, so keep an eye out for new languages
and let us know if there's another language you'd like to see an SDK
written in. So next we're going to talk about the
core components written in Python,
Pycape and Cape functions.
Pycape is the Cape SDK written in Python. It provides all the
core functionality of encrypting data and deploying and running
the function, because currently a small component written in rust used
to automatically encrypt the data before being sent to the backend,
whether you've previously encrypted or not. As a side
note, at Cape we hope to write all common features
of our SDK in rust. Building common components helps reduce the service
area of potential bugs while also making the resulting code more
auditable because it's not spread out amongst different sdks
so, cape functions, what are those? The functions that are deployed to Cape are
also currently written in Python. We have utilities for packaging your Python dependencies
and your main code altogether. The resulting directory
is what is then uploaded to cape using the deploy function.
Here's an example of what the script must look like.
As you can see, it contains a function called Cape
handler that accepts a byte string input and then returns
something, either a string or byte string. So all
cape functions will have this format and you'll see in the
demo next what that looks like.
Exactly. It's demo time,
finally. Okay, let's transition
to the terminal.
Today we're going to use this image classification model, Onyx model,
to help with our examples. It uses a Resnet model pre trained
on imagenet. For those of you who don't know what Onyx is, it stands for
open neural network exchange. It is an ecosystem for machine learning and
AI. We'll be using the Onyx runtime today to run our machine learning model.
The first step is to deploy our script.
So here is the simple python script we're deploying to cape.
So first, all our imports. We import JSOn numpy and
Onyx runtime. We load the Resnet model
with this inference session. We open an imagenet underscore classes
text file, which is all the classifications that are in
imagenet. I think there's a thousand of them.
And then get top five classes.
Uses the softmac function to print out the classes in
a nice way. So finally we have the
main section. It's the Cape handler, which will end up getting being called
inside the enclave. It takes inputs, bytes.
It takes those bytes and puts them inside of a numpy buffer.
And then it puts it inside something that Onyx will understand.
And then finally we run the actual model.
We take the output from that model and we generate
the top five classes. Then we return the classes
in a JSON block.
So after that we can actually deploy our model.
So next being we need to do is prepare for deployment. First we create the
deployment folder. To make things a little bit easier,
we define an environment variable called Onyx
underscore resonant, underscore, deploy resonant.
We make that directory and
then we can copy a few things into it. So we copied
the app file. We just looked at app Py.
We can copy the model, which is a directory. It contains everything.
Onyx needs to be able to run the model itself.
And then we need to copy that imagenet underscore classes text
file that we were just looking at.
Okay, so next part is a little more complicated, but we need
to add the Onyx runtime dependencies. We need to make sure it's added
using a proper python environment because that is what we're running inside an enclave.
To do this, we use Docker to install the requirements inside the build directory
deployment directory. I'm just going to copy and paste this one because
it's a bit more complicated, but here you can see it's creating
up some volumes connections
here, setting the working directory to build,
and then it's actually using this Python 3.9 slim bullseye
docker container. And then next we're just simply
installing the Onyx runtime and the target is that
volume we just connected to our deployment directory.
So yeah, it'll take a few seconds, but while it looks
a bit complicated, we hope on adding helper functions to
assist in this step in the future.
Next up we can deploy with the experimental CLI package of
Pykeep, which currently wraps the Golang CLI command to easily
be able to deploy directly from Python in the future we
may add more native solution here. So let's take a
Okay, so we're doing all our specifically
the important one is to import the experimental
package as CLI. Then down here we're
calling CLI deploy with that
directory we created earlier. And finally it prints out the function
id which we'll need to use to run.
Okay, so let's run that function.
We'll export it to an environment variable so we can use it easily later and
then there.
So while that runs, let's talk about what's happening here. It's dipping the directory,
connecting directly with enclave over a websock connection,
running the attestation process, encrypting the function and then
sending it directly to the enclave to be securely processed and stored for
later use. The reason it was a bit slow here is because of the size
of the transfer over the Internet. Machine learning models can take
quite a bit of space sometimes. Okay, there, now it's
done and we can try running it next.
So to be able to run we need to get authentication
token that is specifically scoped to the function we just created.
So we'll export that to another environment
So here you can see we exported to the token
environment variable. We call the Cape cli command
token create. We pass the name and we pass the function
Id that we created earlier.
By the way, the function token id looks like this,
it's just a random string. Basically it
with the next script we'll able to actually run the deploy function.
Let's go over the script we'll be using to run the prediction first.
So once again at the top we have all our imports.
A new one here is torch or pytorch. We'll be using that
to preprocess the image. After that we load
our environment variables so the token and function id that we've been being along the
way. And here's the preprocessing process
image file that I mentioned. So this just
makes it so it's in a format that the Resnet model will understand.
We could do this inside the enclave, but just to simplify a bit,
we're doing it here in the user script.
So we create a Cape context object here and then
we create a handle for the function and the token.
So here we're actually preprocessing the image.
You can see here we're loading a dog JPeG file
and cape run is where we actually run the
models in the background. So we're passing the function and token and then the
input puts bytes which is the preprocess image file.
So the top five classes are returned and
then we load the JSON and then
we print them in a nice way. So this
print function will end up printing the percentage
of each class.
Okay, before we run it, let's quickly see what
image we're putting into the models.
All right, so there's a dog, a pretty cute dog. Pretty sure
that's a golden retriever puppy. So let's see
what the model thinks.
So we just need to run python run
prediction py.
So this is doing much of the same stuff as deploy. It's setting up the
websocket connection, protecting and then encrypting the image.
So once that done, now it's done. So we'll see the
confidence in percentage of each class that it thinks
the image we just put in could be.
So you can see the winner here is golden retriever
at 39.7%.
Definitely not a tennis ball or a
clumber, whatever that is.
Next up, I'll show you a demo over in quiver functionality.
This can be used as standalone or we can use it to call a cape
function. When calling cape with a cape function, no changes are
needed for the function. Let's look at a simple example first
so we can take a look at this encrypt py file
and we can see how simple it is. So first we import
cape, we create the cape context and we just
unencrypted this simple string hello world. By using cape unencrypted
we get a ciphertext back, which is a byte string,
and then we just print out encrypted and then decode the
ciphertext to a string so we can look at it nicely.
Okay, so now we can run this and
we can see the encrypted string. There's a base 64
encoded string that starts with a prefix cape. This is
helpful to track where the string came from. And also cape can detect the
string when it is passed into the cape function to automatically decrypt
it inside the enclave. Now we can see how
the image classifier model would work with the encrypted string.
Here we can see that it's mostly the same except for this one unencrypted line.
If we scroll down here we can see it.
So we're just calling cape encrypt with the input bytes and sending it to the
input bytes again. And just as before, we pass it into the cape
one function,
we quit it over here and then we can run it.
We should get the exact same output as before, even though the input
was encrypted.
There we go, there's the results. Golden retriever again,
I'm going to show one last example here of how to encrypt for someone else.
So say if there's a service that you trust to decrypt your data, then you
can encrypt it for that service specifically.
So let's take a look.
So I created a simple script here that takes one argument,
which is the username of the user who you want to
encrypt for. So just like before we call Cape encrypt
and we have a message that says hi and then the name
or the username as the Sys RGB and
then we just decode it to text again.
And then let's see, we can do cape docs, which is
just our cape user,
and we can see the encrypted string there it looks just before.
All right, that's it for demos. We're going to go back to the slideshow for
1 second. Here are some links
to the documentation and our discord invite link. Please check them out.
All right, thanks everyone for listening. Hope I inspired you to give Cape
a try and see how this could be helpful in your day to day activities.
These, as mentioned before, we're looking for feedback and are always ready
to help out if needed, so please reach out.
Bye everyone.