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Hey folks, welcome here. Thanks for joining this session.
Today we will learn something about react node js and
how we can create effective videos using just react.
The first time I heard someone saying, hey, you know you can create a
video with react, my reaction was like, what is
this useful? Shall I use? It doesn't make
any sense to me. But today we will
actually see how we can create videos programmatically using
react. As a bonus, we will see how to create a scalable
cloud based rendering farm as well. Before we dive into
the actual content, just a couple of words about me. I'm Alfonso.
I'm a senior developer at Nearform. If youve want, just send
me a connection on LinkedIn. I'm always more than happy to be connected
with interesting people. Let's get started from the ground.
What is a video? We can see a video like a sequence
of images over time, usually third images or 6th images,
really, depending on your video. And then of course we
also have audio tracks. Let's ask ourselves for one
moment, as a developer, am I able to
create an image maybe by doing the screenshot of a
viewport in HTML and make, I don't know, 30 or
60 screenshots per second, while the viewport
is performing some action, like running transitions or
playing a video. In that case, we obtain, for example, 30 images
per second. We just need to find a way to stitch them together,
add an audio on top, and we created our first video. So this
is what we will see today. Usually editing tools are
really complex, really complicated. They have tones of features.
You can do virtually everything with those tools. But today we will do
something way, way simpler. The main tool that we will use is remotion.
Remotion is a react library to make videos programmatically.
When you download remotion, you have a lot of tools. First of
all, you have the remotion library, which expose a few abstractions
that you can use to create your video. Then you have the remotion player,
which is such a cool components because this means that
thanks to this player, we can preview our video live
without the need to render the video. So for
example, we create an animation based on
the color of something, and then we can preview the actual result without
rendering to the user. Then we will also see remote Lambda.
If you're not familiar with lambda, that's not a problem. Lambda is just a
function as a service from AWS. This means that you
can run your functions on the cloud and they will take care of all
the server stuff. How does remotion work under the hood? First of all, we create
our react code. So we create our video with code and we will
see it in a few minutes. Then we use puppeteer
to make screenshots of the viewports. And then we connect all
those images using Ffmpeg and we attach the Audi as well.
What are potential use cases for this tool? First of all, parameterized videos
and we will see it soon. This means that we can have
the same video and we just need to change a few parameters and the
output will change. Then automated video workflows. Let's say that
when we run a GitHub action or when something happens,
we want to create our video based on some parameters
that we pass and we send it on slack through email, we upload it
on YouTube. We can do everything we want. Last but not least,
cloud based videos. Sas, you can create your own tool to
trim videos, adding subtitles. You can visually do
everything with videos thanks to remotion. And then of course you
can offer the tool you created on top of remotion to customers.
Let's now see a quick example of what we can achieve using remotion.
As you can see here we have a video, then we have
this image, then we have this text. Everything is
animated. We have this images slideshow
of course also the images are animated as well. Now you cannot
hear it, but there is this happy birthday song in
the background. Then we have this text and then we have this
fade effect. Of course this was a really simple example, but we can
create videos as complex as we want. And here we have the source
code of our video. If we analyze this source code and we will do
it in a bit, we can see that it is just a simple JavaScript
object. We have the base settings of our project,
like the FPS, the name. Then we have
the timeline. If you're familiar with tools like Davinci Resolve
or Adobe Premiere Pro, you are probably used
to the concept of the timeline. Then inside the timeline you can have multiple
tracks, usually video tracks and audio tracks. Youve can have
multiple video tracks and multiple audio tracks, and inside
each track you can add multiple assets and this is exactly
what we are doing here. Remotion as a tool is really quickly
evolving and it is production ready. So if you want to start using
it, you can just run NPM init video, you can take a
look at the documentation and I promise you that you will have a lot of
fun. Of course we can choose if we want to use remotion itself, or if
we want to create another abstraction on top of remotion and that's what we will
see today. In this schema we have a video
editor tool that we can build, but it is out of scope.
Then this video editing tool will create a
JSON video description. In this case it was a JavaScript object, but we can
use a simple JSON file. Then we will pass this JSON description
to the render engine based on remotion, and as output we will
get a video. All right, so it's time to code. Let's build our
first render engine. If you are interested, by following this link
here, you can clone the project and play with it. We are on vs code.
I already started the project using NPM start and
this started remotion studio. Before we look at the code, I want to spend just
a couple of seconds on remotion studio because I think that is
such a useful tool when youve work with remotion. We say that
working with remotion means writing code to create our video.
How can we know if our code will produce the video that we want?
For this reason, remotion created Remotion Studio inside Remotion Studio
you have this timeline and you can see your video.
You can see the preview of your video. Then you can see all your compositions.
In this case we have just one composition, and we will see what a composition
is in a few moments. Then we have the props that we
will see as well. And we can also render our video
inside remotion. So we just need to click this render button. We can customize
the render settings and when we are happy with the result, we will click on
render videos, but back to the code. Let's see how our
render engine works. It is actually really simple. When we start
inside the root of the project, we can see the composition. The composition
is one of the remotion abstractions. It represents the video that
want to create. Inside the composition youve will put all the sequences,
all the assets, and then from here you can render your video
to the composition. We have to pass a components, a schema if we
want, and some default props. Let's see the component.
This is the timeline component that I created in this case. And as you
can see, we have one main sequence. We can have multiple sequences.
Of course, we are looping through the video tracks because we said before that.
For example, in Adobe premiere Pro you can have multiple video tracks and
multiple audio tracks as well. Then inside each audio track I have
a sequence which contains the name of the audio
track. And then for each asset I have
a specific sequence, and inside the sequence I declare where
the sequence should start and the length
of the sequence in frames. Then inside the sequence I will add my
audio. Of course, the sequence and the audio are remotion abstractions
as well. If you want to learn more about that, just go into the remotion
documentation and you will find everything youve need back on the timeline component.
Let's take just a quick look to the video track. Here we have
the same thing. So we have the sequence, then we have the sequence
for each asset. And then in this case it's slightly more complex
because we can have the asset type based on our premiere pro
example. If you ever use the premiere pro in the
video track, you can add videos, but you can add images and text as
well. So that's exactly what we are doing here. We are adding video
components, but we are adding text, we are adding images. And since you
can literally add everything you want, we are also adding a
CSS container so that you can import your own
CSS. Now let's take just a quick look to the schema.
If youve familiar with Zod. This is a Zod schema
and it represents exactly what we saw before. In fact,
if we go into remotion studio, in the props section,
we can see that we can customize everything about
our video. In theory, we can create new videos directly from this
interface. If you have a simpler schema, you can even create your
own video directly here. So let's say that you are a social media manager,
and every time a football player makes a goal, you want to create
a video for your social media. In that case, here you
can say what is the current score, what is the player
name, and all the information that you need. Then you click on render and
your video is ready to bet uploaded on social media or whatever. I don't want
to go too deep into the code because of course if you are interested,
you can take a look on GitHub. But I'm interested in giving you the main
ideas that youve need to use remotion back to our presentation.
There is just one more thing that we need to address. So how can we
render at scale right now? We saw that we can render one
single video on our computer by installing remotion, and of
course it works. But let's say that we need to produce a massive
amount of videos. How can we do it? Well, in this case,
remotion gives us multiple options. The first one is
render locally, and the second one is rendering on Lambda.
By render locally, we mean just rendering on a machine,
which can be on premise or on cloud or even your own
computer, of course if you need to render at scale. So if you have hundreds
or thousands of job requests, then you will probably have a pool
of machines that will pull your video jobs and you
will have probably an auto scaling as well to manage load. The second
option, which is really cool in my opinion, is rendering on lambda.
This is really cheap, really simple to set up. If you have an AWS account,
it just takes five minutes, more or less. And the results are great because
using parallelization you can render a long video in minutes.
One of the main limitations actually is that on lambda, at least
for what the doc says, you can only render videos that
are less than 30 minutes. That's a limitation of
course. But what you can do, you can have renderer lambda for
all the videos, and if the video is bigger than 30 minutes,
then you can file over to a render locally on a machine. Let's quickly
see on vs code how we can run remotion on lambda.
As I said before, in this case I already made their setup and I
will just show you the script to start the rendering. Here we are importing a
bunch of things from remotion itself. Here I
exported my video configuration, which in this case
is the exact same video, but with Goku instead of SpongeBob.
So we have these props that we are passing to the remotion
lambda. Then we load some environment variables, then we get
our functions. We get the functions that we deployed on AWS because we
need the name of the function and then we just need to call this render
media or lambda method. We will get in, output this render
id and we can use the render id to evaluate what is the current
status. So here we have a while true a simple loop and
we will get the current progress. We will show the progress to the user and
when render finished we will show the user the actual URL of
our video. The video itself, once it's finished, will be stored on
s three. Again, if you are not familiar with AWS, no worries. S three
is just their storage system, so you can see it like
a Google Drive or a Dropbox. And that's all for today.
We covered a lot of topics. I just want to leave you with the challenge.
So if you want, if you have the time, or if you wish
to learn more about remotion, just check out the repo, customize the
project or even the render engine itself and share with us.
Youve first video. Before we jump off, just a couple of words about Nearform.
Nearform is a services company. We are some of the major
contributors to the Nodejs ecosystem. So if you have any
problem with your Nodejs application, or if you want the support of our teams,
just contact us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me
on my LinkedIn or on the discord server. Still, thanks a lot
for joining the session. It was really fun.