Conf42 Kube Native 2023 - Online

Go from Kubernetes YAML engineer to software engineer with CDK8s

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With CDK8s, you can describe Kubernetes deployments with general purpose programming languages like Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java or Go. In the session, you will learn all about this tool and how it helps you to evolve from a YAML engineer to an efficient software engineer.


  • Robert: There's simply too much Yaml in my life. The moment you're trying to design some infrastructure, define it, deploy it, you get in touch with Yaml. Let's engineer some yaml, shall we?
  • CDK's approach is to write infrastructure as actual code, like in general purpose languages. It helps you to model your Kubernetes resources as reusable components. There's a family of CDKs for you to use, and we see all of them here.
  • CDKs lets you model Kubernetes resources or manifest as code. You can also give it custom resource definitions and it will turn those resources into classes. As we're writing our infrastructure in code, suddenly we get all the benefits from writing general purpose languages.
  • With a programming language we get some benefits for making the code easier. But we haven't yet used one of the main benefits of programming, which is abstractions. So abstracting things to make it even easier and to remove undifferentiated stuff.
  • CDKs plus is another library that builds on top of cdks. constructs are essentially those classes that represent the infrastructure, the Kubernetes API objects. Levels means that these constructs can have different levels of sophistication. With high level abstractions, we make it easier to understand the code.
  • cdks can be really great to now do code instead of configuration to manage Kubernetes. Here are some resources for you on how you can get started with CDks. I would ask you to kindly give me some feedback on that session and also give us some feedback about some potential new CDks features.


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Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by. Welcome to my talk go from Kubernetes Yaml engineer to software engineer with CDKs, the cloud development kit for Kubernetes. My name is Robert and I'm a senior solutions architect at AWS. Also, I hate Yaml. There's simply too much Yaml in my life. And I think you know why. The moment you're trying to design some infrastructure, define it, deploy it, you get in touch with Yaml. And there were quite a few times in my professional life where I could swear that yaml, it really stands for yelling at my laptop. So to get into that mood, let's engineer some yaml, shall we? Here we have a very simple application. It's an HTTP Echo server, and we want to set this up as a container on our Kubernetes cluster. And of course we're using YAml because that's like the native thing you're doing when you are creating Kubernetes manifests. So let's look at that. First of all, we need a deployment, right? And the deployment tells us what kind of container we want to run, what image it is, what kind of ports it has, and so on. Then we need a service. The service is our entry door to our small echo server. Finally, we also need an ingress because this thing is so great, we want to expose that to the whole world, right? So we define an ingress object and already we see all the problems that we have with Kubernetes Yaml. There's a lot of repetition. You have this app, Echo label everywhere, there's a lot of repeated values. This port value is everywhere. And the hardest thing of all, we need to name things and we have to make sure that we're using the same names at every place where it really counts, like here, for the name of the service. So we wrote 45 lines of Yaml here and we're already seeing some problems. When you're writing your Kubernetes manifests with YAml. With yamls, there's a lot of copy paste going on. Now that's often because to make a single change, actually, you often have to make multiple changes at different locations. So everything works together. Now, you do this either manually and hope for the best, or you have some special tooling for that, like a templating engine. All this setup makes it really hard to share. And maybe you need a special package manager to actually do that, like helm. All in all, that creates a very high cognitive load for engineers. I have to think about a lot of things and some of them are not really important for me. But is there a different way to do it? Let's look at the CDK's approach. And the CDK's approach is to write infrastructure as actual code, like in general purpose languages. What does CDK's do for me? Well, in a nutshell, it takes some code that we see on the left, then it has a nice CLI command SDK synth, and then it turns that code in all the yaml that I need to actually deploy the application. The great thing is, I didn't have to write that thing on the right, but rhymed. So what are cdks for? Kubernetes. So CDK for kubernetes, which by the way stands for cloud development kit, it's an open source multi language software and development framework. I guess you figured that out. And it helps you to model your Kubernetes resources as reusable components. So you write code and from that code you go to config. And then instead of doing the copy pastey thing that we did before, well now instead we can apply some engineering best practices, which is great. Also, Sydneykates can be run anywhere, so it's not really dependent on some special version of some Kubernetes cluster. You can run it locally and in the end it generates plain vanilla Kubernetes manifests in Yaml, and you can deploy them in any cluster, on any cloud or locally. And you can write all of that stuff in Python, in typescript, in Java or in go. So you can pick your favorite language. Now, CDKS is not the only CDK, actually there's a family of CDKs for you to use, and we see all of them here. So there is the AWS CDK, that was the first. And as the name implies, this is about defining infrastructure on AWS. Then we have cdks, that's what we're talking about today. And then there's also CDKTF. And CDKTf works the same way you write code, but the output of that is actually a terraform file that you can apply for all of those things. You need libraries. So ideally you find that other people had similar needs when they created their architectures. And in the best case, they created libraries out of those architectures. And you can find them on the construct hub, which is under constructs dev. So the construct hub is a place where you can find additional premade architectures and other things for the different CDKs case. Now, how does it feel like to actually work with cdKs? Let me walk you through a complete lifecycle first of all, we need to initialize our project. So you need to install the CDK CLI and you can do that via NPM. The next thing is to initialize your project. For that, CDKs has a handy command in it, and then you need to import all the Kubernetes API objects that you actually want to use when you model your infrastructure. And that's what you're doing with import. So let's have a closer look at those two commands. The init command is to scaffold a base project so you have everything ready to go and can just focus on writing your infrastructure. As you can see here, init takes an argument about what kind of language you want to write. So you can pick between typescript, go Java and Python, and that creates a new CDKs project. From a template on the right side you see how it basically looks like if you do typescript. And by the way, everything we see today will be typescript. Please don't judge me, I'm a typescript guy. Now the other command is import. And import is important, ha ha, because this command helps you to get all the Kubernetes resources or all the Kubernetes API objects as code. So basically as classes. So what we can see here is that one typical command is to say import Kates, add a version, and that basically tells cdkates to import a certain version of the Kubernetes base API. And then what you will get is what you see on the bottom right, which is a file, typescript file or whatever you're using, where all the API objects, the typical ones, you know like deployments, pods, ingress service, they are all defined here. So now you can use them in your code. This thing has a nice trick though. You can also give it custom resource definitions and it will turn those resources, those API objects into classes as well. So here's an example. If you're using the Jenkins operator, you can have the custom resource definition of Jenkins available. Suddenly you can deploy Jenkins instances with cdks, which is great. The next thing you have to do is to actually model your Kubernetes resources or manifest as code. So we have this bare bones project now, but we actually need to put in some kubernetes stuff for it to produce something. So this is what we're going to do right now. And the way it looks is roughly like this. The main code file that you typically have in a CDKs application is looking something like this. You have a main class, the chart class that you extend, and the chart class essentially is representing one kubernetes manifest. So this class essentially will turn into one YAML file in the end. And then within that chart you are adding your actual resources and you're doing that with classes, or we call them constructs in CDK speech. And here for example, you can see that we have added a deployment and that deployment has a configuration about containers. And once we did that we are almost good to go. The last thing we do have to do is instantiate an app class that's like the high level thing of CDK's apps where everything lives under. And then we instantiate the chart that we have written above and basically add it to that application and then we're basically done. The cool thing about that is that as we're writing our infrastructure in code now, suddenly we get all the benefits from writing general purpose languages. We get code completion for example. So we're starting to write objects or classes and we get some smart proposals on what we could actually put in there. So configuring things is much easier. Also we get inline documentation. So here we can see that the moment I pick the selector as a property I want to define it also shows me the documentation for that. And at this point you realize that yay, your config is typed now and that's awesome because there's less looking up of documentation online and more help in your ide to get stuff done. Now let's actually write that HTTP echo server with cdkates. How does that look like? Well, to some extent it still looks a lot like what we did in Yaml, but there are some benefits. So have a look at that. First of all, we are using the Kube deployment class over here, and this is essentially your vanilla deployment definition deployments object, API object, however you want to call it from the Kubernetes base API. And you see that we have to define a lot of the same things as you would with a yaml as we go along. Of course there's also a Kube service class and there's our ingress class. So so far so good, not too much new, but there are already some benefits we gain here. We are in a programming language now, so we can practice things like do not repeat yourself. So the port and the labels that we might need in different places, well now essentially we can pull them out and we can only define them once and reference them. So that already cleans it up a little bit. Also about the naming is hard things. This is easier now because we see here that this service class we actually didn't give the service a real name, it will just generate one for us. It will make sure that it's a unique name so there's no collision. And when we need the service name somewhere else, we can just reference it by saying, hey, service name, give me the name of that service. So naming is easier now because some of that cdks is doing for us. Now that we have defined our infrastructure. We can go ahead and create the Kubernetes manifests, the dreaded yaml out of that. And we do that with a synth command. So calling CDK synth will take those manifests and create them for all those charts in your app. And this is absolutely plain vanilla. Kubernetes Yaml manifests. There's nothing specific about them. You can put them in any other tool or process you have which works with Kubernetes manifests. It will work because there's essentially no trace that cdkates created that. And that's good because now we actually want to deploy that stuff. So it runs in kubernetes. And the way we can do that now really depends on how we are operating in our company. So in the simplest way, you can just call Kubectl, apply. The manifest will be found in the disk directory of the CDKS project. And you're good to go. And kubernetes will work on that manifest and deploy it. But of course, as I said before, you can use any tool that works with a Kubernetes manifest. So if you are one of those fancy kids who are already doing git ops. So you're checking in your manifests into git. And then your Kubernetes cluster is continuously pulling that and applying that. Well, you can do that too. Now that you have the output, you have that manifest. Just check it into your git. And your Gitops process should just work. Now we did all of that and we feel pretty good about it. So we're thinking, hey, what we just built, that's a great thing. Everybody should be able to use that. So let's package that as our own class, as our own construct and make it available to everyone else. How are we doing that? Well, because we are working in a normal programming language. We can also use normal package managers and package repositories, artifact repositories, or however you want to call them and put our code there to share it. And that of course, could be privately. So we're only sharing this internally at our company with our team. Or it could also be publicly as a software package. And then somewhere someone might find your cool construct. And part of this construct of your own construct library is this cool echo server deployment that we just saw. We just packaged that as its own class, its own construct, and then somebody else can use that and have an echo server and they had to do even less work on that because you obviously built in best practices and all that good stuff right? Now we saw that with a programming language we get some benefits for making the code easier, making the configuration clearer, removing repetition. But we haven't yet used one of the main benefits of programming, which is abstractions, so abstracting things to make it even easier and to remove undifferentiated stuff that we don't care about really. And this is where cdks plus comes in. And CDKs plus is another library that builds on top of cdks. And to explain what it really does, I have to talk about construct levels. Now as I explained, constructs are essentially those classes that represent the infrastructure, the Kubernetes API objects. Now we talk about levels, and levels means that these constructs can have different levels of sophistication. So the question is how much smarts, how much intelligence is built into them. The lowest level, level zero, is really just a representation of a bare bones Kubernetes API object with like common functionality because all API objects in Kubernetes kind of look the same. And that's really not super interesting for you because you don't think about that too much. The level after that, these are the actual Kubernetes API objects that you use like the deployment, the service, the pod and so on. And these are automatically generated for you based on the version of Kubernetes that you referenced when you did that CDK's import command for example. Or they are generated from that CID Yaml file that you gave to the import command. Now where it gets really interesting is on level two because these are handcrafted high level APIs, high level constructs that do a lot under the hood for you so that it's much easier to define your Kubernetes resources. And CDKs is the library that is bringing a lot of those high level constructs. So going back to our HTTP Echo server, we can now look at how we would define it with CDKs plus instead of just cdks. And this is all it takes, that's the whole thing. CDKs plus has a special deployment construct and this deployments construct does a lot of things for you under the hood. So you just have to define your container because obviously you have it. Couldn't know that and then if you actually want to expose that via an ingress, you don't even have to create the ingress class. You don't even have to instantiate the ingress class for that. There's a handy helper method called expose via ingress, and it does exactly what it says. Expose this deployments via ingress, give it a few parameters and you're basically done. So now, before, I think we had like 40 ish lines of code, or Yaml. Now we're down to 13. And we're also getting some really cool benefits here, because this part here is speaking to us, right? It says, expose the deployment via ingress. We understand the intent of that. It's not just a bag of objects that somehow relate, because there's the same port number and the same service name or whatever. We can see a little story here. We know what the engineer wanted to do. So we're starting to write for humans and not for machines. And that's an aspect of CDK in general that I find very interesting, because it has a lot to do with the idea of clean code, right? That's a concept that was made popular in the book of the same name. And the idea of clean code is that you write code that is easy to be understood by everyone in the team. It can be enhanced by any developer, even by new developers, and to make things, if things are understandable, it makes it easy to maintain that code, improve that code and so on. So with those speaking functions, with those high level abstractions, we make it easier to understand the code, we make it easier to understand the infrastructure we are defining with that code. To give you an example, going back to the deployment definition we just did with cdkates, we can read that story out of that text, right? We said, hey, create a deployment and then call expose via ingress. That's the story. As a human, that's easier to read. Now, what happens in the background, of course, is a lot of stuff, right? So in the Kubernetes API object world behind that one class, that one construct we created, there's a deployment definition that has been created. That deployment somehow is using this port because we need to define it for the container. That deployment needs to basically know which ports belong to it. So there's this label that must match with the pods. We don't see any of that here at all. This is all hidden from us. When you have defined this once, you know what I mean? Because this is like doing it the same way every time. You can only mess it up. Basically, it doesn't get better. And CDKS is hiding that relationship completely from you. It just manages it for you so that it works, we also need to create that ingress now. We don't need to create it by hand, we're just calling this expose via ingress method here. So that's done for us. And again, the ingress is somehow needing that port. And the ingress has a service, right? If you remember, the ingress points to a service object and the service object also kind of needs the port. And it's pointing to the same labels because it needs to know which ports belong to the service object. And now you basically know why. Maybe you need a graph database to understand what's happening in kubernetes, but the gist here is that cdks is doing all of that under the hood for you. And instead of reading that because that's essentially the yaml, you read that story over here in code, and it's much easier for someone to review that and understand what the engineer intended to do, which is really cool. And you can take this further and of course build your own constructs, put together whatever you want pre configured, just expose a few values that are really needed and everything else is happening under the hood. You can build in your security best practices from your security guys. So your CISO is happy you can put in anything and then just release a very cool high level, super smart construct that makes it easier to deploy stuff on kubernetes. So to sum it up, why should I code my infrastructure? Well, the reason is that the moment you're using general purpose languages, you can employ software engineering best practices like clean code, do not repeat yourself, and so on. You can also use a familiar programming language. So instead of working with some form of configuration language that as time progressed became more and more like a real programming language because it had to do so many things, you just say, well, just use a normal programming languages that I know, like Python or typescript. The moment you're using a programming languages, you get great ide in tool support, because that's what these ides do, right? They're working best with programming languages, even out of the box without any cool add ons. And then you can build those powerful abstractions, or you can use those powerful abstractions from CDks. And as mentioned before, you can use that for your own developer platform. You can extend the existing abstractions or you can build your own, and then you can share them internally or externally and make it easier for people to use kubernetes. Now there might be a few reasons why you do not want to use cdks and programming languages. And one of the reasons might be that you're saying, hey, but I'm totally fine with my existing tools and I like my mountain of Yaml, it's a great friend for me. One thing I can say here is that you can actually mix and match. So with cdks you can also import existing kubernetes manifests in YaML and then sprinkle some new deployments, some new API objects in with cdks. So it's not an all or nothing thing. If you have a new smaller project that you need to deploy in Kubernetes, you could try out cdks now. You might also just don't like coding, which is fine because the coding is great until it's not right. Things break. You have a dynamic processing flow control flow, so things can get complicated. Typically I don't see that with CDK. Typically the code is pretty readable because it's just do this resource, this resource, this resource. So it's just reading it from top to bottom. So that's fine. But yeah, it can have some downsides. And if you're the author of a helm chart, meaning you are building helm charts, you are creating them. Then also cdks is currently not helping you so much because it cannot create helm charts. You can deploy helps charts with it, that's absolutely no problem. If you're referencing a helm chart and say I want this deployments with these parameters, you can do that in cdks, but it's not a helm chart creator for that case. Not yet at least. So I hope you got an idea on why cdks can be really great to now do code instead of configuration to manage Kubernetes or manage at least Kubernetes deployments and other objects. Here are some resources for you on how you can get started with cdks. So there's of course the project website CDks IO. We already talked about the constructs hub. So there you find community shared constructs that already do things like building complete infrastructures, pre defining things for you. So that's really cool. And then you can also interact with the community. So cdks is a CNCF sandbox project and there's a slack under CDK dev. And also finally there's the CDK day, which is a completely community driven event for the whole CDK ecosystem that's happening once a year, but you can always get the recordings and there all the cdks and also other cool new tools are shown from the community. And what fancy stuff you can do with them. So definitely check that out. Now if you liked that presentation, I would ask you to kindly give me some feedback on that session and also give us some feedback on some potential new cdks features. So if you follow the link under the QR code you'll find a small survey about the session. But on the second page we're asking you something about how you are using kubernetes and if you would like or if you are interested in some new cdks features that are coming up in the near future. And to spoil it here. It has a lot to do with helm so it would be super amazing, especially if you are a helm user. So chart creator or chart user or both if you would take the survey because that will help us to figure out how we can make cdks better for the helm world. So that's it from me. Thanks a lot for watching that talk. If you have any questions you can find me on Twitter or on LinkedIn. And if you ever try out CDK's, which I hope you will do after this talk, I would love to hear about it and get your feedback on the user experience. So have a good time and and yeah, start slaying that Yaml dragon. See you then.

Robert Hoffmann

Senior Solutions Architect @ AWS

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