Conf42 Kube Native 2024 - Online

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Golang and Native Kubernetes: A Symbiotic Relationship in Cloud-Native Application Development


As cloud-native development continues to transform modern software architecture, Kubernetes has emerged as a de facto standard for container orchestration. Golang (Go), the language in which Kubernetes itself is built, has become increasingly significant for developing Kubernetes-native applications. This paper explores the relationship between Go and Kubernetes, analyzing their complementary roles in cloud-native development, the architecture of Kubernetes, the advantages of Go in containerized environments, and how Go’s concurrency model makes it well-suited for scalable distributed systems.



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Hello, everyone. My name is Abhinav Chunchu. I've been working as a software engineer from past 10 years. Currently, I'm working as a senior software engineer in Lowe's. Today, I'm presenting on cloud native and Golang's power in the Kubernetes orchestrated architecture. In this presentation, we'll be going through the rise of cloud native development, why Kubernetes, the role of Golang in Kubernetes, Go in containerized environments, data driven insights, Go in Kubernetes development, Go's concurrency model for scalable systems, real world applications of Go in Kubernetes, and the future of Go on Kubernetes. So the rise of cloud native development. cloud native development leverages, cloud computing to allow applications to be developed, deployed, and managed at a large scale. Thank you. Kubernetes plays a crucial role in the stabilization, powering 85 percent of containerized production workloads globally. These features, like portability, scalability, automation, make it backbone of the cloud native architectures. Golang has become a key language for cloud native systems because of its, Efficiency in handling concurrency and low resource usage crucial for the cloud environments. Why Kubernetes? Kubernetes is highly recommended for its ability to automatically manage containerized applications. Features such as self healing, auto scaling, rolling updates and rollback make it ideal for the handling cloud native demands. Kubernetes is designed to manage billions of requests per day, making it scalable and reliable for high demand applications. the role of Golang in Kubernetes. Kubernetes itself is built on Go. This emphasizes the Go's importance in orchestration cloud native environments. Go's lightweight, compiled nature ensures that applications built in Go are quick to deploy and have minimum startup time. These are essential for the containerized microservices. its concurrency model like Goroutines, make the Kubernetes to efficiently scale, manage thousands of microservices with minimum resource consumption. The currently services like in Java or Spring Boot or other, PySpark, other features from the other frameworks are very heavy loaded and heavy duty, applications where they have the more startup time and scaling those high microservices is much harder compared to the Go. Go small binaries. and efficient resource management make it ideal for the containerized environments where fast scaling and minimal overhead are required. And Go excels in networking, file input, output and memory intensive tasks with these environments enhancing the performance. And Go's native concurrency enables it to outperform many other languages in multi container setups where tasks need to be executed in parallel. Data driven insights. Go in Kubernetes deployments. 70 percent of Kubernetes controllers and operators are built in Go, as shown by the CSN of Kubernetes Survey 2023. Companies using Go for Kubernetes native tools report better operational efficiency, automation and easier scalability. Organizations prefer Go for developing a Kubernetes native tools because it reduces the development time while ensuring high performance. Go's concurrency model for the scalable systems. Go's lightweight Go routines, which used around 2 KB of memory, enable highly scalable distributed systems. Channels in Go ensure safe communication between Go routines. Avoiding the data races distributed in Kubernetes setup. Allowing the system to handle high concurrency without excessive resource usage. Data driven insights. Oh, we already went through this. Okay. Go's concurrency model for the, oh, sorry. Real world applications of Go in Kubernetes. Case studies, the several case studies highlights the Go's impact in real world scenarios. Google used Go based controllers, leading to 30 percent improvement in scaling time. PayPal used Go based operators to maintain 99. 99 percent uptime, showcasing the reliability and performance benefits. The future of Go and Kubernetes With continuous improvements, Go is expected to enhance Kubernetes abilities, to maintain, manage the increasing complex workloads, including the edge computing and the multi cluster management. The simplicity, speed, and concurrency model of Go are likely to play a major role in the next phase of cloud native development. Ensuring Kubernetes remain at the forefront of cloud architecture. Integration with the future Kubernetes projects like kube edge, Kubernetes cluster API will expand the Kubernetes functionality in edge computing and multi cluster management. Conclusion Finally, I would like to conclude the combination of Go and Kubernetes is a key to unlock a cloud native excellence. Go's performance, scalability, lightweight nature make it ideal for the modern cloud native systems. Kubernetes in turn leverage the Go strength to efficiently manage, containerize the applications, ensuring the resilience and scalability in large scale cloud computers. Thank you.

Abhinav Chunchu

Senior Software Engineer @ Lowes

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