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Hello everyone. So welcome to Conf fourty two.
And today we will talk about
the accessibility in Android and we
will see how we can implementing it and how we can test. But before
deep dive into the concepts and slides,
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nav, I'm from
Montreal. I'm software engineer at Manulife,
also GDG organizer at GDG Montreal
and Google developer expert for Android.
And also I write medium articles. You can
find me on different social channels via my handle which is
now crazy dad. So stay
in touch there and if you have any questions you can just ask
me on any of the social channels like Twitter or LinkedIn,
wherever you feel comfortable. So let's get started with the
today's topic.
The first thing is what is accessibility and why
it's important. So when we talk about the
accessibility, it's not just about the people,
those who have a disability,
it's actually extending your reach of your applications,
how user can interact with your applications, like providing
more than one source, more than one option to
the end user. There is not just a one single source
that user can use to use your application, for example, just a
touch. So in general terms,
we can say that accessibility is to making sure that everyone who
is having any kind of disabilities, like maybe
having a colorblindness or they have any other physical
impairments, to make sure that they can also access applications.
We consider this topic as we talk
about this and we will see how we can make
our applications accessible for those people who have these kind of problems
or situations. So we will see
now the impact of accessibility.
So the first thing is, as I earlier told you, it's not
just about supporting the people who, those who have disability. It also
helps to increase your application reach. So according to
the World bank, it's like 15% of the world population,
they have some sort of disabilities. So imagine like
if you provide a sport for
accessibility in your applications, like your userinterface are accessible,
then you will also code that huge users user
base which you might didn't consider before.
The second thing is the apps versatility. So it's
basically providing more base,
how user can interact with those applications. And as
I already told, it's not just about disability,
it also covers the versatility part of your application.
So now we will see how Android enables accessibility. So we
know the general definition of accessibility and why
it's important. And if we enable the accessibility
in our applications, it also helps the people, those who don't actually
have any kind of disability issues.
So one of the main ways how Android enables accessibility
is by allowing users to hear the spoken feeder.
So whatever is like for example if you open any application,
so whatever the content is on the screen,
with the help of the tools like talk back or speech recognition
screen readers, Android will
speak for you like whatever the content is currently visible on the
screen. There are other ways but that
was the major way like the spoken feedback and mostly used
so far as far as I have seen
that and I have also tested with those tools
and they are worked pretty well. So now we will see how
we can make our applications more accessible and to
make sure that there is no any issues with the user interfaces.
The first thing is the task flows. So this
is not basically the designing of your userinterface,
it's basically the
process of completing one particular task in your application.
For example forbid password or reset password.
And we need to define the very well
defined clear task flows so that user can easily able
to find those steps and easily able to navigate
using those steps. For example, if they want to reset their
password, it might be directly visible under the menu.
But if it's under five steps
under the hood like you first go to the drawer, then you select some options
like settings, then you go to the profile, then you go to
those kind of options like there are five, six steps. Then user might feel not
comfortable using your application and they might just leave your application and
also give you a bad rating on App Store. So whenever you define figure
out the tasks, important tasks in your application and then make
sure that you have the minimal navigation steps so that user
can easily perform those tasks without wasting
too much time. The second is the action target size.
So sometimes you might see like
the applications, they have a fancy design.
But the issue is with those fancy designs that they
didn't cover the clickable size like the touch target size of those
particular things. Like if you designed any custom view and you
set it, let's say you would write to 2020 DP. That means
it looks like very little icon on your application and when user
tries to perform click on that, it will be really hard or challenging for the
end user. So the thing is like
how big? So if you know that the material
design team, they provided the guidelines for Android design, not just for
Android UI designing, UI development, but also for
our iOS. So the minimum test target size should be
like 48 tapes. So whenever you design your custom
views or any other views, try to make sure
that if there is a clickable action, you need to make
sure that they are having the minimum touch target size.
Most of the elements, for example image buttons
or buttons, they already have that minimum touch target size defined.
So you don't need to worry about in that case if you are using the
material compose in your application. But if you are used as
I told you, if you are developing something custom, make sure that those
views of those compose on the interface are accessible by
the end user. Next one
is the labeling of interface controls. Sometimes we design like sometimes we
have components in our application or in our user interface which is
like just for decorative purposes like for images.
And sometimes we are also using images for providing some sort
of information or using images for performing some actions.
So in that case try to make sure that you add the labels
to those images so that when user using the tools like talk back or screen
readers, they will understand what actually that particular component means
or what actually action that particular component
is associated to. So that
is the labeling for your interfaces.
I will cover in the later part how we can add labels to the UI
compose and the fourth
one is enabling the focus based navigation. So if
your user they are using tools
or input sources like dpads or craft balls
or keyboards, then make sure that you also
provide the support for the purpose based navigation. That means if
they are using arrows like move up left down right.
So try to define your navigation by default,
how XML layout is processed by the readers
or the screen readers of
the top right is like the order of how you have
defined the elements in your XML. So if you have four elements
they will be ordered like 1234. So if you go to
that using that bottom like that down
direction, so it will be like going from one to three, four. But if you
have some sort of custom navigation then you need to make sure
that it will be properly followed, properly defined
in your XML. So that when user tries to use these kind of tools
like keywords or dpads, the navigation is working as expected.
So those are the basic parts of the navigation
or accessibility or what are the important concepts
that we need to be taken care when
we are developing.
And now we will see some little
implementation like some properties that you can add to your XML
components, for example to image view for
your minimum size, those kind of properties. We will
see how we can add those properties to our XML
components to make sure that our application is accessible for everyone.
It so the first thing is the image button
here. But as I told you before, the material compose will
by default have the minimum touch target size defined for all the
components that are clickable. For example, here is the image button in
this example I have added
the third line. If you see it's Android content description
that is for the label. So if
you miss the content description for your decor, if you are using the images
only for decorating purposes, you can omit this and you can add the
property called important food accessibility and just set
it to know. But if your
image is for some sort of action then you must add
a content description and that you can refer to the string resources.
And here it's the image button but it would be if
the content description make more sense when you are using the image
views. And now the next example is
the text view. And here I have added the two
properties. First one is the foxable. So foxable means like if
when user is using any tools like screen readers this
compose should be processed or not by that
tool. So setting it to focusable false.
That means the talkback or screen reader will skip this.
And the next property is the screen reader focusable
and it's only available since Android version P.
So that's why I added the last line which says tools
target APiP just to ignore
the warnings in your XML designs when you're developing your application.
And on the next example is the heading.
So sometimes if you see in the web navigation, like in the web
websites like we have the headings and paragraphs,
headings and paragraphs automated to those headings.
So if you have some sort of designs in your
application, like sometimes we have terms and conditions that have
like we have heading and then we have a long long paragraphs underneath that.
And then we have again some sort of headings. So if you want to process
heading based, if you want to score heading based navigation, so user can
move easily between those components, you can add the property called accessibility
heading and it's only available since Android version
P. So here is the
navigation, the sample of the focus based navigation. So there are a
couple of properties that you can add to
your components as I told you, like by default tools
they process your components as they already in the xml. So if
you see here it's there four. So it will be going from text
view hello world, hello World two hello world three
and then the image. But if you want to do something custom,
you can add two properties called like next focus forward,
next focus left, right, I will show you
later in the Android studio. What are the other options
available? But here I only added the next focus forward.
So from the first text view like tv hello World, it will
go to the third text view and then it go back
to the second text view and from there it will go to the
image view. And if you see in the last image
view tag, I added the content description and set it to a
null. This is also other option if you
don't want to set important for accessibility to know
your image views and what it tells to
the tools or to the accessibility
related tools like talk about that. This image is only for decorative
purpose so it will not be processed by the accessibility
like those tools. On the right hand side
I have the example for labeling your components.
So this is a very old example I can say
because if you are familiar with the material design, they have new components
like text input layout where you can add labels to
that compose and that will be behaving as a label
for those. But if you want to add up, if you are still having some
old code bases where you have added text in
your layout files, you can attach the labels to those edit
text using the text views and set the property
label for your text view. So in this case if you see
I have username entry and then I set the label for that
edit text using the username label text view and then just
defining the id of my edit text.
The next example is for accessibility library
and it's very important one I can say. So some
of most. Sometimes if you're familiar, let's say for the login
flow, when login fails we show random message,
right? Like a message which says like login failed
or you have entered wrong credentials, whatever. So in that case
that error message is not always visible on screen,
right? It's like a conditional. So if that condition is true,
then we show that message. So here
using that accessibility live vision property, what we are telling
to the tool like topic that how
that tools is going to process that particular view. In this case,
which is text view. And there are three property like
three ways it is assertive, non purple assertive means
like if at particular given time when this particular view
comes or shows up on the screen,
talkback will stop whatever it's processing and it
will process this particular view immediately.
And none is the default behavior. And the polite one is like whatever is
the tools processing. Now just finish that and then after
that that will process this
particular compose.
And the next example is about grouping of
layer components. So sometimes if
you see for example, we have a list of items. For example,
let's say we have a list of contacts and in each
item we have a person's name, last name,
there might be a date of birth, or maybe their sex or gender,
whatever different properties are there and we don't want to
process all those items like one by one by accessibility tools
or the screen reader tools. So in that case we can group them
together using the property called screen
reader foxable or adding the flexible to the parent tag of
those compose. So in this case I have relative layout
that I would not recommend you guys to use.
So in your case it might be constraint layout or it
might be linear layout or if you are using compose then
it might be something else. So you can
add the flexible tag to the parent. So in this case I have added
to the relative layout. So what it basically informs
the tool or informs to the accessibility related
tools that all the compose of
this particular tag, like this particular route
view will be processed as a one group. So if you have ten
components in this case, in this example I have two text
views. So those two will be processed together and
they will be treated as a one component. And it's very helpful
when we have list items so that user can easily
understand what that full item means
rather than going one by one like first name, last name and
if there are five compose, it will be not a good experience
for the end user. So those are
some of the properties that you can add to your XML layouts.
So now we will see how we can test accessibility of our application.
Is there automation available?
We have espresso for UI testing and agent for unit testing.
Is there tools or ways for doing that? And then we will
see what are the manual tool or the analysis tools that we can use to
make sure that our application is accessible for everyone.
Manual testing is like interacting with your application using the
accessibility services. So for example you have
developers just finish their one task and they hand over
to the testers. Or if you are developer and you are going to test
all these things, then you might just turn on the talkback and then
process screen by screen of your application and see if there is any issues
which is like a manual testing of your application
and then the testing with analysis tools. There are various tools being
talkback is kind of a manual and analysis that you
can do more like a manual thing. But there is a very
good tool which is called accessibility scanner and it's freely available in place so
that you can install it to your device. And then from there
you can scan the issues. If your layouts having any
issues, like if there is any color contrast issues, or if there is any touch
target size issues, or if there is any issues related
to the accessibility, you will be able to catch
those using that tools. I will show you the sample
later on after the slides.
And then yes, there is a way for adding the
accessibility tests in your UI test.
So if you have UI tests, there is only a single line of code that
you need to add and there is one dependency that you need to add to
your build file and you will be good to go and your old test will
be integrated with accessibility test
or checks. And if there is any issues your test will fail and
you can easily figure out there. Also like how you can
test your application accessibility and then there
is a user testing like just hand over your application to
real people and then see how they interact with your application and
if they found any issues, you can work on those issues before publishing
your application. The last one is the pre launch
report. It's very important and it's also a fairly available before
we publish our application, there is a pre launch report which contains
lot of information about the application and then there is a
portion which is related to the accessibility issues that you can find
which is also early stage or it can be like a last
step I guess before you launching your application.
So you can stop there and see if there are any important issues
or showstoppers that you need to fix before
actually release your application.
So here is the code sample of adding the accessibility checks to
your espresso test. So if this code is written
in Cogn wave. So in the left side I
would prefer to use this one because this is the
more concise one and on
the left side one is more concise. In the right side I
have added this is also enabling the accessibility checks.
But there is also additional properties that you can add on to
that accessibility checks. So when
you say enable the checks and set run
checks from root view set to true, that means
it will process the full UI. So if you have only single test, let's say
in your UI test, like you're just testing one label
in your application and you are not testing the full UI.
In that case it's really helpful that if there is any issues,
let's say you have ten components, if there is any issues related to the accessibility
found in those compose, your test will fail and you will be able to
see in the loads like what went wrong. And then there
is also other properties
that you can set on top of accessibility checks. Like if you want to
suppress some kind of results, like you don't want
to fail your test or you don't care about some views in your application or
some properties. So if you see in the right side, I added a set suppressing
result matches and I set that if there
is any text contrast issue, like if
there is a color contrast issue just associated
to that particular given id which is like text to
be changed, can be any id of your component,
just ignore that and just continue with the test.
So these are the basics like how you can implement accessibility
for the XML and how you can add
the tests using the espresso. Now I will show you some
demo like the real code and how
we can use the tools that I show you earlier or explained
you earlier in the slides.
So now if you see my screen, I have Android studio
opened and I have a real device mirror
to my MacBook which is pixel.
So let's first open.
If you see on the screen here it's accessibility scanner.
If you open this application and you will see
if there are any issues that are earlier found, if you see
the histories there, then there is a settings button that you can see
the threshold about.
It's all about basically application and you can find this application on Play
store. So once that application
is installed, so you
will see this blue check like the tick on
your mobile screen. So if you want
to test any application, for example I have this sample created
for this top. So I have these four or five components. So these
two are using, I have used the old
XML compose, like this is the image and this is the text view and then
these are the compose components like the text,
whatever different components in the code which I will show you later.
So if you want to test using the accessibility scanner,
you just click on this, you will see two options like
record, you want to record this process or you want to take a snapshot.
So I will go with snapshot.
Now if you see it highlights,
there are three issues with the three components.
So you can see there are a couple of options like
if you want to share this report with your, let's say if you are tester
or if you want to share this with your team lead or other team members,
you can also share this report. Or if you want to
go through these compose. Like what are the issues?
If you see here, there is a details like if there is a color
contrast issue, there is a color contrast issue for this
component and if you click it will take you there.
So this component is having this issue. And if you see if you want
to read it says like contrast
ratio, current ratio is this one. Foreground color is this one. Background color
is this one suggested, is this one. So this is the standard provided
by the material design guidelines for accessibility. For the color contrast ratios
for your text color and background color of your text.
So this is how you can use the accessibility scanner tool
in your applications and
same for let me find
out talk back.
Also it's still under the accessibility if you see the screen readers accessibility
scanner. So there is a talkback under the accessibility menu
and you can turn it on and just go through your
application and see if there are any issues. So these are how you
can use these tools and they are freely available. The talkback is default
shipped with most of the Android
phones operating system and then scanner
you can install.
So let's see the test that I have written
for my code. So first I will show you the code.
So if you see the code I think it's visible. Let me make
it a little bit larger so you can see this.
So this is my main activity and there
are some experimental APIs that I'm using. So if you see here I
have used the compose and then I have compose
code here I will not cover the compose accessibility but
I have added and you can see here how you can add the accessibility
to your compose compose like using the content description for
your icon and using the semantics.
And then there are different properties that
you can add to the compose.
Like if you want to set the foxable focus target,
if you want to customize the navigation in compose there is
a property like focus order and then you can define that.
And then you need to define the focus
requesters so that you can attach these to your composable
functions or composable components. So if you want to go to
second then you just say like when this dot down from
this image, when the user press the downwards
arrow, go to the second focus request and it will go to that
second which is where you have attached this one.
So in this case I have attached this
to this text. So it will go to this text.
So these are a couple of things that how you can add
accessibility. This code is already posted on GitHub.
You can check and see how you can
do the accessibility in
compose. So for example live region like how you added before in
XML. Now there is a semantics and then it
will have these properties like heading. If you want to process this
text to be processed as a heading, you can add this heading. If you want
to set the live region you can set that again focus order and
content description for the other components.
So this is in the compose, this is just some properties.
And now I will show you the activity
main which is XML
way of doing things.
So I have this image view and if you see there it's highlighted and
if you see here what it says is like set content description
so you will get the length warning about this. Like you need to
set the content description for this. So I have already added just for
you to showcase how it looks like without that.
So if I add the content description that
error or that warning goes away. So other
cool thing is about the latest Android studio. I think since 4.0
or I'm not sure about exact version you will get a warnings
during a development phase. Like if there is any issues. For example
if you see before I told you the scanner shows the color
contrast issue for this. If you see here it says that
we have like two warnings and one error and one
error shows that the source is like this text view, it has a color
issues, color contrast issues. So either you
can fix this or you can ignore this. So if you want to fix this
it change that and if you see that error
it goes away. So this is some of the cool features that are integrated
within the develop IDE so that you
can spore the accessibility within your application
during the early phases of your application development when
you are actually playing with the XML code.
Next is the accessibility testing using the espresso.
So I have espresso test here. So what I did is I could
just enable this. So I just set the run checks
from root view to true and this is from the espresso
dependency that you need to add for accessibility checks.
So this is from this library and
if I show you the build file here,
here is the dependency for this one. So if you pass
accessibility you just search it
and you will find it there.
And once you add the checks for true and set it to true. And if
I run this test as
you see it starts running and we will see the results because
we fixed that color contrast issue and we added the content description.
So I think no test will fail.
So both the tests are failed and I think there are still accessibility
So if you see the first test is failed and
you see there is a one accessibility issue. So it
says that there is Android compose view and it's not clickable.
And if you see here, this item may not have
a label readable by screen readers.
So there is some views that still missing the content description
or not clickable and your test will fail. So this is how you
can add like a one line of code which will
helps you to find out the issues related to
the accessibility in your application. So this is some basics
of how you can have accessibility related properties in your XML
files like Screen reader Foxable foxable.
Then next, focus forward. And if you see other
options, there are a couple of other options like next focus down,
focus left, focus right, focus up so you can add
those properties as per your requirements.
So that's all for this talk, and I hope you
learned something new. Feel free to contact me
on different channels as I show you before,
whether it's LinkedIn or Twitter medium or GitHub, wherever you
feel comfortable. And here are some of the references to
some of the resources that you can follow to learn more about
accessibility in Android. So I will share the slides.
So thanks for your time and have a great day. Thank you