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Hi everyone, welcome to my my session on how to absorb
your APIs with API gateway and it is plugins.
My name is Babur. I'm a developer advocate for Apache API six.
You can reach out to me on these following social channels
regarding the sessions and feedback. If you have any additional
questions, feel free to drop me. We can jump in, call and discuss
about the restings how you can API
so today we're going to speak about
APIs first because
the APIs nowadays is one of the important core
component on building software, right? And then we
will discuss what is API observability.
And then I will give a short intro recap
how to say about API gateway and how
API gateway can be the central point for observation.
We're going to also have a look,
this kind of section, and also you
will learn what's the Apache API six, and then how to
use Apache API six API gateway for
you to observe your APIs. And we can also dive
into some of the API observability three
pillars like logging, tracing and metrics,
and learn how Apache pay six can
provide this kind of observability
capability. And then at the end we'll
have a small demo on the usage of this Apache
API six API gateway plugins for observability.
So with Z plan, let's get started.
APIs, just three letters, right? By now
we are all familiar with this term API acronym
for application programming interface. We are
living because in very increasingly
API centric world, every service used
today either uses an API or we
can assume that it's API itself, right? And API
is becoming very central in building
and delivering your services.
Also, you know, the success of your services
depends on the integrity,
availability and performance of your APIs.
One of the tactics we usually apply
is to retain all three concerns
in this slide by continuously monitoring
our APIs, right? And for example,
we call it like API monitoring, right? Or traditionally
this API monitoring, sure. I mean it does
help you to stay on top of uptime,
security and the performance.
However, it is limited because traditional
monitoring focuses on tracking
noun unknowns. This means you already know what
to measure, like request per second or
errors per second. And traditional API monitoring
also lets you monitor the system health and
on the other hand, the performance, but cannot help you to
identify and troubleshoot what's exactly causing
the issues. On the other hand,
observability involves analyzing
unknowns versus to now and unknowns. When you
imagine of the monitoring
as monitoring was about kind of measuring things,
but you know how to predict them in advance.
And various observability helps
you to understand how and why do things
Focus on what you cannot see. We call it unknowns.
Right? Observability is a cool thing to find
out all the unknowns in your APIs.
And what is the API observability? So we know observability
means identifying unknowns unknowns. But API
is all about making your API more observable.
Instead of relying on predetermined
metrics or monitoring or waiting for
the failure to happen, API lets
you dive into the unknown unknowns of your APIs
by observing how they work internally.
And API observability also is ability to understand
the system behavior and investigate
the interactions between your application's components.
It provides for your APIs like tracers,
metrics and loggers.
And nowadays API observability is
already part of every API development
as it addresses many problems related to the API consistency,
real ability and ability to quickly iterate
on new API features.
When you design for full stack observability,
you're getting everything you need, right? To find
the issues catch breaking changes and API
observability is not just used to troubleshoot engineering issues,
but also it can also help
troubleshoot other business and security problems.
As you can see in the next slide, each teams
needs API solubility for the different purposes.
Let's take for engineering, it provides
clear definition on how to implement the APIs for
the product managers to understand adoption and
consumption of your APIs, or the line of businesses
need to see the business value that your
API bringing in areas such as monetization,
customer adoption and new changes opportunities
like when you are establishing new integration or
new business integrating with other APIs, or the
security teams to detect and protect from any
API threats. And here the question rises
like what is the easiest way to make our API observable?
You can ask me. So there are
many solutions, right, in our modern era,
but one of the simplest quick solution
that came into my mind right now is by
using API gateway, right? Because API observability
is a sort of data collection process, API gateway,
you can think of just a framework to
manage your applications in the API world.
Of course, API gateway is further extended with countless
built in plugins to handle other cross cutting concerns.
In addition to API observability like consoles
like authentication, security,
authorization, traffic control and
many more. And most of observability platforms like
promoters skywalking, open telemetry,
and others, they can easily integrate with Apache
API six and then you can leverage these connectors to ingest
the log data from your API gateways to
the further down into
the services that you have, and you
can drive useful metrics from there and
also gain a complete visibility into the usage.
Also you can manage the performance on
the API gateway side and the security of your APIs in
your own environment. I mean, because most
of the modern API gateway providers, they are very
cloud native, you can use them
in every public cloud, or the private cloud, or the hybrid
clouds. So what
is the Apache API six? It is part of
Apache Software foundation, you may already know
the world's largest open source foundation, and I believe
some of you are already part of this community.
And nowadays it's one of the fastest
growing top projects of Apache software Foundation,
like you can think of Apache, Kafka or Cassandra,
Hadoop, Tomcat and so on.
Apache API six provides custom plugin development because
we have some existing plugins and there is possibility
to create a new plugins. You can write
custom plugins in programming language you are very
familiar with, like Java, Python,
Go, Javascript, et cetera.
And also there's another mechanism called plugins orchestration
where you can see the list of
existing plugins on the Apache PS six
Ui dashboard and you can easily
drag and drop the plugins into the drawing board
to combine them, right? And you define some conditions.
For example, as you can see on this scenario,
like we can start with authentication TWT,
and then if authentication successful we can run another
plugin by orchestrating
and by putting them in a row, and also by collecting
this couple of plugins together, you can create your own plugin.
Bringing our attention back to the observability.
We say the core observability breaks down
into three key areas, right? And like structured
blocks, metrics and traces. Let's break
down each pillar of this API observability and
learn how Apache basics plugins can simplify
these tasks. Let's have a look.
Logging or locks logs
are also easy to instrument
and very trivial steps for API observability,
right? Because each API event logged
whenever some kind of API operation is in voic.
And also you can collect some logs to
debug your system. You can gain this analytic
insights into your API activities.
Also they can be used to inspect API calls
in real time for debugging,
auditing and record. Also you can put some time steps
for each logs to identify events that happened
over time. So how
do these logs managed by the
API gateway? Like API six, it provides, for example,
some logger plugins because the
API gateway sits in the middle, right, every request coming into
the API gateway and then this request
sent over to the back end or upstream
services and in the middle means API gateway,
able to collect all the logs and several
logs logging plugins available as you can see
in the picture like HTTP logger, basic logger.
We're going to look also quickly today, or some other
loggers you can see in the screen like error
logger, the Google Cloud logger or kafka logger that
collects kafka event logs and sends to
the kafka clusters. For example
STP logger plugin, as I said,
capable of pushing clock data requests
to HTTP or HTTPs servers
and in a JSON format. Or it
can also send these JSON files to the monitoring tools.
We will look at these monitoring tools later on
or the next. For example,
the second pillar of API survey like metrics
analyzing metrics like metrics, just numeric
representation of data that collected
over intervals of time. You can also aggregate
these metrics into daily or weekly,
maybe monthly frequency,
and run the queries against distributed
systems like elasticsearch. Or sometimes based on
the metrics. You can trigger alerts to
take any action later with action groups.
Once API metrics are collected, you can track
them with metrics tracking tools such as Prometheus.
For this, Apache six provides a Prometheus plugins.
It's capable of fetching all the API metrics
data and you can show these metrics exported
by the plugins on Grafana visually at
the end in the demo section I included. You will also see
how to enable this promatus HTTP
logger plugin. And the last one, but not least one,
is sort of scrabbit pillar is
tracing, or we call it sometimes distributed
tracing. It allows you to understand the life
of request as it traverses your service
networks, allows you to answer questions like
what service has this request touched?
Or how much latency was introduced by
this API request. And for example Zipkin,
one of the tracer plugins
Apache PSX provides. There are other plugins also if
you look at the Apache PSX official website, like skywalking
for example, and let's say
Zipkin also open source project, it also
provides some distributed tracing. You can enable this
Apache Zipkin plugins to collect tracing
and report them to the Zipkin collector
based on the Zipkin API specification.
Or you can visualize it on the Zipkin Ui.
So with enough suratical knowledge
up to now, we can jump into the demo session
about using these three
plugins, HTTP Logger and Zipkin
and Prometheus plugin. Together we
apply this plugin for our existing
ESP net the core web API with API
six we're going to run matt container app
with back end. I mean in the
back end we have product API. Let's say it has a
single endpoint that gets all the product list.
You can assume we have this online market
that lists products on the main page and
this endpoint to get all this product
information or metadata. And then we have
this database just
in memory database we will run also we run
API six and eTCD together with Docker
compose. And then we can configure
this API six upstream
and road for the product API.
Because upstream and road very critical
concepts in API gateway. Upstream means your
backend service. Not only one, it can be more backend services,
right? And also rod
means just set of rules based
on which criteria to
pass these requests to the responsible upstreams.
We can also create this route also in this demo
session and then we will enable for these robot
HTTP logger prompters and zipkin plugins.
All these code samples you can find on my
repo API net Docker
on GitHub. You can check out the branch API observability
branch and you can also see the command line
examples. On my case
I am using Docker
desktop. I can show you here. As you can see
I have a couple of containers running
along with Docker.
Let's say we have API sticks, Prometheus Grafana
and the dashboard API six dashboard also up
and running. And also I have some other like
Zipkin and skywalking UI some
of the containers. But it's not important to run all
these containers. You can just run for example the
one that is in the report.
And now if you open the project
API Net Docker API project,
you can see some folders here,
the folders, I mean like the
API six config files, API six log
files where you can see all the API six
provided access logs or error logs. If something went wrong,
you can dive into the logs and
observe the next. Also I
have this product API just ASP net
project with a docker file also to
run this API. And then I have the
docker compose file that runs all these images
and creates containers together. And the command line
examples here for how to enable all the three
the plugins. Okay, now we can
start as a first step, we can start
with creating upstream for our backend service.
As you can see, I have prepared
all this Carl command example in the code.
For example, Apache API six provides
admin API to interact with all
these upstreams. I mean to manage all the upstreams
or the roles or the services, you can always
hit this admin panel
and for example to create upstream or to create a rod.
In my case I'm creating upstream with the product
API as a backend service. And then
by default we are using just around robin algorithm.
It doesn't matter if you don't put this it will choose around
Robin API six. In our case
we have single node. That's why
we don't have to care about much this
algorithm case. And then if you notice
also each request we're sending
with API key securely to talk to the
admin API. So first thing first, let's create
the first upstream. I will just copy this
common example and then pass to my terminal
and press enter. As you can see now API six
returns out a successful response. It means
everything is good and everything
is good and then our upstream is created.
So once we have upstream created
next we can create a route
with HTTP logger plugin enabler in
the Apache API six you can define the name for
your route and also which HTTP method
you would like to put as a matching criteria or
the Uri which Uri pass heated
and then this request send API stream like kind
of rules. And also you can list
what kind of plugins you would like to enable
for the given URa. In my case
it's saying I would like to enable HTTP logger plugin so
that each time the request receive it,
we log this request and send to this
just HTTP log services. Chris Collard
the logs will be sent to the log server and as you
also see here, I am also showing this upstream id.
It means in previous step we create upstream id. We are
just now referencing bytes unique id
to this upstream. So let's
copy this command and pass to
the terminal as well to enable HTTP logger plugin.
If I bring this example kernel
command example and run this comment
API six return a successful response and
now we can validate if
this plugin is working correctly
we can send request to our API
products endpoint. This is our single endpoint
that just simply returns us the
product list. Like we have only two single products but
we might have more. And now some
logs should be recorded and sent to
our mock server. Let's test it.
If we go to this link and check our
logs provided by API six sent to this
server, I can open my browser
and navigate to mock bin.
It means this is just mock server returning us
this response. But if you do logs it
should show us some kind of logs.
Yeah, let me do log maybe.
Yes, now you can see some of the logs even
a year ago sent. But if you scroll down
and see a few seconds ago some
other logs sent by API six.
And here you can also observe
what are the logs sent by API six. All these
log values. You can also check on the website what
kind of logs usually API six sent to the server, et cetera.
Now we demonstrated like simply how
HTTP logger plugins works, right? We created upstream
and then we created rot. We also map
given rot and upstream together and
we enabled also one plugin. The next maybe
step we can test also the next plugins we have,
let's say promatus plugin. This is also
enabling Prometheus plugin is very similar to the step
with HTTP logger plugin. You need to just define
inside the plugins object this an object the plugins
Prometheus plugin name. We are just
making this Prometheus configuration
as empty. But there are some of the attributes
for promoters plugin you can also define.
You can check them on API six website.
Now I can run this curl command to enable the
Prometheus plugin. I can
just copy this comment,
let me take this command and also pass to my
terminal if I run and press enter, all good.
And now the Prometheus plugin should be
enabled. And then if you return
back to
this example and run, let's say one
more time hit endpoint. I mean our
API products endpoint.
Let me hit one more time. As you can see yeah it's responding.
But what about metrics? We should be
able to see metrics right after we requested
this endpoint. Let's see what kind of metrics API
six collecting to get
these metrics you can navigate to API
six promatusmetrics, but you can change this pass
under Prometheus config file.
Sorry, this is here below.
For example, you can see the metrics pass. You can define
whatever metrics pass you would like to with some targets.
In my case I have one target in config
the API six target. And if I run these metrics
to get some metric comments, you can see
lots of metrics returned by API six like API
six bandwidth, some ETCD modifying indexes
and some latency information. And importantly we
have this API six HTTP status metric
available. That's actually our call when we
did this API products call
and as you can see it's collecting some HTTP code information
and also route number and
code IP address like from which code this
request sent. Also we
can visually see these metrics because
by going to this localhost
1990 targets on your service target because we are
running also a promoters container.
If you go to these targets
you can see I have API
six up and running this promoted metrics
and just local host metrics and
you can see by filtering API six HTTP
status only metrics. Some of the graphs available with
these matching uras how
you see from on the promises ui. But you can also see
these metrics on Grafana in this easiest way.
Most of the developments teams now
use the Grafana as a dashboard.
Now if I navigate
to another local host port where Grafana
dashboard is running, I think it's in 3000.
Here you can see that the Apache API six the
dashboard, whereas some data will be sent
from promoters to the Grafana dashboard.
But here is empty data because we need to configure
by configure some settings
on the Apache six configuration file.
So next, the last one. Let's try
to enable the Zipkin plugins as a tracer
and see how Apache Ps six zipkin
plugin can collect the trace information.
So I can just get this similar configuration
plugin configuration for the zipkin. We can
define the endpoint for this zipkin
API. As you can see I'm giving directly
the IP address of my container. In real
case you should have the IP address of your server
for this metric. The tracers and the same
we are using referencing to upstream id.
I will copy this carol command and let's pass to
the terminal and press enter. Now the
Zipkin plugins is enabled and we
can test it by maybe
sending some kind of API request once again.
And then we can go to for example on the
browser, open the
Zipkin server and see
if we have some kind of tracers available
by the API six server name.
Yeah, if you press run a query in
2 seconds, the query should show
the result. And as you can see, there's one API request
that we did against API products,
endpoint and some here the details,
the tracing details.
Of course here we have single service, but if
you have a couple of services you can see how
tracing works properly. So it
was the last plugin and for today I would
like to show you, but you can now ask the questions like why
you are enabling single plugin at a given
time instead of using all the plugins
together. What if I would like to use three plugins together?
Is it possible? Yes, of course it's possible. You can,
for example this API six enable multiple plugins
together. I have this example also.
Let's say you can run multiple
plugins for the given role just by
defining inside
the plugins object all the plugins you would like to
enable. For example, if I just copy this command
and again this pass to the terminal,
we just simply enabled three plugins together like HTTP,
logger and tracer. And also
the metrics three plugins and
also if you navigate to Apache API six official
website official website let
me bring here on the browser.
Here's API six
You can find some documentation under
the plugin session, or you can take a look how to
get started. There are some azure observability plugins
as you can see divided into by tracer and metrics
loggers. Let's say you can find all the logger plugins here and
all the metrics plugins like a data doc or the tracers
like oftentelemetry, also widely used as
a tracer tool. So with
that we are close to finish. Let me jump
into my slides at
the end. As I mentioned earlier,
on the top of observability plugins you can use some of the
plugins API six provides, like for the
traffic management. For example, you can use limit count plugin and
feel free to check out other available plugins on
the Apache API six official website.
Again, thank you a lot to join
me today and I hope
you get some kind of knowledge about observability
and API observability and also how to
make API observable by using API gateways
like open source Apache API six.
So now if you have any questions, feel free
to ask. You can leave in the chat.