Conf42 Machine Learning 2021 - Online

Pragmatic Machine Learning and ML Engineering in the Cloud with Amazon SageMaker

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It is not an easy task to design and build systems in the cloud that involve Machine Learning and Data Science requirements. It also requires careful planning and execution to get different teams and professionals such as data scientists and members of MLOps teams to follow certain processes in order to have a sustainable and effective ML workflow. In this talk, I will share the different strategies and solutions on how to design, build, deploy, and maintain complex intelligent systems in AWS using Amazon SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning service that aims to help developers, data scientists, machine learning practitioners, and MLOps teams manage machine learning experiments and workflows.

We will start by discussing some of the important concepts and patterns used in production environments and systems. As we discuss these concepts and patterns, we will provide a couple of practical solutions and examples on using the different features and capabilities of Amazon SageMaker to solve the different needs of data science and MLOps teams.


  • Joshua Arvin Lat is the chief technology officer of Nuworks Interactive Labs. He is also an AWS machine Learning hero and the author of Machine Learning with Amazon Sagemaker cookbook book. About 80 recipes to help data scientists and developers and machine learning practitioners perform ML experiments and deployments.
  • Machine learning is about creating something which helps you perform an intelligent decision. Once we start to work with more complex requirements, it becomes essential that we start using machine learning frameworks and platforms. These tools already have a lot of features and capabilities built in already.
  • Sagemaker was designed to help existing machine learning practitioners migrate and work with their existing code and set of scripts. You can save time by making use of existing features, and being aware of these features is the first step. The metric for that would definitely be time.
  • Sagemaker lets you run multiple planning instances running at the same time. With model training and tuning, all we need is a bunch of hyperparameter configuration ranges. Without much change in your code, you can improve your existing experiments.
  • With explainability it will allow us to know which features actually contributed the most to an existing output to an output. With Sagemaker, we do that by just configuring the ML explainability job. And you can use that to further improve your analysis of your experiments.
  • The advantage of using Sagemaker would be that it has great integration with the other services and features of AWS. If you were CTO, make the most out of Sagemaker. There's a lot of features and capabilities there, which just requires probably three to four lines of code.
  • automated workflows are very important because you don't want to run your experiments manually every single time. With Sagemaker pipelines, you can make use of the dedicated sagemaker pipelines to help you prepare your model. Sagemaker continues to evolve, even today, probably in one month there's a new feature.


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Good day everyone. The topic for today would be machine learning and machine learning engineering in these cloud with Amazon Sagemaker. I am Joshua Arvin Lat. People call me Arbs. I am the chief technology officer of Nuworks Interactive Labs. I'm also an AWS machine Learning hero and I'm the author of Machine Learning with Amazon Sagemaker cookbook book. So feel free to check this out. So here we have about 80 recipes to help data scientists and developers and machine learning practitioners perform ML experiments and deployments. So you will see that with just a couple of lines of code, you will be able to perform a lot of things with Amazon Sagemaker. So let's start with machine learning. No machine learning talk is complete without introducing this quickly. So what is machine planning? So machine learning is about creating something which helps you perform an intelligent decision without having to be explicitly programmed to do it. So one example of this would be, let's say we have a picture of a cat. So with your machine learning model, your machine learning model would then decide if it's a cat or not a cat. So even without human intervention, the machine learning model should be able to know if it's a cat or not a cat. And it can make use of a lot of training data. CTO help it prepare and generalize a model which can be used to identify new images and process new images if they're cats or not cats. So this is a very simplified example, but you would definitely get a better understanding once you have more examples on what machine learning can do for us next. When doing machine learning, we will definitely start with very simple examples in our local machine. But once we start to work with teams, once we start to work with more complex requirements, it becomes essential that we start using machine learning frameworks and platforms to make our lives easier. So why is this important? So let's say that we were to build everything from scratch. There's a chance that the other person in your team would have no idea what you just built, unless of course, you document it properly. You share this ways of working with your code through with documents and sample source code. But the problem there is that you will be building everything from scratch, and that will take time. And the advantage of using machine learning frameworks would be that these machine learning frameworks and platforms are already complete in a sense that they already have a lot of features and capabilities built in already because a lot of people are using them. So of course, as these people around the world are using these tools, the tools are being updated, even if you yourself haven't encountered this yet. So once you were to encounter these specific requirements, then you would probably just need to use that machine learning frameworks or platforms existing capabilities, which would save you time. Of course there will be cases where you will build something from scratch, but try to make sure that it's practical and it makes sense. So this is one good example of practical applications of machine learning, and also possible pragmatic and practical solutions using existing tools or services or capabilities of existing platforms. So if we look at these left side, we can see here that, yeah, there's anomaly detection, product recommendation forecasting, image and video analysis, document classification and language translation. Just a few of what we can do with machine learning. On the right side, we have the possible solutions. So how can we solve an anomaly detection requirements with just a few lines of code? Yeah, we can make use of sagemaker random cut forest algorithm, which is already optimized for the cloud. So it has made use of existing random cut forest algorithm, and then the AWS team optimized it to make it work with Sagemaker and the cloud resources for product recommendation we can make use of Amazon personalize, another service in AWS, which is built to solve this type of problem for forecasting requirements. We can make use of Sagemaker deeper algorithm. So it's similar to random cut forest where we just make use of an existing container image that the AWS team has provided for us, so that all we need to do is make use of that container and perform planning and deployment to solve forecasting requirements. And the same goes for the other items in this list. So of course, you won't need one to two teams of learning the nitty gritty details of how these things work. These advantage here is that even if you are a newbie, you will be able to get something to work within four CTO 8 hours. And that's pretty cool. So instead of spending six months to one year just trying to get everything to work, because you built something from scratch, you can have something which is already working. You can present a proof of concept work, CTO, your boss, or to your clients. And then once you have approved a certain budget, then that's the time you can deep dive and let's say configure the hyperparameters, prepare a complete machine learning engineering system and workflows and so on. So the advantage here is that you can build something fast and also you can configure this into something that's production ready. So what can sage maker do for us? And what is Sagemaker anyway? Sagemaker is the machine learning platform of AWS, which helps you work with more complex and custom requirements. AWS has a lot of machine learning services, but what makes Sagemaker amazing is that it has a lot of capabilities that help you migrate your machine learning requirements and workflows and code to the cloud with very minimal changes in your existing scripts. And what it offers and provides would be a certain level of abstraction when dealing with cloud resources. If you were to prepare and run simple experiments in your local machine, you may not need very large and very powerful instances or computers or servers. However, once you need to deal with production requirements and once you are going to work with really large files and really large models, you will start to realize how hard it is to get this working in the cloud because of course your local machine wouldn't be enough to get these requirements running. So here what sagemaker can do for us, which is just one of the cool things with Sagemaker, is that with just a single line of code change, you will be able to configure these infrastructure strength needed to run a certain part of the ML workflow. So for example, if you look at these screen in data preparation and cleaning, if I need two instances of a certain instance type, all I need to do is change one line of code and then that's going to work right away. And the advantage here also is that the instances, these automatically get deleted after the data preparation and cleaning step has completed, meaning you'll save money because it's not running at all, and you won't pay for anything which is not running in AWS, let's say in model training and hyperparameter tuning. You can see here that, okay, that training and hyperparameter tuning step will take time. So there, all I need to do is specify six instances of a certain type. And if I need to have a really strong instance type there, then yeah, I can just configure it there. And when I need to deploy something, and I'm aware that I'm going to pay for every r that that instance is running, of course I would choose a small instance type because of course the instance needed for deployment may not necessarily be the same instance type needed for training and will need less resources during deployment. So there we can specify one, and with just a single line of code change, we'll be able to get this working right away, which is pretty cool. So again, the infrastructure abstraction component of sagemaker already solves a lot of problems for us, because that directly maps to the cost of owning this entire thing. So of course, enough of the concepts let's take a look at a bit of code and how does this work? So you can see these source code in the repository here. So in GitHub you have Amazon Sagemaker cookbook. So feel free to check that out so that you can see all the other code snippets. So you will be surprised that all it takes is a couple of lines of code to get something working with Sagemaker, of course you will need to prepare your data, you will need to perform model evaluation. But if we were to perform training, it would be very similar to some of the existing libraries fit function. So what happens here? So first we initialize the estimator over here, and then we set the hyperparameters so we can see these, that we're dealing with a machine learning algorithm that deals with time series analysis requirements. So we have here concepts, length, time prediction length, and so on. Because we're trying to make use of the deep AR forecasting algorithm of Sagemaker, we specify the data channels on the right hand side. As you can see here, data channels equals train and test dictionary. And then with one line of code we can perform the training step with fit function and we pass the data, these data channels as the argument. Next, if we need to deploy it, all we need to do is a single line of code which is deploy. And you can see here that it's magic. So here we run the deploy function. We just specify the instance type and the instance count, and there you go. All we need to do is wait for probably three CTO five minutes and then that production level endpoint is already working. So we won't have to worry about the DevOps side of things. We won't have to worry about the engineering side of things because that's already handled by Sagemaker. So we don't have to worry about that. And if we need to delete that endpoint, it takes one line of code as well. So what's the best practice when dealing with this type of approach? So we can optimize cost by using transient ML instances for training models. And this is automatically being done by Sagemaker. So during training and even processes, we can select the type of instance or server that's going to run these processing script or scripts. So in the first example at the top, we can see here that we have a large instance. At these bottom we have a two x large instance. So these, of course the two x large instance is more expensive than the large instance, but you won't probably feel that cost much, especially if that instance runs for only two minutes because of course, if you were already using AWS for quite some time, you may notice that, okay, if an instance is running for 24 hours per day, times seven days, times four weeks, then of course the cost will add up and you will significantly fill that cost when you check the bill. But if you are running the training instance in just two minutes, then it's not that pricey. And increasing the size of the instance is preferred here because it will significantly decrease the amount of time used for training. And given that we're dealing with transient ML instances, you won't need to have a separate program or code just to delete the instances. The instances will be created and then will automatically be deleted after the processing or training jobs have completed, which is pretty cool. Before, you would have to program that. Now all you need to do is run the fit function, and then after the fit function has completed, then the instance would get deleted automatically. So your next question would be, so, do I need to create everything from scratch again? Now that I found out about this new platform? The answer would be no. Sagemaker has been designed to help existing machine learning practitioners migrate and work with their existing code and set of scripts and work to sagemaker with very minimal modifications. And there are a lot of options and layers here. Of course, if you're just getting started, you can make use of the built in algorithms, as you can see on the left side, in the middle, you can even bring your own container or container image. The advantage here is that you can compile and prepare and build your own container image with all the prerequisites there. And if you have something, let's say an R package, an R script, where your model is going to be built using those existing custom scripts, then yes, you can also port that to sagemaker by bringing your own container. And on the right side, you can even bring your own algorithm and make use of these smooth integration with existing machine learning frameworks like Tensorflow, Pytorch. You can even make use of hugging face transformer models there. So the advantage there is that in the different things that you have worked on, there's a counterpart for it in Sagemaker. And you'll realize that, oh, I didn't expect it to be that smooth and that flexible. So what's the best practice? The best practice here would be to choose what's best for you. You will be given a lot of options, and given that sagemaker is flexible, all you need to do is CTO, be aware of the features, and what would be a good metric for that? The metric for that would definitely be time, because the less time it would take you to build something or to prepare something, then that's probably the right way to go. Of course, you will have other things to worry about, let's say the evaluation metrics, the cost and so on. But one of the factors you need to take note of is time. If you can build something in 3 hours, I would prefer that over something which can be built in three months. Because after three months the requirements may have changed, your clients may have changed their mind, or maybe that would be too expensive already. Because if you were to think about cost, it would involve the cost of the infrastructure, resources, the other overhead cost, the cost of paying the employees, and so on. So with less time, you'll definitely save a lot. So make sure that you take that into account because time will always be a multiplier. That said, how can we save time? You can save time by making use of existing features, and being aware of these features is the first step. So let's take a step back and see why do we have so many features here? The reason why we have so many features here is that there are a lot of different requirements other than training and deploying your model. Of course, when you're starting to learn about machine learning, you'll start off with training your model, deploying your model, and then evaluating your model. But in reality, there's a lot more things you need to worry about once you need to work with teams, once you need to work with different requirements, once you need to work with legal and other concerns, you need to worry about. So first, let's look at the upper left side, sagemaker processing. So sagemaker processing is there to help you process your data with a custom script. The advantage of using sagemaker processing is that if your local machine or the machine that you're using is not able to process a large amount of data, you can make use of sagemaker processing using the same infrastructure abstraction capabilities that you're using with training your model. So if you have big data like data, then you can use sagemaker processing and just use a large instance to get the task completed within two to three minutes or something. With sagemaker experiment. So the one just beside sagemaker processes here at the upper middle corner. With sagemaker experiments, we can make use of that to manage multiple experiments. Of course, you will not be running just a single experiments, but with Sagemaker experiments you can run a lot of experiments and not worry about the details on how to connect the different artifacts. It will be much easier for you to audit experiments which have been performed in these past. So you can check it out, especially when you need to get things working in production and in work in general, with automatic model tuning on the upper right hand corner with just a couple of lines of code, which we will show later, you can see here that we can get the best version of a model using automatic model using. So what happens here is that we'll be able to test a lot of different hyperparameter configurations and prepare and build different models, and then we just compare the models and get the best one. With automatic model tuning, all you need is probably two or three additional lines of code in addition to what you saw earlier. And these, you'll see that, oh, that's magic. Again, with very minimal code changes, you'll be able to have something which automatically gets and prepares the best model for you. So we'll discuss that later with a couple of examples with built in algorithms. We can see here that we have about 17, I think 17 built in algorithms which can be used to solve different machine learning requirements. So some of these algorithms can be used. CTO deal with numerical data, can also deal with text data, and you can also deal with images and even time series analysis stuff. So you can already get started with built in algorithms so that you won't have to use your custom containers and algorithms, especially if you're still getting started. And most of the time, these algorithms are not just on par with what you probably will build, but it's probably already optimized in solving most of the use cases. There's also machine learning and deep learning framework support. So the great thing here is that if you're already using Tensorflow or Pytorch or Mxnet in your projects, then with very minimal adjustments, you can already port that and use it with Sagemaker. With Sagemaker, clarify the 6th one, you can use that to detect pretraining and post training bias. It can also be used to enable ML explainability. And we'll discuss that later in detail, and you'll see that it can be used to help you manage the other production requirements which you may encounter later on when you have to deploy your model, especially the legal and ethical concerns surrounding the type of problem that you're trying to solve. Sagemaker debugger we'll actually discuss this in detail in these next set of slides. But sagemaker debugger can be used to debug your experiments in near real time in cloud environments. So later you'll realize that debugging experiments locally and debugging experiments in the cloud are quite different because of course when you're using and working with different instances and servers during training and there's an error somewhere, how do you debug that, especially if you're dealing with a distributed setup? Sagemaker feature store Sagemaker feature store is used for feature store requirements from the name itself. So you will have these offline feature store, and you will have the online feature store. And the offline feature store can be used to deal with data which can be used for training, and then the online feature store can be used to get data which can be used for the prediction parts. Sagemaker autopilot is there to help you with your automl requirements. So with very minimal human intervention, probably just the initial configuration part, you can just pass in your planning data and then run, and then after a few minutes you will have a trained model. So that's pretty cool because you can make use of AutomL and Sagemaker has proper support for it. Sagemaker Studio so Sagemaker Studio is there to help us have an interface and basically a studio which has a lot of features and capabilities integrated already so that things would be pretty smooth when you're dealing with experiments and deployments when using Sagemaker. So they're continuously upgrading this studio. CTO make it easy for you to run your code and then there's an interface for it so that it's very practical for you to work on real life experiments. Sagemaker Groundsuit is there to help you prepare your data. Sagemaker model monitor from the name itself, it's there to help you monitor deployed models, manage spot planning if you're aware of what spot instances are. Those are used to further reduce the cost when performing training. So with managed spot training, you won't have to worry about the nitty gritty details when you're using spot instances, because all you need to do is update a couple of parameters and then you'll be able to save on costs, especially when you're dealing with large instances during training. Sagemaker pipelines, second to the last, will be able to create complex machine learning workflows with just a couple of lines of code. And then finally Sagemaker data Wrangler is used to help you prepare your data using an interface. So these are just a few of the capabilities and features of Sagemaker. You might be overwhelmed right now, but do not worry because we will choose about four or five of them, and we will discuss this in more detail over the next couple of minutes. What's important here is that you should have that mindset or way of thinking that maybe the problem that you want to solve has already been solved by an existing tool or framework. And if you were to use Sagemaker, probably one of the customers of AWS has already requested for that already, and there's already a solution already prepared for it. So before trying to build something on your own, check if all you need to do is add one to two lines of code in order to solve your problem. It's not about creating the coolest solution out there, it's about solving your problem in the shortest time possible with the smallest amount of expense. Because if you will get the same output, or even better, why not use something which already built for you? So let's start first with sagemaker debugger. So here you will start to see more code, and this will help you understand how easy it is to use Sagemaker in general. And actually some parts of the code here are just snippets which are already used in other snippets, as you see in the previous slide. So here at the bottom, this is the same estimator initialization code. And what's happening at the top here is that we're just initializing these debugger objects and properties there before passing it to the estimator object. So there all it takes is probably three additional lines of code, and sagemaker debugger is already enabled. So what's happening here, what's happening here is that every two steps we will save some sort of snapshot data, and then it will save that in Amazon S three, and then we'll be able to debug that and have more visibility on what's happening inside. And we can specify here that we need to have a rule that the loss should not be decreasing, so the value there should not be decreasing. So if that rule is violated, then we'll be able to detect that during the execution phase of the planning step. So you just specify the configuration with sagemaker debugger, initialize the estimator object with a debugger configuration specified and enabled, and then you just run the experiment normally so you won't have to worry about going deep into these actual execution of the container inside. Sagemaker and debugger will do its magic for you. Pretty cool, right? Let's look at our automatic model tuning with Sagemaker. With model training and tuning, we can see here that all we need is a bunch of hyperparameter configuration ranges, and we will have multiple planning instances running at the same time. The advantage these is that without much change in your code, you'll be able CTO improve your existing experiments and make it run ten times or 100 times more without having to worry about the details. So if you were to look at this slide, you'll see that the estimator initialization step is just these same. The same way goes for the set hyperparameters call function call. So if you look at the lower left section during the initialization of the hyperparameter ranges section, we specify the continuous and integer parameter ranges for minimum child weight, max step and eta, and then we initialize the hyperparameter object with those configuration, and then we just call the fit function. So the cool thing here is that we just added three to four lines of code, and then we call the fit function. And then there you go. It's going to run for probably 15 to 20 minutes, and then after 15 CTO, 20 minutes, depending on your configuration, then you'll get the best model based on the objective metric target. So if the target is validation area under the curve, then it will select the model with the best value for it. The next one would be ML explainability. So of course there's a way for us CTO know which features are important without having to understand the actual algorithm. There's a difference between interpretability and explainability, but with explainability it will allow us to know which features actually contributed the most to an existing output to an output. So if you look at the screen here, we have feature one and feature zero, the first two features contributing the most to the actual output. And feature two and feature three did not really contribute much to the output, meaning that if we have new data, there's no point changing the values for feature two and feature three because they don't really contribute to the final outcome. So if there are production columns and then there's a target column, we're pretty sure that feature one and feature zero contributes the most CTo the final outcome. So how do we prepare something like this? We prepare something like this and get this type of output using shaft values. So shaft values help us understand the output and the model better. So how do you do that? With Sagemaker, we do that by just configuring the ML explainability job. So you initialize the sagemaker, clarify processes, you configure the data config and the shap config objects and these. After that you use the run explainability function and wait for probably three to seven minutes to get that completed, depending on the size of your data and these type of instances that you're using. So after three to seven minutes, you'll get something like this, and then you'll be surprised. Okay, I didn't have to learn much about shaft values, but with just using a couple of lines of code, I got what I needed. And you can use that to further improve your analysis of your experiments. So next, let's now talk about deployments. The advantage of using Sagemaker would be that it has great integration with the other services and features of AWS. Of course, you may have your own tech stack for it, but you'll be surprised that Sagemaker probably has some sort of integration, let's say with kubernetes, or even with lambda and so on, or if you're dealing with a new service, let's say app runner or something. You'll be surprised that you can deploy sagemaker models there, and even in easy to instances. But let's start first with a couple of examples and patterns which may be applicable to you already. The first one would be deploying the model inside these lambda function, so you will save a lot of cost there. But of course there are trade offs and you won't be able to use the other sagemaker features with the lambda function. But it's really good for simplified model deployments. We can also create a lambda function that triggers an existing sagemaker endpoint, so that you can prepare and process your data first inside the lambda function, and then trigger the sagemaker endpoint, and then process the data again before returning it back to the user. So you can combine lambda and API Gateway to help abstract the request and response calls before passing it to the sagemaker endpoint. The third one in the list is the API gateway mapping templates, where you won't need a lambda function at all to trigger a sagemaker endpoint. The fourth one involves deploying the model in Fargate, and you'll be able to use containers there in Fargate. Here's the cool thing here. If you were CTO, make the most out of Sagemaker. There's a lot of features and capabilities there, which just requires probably three to four lines of code, and you'll be able to get something like this. So the first one would be Sagemaker multimodal endpoint. Of course, it would be weird to have a set up where you have one endpoint for each model. You'll realize that you can actually optimize this and have, let's say, three models deployed in a single endpoint. And it not only will it help you reduce cost, it also enable you to perform other cool things. Let's say a b testing where you're deploying let's say two models at the same time, and then you're trying to check which model is performing better. And you can also deploy a model inside a lambda function with the lambda functions container support. So there are a lot of variations here. And being aware of these variations is the first step. And having the developers skills to customize the solution is the second step, especially once you need to customize things a bit based on your use case. Now let's talk about workflows. So work automated workflows are very important because you don't want to run your experiments manually every single time. Of course, at the start you will be running these steps manually because you'll be experiments if it will work or not. But once you need to, let's say, retrain your model, it would be really tedious to do that every month or every two weeks and running the experiment again and again. What if there's some sort of automated script or automated pipeline which helps you perform these steps without you having to do it manually? So for example, after one month there's data uploaded in an s three bucket or storage. You want your automated workflow to run. And if these model is, let's say, better than your existing model, then you replace it. And yeah, you can do it automatically with the different options available with Sagemaker. So this is these first one. So this is a very simplified example. Of course, we won't discuss the more complex examples here, but these are the building blocks to help you prepare those more complex examples. So here this is using to help you prepare a linear workflow where you have the training step, the build step, and then the deploy step. With just a couple of lines of code and using the sagemaker SDK and the step functions, data science SDK, we'll be able to make use of two services, the first one being sagemaker and then the second one being the data science SDK. And with very minimal changes in your existing sagemaker code, you'll be able to create a pipeline like this one. And you can make use of the features of step functions to help you debug and keep track of the different steps being executed during the execution phase. The second option would be to use sagemaker pipelines. So with Sagemaker pipelines, you can do the same set of things as what you can do with the sagemaker and data science SDK combo. But here you can make use of the dedicated sagemaker pipelines to help you prepare your model. So this one came in much later, after more people have requested for it. And you can see here that, wow, you can have an interface, a UI chart or graph like this, and you will know what's happening in each step. And let's say that you want to know the details after each step has executed, let's say the metrics during the train step. Then you can just click on these train step box and then you'll see the metrics and these other details there. So this is the source code for it. You'll see here that with just a couple of lines of code added to your existing initial Sagemaker SDK code, you'll be able to create the different steps. So most likely probably two lines of code, two to three lines of code for each block. So let's say that you have the processing step and then you have the train step. Then probably you'll need four additional lines of code because of course, in addition to the original code that you have, where you have configured the different step, let's say estimator initialization, Sklearn processes initialization step. These, you will make use of these sagemaker pipeline's counterpart objects, and you will link those and then just chain those AWS you can see here, create a chain and prepare the pipeline by combining all the other steps. And in order to run this, all you need to do is run these execute function. So there, that's pretty cool. And you'll see that the more you use a certain platform like Sagemaker, you'll realize that, hey, there's a patterns. If I need something like this, I won't have to worry about changing the other parts of the code because it's probably just a configuration code change away. So again, I'm going to share this slide again so that you can have a quick look at the different features and capabilities of Sagemaker. But what I will tell you is that Sagemaker continues to evolve, even today, probably in one month there's a new release or new capability or new upgrade CTO existing features, and it's better for us to stay tuned there by, let's say, checking the AWS blog. And yeah, so again, it's not just powerful, it's also evolving. And the great thing here is that the more features and capabilities that you're aware of, the more you can make use of Sagemaker and further reduce cost, because the importance of a good professional would be his or her own ability to optimize and solve things using the knowledge and expertise using specific tools. So again, thank you very much and hope you learned a lot of things during my talk, and feel free to check out my book machine learning with Amazon Sagemaker cookbook because that will help you understand Sagemaker better with the 80 recipes there, which are super simplified to help you understand something, even if it's your first time using sagemaker. So there. Thank you again and have a great day ahead.

Joshua Arvin Lat

CTO @ NuWorks Interactive Labs

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