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Hi everyone. Conf 42
excellent. Ah, what we're going to
talk about today are basically microservices
refactoring the patterns. This is like a very fancy name.
What we are going to do is talk about how to take
ugly prepared, very ugly API
code and refactor it to patterns.
We're going to talk about the patterns themselves also. But why
we're doing that it because we want
cleaner code and easy to maintain. But we'll get to that.
My name is Gil Zilberfeld and
I'm a trainer and a consultant on everything development,
testing, product agile,
whatever needs you have in order to
make software better. I'm the author of two books, everyday unit testing, everyday spring testing.
That's from the Java world. And you can
contact me on these things, Twitter as well.
The backside has all the things that you need to contact me
if you have any questions. I want to start with the goal,
and the goal is always
code that works over and over again. Code that works. Yeah,
we know that we probably want to have code that
works and we
want it to work over and over again, meaning that we're going to go into
that code. And when we go into that code and to
add features, fixed bugs, whatever, we want to continue having
this experience of having
code that works now and after every iteration.
Now what you see is basically the feeling when you
need to go into most code, not just microservice code.
The reason I picked this one is because it's more focused on things
that microservices do. And everybody's writing microservices
these days and we may not
be able to focus on the
time while we're building them, on what we actually want
the code to not just do, but look like.
So as we write more code and add
more features and so on, basically if we don't refactor,
what happens is that we don't want to refactor
again and again and again code gets messy
and basically it becomes like a trap for the next developer that comes in.
That's going to be his or hers problem. So we don't want that.
We want a couple of things that care going to go the
principles that we are interested in.
And the first one, the code,
we want it to be easy to change again. If you are not going to
go into that code again, it doesn't really matter.
But if we care, easy,
less risky. We want the code to basically
go in there, make the changes and go out. So in order to do that,
there are a couple of principles that we're going to talk about and coding
guide us today. One is cohesion.
Cohesion is about having code that
deals with the same things being in the same place, files,
modules, whatever. And second is
the complement of that separation of concerns.
Code that deals with different things need to be separated.
It makes sense to us, but also it makes sense
in terms of maintainability. And that is when we're going to fix something
or touch something, we'd rather focus on that thing
and not all the other things that go with it.
Dependencies, I don't know if you change here,
need to change there, so it makes it easier
to change if there are no dependencies or things are separated.
Second thing, we want it easy to test. We're not going to talk about
much about testing today, but it is kind of a thing that we
want, because if you think about APIs, we're thinking about
raising up servers and we're going to see databases
and Kafka queues. The more setup
that we need to have, the more dependencies that we have in our tests,
that is less likely that we say,
I don't want to do it, I don't want to test. It takes too much
time, too risky. So the more the code doesn't
have too many dependencies, fewer dependencies there are,
it is easier to test. If it's easier to test, chances are we're
going to test it. The second thing is about
loosely coupled interfaces and events. Now,
Javascript typescript, we're going
to show examples today. Events, we know about this,
right? Events basically decouple
the sender of the event. It doesn't care about who gets the event and
what it does with it. And all
the event handler needs to know where it came from. That's it.
So this is like a separation of concerns as well, but it's
also loosely coupled. That means that we can change one without changing the other.
As long as we are keeping the contract.
Interfaces are the same. Basically it's a structure
of the data that we're sending. It's a
contract. As long as we keep that, it doesn't matter what the data is.
We can change code in one place without having impact
on the other. And if it's not like that,
that means that we're again raising the chances of
not going to test. So what are
these things that I mentioned? Cohesion. I rated Wikipedia
the degree to which the elements inside the module belong together.
Like I said, code that deals with something needs to be at
the same place. Same place could be
like a package or something. Think about if
you have code that does things in
the UI and the API and the database layer,
that's not cohesive. Separation of
concerns means that each module addresses separate concerns, a set of
information that affects the code. Like I said, if it deals with
something, it doesn't deal with anything else. Loose coupling
means that each of the component has or makes use of little or no knowledge
of the definition of other separate components. It's not a definition, it is the
implementation. So the interface between
things becomes a contract.
But what happens on either side of this contract doesn't matter.
If we keep it that way, we can change one of the sides
without touching the other. That, like I said, is a good thing.
I'm going to show you today the demo with
a set of tools. It's going to be can XJs application
Mongoose for accessing the database of MongoDB
and Kafka JS for doing
queues. But what I'm going to show you today is
not related to these tools. These are the tools that I
used for this demo. But the principles apply for each
tool that you're going to use. So what we're going
to do, we're going to start with a mess. I prepared some mess,
nice mess, going to separate things,
and we're going to refactor to patterns. We're going to talk about the patterns.
And we're not going to go to the testing today, but I'm going
to discuss the ability to test and how
we're going to do that.
Our API is about scheduling a meeting.
Single API, don't want to go all
out. It's not a full app. The principles are going to be in there in
one single API. It's like magic.
The entities that we have care, basically a calendar which contains
meetings. Meetings have like ids and time and room and stuff like
that. And meetings have invitees.
People we're going to invite, which have emails
and they have invitation status.
Meetings have meeting status and they have two methods,
meetings schedule and invite participants.
The architecture is kind of a layered architecture,
right, that we all know the rest. Controller the API is going to be
next js uprouter the
route to s file meeting logic,
which is mostly what we call the application logic,
which is the most important here. It's not about
the other dependencies and frameworks or databases.
Datax layer. Like I said, mongos. The database
which you're not going to see in live demonstration, is MongodB.
This is the API. It's going to be a post API called
schedule. And this is an
example of the body I'm going to send like emails, which is
an array of things that we're going to.
The list of invitees, really the date and
time, which is a string in the beginning,
a topic of the meeting and the room where we want to go.
It's basically it, what is the problem?
You'll see in a minute. It is a mess.
And the API doesn't
allow testing the state by itself, meaning this is like a
void method. Okay. It's a function that we're calling schedule
meeting. And that means if we want to know if the meeting was scheduled,
then we need either
to go to the database to see it or need another API to look
if the state is changed. Same for the invitees,
their status and so on. And we need
to test everything together. I need to raise everything together, not just the server,
also the database, the patch
Kafka queues to send the events out.
So testing this is like an end to end
test or API test as we know it, full microservice test,
not easy. And if we have enough
platform frameworks, enough methodology,
adding a next test would not be that
expensive. But if it's the first ones,
it's going to be expensive. And like I said, if it's not easy to
test, chances are we're going to drop it. We're not going
to test it now, test it somewhere in the
future. Okay, let's go to the code.
Okay, so you see on the screen, this is like regular
next JS application
out of the box. What I did is
for each web API meetings and
I have schedule 123456 for our steps.
You wouldn't do it like that, but for
today it's going to be enough. We are starting out with three files.
The first one is commons. This is basically enums and interfaces,
the invitation, meeting status and the request which comes
into our system and invite message which goes
out into Kafka. We have the
route, which is our
input into our system, the API.
So we have a post that gets the request, creates a calendar,
gets passes the meeting requests,
validates it. Talk about that. Also that
the request is enough to create a meeting, create a
meeting, calls the invite participants and
returns some kind of either success or
failure message. Our objects basically
have three, we have invitee, which is kind of a data object, but for
now it will be okay. Our calendar, we said that it's going to have
a create meeting, only the route, yes, calls inside
it. We're creating the meeting object, saving it
in our array and calling schedule and
the meeting schedule and meeting logic really is
here where we're scheduling
the meeting. And here we open the database and
save the data there. This is all these things.
Here we have the other method, invite participants, which is
called after that and basically
opens up Kafka JS creates a producer,
changes the state of the invitation
or the invitee, sends the information
and saves the data. That's basically it.
I put on purpose all my objects in one
place to make it a bit more messy. But it's not too messy.
But that's the starting point.
Okay, so the first thing we want to do
is a bit more organizations like, yes, I gave
you separation between the enums and the objects. We want a
bit more. The more organization that we have,
it's easier to move around, move around stuff,
refactor stuff. So it makes sense.
Let's go to our code again.
Okay, so this was like phase one in our phase two,
what we're going to do, and I'm going to use
domain, which comes
from domain driven design. We're going to mention a couple of things
from domain driven design as well. Basically, what are
the domain object. Basically we kind of draw a
boundary around our objects and ask what's inside
and what's outside.
We don't have an outside, but we do have a boundary. So inside we
have our entities, the calendar and the meetings
and so on. And entities in domain driven design
have properties and logic like we've seen,
but on the boundaries they talk with other stuff and other stuff
is databases, stuff like
that, Kafka and so on. It's not part of the application
logic. So we're going to separate those. And the way we're going to
do this created a
data file and the data TS file
has the mongoose stuff which was in
the objects before. So the invitee schema and meeting schema care
here. And also the invite message which goes
into Kafka as well, because it's on the boundary
what we have left. I haven't touched either the common
or the domain is the calendar. The invitee
didn't touch the code of the participants in
the meeting as well. So all this code is here. All I
did is separated the crud mongoose
things and the Kafka is still in there.
We'll deal with that later. We still have these things, the models that
we're going to use. So we talked about coupling and cohesion.
Our code is still coupled to the database. Just move stuff around.
Okay. Didn't do much, but organization helps.
Next thing we're going to talk about is the
idea of ports and adapters, and this comes from like 40 years ago by
Alistair Coburn, one of the people who created
the edge of manifesto and the idea
of creating application logic, and this
also applies to clean code. If you're coming from these areas,
is that we're going to need to separate the logic
application care from all the things that it talks with.
Databases, UI already we
have that Kafka, why is that?
Remember we talked about separation of concerns. So we want to
change one thing without dealing with the impact on the
other. So examples,
if I want to change database from MongoDB
to something else, I now need to go into the meeting
code and because the meeting is coupled to the
Mongoose schema, so I don't want
to have that. The idea is that we're going to keep
the logic clean and we're going to get there
and it's going to talk through interfaces with other stuff.
Now on the left hand you see UI and you think about it,
API is a kind of an interface, the high is an interface.
So the UI can change and
the logic can change. As long as I'm keeping the
contract, the post the same. So that's the idea.
So we're going to push things into our boundary and create
separate objects for them. The first thing
I'm going to do is if you recall and show you that in a minute,
the route ts file not only
got information and talked to
the meeting objects, it also contained logic about
the validation. And another idea from domain
driven design is anticorruption layer. Don't let data creates
invalid entities in your logic.
The reason is that if you create, let's say we
created an invalid meeting, that means
we need to have code for all kinds of cases of invalid meeting.
What to do? If I'm past valid meeting I have to take
care of all kinds of cases and that creates
more complex code. We don't want that.
We want application logic to be as simple as possible. And therefore one of
the ways to do this is through validation in our case,
or anticorruption in the words of domain driven design, don't allow
to create invalid entities. So we have this kind of code,
we just want to put it somewhere else.
What's the validation doing? Basically a meeting is good
if it has a topic, if it at least has one
invitee's and in the future,
in the past it's not a valid meeting. That's a good meeting,
that's what the code does. So let's go back to that
code. So let's look at what
we have right now before we touch it. So basically
this is the code here. We pass the meeting
request, get the information here and this is the validation.
Basically if it's valid we're going. But like I
said, if I want to check this code entire server,
I don't want to. So let's refactor, just move this into
its own class. So we
create an object called meeting validator. And I
just moved things in there. I also renamed
a couple of things to make it more easier, but it's the same code.
So this is a meeting validator. The route now just calls it
now. Note the functionality didn't change, I just moved code
around. But our meeting validator now
this guy is fully unit testable,
doesn't have any dependencies. We can add more stuff to it and more
validations. The route file doesn't need
to change. We separated concerns.
So that's cool and easily testable.
Next thing I want to talk about is repository. So repository, we think about it
as a design pattern. It's not the original design of patterns,
gang of four things, but it comes from domain driven design. And the
idea is that it's like a wrapper for talking to the database,
or mechanism for encapsulating storage, retrieval and search behavior,
which emulates a collection of objects. So basically it's
an orm layer, we call it the data access layer.
And of course mongoose does that
and every object relational mapping tool does that.
But it comes with a quirk. Every Orm
tool comes with a quirk. And the idea is that because it's a general purpose
tool, it doesn't talk our language or
application logic, it doesn't talk about meeting and scheduling and stuff like that.
It talks about schemas and stuff like that. Now you say well what's the
problem with that? There's no real problem with that.
But the more we have languages in our code
it becomes harder to maintain. We don't want that. Cleaner code speaks one
language. And remember what we wanted is our application logic to be
separated from all the rest. So we're going to have some kind of adapter
and a repository is a kind of adapter.
Let's go back to the code.
So we have our data, this is the schema
and stuff like that. And like we see, we saw our domain objects
connect to the database, to the mongoose server in
the code, it's coupled and we have our properties
here which care created and directly into mongoose.
We want to do that through a repository. So let's
do this through a repository.
We'll create a meeting repository and
basically move the code that talks to the
database here. So we moved like these things here and
I created on the meeting repository a method
called a function called admitting which does
all the things against the database that the meeting did before.
But now everything sits here and it speaks
the language of meetings like add meeting and update
meeting. So in our domain object
our meeting code is now shrunk
a bit because it doesn't have all this data.
All it does is have is a repository which it
creates and it speaks with admitting. And now
I have the flexibility of replacing mongoose
with redis, I don't know, whatever.
So this is a repository, the repository
pattern which is kind of adapter which is what we're going to talk about
next. So adapters,
adapters are basically interface
change like you see on the screen here. The definition
is a software design pattern. This comes from an actual design pattern
from the Django four book, a very boring one, a software design
pattern that allows the interface of an existing class to be used as another
interface. We already saw a repository, it's an interface change
that behind it does something other
adapters that you may know proxy has the same interface
but different implementation or facade,
a simpler interface around
something that's very complex.
So we touch the repository. They haven't
touched Kafka js yet, so we're going to do that.
The repository is like database adapter is
like general thing for other stuff. So let's
go to the code again. So look at
the code that we have here. It's basically configuring the
Kafka server, opening the connection,
sort of creating a producer and creating
the messages that we're
going to send. And that's it. Here is
like the repository from before. So all
this needs to go somewhere else. Again it doesn't have any place in the
meeting itself. So we're
going to have a Kafka adapter. The bootstrap server
goes here. If I want to change it somewhere else, take it from somewhere
else. I need to touch the Kafka code, not the
meeting code. It's here basically
we have an invite interface again it's can application
logic language rather than Kafka and invite
message. Now all adapters repositories
can be, I won't say unit tested because
they don't have much code right? They just like do something
can operation but they are easier
to test because now I don't need for testing this the
database of our database. We don't need cockpit, so the
separation helps us. Apart from that,
I moved the invite message here. It was before that
on the boundary stuff because it now belongs to the Kafka
stuff because this is how we send stuff outside.
And our meeting object has
also even more so shrunk.
It just goes over the invitees and
call the invite sender, which is not a Kafka sender by
the way, calls the invite with invite message.
Again, look at the code. It's application language.
It doesn't have any framework language in it much.
So we like that.
Okay, we have one more thing to jump
into, and this is mostly about this.
So we have in the meeting,
it currently creates the repository and the
adapter and we call it coupling. Right. The meeting basically
is coupled to the meeting repository and Kafk adapter because it creates
them and we want to separate that.
It's not possible to do it completely, of course, but it is possible
to put it behind the refactor. And that means
we'll have more flexibility of changing which repository
we're talking with which adapter, and we
can change it to Rabbitmq instead of Kafka,
again without changing the meeting code. So the
solution is usually a factory. Let's go to
the slides. So welcome to the factory.
You all know factory. Factory basically is a pattern,
again from the Django folk book,
a mechanism for encapsulating complex creation logic and abstracting the type
of the objects for the sake of the client. Yeah, but what it
really means is we're separating the creation of
the object, put it somewhere else,
and the usage of the object. So we
think about factories and maybe even singletons. We'll see a couple of examples
of that somebody else creates on their
own time. The object and
the user of this object just gets it out of thin air and just
uses it. Singleton, if I'm already mentioning that,
is a class that allows a single instance of itself to be created, to be
given access to the created instance. Usually we have Singleton
in order to reuse
resources, save resources, not just
pop things up all the times,
concentrate them in one place. And we'll
see a couple of examples because usually think factory comes with a singletone,
it doesn't have to be there. So let's go back to the code.
Okay, so I created a factories file basically,
which creates factories. And I give you three examples of how to
write a factory. What for each, the calendar factory
is what we usually think about as
a factory, right? It has a private instance that we can't access
from the outside and creates the calendar. And this
is like a calendar only factory, it doesn't do anything
else. I can change the calendar from the outside and it only
gives me a calendar, which is useful if I want to
do some kind of validation before that and so on,
and make sure that the creation was correct and so on.
I'd like it to be in a refactor.
But there's another one that you probably know about.
This one, this one is the same as this thing,
but this one,
the meeting repository factory, this one is
actually public. So what's the difference? Here it's
public, here it's private. Well if
it's public I can change that. If I can change that in testing scenarios
I can create a mock repository, put it in or
read from JSON server or JSON file
rather than a full repository that goes into mongols.
So having this kind of pattern, a public one,
allows you to change things on the fly. Is it
risky? Yes, but yeah, Javascript is risky.
Anyway, the final one I have here
as a factory is I move the invite message
and invite sender here. And the invite sender factory
validates the instance before creating one here
it just creates a new Kafka adapter. So this pattern,
unless I set this and it's public from the outside like in a
test, it will create the default
one in our case is the Kafka adapter. Now that we have
this, let's look at our code.
So our meetings, instead of creating it by
themselves, take them from the factories.
And that means that if I'm testing our meetings,
I can set up the factories beforehand and then create a meeting and it
will just swoop in and take what I
injected in. Same goes with our route.
Yes, for the calendar, which currently
is just a calendar, but you can get it from somewhere else.
Obviously I use patterns here. And one thing
I didn't mention until now is like passing things as parameters
or what we call in fancy word dependency injection,
which is also a pattern that we use in order to do that.
But that means somebody up there on the top of the
tree needs to create everything for the little people
down there. Usually it's not something that
we want, a factory or some kind of a
service locator or something
with the get instance is better for that.
Let's go back to the slides and summarize. So what did
we get? We organized the code. We didn't do anything
but basically create wrappers, give them
nice names and move code around. But the code is now
organized better. We know where to put the next
feature in, because we know if it's validation, we're going to
the validation object. If it's replacing the database or adding
some kind of another database, we'll go to the repositories
files. We have a guidance of how to access
external services. With factories and adapters,
we separated code. We're more flexible of either replacing
or enhancing or upgrading stuff without
touching. The most important thing for us, which is the logic
itself, the application, the application rules,
we don't want to touch that because these are the main brains and
main sources of value that we write.
They care more testable, because now not only we have smaller
components, they can be tested separately. Now it's not replacing
like an end to end test, but if we have smaller tests
that give us confidence that these things actually work, we don't
need to test everything around the
big API test. You can have one scenario
with an end to end test, not like ten scenarios of scheduling
stuff. In our case, for example, cases, we have all
the validation stuff that wasn't possible to test without an API
beforehand. Need to create all kinds of meetings and
see what happens and operate the database and so on.
This separation helps us. If it helps us,
that means it's easier to test. If it's easier to test, that means
the bigger the chance that we're actually going to test it.
Finally, maintainability, which kind of pulls everything
inside it here maintainability is kind of weird word.
Everything is maintainable. Everything is testable. Also given
enough time, resources, motivation. But usually the motivation
is external. We need to change that. It becomes
easier and less risky to do so. So to
summarize, know the
patterns, not many of them really. There's a lot of
patterns, but I mentioned like four or five.
I really recommend going into domain derivative design.
If you're writing microservices code, understand the concept and bounded
context and boundaries and stuff of that entities, what goes in,
what goes out, understand the architecture and
the clean architecture thing that we're trying to
achieve. And once you have these kind of guidelines and understanding,
and it becomes easier to move things around.
And most of the things I've done, I've done like
half and half, I use vs.
Code, move to another file if possible.
But a lot of the times it was like manual
typing, so small steps, but we need to
do this in other languages. We have more
stronger tools to
refactor, here we have less. So the
principles still apply. And like
I said, the tools that you use, it doesn't
matter because the patterns are the same and they are repeating.
The principles are the same and eventually what
you want to come to something that is more maintainable.
That's what I wanted to share with you today. If you have any questions,
email them to me at Gila Testingil or
go on Twitter and bother me there or everywhere else.
I'm doing lot of webinars and I'm doing short videos
which you can go to see everything on my YouTube channel. So go
there, watch the videos, subscribe and be happy.
Thank you for watching this and
hope to see you next time.