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Hi, welcome to Con for Machine Learning
2022 conference. I am Karan Singh,
senior principal architect and developer evangelist at Rodhat.
In this talk, I will explain how to deploy
and use edge to core machine learning data pipelines
on kubernetes for a smart city use case.
We will also learn how to automate everything
using ansible it. Let's get started.
Let's start with the business use case. A business requirement. We need to
build an app which or a solution. It's not a single app,
it's a collection of apps. We need to build a tax stack that should help
us reduce some congestion. And we need to charge
vehicles some kind of fee as they drive into a city area.
So we have chosen an area in London called as
ultra low emission zone, in which there is
a special charge that the vehicle needs to pay because the authorities
wants to protect or because
of environmental reasons they want not all vehicles should just
enter into the city. So yeah, reduce some congestion, reduce some pollution,
charge some dirty vehicle fees. If the vehicle does not
meets emission standards, we want to apply more charges so
that the owner will not better the city very frequently.
And maybe a third use case would be, hey, I want to locate a wanted
vehicle, right,
which the officials can use the system
for. So that's a business, very high level business requirement.
And we're going to walk together on this and touch
upon how we can capture all these things.
So that's the techsu I was talking about.
I'm going to show you lots of tech, lots of, lots of tools.
Open source and red hat tools,
lots of tool. And each of them have their specific reason why
they exist on this solution. Right. We don't want to over engineer,
but yeah, there is a special place for Kafka, for Ceph,
for superset, for Grafana, right? For databases,
obviously. Kubernetes is the heart, the beating heart for
all the solution. Ansible is going to be the magic
through which we're going to create some tech soup on
this. So yes, before we go into
the Morse presentation mode I'm using to go and show you,
let's deployed, let's deploy this thing right now and let's use ansible
to do it for us. And while Ansible will do the heavy lifting in the
background, I'm going to take you over to a few more journey,
like what I'm doing in this actual implementation.
Meanwhile, the system will be on its toes.
So what you guys are seeing here is I have my terminal opened up
here, I've already logged in to my openshift Cli.
On the other side we have Openshift console through which we're
going to see how things operate. So step one, there is
nothing on the system right now. It's a vanilla, not vanilla,
but it's an empty openshift cluster.
And that's the first workload, the smart city workload we want to
deploy on this cluster. So starting with starting the basics,
create a new project, right? New project OC,
new project called a smart City. You want to run this?
Okay, we are into the project and the CLI is smart.
It have already added me to the project. Next I'm going to run an Ansible
playbook, which I'm going to explain you in a
few slides. So bear with me. This is going to do a lot of things
in the background. This process will take close to ten
to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, we'll go and explore how
the overall solution looks like. So we're going to run ansible.
So those of you who are familiar with Ansible, Ansible playbook is the command to
do it. I'm going to run it from local because I have the
connection established on my local machine. And then this
is the main master playbook we're going to run against. So I'm going to hit
this. And meanwhile this is running. Let me
pull up my project, smart city.
The project is here. And just go to my favorite
section, workloads and parts. So we're going to see lots of
stuff coming up, right. So coming back to my deck,
back into presentation mode, system will take some time
to set up. Let's understand, let's understand, meanwhile what
is happening under the covers. So from the solution
design point of view, okay, we have this city of
London ultra low emission zone. We have all these cameras installed
across various toll locations across the city. And the use
case is that each toll location that we're calling
as an edge, right. Each edge location will recognize
the vehicle, the passing vehicle, and detect its license plate.
And through machine learning models we're
going to grab the string that the model detects in real time
from all these edge locations and append some metadata
to it. Like okay, what is the timestamp through which
this image was captured? What is the geolat long? So that we can do all
sorts of amazing stuff once we have a lot of data into the system.
Okay, but the data is being generated at the edge
and there are multiple edge locations here. How we can move
the data to the central data center,
to the central system where we can do
lots of compute and analytics, do some fee calculation
on the data that we have collected, apply some more business logic like,
hey, apply some dirty vehicle, dirty charges to the vehicle
and notify the officials in case if
the system finds out, a lost vehicle.
Right. So remember our use case that I was explaining before. So that's a very
high level design. Part one, in part two.
Great. We are live capturing data across
from all the edge locations onto the central core location.
We have done some business analytics in there. But wait
a minute, we are capturing a lot of data. What should we do with this
data? Well, we should retrain the model because obviously
machine learning, the model has to be
updated as we learn about the data, as we collect more data.
Right. So we need to store vehicle images, license plate images
and license plate strings into the system. Right.
And then retrain the model. We have a model already deployed,
the edge, retrain the model, improve its prediction accuracy,
and then deploy the same model or the new version of the
model across to multiple edge locations. So Openshift helps
to do that. And tools on top of Openshift helps you to
build a solution like this where you have multiple, few hundreds to thousands
of edge locations. You just need a system that
provides you the right tool to do this kind of stuff. So that's part two
of the solution design. Right? Deploying the model at the edge. Let's come
back and understand how these things work.
Right. So this is more kind of a 1000 foot view of the system.
We have multiple edge locations running Openshift
environment. It could be fat edge where
there could be a three node openshift cluster or maybe a very
thin location where they just need a single node, a single node openshift.
Right. That's really a thing right now.
So as the video streams produce images, live images
from the system, the images will go
into a license plate recognition model. This model will then extract
out the areas of the image where it detects
a potential license plate, and then it will basically
give this subset of the image to
an OCR model, optical character recognition model, which will read the
letters from the number plate. Right. It's pretty standard. And then
once we have, once you have data onto the edge,
what we'll use, we'll use Kafka. Kafka is the go to technology
to handle this kind of workload. So we'll use Kafka, Kafka producer,
and then Kafka producer will produce some messages
onto the local Kafka cluster running on the edge. But now
here's the magic. We have lots of edge locations and we need to move
the data. We need to build this loosely coupled system
that should handle the network disruptions, right?
So Kafka does it pretty well for us.
All the events, all the metadata will be stored on the local Kafka
edge clusters. And then asynchronously it
will move the data from edge to core using a technology or using
a feature called as Kafka Mirror maker, which will move
the data from one edge or maybe thousands of edge locations
onto the core central data point, which is
Kafka again. So we are capturing the data onto the central Kafka
cluster. And once we have the data onto the central
Kafka subsystem, fantastic.
We can do lots of things with it. For example, we can build our own
Kafka consumers, maybe a python go or Quarkus apps that
can read and tap into the Kafka topic and
build some business logics, do some wanted vehicle notifications
or else for long term preserving the data
of kafka. Because remember, this is all governmental data,
right? We want to store data historically,
correct. So we need some persistent layer that can
move data that is coming to Kafka. Move into an object storage.
Because object storage is autonomous
storage, correct. You just store it. It's simple to use and it is cheap,
it's low cost. So we'll use something called a secr which can help
secure is by the way, a Kafka consumer which will tap into the Kafka topic,
read the data from Kafka, store that onto object storage bucket. And here
we are using Ceph object storage, which is the
choice. And next, once we
have data onto object storage, we can build,
analyzing and reporting, real time analytics and reporting
using tools provided by open data hub like Superset,
Apache Superset, Open Grafana,
Starbus. So Starbus is a very amazing technology. It can allow
you to write and build distributed
queries across heterogeneous data
sources. Like you can write a SQL query that's very powerful,
which can go and read data from a SQL database,
and at the same time you can join it using data that
is living on the object storage s three interfaces. So this is the
power of superset that
provides you to have this kind of environments,
which is a very powerful engine. And then Superset is basically the
dashboard and reporting part of it, which will show you
in real time the reports. And Grafana. Obviously, to manage
this system, we would need cool developers like you,
as well as some operations people who want to keep an eye Eagle's eye
onto their dashboard. And they need some real time dashboard and
Grafana is like the best choice, at least in my opinion, because I love Grafana.
So this is the overall solution that the
ansible automation under the covers is doing for us,
right? So what ansible is doing for us, let's understand.
It's installing and setting up database for us.
It's installing and setting up Kafka clusters because this
is a demo right now. So Ansible is doing deploying an Kafka
edge cluster as well as a Kafka core cluster on the same openshift environment
that we have. And then ansible going to deploy multiple microservices.
So one of them would be license plate recognition microservice, which includes
using build config builds and then from git
source to images and deploying that into deployment
config and launching the pod and creating the service
and exposing it through the route. So Ansible is actually doing a
lot of work. Similarly, like LPR,
Ansible is setting up microservice for events,
microservices for image server, and microservice for
load generator. Because I don't have a real camera hanging around and
looking at the street. But yeah, so we have a load generator for the sake
of this demo and then setting up secure, which will move the data into
the system. So this is all microservice setup that Ansible will do for us.
And then setting up open data hub which is the collection of
tools which will help us do analytics in real time. And then finally
the Grafana dashboard setup. So Ansible is really
doing the heavy lifting here.
While I'm speaking and talking to you right the moment the system is doing the
job for me and for all the
enthusiasts out there. What all modules I'm using to
make this happen, it is just these eight modules I'm using to
get my system up and running from zero to 100.
So there's a community model called as KS, which basically
uses Openshift client, Python client library client
tool, I think library, which it will call up, and it
has full access to all sorts of openshift objects.
So ansible can just tap onto the KS module and boom,
you can just do whatever you want, you can do with an OC client,
right? Similarly, by the way, OC client does crud,
it will do and change the objects while Ks info another module,
it will go and read out basically all
the get commands that you do, like OC get or kubectl get. Ks info
will do the more or less the same stuff. We are using set facts
because we have to manage the state and dynamically update the inventories
and have some variables that we wanted to capture into
the system. I'm running some commands because there
are certain things which are still complex and I don't have a module for.
So I'm like supercept, superset, data updations.
I'm using some commands for it. I'm using copy modules to copy images
from my data store to s three and then adding
host to the inventory s three, sync to move the data and a
pause just for sake of completion.
Like I'm pausing it just so that system can get stable. So yeah,
look at this. I mean, I'm just using the eight modules to do a
lot of heavy lifting using ansible. And Ansible is a really powerful tool to
do this kind of automation for you.
Okay, let's now quickly check how does ansible, Ks module
or ansible usage will look like you will write something like this.
Okay, Ks module, the state is present and I
need to apply multiple yaml files like, okay, create a secret, create a
deployment config, create a service, create image stream,
create build config. So ks module and ansible will make sure you are
applying these yaml files like you do in your OC create or
OC apply minus f command right and into the right namespace.
So that's what Ks module will do. It's pretty simple
to use and then KTas info is doing the other way.
It's basically getting the data from the kube API.
Okay, tell me the secret and the name of the secret is this. And register
the value in a postgreSQl register variable.
And then later on you set facts to pull out secrets
like database username, passwords and name that you can later on use in your
playbook. So this is how you will create these
ansible playbooks for your lovely Pacman
apps. Okay, and all
of the code is available onto the git repository. It's open.
Go and look it out. Check out. Happy to get some prs. If you guys
interested, Edson will share some links to
the link and credits to my friend Chris Bloom who is an awesome
guy who helped us with lot of ansible automation
around that you're going to see. Okay, let me go and get back
to my system. Okay, so the system is still doing the job. You can
see that ansible, I'm going to scroll up a little bit and show
you. It's not very user friendly, but since
I'm using this in a very narrow window.
But yeah, look at this. Deploying databases deployed
Kafka clusters and deployed Kafka drop APIs
and then all sorts of stuff that I explained to you.
So system is still doing the job. So bear with the system.
Let me see.
Yes, so I'm into all projects. Let me go to smart city.
Project smart city is here.
And yes, let me see if I'm getting any failures. No, there's no
failure at the moment. So things are.
So at this point, Ansible is importing some data source into superset.
So at this point it has done lots of setup already.
We are into the superset part of the equation.
Meanwhile, while this is getting ready, I have another environment where
I was pretty sure that this is going to take a little bit of time.
So I'm going to switch my window. It's another environment
which is completely set up. So I'm not cheating here, I guess,
or you guys can let me know if I'm cheating. So just to save time
here. So this is how the end result will
look like you're going to deploy lots of containers, lots of pods, lots of services.
And Ansible is basically automating and
doing all the heavy lifting here. So this is my developer view.
If you are a fan of administration view, go to the right project
from here, smart city,
and then you will see. Okay, great. I have lots of
pods running into the system, I guess. Yeah, 36 pods.
These are jobs. But yeah, 36 pods up and running at the moment right
now, which is making happen this demo. So I'll open
one of my route, which is the dashboard, Grafana dashboard for
the bird's eye view of the city. So as I mentioned before,
this is city of London. And all these black boxes here are
camera, and we have this generator which
is generating images or like simulating
vehicles which are passing from the station in real time.
We are capturing the count of the vehicle. We are detecting the vehicle,
last known vehicle from the system.
We are detecting its license plate, which is the optical character recognition,
and the license plate plate recognition model of
the vehicle and who is the owner. So by the way, these names are
just made up names.
And here's a nice graph which can tell you this is a rich data
that we are collecting. Okay, please tell me, out of the city,
what are the top stations we have in the city?
Right? So station one a is very popular because
there are so many vehicles passing from the system. So you know what, these are
some business metrics and data that you can take up.
I'm going to real quick show you the cpu chart because I like this,
because it's a gif and it's pretty awesome to see
how this looks like. Okay, as I mentioned before, we have edge Openshift.
Edge openshift core. We have Kafka and inferencing
happening on the edge. And data flows from the edge via mirror maker
onto the score Kafka cluster, and via secure data,
move to ceph self object storage. And then later we use Starburst and
PostgreSQL and other tools to do
some dashboarding around it, which looks like this.
So this is the view for your managers and
your key stakeholders. This is a reporting view that they will see.
Okay, so far we have done, like 215,000 pounds
of collection, toll fee collection, and 100,000 pounds
of pollution fees. And 45,000
vehicles have passed from the city. Right? Again, this is all
generated data, similar data. However, just to give you an idea that
what you can do with these tools once they all work in tandem,
and then we have these nice panels in superset
which you can use, adjust it according to your business case,
and you can get very precise metrics about
your business. Okay, station number
5201 is getting 22% of the total traffic of the
city, which means we need to do something here, right? Maybe add one more
lane, maybe build a superpath here,
right? And then again, vehicle, so not very
interesting. But anyways, what type of vehicles are more
popular in the city? Okay, Nissans are popular, or Audi R eight
are popular? We can debate on that. And some
table panels that. Okay, tell me, my top
consumers, who needs to pay a lot of money to the
government? Okay, so Suzanne King needs to pay, like,
whatever, 15,000 pounds. Oh, why? That's a
lot of money to the government. But anyways, this is a fake data,
and you get an idea, right. This is the view for your managers
that they can enjoy. And openshift and tools
and projects running on openshift can make it happen. And all
the nifty Kafka lovers here, I have seen that. Kafka. I love Kafka.
Kafka is great. And so I'm using this kafdrop, which is a nice, very nifty
utility. It's an open source project that you can tap into.
You'll deploy it. You have the code in my repo,
so, yes, it will help you to check out Kafka
messages in real time. No need for Kafka cat. Instead, just plug into this.
It's an open source project. When you open this LPR,
and then you will quickly show me the messages. So this
is real time messages coming onto the LPR. Topic at the
core data center right through this URL. So when
I expand this I'm getting events like okay, timestamp and event
id and vehicle license plate and detection is successful and
on which station we are doing the detection those kind of data.
I think we definitely have another deployment
of this. Let me see where we are on my deployment. Okay,
wonderful. Fantastic. So this worked at least demo God is
with me. So ansible is
completed. It has took like 29,
oh yeah, 15 minutes. It has taken 15 minutes to deploy the
entire setup that we have shown. By the way, we have already gone
through all these things that you want to show. The only thing I want to
show you here is if I go to network and see routes.
There are so many routes in here. Odh. OdH is a
great piece of solution. I'm just using two components
of ODF. That's why we don't have a lot of components. But check out ODF.
ODF is pretty cool. And then I
want to show you just last thing I've
shown you core, right? I've shown you core. This is core Kafka cluster. I just
want to show you my edge Kafka cluster as well. So these are the cluster
deployed at the edge. The topic name is LPR license plate
decode recognition. I'm going to view messages and I'll do
quick view. Okay, so the point here is that
we are capturing the message at the edge via mirror maker.
Oh, let me go two steps back. We are doing inferencing at the
edge, detecting the vehicle,
capturing the license plates in real time, putting that strings
onto Kafka topic from the edge, moving the data
to the core. And then once the data is in the core we
are doing analysis on top of the data. Analysis like this.
Analysis like this. So this
is what I have to show you guys. Coming back to my deck.
This ansible openshift and
lot of the tools makes this happen.
Okay, so I think I am
done with my prepared content and this brings us
to the end of the presentation. Thank you so much for your time. I hope
this is what's branding. Have a nice day.