Conf42 Machine Learning 2024 - Online

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Creative Thought in Design: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Creativity in Shaping the Future

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Imagine a future where AI fuels our creativity in design, pushing boundaries and unlocking new possibilities. Join me as we explore how AI revolutionizes creative thought, shaping a future where innovation knows no bounds!


  • AI is having a deep impact on the evolution of design, shaping innovations. While AI can produce innovative solutions, it may lack the depth and intuition that humans bring to creative tasks. The best practice is to combine AI and human creativity.
  • Uizur scans your sketches and automatically transforms them into editable prototypes. Dali two is an advanced version of the artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI. Adobe Firefly is a standalone web application. I have included only a few tools that will help you create professionals expand their creative potential.
  • AI may enhance but cannot fully replace the creative spark that defines our imagination and innovation. Will it replace human intuition and design? How ethical will AI algorithm be? Can they avoid violating morality and laws? These questions are crucial as AI becomes more prevalent in various fields.


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Hello everyone. Today, we are diving into a fascinated the impact of artificial intelligence on creative thinking in design. We will explore how AI and human creativity intersect and how they are shaping our future. AI is having a deep impact on the evolution of design, shaping innovations, and transforming creative workflows worldwide. Before we begin, maybe we should define some creativity. I guess it's the ability to think outside the box, to come up with new ideas, and to solve problems in innovative ways. Also making connections between unrelated things and also producing something original or innovative. Take risks and embrace failure. It's a fundamental aspect of creativity. Now let's talk about how AI and humans differ in creativity. AI and artificial intelligence can be creative by using data and algorithms, but it lacks human emotional emotions and experiences. Human creativity comes from feelings, thoughts, and culture make it more complex and unique. While AI can produce innovative solutions, it may lack the depth and intuition that humans bring to creative tasks. Human creativity often involves personal connection, sympathy, and, for example, understanding, which is harder for AI to replicate. As a result, while AI can excel in certain areas, human creativity remains essential for many aspects of life and work. The best practice is to combine AI and human creativity. So let's talk about it. AI helps us understand data, and people bring feelings and instincts. Making new ideas better, working together combines their capabilities, making amazing solutions. We will see this in many areas, from design to healthcare. Using AI as a tool, not a replacement for people help us move forward and make better things together. The key is mixing technology with human cleverness for a better tomorrow, let's talk about how we can use both artificial intelligence and human creativity effectively together. In design, there are some tools and methods that can make our work easier and help us be better at our creative tasks. The first one is Uizert. Uizur scans your sketches and automatically transforms them into editable prototypes. This service uses machine learning machine vision to turn sketches into digital screens and components. If you enjoy starting interface work by sketching it out on a paper, this tool is definitely for you. With midjourney, you can create high quality images from simple text prompts for free. Just enter text description of the image and get the result in a few seconds. This is very, very easy. No special hardware or software is required to use mijourney as it runs directly in the browser of your computer or phone. Dali two is an advanced version of the artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating images based on textual descriptions. It's an evolution of the original daily model, which was introduced in early 2021. Utilizes deep learning technologies to create unique and creative images that match the given text. Visual electric is the first image generator designed for creatives, and it's like a canvas that facilitates the flow of ideas so you just can truly spread out and see where the tool takes you. It's like, you know Figma. It's designed to help give form to the vision in your mind's eye, or also lead you to something even better. Adobe Firefly is a standalone web application. It offers new ways to create and communicate while significantly improving creative workflows using generative AI. It's designed to be safe for commercial use. The next one is magician. Magician is magical design tool for Figma powered by AI design with the power of AI to do everything from copywriting to generating unique icons from text. I have included only a few tools in this presentation that will help you create professionals expand their creative potential. To discover even more tools for enhancing creativity, visit tools design all right, what do you think about can AI truly replicate the unique creativity and intuition? Or creative, creative professionals? While technology advanced rapidly, the essence of creativity remains a complex human trait. AI may enhance but cannot fully replace the creative spark that defines our imagination and innovation. Let's explore that AI learned by studying what already exists. It get smarter by using data from the past. But when it comes to creating new stuff, AI isn't as good. To be honest, it's like having a really big book of answers, but it doesn't know how to write a new story. While it's great at learning from what's been done before, it's so good. It's not so good at making something totally fresh. AI is mainly a tool at that moment, assisting with tasks, but not yet fully creative or independent. He's like a reliable assistant, but still needs human guidance for innovation and originality. AI hasn't taken over from creative experts, not quite yet, but anyway, while it's great at some tasks, like data analysis or repetitive work, it lacks the human touch needed for true creativity of a helpful assistant, leaving the creative decisions to humans. For example, AI can assist graphic designers by automating repetitive tasks like resizing images or generating basic layout, saving them valuable time to focus on their artistic aspects of their work. AI raises ethical concerns. Will it replace human intuition and design? How ethical will AI algorithm be? Can they avoid violating morality and laws? These questions are crucial as AI becomes more prevalent in various fields. Let's answer on these questions below may streamline processes, but losing the human touch and design in a concern. Humans bring intuition and emotional understanding to the table elements that AI struggles to replicate. By the way, while AI can assist in tasks like generating designs or layouts. It may lack the deeper understanding of human emotions, and maintaining a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity is essential to preserve the integrity of design. Also, AI might not always know what is right or wrong. They can do what they are told, but they don't have human feelings about what is fair or not. It's really important to make sure they don't do the right thing and follow the law. But because AI can make its own decisions, some people worry it might do something wrong. We need strong rules and ways to check on AI to stop it from doing things it shouldn't. We have to keep an eye on AI all the time and make changes when needed to make sure it keeps doing the right thing. Using artificial intelligence indesign opens up new horizons for shaping the future. Because AI aids designers in creating innovative and functional products, ensuring unique and creative solutions. From like, for example, automating routine tasks to generating unique design concepts, AI accelerates the development processes and enhances efficiency, thereby offering new opportunities for designers in shaping the future. Visual landscape machine learning algorithms can analyze vast data sets and design trends, user preferences, and also historical data to identify patterns and insights. This data driving approach enables designers to make informed decisions, predict trends, and tailor designs to meet specific user needs. Also, machine learning can help designers with repetitive design tasks. This gives designers more time to think of new and cool ideas for their work. In the end, machine learning makes designers faster and better, bringing in new ideas and making designers designs that are more about what users want. How do you put into practice everything we have talked about before? For instance, there is a great example from APG company AI in their work and saved money and designers resources. APG stands for independence pet Group. It's well known companies that provides pet insurance. They saved 90% of designers work hours, saved about 50 $20,000 and generated over 750 high quality images. Their goal was to create a cheerful style of illustrations for internal communications and enrich their company's internal culture. They developed 750 such images featuring cute household pets using AI. Just take a look at how great they look. It's really amazing. They used the generated images for internal products and merchandise. For instance, here is an example of a coffee coaster featuring these illustrations. The entire campaign was produced by a single creative team of illustrations, designers and copywriters, showing how powerful AI can be in the hands of talented humans. When we mix AI with human creativity, we keep the feelings and understanding that humans bring that also more humans. Not one. Only AI brings new ideas, but it's even better when humans add their thoughts by putting them together carefully. Human thinking stays really important in design, making sure we still get what feels right. AI doesn't take over from creative people just yet, showing that human creativity still really matters. Thank you so much for listening to my presentation. I hope you found it inspiring and discovered useful ideas that will allow you to use the power of AI and your creative potential.

Kirill Sidorets

Senior Product Designer @ The Open Platform

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