Another dotfile manager? chezmoi aims to solve the dotfile management problem Once And For All™, allowing keep your personal configuration files in sync wherever you login. It’s familiar, fast, flexible, full featured, secure, easy to install, and runs everywhere. Join this talk to find out more!
In just 10 minutes, we’ll quickly justify the problem that chezmoi tries to solve, and then dive in to a fast demonstration of its key features to help you decide if chezmoi is useful to you. We’ll do a quick comparison with other dotfile managers, and spend one slide on chezmoi’s technical choices, before leaving you with clear next steps to get started with chezmoi yourself.
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Hi, welcome to comp 42 open source showcase. I'm Tom
Payne. I'm an open source developer living in Zurich, and today I'm
going to talk about Shamewa in ten minutes. What is Shamewa?
It's a dot file manager. Firstly, what's a dot file?
A dot files is a generic term for your personal configuration files. They're where
you configuration and tune your tools like Git, your editor, your shell
and so on. They're generally very personal. And if
you invested time in configuring these tools, then you generally want to use your configurations
on as many machines as possible. For example, you want to share config
between your home laptop, home server, your work laptop
and your work server. What makes
shamewire particularly interesting? Well, it's extremely flexible.
It runs everywhere. Linux, macOS, even Windows,
Windows services for Linux, Termux, you name it,
shamewire runs there.
It supports all the sort of variations you might want
from machine to machine in a very easy to use way.
It's very secure. It has great support for
maintaining secrets on different machines and making sure that secrets do not
get checked out onto machines where they don't need to be. This is great.
For example, it means that your home secrets don't get checked
out on your work machine and your work secrets don't get checked out on your
home machine. It's very cross platform, as I
mentioned, very easy to install. Why should you
use a dotfiles manager at all? Well, if you've invested the time in your
creating your dot files, then you generally want to use those configuration as widely as
possible. It's great backup if you lose access to
your machine for whatever reason, hard disk failure, or if you want, you're setting
up a new machine and you want to get your configuration up and running as
quickly as possible. In a new machine you get all the advantages of
version control, checking stuff into a git repo history,
rollbacks, we're all very familiar with that. And finally, the careful
management of secrets. So, enough intro,
let's go straight into a little demo. This is
a Mac mini I've just installed.
It's completely empty. Apart from installing homebrew,
the machine is virgin. Shaynoir is
very easy to install. It's in homebrew. There are packages
for every major Linux distribution, devs and rpms. There are pre
built binaries, there's an online
shell script install. It's very quick to get into your machine.
Now I've already got files
example. I have an example
file repo here which I'll now check out onto
disk machines.
This will ask you for email, which I won't give right now. It's configurable.
I'll explain that later. Okay, so Chainmar's checked out the git
repo. We can actually see what it's
shown. It's here in this dick example.
There are just a couple of dot files and one
directory. We can
now apply those changes. We can see the changes that shamar
would make. First it's going to create the git
config and netrc shmire
apply actually causes Shamar to write those files.
It does so in a very robust fashion, and we'll see
that there's no changes and indeed the
doc files exist. That's not
particularly interesting. Let's show allowing a dot file between multiple machines.
Here is a little Linux box using the same dot file
git repo let's say I'm going to
have a Tmux config. I want to get
Shimoir to add it.
This has added it to the git repo, but not pushed it.
Shimla can automatically create commits and push them for you,
but I haven't done this. Just show more clearly what's happening here.
We can add our dot file to
our repo and
push it there.
It's off on GitHub. Back to my Mac
now I can pull these changes in with the update,
see what Saturn and Shmwire has pulled the changes and applied
them. So it makes it very easy to share dot files between multiple machines
that on its own is not particularly interesting. Let's look at a
more interesting example. So the
dot file repo contains a one to one mapping
between dot files in your home directory and files in a repo. There's no extra
configuration file there, it's just all of the
attributes of the file, for example, private, their templates,
et cetera, are stored in the files name.
Git config is particularly interesting. The final file
is gint
but you look at the source file,
it's actually a template, as indicated by the template
suffix. And these
curly brackets here indicate this is
a template variable and
we can switch based on those template variables.
Email was prompted to me when I first inerted
shame wa. But you can use whatever variables you want.
You can define your own. And Shanewa provides
a whole load of variables you can use to switch
behavior from machine to machine, including architecture,
operating system, et cetera, et cetera for
secret management. So that's a basic template. Another example is secret
management, an example file that might have a secret
is netrc.
This contains a password and it
needs to be have
private permissions. Only the user can runs it and the
wis is represented with this private prefix in
the source here, which means that Shimar creates the permissions correctly
and it's a template as well. What's interesting is
we want a password present on
disk, but we don't want the password in our doc
files repo because everyone can read that if we look
at the actual sources.
Actually it's also a template, but here I'm using a magic function
secret which in this case decodes
the secret. This magic function can also integrate
with all different password managers. Personally I use last
password equally. You can use one pass,
keychain, goPass, whatever you want.
This way the secrets are either encrypted
or started in your password manager,
and shamewire transparently retrieves them when need them, when they
actually create the dock files on the list. So that's a quick
example of showing config to machines
Koopu differences from machine to machine, personal configuration variables
and secret management running on both Linux and macOS.
The shamewire has loads more to it. It's very
nicely documented at shinwa IO with
a full quick start how to reference guide,
et cetera, et cetera.
Why do I think you should use Chimoa, not any
other file manager? Well, it's very widely used now. It's got over 2.6
thousand stars on GitHub. It's easy to install,
it runs everywhere. It creates real regular files on your home,
in your home directory, not sim links into a central location like glue
snow. That means it's very easy to move
from machine to machines. If you choose not to use shamewire in the future,
it's very easy to migrate away from it. Shamewire maintains
a single source of truths, that single files which often template
but it handles diverse perfumes very well, has great secret management and
there's loads of extra functionality which you can read about in documentation.
Under the hood, it's single binary, statically linked
in crest platform. This means there are no external dependencies
when you come to install it. In contrast with other dotfiles manager that might be
written in scripting language like Python or Ruby,
you'll need to install the language runtime first before you can use the dot file
manager. Shamewire single binary, no depths runs
everywhere, integrates very well with third party tools.
By default you can use git use git for your repo,
but it can be whatever you want. It uses GPG for encrypting
files and the password manager's command line
interfaces. It does atomic updates of files.
It never writes a partial file. So even if your update process
interrupted, you don't corrupt your. Doc files. There's a very transparent
source format. You get a one to one correspondence between files in your
source directory and files in your home directory.
It's MIT licensed, very liberal, and it's written go.
You can find it@GitHub.com gwpainshinoir
and the main website itself is Shamewire. IO machines was
written to scratch your personal it's been very useful for me.
I hope it can be very useful to you too. Thank you.