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Hi and welcome to my session about crafting sport activity series
using Nodejs together with OpenAI.
Today we are diving to the journey through the
sport activity suggestion service using OpenAI.
All generation will be based on our indicators.
Let's jump into the lineup and we'll see
what's there.
First of all, we're going to jump into the small introduction, we're going
to talk a little bit about OpenAI. We're going to set up our NodeJs
application. We will check how to connect and how
to do this connection, how to do prompting,
messaging, what's the difference in the role. We will check the
options, the body, how to look
like this connection and how we actually can get those suggestions
from OpenAI. And then
we will crafting up everything together and finally we
do some conclusions and we will discuss
about the possibilities. So as
I said, we are going to build an
application which will be able to send
to us daily sports activities based
on our indicators. So let's
take a look on the schema and in order to better understand
how it's going to work. So the service is designed to provide
users activity based on the indicators and
last activity, it's like a circle of the data.
You accomplished activity, next time asking
for a new one AI analyze it.
Your data and service sends to client the results
with new sport activity with plan how to do
that? Okay, so there is a variation
of sport activities. To refine the AI suggestions
for users, we will compile an extensive list
of variation of sport activities. This list will
be provided to OpenAI API in message.
The AI will leverage this information and will take
from the list the activity what
feeds based on indicators and last activity.
So literally you get the last
activity, you have your indicators and
you get the suggestion based on that information.
So as I said,
we're going to use an OpenAI. By utilizing OpenAI technology we
can access powerful analytics tool that examine
user input such as a lifestyle,
height, weight to generate custom tailored
activity plans specifically for the user. The benefit of
using OpenAI in our case lies in the sophisticated
algorithms which can be trained. As we want to
start to building our service, we should first define the
scope of activities and use data point
that are relevant to our application.
So we going to use,
as I say before, nodejs. We have to accomplish that connection.
So that's what we plan to do. To employ Nodejs in
conjunction with Expressgs which
will weve as a web application framework to
manage routing controllers, modeling and communication
database. We're going to use nextgs.
So before to jump into the code to check it out.
How we going to deal with all of the stuff? We have to set up
our OpenAI account.
For that you have to go to,
create your organization in order to obtain the
API key. So there is going to be an API
account where you can set up all of this stuff and then finally you're
going to get your open
API key, right. So in this
case weve going to dive into the setup node
JS service itself and for
that in my
case I'm just using the create node JS application and
I'm going to use the framework Express. This will
generate for me necessary files to build my node JS
service. So let's take a look on the schema.
How exactly going to look like our application.
Well so our source of
data going to be on postgres. We're going to set the user
indicators and activities. Activities is like a history
of the list of activities of user.
Also indicators have to belongs to the user
in order to get this request to bouncegres we're going to use the
next JS but
in front of all of this we're going to use the exprs JS which
is going to as I say before handle our routing responses
and to generation of data.
We're going to use OpenAI to handle
session of the user. We're going to use redis.
We're not going to focus so much for that because this is not topic about
this. We're going just a little bit touch that part.
But first of all before we
generate in order to
install everything, let's take a look. What's the stack of dependency
we're going to have in our package JSon. There's going to
be as I say next postgres
Regis what we're going to use in my case I'm using a validator,
just validate login user and sign up.
But this is the COVID of the authentication part but
which is very important. We are going to use the OpenAI package
nodejs. You have to just install it and we
can start using it. Right. So you can see this over
here. This is version four for now.
And now we
have to create an Env file and this is the stack
of my
variables. And as you can see here that I'm
using open API key over here.
And that open API key will be
provided to the combination of open
AI package. Well now
how the structure of this application has to look
like we have a user which has
as I said indicators and activities based
on those indicators which is weight,
height, lifestyle and
last activities. What been accomplished last activity. It can
be running on a distance and
stuff like that. Based on this information. We have to
provide this information to OpenAI.
OpenAI will generate that information to us and
that's how we're going to get a new sport activity for today.
It's actually not specifically for today because route will
allow us to generate
the data. Depends when we want it.
It depends of the client. Like I want this daily or
I can just get this by weeks or by month.
But anyway we're always going to look on the indicators
and activities. But how are we going to
do this? The whole flow on the request, right. So request
for the sport activity of course will go through the identification
plus Regis, Regis will help to us with
cache. Then we're going to get user from
where we can get the last activity together
with indicators. Then we will build based on
this data information a prompt. That prompt will
go to the request to open API.
OpenAI API. And then that's how
we're going to get the response with result of
sport activity before to dive into
this stuff, how we're going to generate
our prompt. Let's briefly take a look on the next setup how I
built it. So this is the connection to database
with different environments. So that's how we can get
our data from Db and here
by migrations files. From next we can
see how structured our tables.
In our case we're going just to have very simple user which going to
have first name, last name with a username and email. We just
need this for sign up. So because that's service
application going to have that users and that user going
to have each of them going to have indicators. It's just one
row in the table for belongs to the user. Where we're going
to store our age, weight, height,
lifestyle. And based
on this information we're going to do those generations.
So here also weve going
to store as I say as a history of the
activities of the user. Here you can see how
was the data we're going to use. That's going to be activity type.
The activity type is actually list of activities.
This is the constant of the list of
activities and duration which
has to be duration of
how long that activity have been accomplished during
which time in
order to start build our service we going to use
some base abstract model which
going to deal for us in
order to request data from database. So this is
the base model and based it on
a base model. We're going to build our nodejs
for indicators for user and for
activities. So user model,
extending the base model and we
have to assign the table name which is users.
And from against that table we're going
to be able to create user find by email or find by
username. So that part we will simplify
in order just to reuse those models across our
controllers. So the
same approach with indicator model
when we able to find all indicators
by user id or updating by user id.
So all of this methods is actually leveraging
these indicators through this model.
And we can deal like that with
database. So activity model, absolutely the same. We just
have to find the activity by
using this method.
Now slowly we can arrive to the initial
point where
our application is starting. So very easy one,
we just going to start our application, we identify the router
and we do this connection to
radius. And literally that's it. So let's
briefly take a look on the radius. It's just a plain setup.
We have to create a client. We do this
connection to radius using our
env variables and I'm just reuse
that and I create the class for radius
in order just to simplify the communications request
to radius in order for example to set session or get
session or delete session. Right. And middleware
actually looks also pretty straightforward.
There is nothing specific
ones like we have jot tokens and
we have a secret and that's how we deal
with middleware. So that means like when
we using for example postman we have to provide the
first of all we have to sign up. Then we're going to get the token,
we have to use bearer token and
then we can start using our endpoints
in order to get our suggests from
AI. Here are the list of routes.
So as I said, we deal with authentication
router and we're using the out middle bar where
we have all of these checks in order to provide
to us the data about user. Of course we can
have an access to the session in order to get all of data
regarding the user. And you
can see in the end that we able to
get the suggestions by the suggests
and by the slash indicator. We have to
be able to update our indicators,
depends on the user. Okay, so now
let's try to understand
what's the expectations we have from the application.
Here we have a get request to
the API with a suggests.
And that suggests will have to
send to us a JSon which
with this JSon we have to be able to deal on
our other client side application. Let's say
we can assume that this is going to be some react
native application or even on
iwatch you can get this application and we can deal
with this JSon right. So in this case as
you can see we have an activity type which cycling the
duration have to be 45 minutes. This number
in minutes. So weve expecting something like that.
We have to have a description how exactly it
has to happen. Then we
have to check how much
we have to consume our water during this activity.
And here you can see also
an explanation why we need to do this. Okay.
And as you can see the cycling is great activity choose for
you as a provides both and
so on and so on. So this explanation actually based
it on the last activity. So maybe
explanation can be depends of like you
did nothing previously and this is going to be like explain like hey
you did nothing last
time. And let's start from running for
example. And we have an array of plan like
how we have to start this exercise, how we have
to deal with this exercise during the way and how we have to finish
that. So here's a bit different activity
type by just showing like these responses from postman.
This is another activity skiing. In the
same way we have to deal with the skiing 16 minutes duration
is after duration we deal with
the subscription. How much water consume has to be in
milliliters. And explanation like
you can see here for example based it on your previous activity
of crossfeed. That means that guy previously has a
crossfeed and now he's creating the scheme.
Some of you may be thinking like hey what's
the region or what's the weather that
user having right now? Maybe it's a
summer but AI generating to us key.
Of course you can customize as
you want. Your suggests depends of prompting and this is
the part that's going to be next one. But let's
dive into this communication between back and the client and
how it can work on the application itself with this
timers. For example as I said we have a get request with a suggestion
and bumps. Json just does responds with this
sport activity to the client. So timer
actually invoke this API call
and then that's how we can get back to this sport activity.
And the same way in the indicator. Hey I need just
to update my indicator because my weight is
changed and the lifestyle actually a
little bit changed depends of this activities what
we accomplishing. And now
we have to start configure
our OpenAI in node Js and everything
is super simple. We just have to provide
the open API key to the class
OpenAI and
we able to reuse this OpenAI instance
and in the controller, as you can see,
literally all magic happens right over here. So get
suggestion controller having
this indicator, we asking from
indicator model by the user id
and we asking for the last activity
by the user id. And that's
how by the indicator and last activity we got result
and result actually has
to be set that we have to set that result
also for the activity using activity model we have
to just insert what the activity has been accomplished.
Of course this is not ideal. I'm just showing the barrett
just a base model how we can deal with this.
Of course we have to insert the
activity of the real accomplished. And we
can check it actually with a communication with a client
to get some statistic from iwatch
in such way only after that we can save insert
something to the activity.
But now it's just like very
simple, bare enough information how
we have to deal with this, right?
Because we are generating our
activity, based it on the last activity and
we're just sending this result for now. So pretty
simple. And the most important thing,
how we have to do this communication against open
First of all, we have to build our system
prompt. There is two
things. What we have to understand that when
we send a message to the completion, we dealing
with the different roles. I will explain you a little bit
later, what's the difference between those roles. But previously
we have to generate set up our
prompts. Okay, so in my case,
I provided the detailed
explanation in my
prompt for the system prompt,
what exactly we are expecting from
response from AI, what kind of
response has to be, as you can see that I'm
telling that I'm expecting to get a JSOn
and I'm listing all of those items in JSon,
like how it has to look like, okay. And as you can see
that activity type is actually, this is the list
of, it's just an array of activities.
I'm just sorting them and just provide here to this
file. And this is how we can set up system prompt and
tell to AI what
exactly weve expecting from AI as a response.
And here you can see the last activity message,
which means that if last activity exists at all,
we have to provide this as a parameter, as a user
prompt. User has his own indicators,
actually activity also has a part of indicator
and that's how we're dealing with AI.
Weve telling like hey, system has
to return me adjacent with that kind of structure.
Base it on indicators. Base it on something. What we want to
tell like hey, base it on these indicators.
Please tell me what I have to do and
all of these parts we have to provide to the
completions as a
messages. And you can see here role
system, we provide that content system prompt, which is
that message where we are telling how
we have to, what we're expecting from
AI, and a content for as a user prompt
where we are providing our indicators. So let's
a little bit take a look on the setup
of this completion. Okay, so what is this?
Messages. Messages is
the context of conversation with the eye. Messages are
like the back and forth text between you
and the AI. So each message
has a role to tell the eye who is speaking.
Okay, so as I said, if the
role is user, it's like the message is
coming from a person using the eye, asking a question or
making a statement. If the role is system, it's a special kind
of message that gives the eye instructions or
information about how to behave,
but it's not part of the conversation itself. Right.
If the role is assistant, there can be another role is assistant.
It's the AI own message
or responses. Okay,
so what you can see here, the temperature,
0.9. Okay, so I will explain a bit that part as
well. So temperature is a way of
controlling how creative
or surprising the AI responses are.
If the temperature is low, the AI replies
will be more predictable and safer.
If the temperature is higher,
the AI is more likely to give you
unique and more unexpected responses.
Okay, and the
model itself, the model actually is the version of the
AI you are talking to. Just like
your phone has different models with a variation
of features, AI has different models that can
do different things, right? So some
are smarter or more creative.
In my case, GPT 3.5 turboids are more cheaper
and more stable model, which we can use now,
I could say like it's more cheaper even. But anyway, we already
can deal with this model and get a
good result. Okay, and also I
would like to mention another
key which is going, it could be as
a combination max tokens. It's not over here,
but you can set up Max tokens,
which means the maximum numbers of pieces
of text in the AI is allowed to
generate in its response. Okay, so you can
think of a token as a single word or
punctuation mark. Okay, so Max token
sets a limit on how long the AI response can be.
Well, suggestion controller has
to be,
as I said, construct a
little bit different. It's just a presentation of how we're going to
get this result each time. When I get the result,
I'm creating immediately from result
activity type, as the last one was, there but it doesn't
mean that it's really accomplished. Of course
it has to be in a different way, but in terms
of presentation it's in such way
and indicators have to be updated from
result from the client actually. So we have to update
hi to say like hey I'm doing
a bit different, my lifestyle has changed and I have to update
my indicators. I have, I think different
weight and those indicators will affect
for the next activity what you're going to accomplish
next time. So we sense from
client the indicators, updating indicators, then they're
getting the activity. And then based on
this information we got back the sport activity.
And for update indicator we have another
controller where we have to just as usual deal
with indicator model. We have to update by user id and
set those indicators updates right
away. And from database
perspective I'm using postgres. You can see the list
of activities here. You can see the activity type has
been accomplished with the specific duration, there is a user id
and there is a history of when it's been
Now it's like finally this
session was about the open AI
integration, how we can deal with these prompt messages and so on.
You can find this project and to check and play around by
yourself. From my personal GitHub account you can
just get the pull up AI server and run
it by yourself and play around. And of course previously
you have to set up your OpenAI account
and get the API key.
So thank you so much for
the attention and see you.