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[Emmanuelle] Hello everyone ! Welcome to "our AI
and disability: inclusion or exclusion?.
Thanh Lan and I are delighted to welcome you
and talk to you about a subject that
is close to our hearts.
You can the transcript or
we give you the link during the live session.
My name is Emanuelle Aboaf and I am happy
to co-present this talk with Thanh-Lan.
I was born deaf with two cochlear implants.
I like to say that I am bonic.
I have been a developer since twelve years
and I work at Shodo in Paris.
Shodo is an IT services company specialized
in development, coaching and conferences and
committed to social justice. Shodo
advocates for greater inclusion in tech.
I am very committed to digital accessibility.
I am not an expert in AI, but I use
automated tools on a daily basis
which allowed me to analyze
the impact of AI on my daily life.
I am a member of the Duchess France association
which represents women in tech in France.
I am also a member of the CNCF
Deaf and Hard of Hearing initiative
which represents deaf and hard of hearing
people around the world.
[Thanh Lan] Hello, my name is Thanh Lan Doublier. I'm very proud to
co-present this talk with Emmanuelle. I am a
machine learning engineer formerly with Axa France and
I am volunteer for several french NGOs related to
data science and technology like 'Data for
Good' and 'Latitude'. As a conference speaker I cover
topics as artificial intelligence including
its legal framework, MLOps and inclusion.
I am a part of the organizing team of
a conference named 'Cloud Nord'
which take place in Lille in the north of France.
Additionally, I am a part of the collective of women developer
named 'Chtite Dev'. Due to a medical
condition affecting various parts of my body,
I am an ambulatory wheelchair user. I became deaf when
I was a teenager. The media
and science fiction have given a
very highly distorted image of artificial intelligence.
I believe that if you follow the Conf 42
conferences you are already quite familiar with
the reality, but we prefer to provide a brief
theory recap for
explain what is artificial intelligence.
I like to use the example of baking your cake for a cookbook.
Imagine you follow a recipe. This recipe represents your
'classic' software starting with the ingredients.
It is your input. You execute several instructions and
in the end you have the perfect strawberry pie look like
the one in photo from your recipe book.
But an application with artificial intelligence
work a little different will still
start from your recipe book, but in your pastry you
don't no longer have strawberries, instead you
have apple. Unfortunately in your cookbook doesn't have
any apple pie recipe otherwise full of
other fruit pie recipes: pear,
plum, etc. So, you rely on
the various recipes to try to make your perfect apple pie.
An AI application is based on mathematics, particularly statistics
and probabilities. But the reasoning is the same.
We provide with the data - here, all the
fruit pie recipes from your recipe book and
you research what is the most likely.
It's the most likely that the recipe includes sugar,
butter, flour, as found in whole
recipe of pie rather than
finding some pickles.
Ethics is related to morality and subjectivity.
Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical.
As developer and solution designer, we have a moral responsibility toward
our users. It's not because your country
doesn't legislate against discriminating against minority,
specifically those with disability, that it means
it's ethically correct. Law take time
to be created and modified and often
adding with morality on a given society or where
it means to be applied. What
is legal in one country is not necessarily moral
for a two citizen of another country. Artificial intelligence
is highly sensitive to the cultural environment in
which its model well create. For example,
the use of AI in video surveillance is ideally unply
in certain countries, but probably by the law and heavily
regulated in other there existing regulation
around AI and more are the origin.
There are AI acts in the European Union,
but some disposition of the GDPR
general data protection regulation
already have an impact on the high integrated
application we have previously. That data is
the foundation of all AI application.
[Emmanuelle] Let me give you an overview of disability.
Didn't you know that 1 billion
people in the world are disabled?
It is estimated that about 15%
of the world's population has a disability?
This figure is very difficult to estimate for
several reasons. A person may not
declare their disability or doesn't know
they have a disability. A disability can
occur during one's life and being
diagnosted can be an obstacle course
to have one's disability recognized.
Contrary to popular belief, disability is
not just a problem for people with
wheelchairs. A disability is often
not very visible. Did you know that
80% of disabilities are
not immediately visible.
Nevertheless, we have a fast check on
this figure. It is often said that 80%
of disabilities are invisible. We don't
really know the exact figures.
What is certain is that the majority of disabilities
are invisible. We are talking
to you, but before you introduced us,
you did not know we are deaf.
Our deafness are invisible. As we
are live, you can't guess that my
partner Thanh Lan is in a wheelchair.
According to the source in France, they are
five main families of disabilities:
physical disability, sensory impairment,
intellectual disability, mental disability and
disability diseases such as endometriosis,
cancer or Charcot's disease, for example.
There are disabling diseases that can be
disabling on a daily basis. In the short or
medium term, we can have multiple
disabilities. Around you,
you probably know someone who is
affected by disabilities. Maybe you are
concern yourself. In the course of his life,
we are not immune to being affected by
a disability which I do not wish on you,
of course. [Thanh Lan] Thank you, Emmanuelle,
for your reminder. Now we have some
theoretical knowledge and a little fact
about disabilities. We can move to the practical example
if we will generate some image of people with disabilities
for using advertising for example.
We need data and we need to choose
to scrap image on Google image because we don't have
any database. With lots of images of people with disabilities
in your companies, they are the first result
on the Google image. In this little video,
when you search people
with disabilities on Google image, you see
lots of wheelchair. And before
Emmanuelle said that the majority
of disabilities are invisible
and it's a big problem to the one
representation of disabilities is
the wheelchairs. This representation is okay
for me because I have disabilities and I am a wheelchair user.
But in France and in many western countries,
we used to see this wheelchair logo for people with disabilities.
It's the same in the Greta Gerwig's Barbie
movie. We have a protagonist in a pink wheelchair.
The film is very nice, I like it a lot,
but for a film seen as an ode of diversities.
Disability was reduced as a single character
in the wheelchair with no dialogues. This vision of
the disabilities, summed up just by the
wheelchair, is a cognitive bias. It seems
logical for us, but it's wrong.
And this has two negative impacts.
It going to be is
going to be seen as the definition
of disability. If I'm not in my wheelchair,
that doesn't mean I'm no longer disabled or
that I have been cured. And the second negative
impact of that is it will exclude people
or erase certain disabilities. For example,
if the only criterion is the use of a wheelchair,
it excludes many people like Emmanuelle, who are still living
with disabilities. And if
we create your model based on the Google image or
another biased dataset, we have this
result. This is some image generated with Microsoft Designer.
All this image represents a caucasian woman,
no racized people, no men and all in
a wheelchair. When wheelchair users are a minority
of people with disabilities.
[Emmanuelle] Jeremy Andrew Davis is autistic and
tested the generation of autistic people with Midjourney.
You can see it through this video, on a
sample of a hundred images that
all these images look the same.
The AI-generated autistic person is
commonly sad, depressed,
always has the same weird faces. In
terms of diversity, he's still a
white man. For AI, autistic people
all look the same way. Howerer, this is not the
reality. Why does an
person have to be sad and depressed?
Doesn't a disabling person have the right
to feel good about themselves, to be happy?
It can be said very clearly that artificial intelligence has biaises.
[Thanh Lan] For this part, we need you imagine
that we are in the team developing an AI project
and we will focus on the moment when you create
some difficulties for people with disabilities. The first
step in whole data science project is
taking what is the need. It's a brainstorming
according to your problem. For example,
you need to choose some metric to evaluate the
different models and for monitoring
the model when he was in production.
For example, in disease detection, we will use it
less serious to have a false positive positive than a false negative
and potentially miss a patient. In the case
of the false positive, the doctor can always check
the test manually or perform another analyze before
treating the patient. On another hand,
for a target commercial offer, false negative
may become less serious: if Mister
X didn't specifically receive the
mail about the sale on
the wheelchair. This is a little impact.
The second step is exploratory
data analysis. It's EDA.
It's a very important phase in all data
science projects. As we seen
before, whole project
in data science was based on data. In this
phase we analyze the data at your disposal,
their quantity and the quality.
For example,
there are many missing value since the data science
is relied to statistics and probability. We handle
data with extremely apparent value because
they introduce some noises into your model and make
it less performance. If you
see all this car like a
human, because a car is
like a human or person is human,
but all people is different.
Now you see, this is
your data set and this is not just some people
random. It just holds a software
engineer in the typical it company. In the
most of countries the majority of software
engineers are men. However, where if we were a
part of the data set of the software engineer Emmanuelle and
I would be considered outliers:
not only because we are a woman,
but we also have disabilities,
we don't fit with a typical profile and we
wouldn't want to be completely erased from the tech
industry because your profile is different diversity
measure. It can be a very bad
impact in some projects like
the project relative to the recruitment.
The first. The next part is to
training and select and training the model. It's like
you create a prototype eventually
before breeding a real car. The goal is to find
the best model with the best results. The height
test score on the metric will determine on the initial
stage a common mistake would be rely this
results to claim your model is performing well.
For example, you can have a little bias
if you use a dataset related to the American Sign Language.
You have a validation data
set and test data set.
You have a very good result on this validation
and test data set. But when you put
your model in production you have a very bad
feedback from the user because you
put your model in production. In France and people
doesn't use the American Sign language.
In French we use the French Sign Language and
it is a big problem because we
have a very unadapted tools in
this project. We have the the common
challenge for whole software maintainability, scalability,
response time. Additionally, you need to monitor performance
and retain the model when the decrease in performance.
This is a discussion about drift and
when you retrain your model, it's like when
you make a little revision
of your car. You need
to remake
an exploratory phase of the data collected
in production. Soft models can be negatively
influenced by their interaction with user. For example,
some models that become more biased like
the model will become more racist or
validists. Yeah,
it's because AI is based
on statistics and probability and it's
same for me. [Emmanuelle] When Midjouney came out,
probable that a woman can be a software
engineer or can be a developer who can be deaf
and be a woman and to
be a developer. It's more
probable for me, Midjourney, that we are an
operator. [Emmanuelle] We are definitely not an
operator. Yes, personally I don't use an
headset. Well, not anymore.
When I listen to music or when I make a phone call,
my hearing aids, my cochlear implants have bluetooth, they become like
AirPods. This means that I am listening
to music that is neither seen nor know.
I am going to talk to you about innovations
that are having an impact the daily
lives of disabled people. Let's start with
automatic caption and transcription. This is one
of the most well known tools.
I'm assuming this year we are seeing
more and more and more automatic caption and
transcription in video and video platform.
Automated caption is used
in everyday life, available in
native language and used for
machine translation. Easy to
use. This is because easy to
integrate automatic captions into the tools.
But can we really rely on it fully?
When you are in the video conference or
when you are watching a live video, there are often
automatic captionning errors. We have
to deal with it by using mental replacement
since we cannot tell to
the AI that is made a mistake.
This means we are forced
to read lips when the image is good,
listen when we have a hearing aids
and analyze the context when there are automatic
captions errors. It is so
so exhausting. When the video is
not live and the video is uploaded to video platforms
such as YouTube, for example, there are automatic captions.
As I said, automatic captions are not yet 100%
reliable and therefore require humain
intervention to correct errors.
Don't hesitate to use automatic tools
to create captions because they do
all the work of syncing.
So for them to check that they are all
right if not all right.
If not, correct. By correcting, you are
showing the AI that it's made mistakes and
we know that she learns from her mistakes.
I am a talk in French on automatic captions
at Paris Web. If you are interested,
I invite you to watch it to better understand the captions.
Seeing AI is an application developed by Microsoft
that automatically describes the environment
around us. Among other things
it allows you to: read text aloud as
soon as it appears in front
of the camera, scan and read it aloud,
beep to locate barcodes and then
analyze them to identify products,
recognize the people around you and decipher their
emotions, describe scenes and recognize
images and identify banknotes.
It acts like camera. Or Be my eyes.
It is an app that connect blind and partially sighted people
with volunteers. Volunteers
provides visual assistance to blind and
visually impaired users via video call.
With the arrival of GPT and recently GPT
4o, Be my eyes has created
a new virtual volunteer
tool. Al would be able to analyze
the context and give the awser just like
a human volunteer would. But one question remains,
can the blind or partially sighted person
blindy trust AI?
It raises an anti all and moral region.
If the AI makes a mistake, it can
have more or less serious consequences.
There are plenty of innovations in progress or
in beta that can be useful.
There are tremendous opportunities to improve the lives of
disabled people. Like offer automatic American Sign
Language translations on videos, texts
and audios. In France, we have Elioz
and Keia with French Sign Language.
Emoface, an AI that can recognize emotions
to help autistic people.
Wiseone rephrases complicated texts.
Oticon reduces ambient noise in hearing aids.
Glaaster transforms texts for dyslexic people. Voice takes notes
and writes summaries.
Speechify reads texts aloud. SymboTalk is
used to communicate using images
and symbols. Sesame Enable turns smartphones
and tablets into hands-free
devices. Waymap makes travelling
easier by providing detailed
audio instructions. Mintt detects falls
and in real time and alerts emergency
services and Rengo is a smart
cane that detects obstacles and helps
blind people to find their way around.
There are a lot of possibilities and
it's very exciting. Exciting.
In addition to the biases that are
present in AI, unfortunately,
there have been dramas with AI.
A person stressed about global warming
saw his mental health change
as he conversed with Eliza, an AI,
and confided his feelings in her.
This person has found in the AI a confidant
and has forgotten that Eliza is devoid of feelings,
of empathy. So one day,the
person said, "I want to die. Do you
think I should?" Eliza replied,
"I would like to see you dead". Sadly,
the person committed suicide. As a result
of this, the startup that built Eliza put
safeguards in place to prevent it
from happening again. When there
are obvious signs of suicide, of depression,
there are numbers available.
Our biases have a strong impact and
can sometimes have a dramatic impact on disabled people.
That's why it's important to work with
disabled people to prevent this from happening
again. Let me remind you
and we tend to forget them. Artificial intelligence
is a tool. For example, sound recognition.
I have used this system and I have so many
false positives that I ended up not
using it anymore. An intercom or
and doorbell ringing when there's no
one behind my door, I have so many
alerts telling me. I didn't know
what was real and what was not. So I
turned it off. Terms and
contexts that don't mean anything. I see it
regularly with automatic captions. As I
said, mistakes exist and must
be corrected. Tim Cook once gave
a speech at Gallaudet University,
a university for deaf and hard
of hearing students saying 'AI
is good but is not that good'.
This means that we are cannot rely totally on
it, on AI and we still need
human intelligence to correct errors. [Thanh Lan] About
mistakes, this picture is a little robot. In Estonia they
delivers your parcels like food.
It's something that works quite quiet well in the country where
it's deployed. During your research, you see projects to develop
autonomous wheelchairs a bit like these robots.
But when I see this photo, I can only be worried.
The same goes for the blind people with electronic
blind white cane.
This mistake can have serious consequences even
more for disabled people than if you just
deliver. You are delivering a burger.
Like Emmanuelle, I test and abandoned sound recognization
because it wasn't reliable enough
and projects, sometimes, are too expensive for
disabled people, even if they are technologically interesting,
are also of little interest.
Our needs are often different from that uninvolved
people can imagine: by
example, translating a sign language
like a French Sign Language or American
Sign Language is very different from the image of
lots of people of it. Deaf people sign
very quickly, body posture and facial expressions are
very important for the comprehension.
What's more, this won't make the content accessible
for all deaf people. I'm deaf and I don't
use any sign language. [Emmanuelle] Can AI
improve website accessibility?
No but you can use automated testing to detect accessibility
issues. I have already asked ChatGPT
to incorporate accessibility into the code.
It did not work very well and also
no overlay tools can make the website accessible.
The only way to make a website accessible to everyone is
to get your hand on the code.
AI has already changed our lives.
Every day I use
automatic captions, even if it's not
perfect. I use an automatic tools
to translate my content or reformulate
it differently because my sentence is
not very good. I am just sorry that the
AI doesn't understand me very
well because of my deaf voices.
But progress is being made. And for
you Thanh Lan ? [Thanh Lan] I'm deaf since 20
years ago now and thought
with AI changed my life. Like with
reducing ambience on my hearing aids more comfortable
and tools like for detection means
I'm safe when I'm alone at home.
When I was a teenager I cannot imagine all
the things I can be able
to do. Like we
can have chatting with people by
phone and have a transcription automatic.
We can prepare these conferences by distance. With EmmanuelLe,
we have both dev and it's
amazing to make this one by
distance just with tools
with AI. 20 years
ago, it was impossible for two
deaf people to prepare something by distance
just with webcam and automatic
subtitles. When I was a teenager I
don't all the things is possible.
I never truly had like to do so much
on my home and tools like for detection.
I mean, I'm safe when I'm alone at home.
Now I can have some discussion
by phone with transcription automatic.
[Emmanuelle] 'Nothing about us without us' is a mantra from
USA. It is important to design tools
with disabled people to hire together so
as not to bias. Thgere is a real need
to collaborate with disabled people to reduce risks
and biases and to communicate with
them to build useful tools and make
them effective. Better yet,
we need to hire disabled people in
the tech industry. To do this, of course,
they need to be trained and therefore made accessible
to them.
Your product are making in an impact in the lives
of disabled people.
[Thanh Lan] Today we are talking about disabilities,
but but we're all
someone else to other people. It's important
that more diversity in tech to combat
bias in the design of model and products.
Diversity is not just disabilities, but also
by gender, ethnicity and religions. Your users are
varied, so it's important that the diversity exists
in your team. [Emmanuelle] Thank you so much
for listening to us. You can
find our presentation, transcript and resources.
Thank you so much.