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Jamaica real
time feedback into the behavior of your distributed systems and observing
changes exceptions errors in real time allows
you to not only experiment with confidence, but respond
instantly to get things working again.
Those everyone,
let's start today's talk on internationalisation and localization.
So this will be the agenda for today's talk. We will be covering multilingual software
and apps, internationalization and localization. Why do we need
these and what is the process to set it up? What are the challenges and
complexity we may see when we implement these into our application?
We'll also try to touch base upon RDL and the browser support available
while building multilingual apps. Let's take an example. There is a
user who is trying to browse some content on web using site one.
Unfortunately, site one supports only English and this user
is not a native english user. So what alternative
he has? Probably he'll drop site one and he moved to some other site,
for example site two, which is a multilingual app. There he can choose
the language of his choice and can browse the content happily.
So he was not satisfied using site one. Thus he moved to
site two, means site one has just now lost a valuable customer
to site two because they couldn't implement multilingual apps.
So the question to be asked here is, is my app ready? Is my app
capable enough to cater the
need of the app? Can all the users across the globe use my
app? If the answer is yes, then I think we are on the right track.
But yeah, if there are some gaps, probably in next few slides we'll identify
those gaps and we'll try to make our application to be used
by every users across the globe. So let's see what is
there in the next few slides. Multilingual software
what do we mean by multilingual software? As those name states,
something that can be rendered into multiple languages.
So these are the softwares or applications that has the capability to
render in multiple languages with just no to minimal
change. It's the future of app development because whatever you are
building today, you want all the users to use
your application. You don't want to build different
variants of your application just to cater a
particular market segment. This process require two
phases, internationalization and localization. So we will be covering up those
two topics in the next few slides.
What is the end goal here? I think every business wants expansion,
so they want to globalize their business. They want to globalize your application
off platform. So globalization is the goal of building
multilingual software. So you want to build any application which
every user across the globe, no matter which language he belongs
to, which region he belongs to, he should be able to use your application.
So that's the end goal of building internationalized application.
What is internationalization then? As the name
suggests, it is something to internationalize
your application across the nations, across the
locales. So it is shortened as I 18 n
because there are 18 letters in between. In those is the
process of making localization possible. So basically
what we are doing here is we are actually architecturing our system or platform
in a way that tomorrow if we have to introduce a new
language or locale, we should be able to do that without any
additional change. So this is a capability to adapt.
Different locales is the backbone of app translation.
So if you want to translate your application from English
to, for example, German, right? So you have to have
internationalization in place. It's not like you can directly translate your
application because that is also possible, but that requires a lot of
effort and lot of cost involved into that.
There are approaches through which this internationalization and localization
can be implemented, so that you need not worry about those
changes at runtime or deployment time. Things can be hosted
separately outside of your source code. Then the next question is,
is text the only thing that should be internationalized? I think
the answer is no, because there are some other assets available
on your application, like images, currency,
numeric representations, punctuations. All these things
should be internationalisation because different locales have different representation
of these assets. So if you don't internationalisation it now,
then you won't be able to localize it later on. Next topic is
localization. As we can see, there are ten letters
in between l and n. That's why it's shortened as l ten n.
Those is a process of translation to different locales.
So in those first phase we actually made our platform
or application as internationalisation one, where now
the setup is ready. Those next step is to put different
locales into your application. So translating to different locales is
localization. Target based localization means it's
not like we just have to translate our content. We have to see what all
segments we are going to cover. What are the different languages,
different country, different locales we are going to cover based on that
localisation should happen. Then once the localizations are in place,
the application should be thoroughly tested. Because when
you change the translations or locales of any
language into your application, the problem you can
see is some of the distorted UI, some of the improper translations,
all those things have to be tested thoroughly. Not everything
can be localized. In the last slide we have seen what all can
be internationalized. That was a limited set though. This says
not everything can be localized means okay,
you translated your text, you translated your images,
currency, everything is localized now.
But still there are some technical terms,
some names which should not be localized. So based
on your application requirement, we have to figure out what all things should not be
localized. So those things we have to keep outside of our internationalization
scope. Why do we need internationalization and localisation
like we have seen in the first slide? Every business needs an expansion.
They want a global market footprint. They want to build an application
that will be used by each and every users across the
globe. In the second slide or
in the first slide we have seen that there was a user who was
not very satisfied. That's why he moved from site one to site two.
So customer satisfaction is one of the aspect or
one of the motivation behind internationalization.
And we all know a happy customer is
like contributing to your sales or growth of the organization,
right? If the customer is not happy, he will drop,
but if he is happy, probably you will get some conversion from his access
to your application. Avoiding cultural conflicts.
There are some text or some visuals which are
okay in some language, but has some inappropriate
or some conflicting or offensive meaning in different
locales. So to avoid all those things, translation is
good because you are actually going to mold or modify those
content based on the target locales. So there won't be any situation
where you can see these cultural conflicts. I think one
of the important aspect is if I have to launch my application to
a new segment. New market segment,
right. For example, I have built some application in
English, German and Dutch and I want to launch the application in
some of the region, like maybe
Chinese. Right? So what I have to do is I have to just
put those locales or the translation in and I can launch my application
into that local market. So the time to market while launching
your application into a new market will be relatively very less compared
to building an application from those scratch. Okay, so this
is the process of translation. What we have to do to make
our application internationalisation. First of
all, you have to take out all the textual content to some config.
Mostly this common approach of putting a key value
pair separated from your code base is followed.
So if you can see in the first one there is a div with hello
word, which is hard coded text into your application. So what
we have to do is we have to extract those hello word text to a
config file where there will be a key called as hello underscore content
and then the text hello word. So this is
the english content. So means this config is going to contain all the english text.
Now we have to actually translate it to some other language. If you see
the third image on the right side which is having a different language. So whatever
was in English, we have translated it to for example German,
right? And then in your code you will just get that config
loaded and just say config hello content. And based
on your selected config, it will either render this in English
or German. So once you have extracted all your
static text, but of your source code, what you are
going to do, you are going to do some translation
of these config like I have done in image three,
the same config has to be translated into the destination
language. Then you have to take user's language and pick the
right config. So in this example I have two configs ready, English and German.
And based on the user preferred language, I will pick one
of the config and my application will be rendered using that config
only. Like we discussed,
numbers, currency, formatting, everything should be localized. So if you can see this
example, there was a number, 123456, dot, seven,
eight, nine. And if you can see I am translating it
to German, which is be and then
japanese and then enin. So you can see
every localization is having its own representation.
Somewhere the currency is at the end, somewhere the currency symbol is at the
first place, someone is using dot
and someone is using comma instead. So you can see there
is a difference. Those is a subtle difference when you actually localize
this number. And so you have to do all these changes into
your application to make it internationalized.
Then the next one is conditional rendering. So there are still chances where
your application is initially rendered into some language,
for example maybe in German, and then somebody said translate to
English and you should be able to translate it. Or instead
of user preference settings maybe you have exposed some option
where you have provided a drop down where somebody can pick
any language so they will be able to pick the language from there.
And conditionally you should be able to pick or update your config.
What are the challenges and complexity? So implementing
I think internationalization in can existing app is more tricky because
you don't know where all you have ecstatic text. So you have to first
find out or extract all the text. Writing a new application
into an internationalisation way is still better because you are still
building your application and instead of just moving things from source
to some locales config, probably you can directly add your text to the
localization config. So I think implementing it in an existing app
is a bit challenging. One contextual translation,
let me take an example. Import and export. So when we are
talking about an application, import and export means
importing of data into some format like Excel,
CSV and all. And exporting is to take the data out from the
app. But if you use the same term into some
shipping business which says okay, import means
importing of goods from one place to another place, or exporting the goods
from. So you see the context is changing a bit.
So that's why context translation is very important. So when you are translating
these strings or text, make sure you know in which context
those are being used into your application. This is handy when you are
giving your translation to someone else who is not aware of the application
or the business. Third one is the translation cost.
So most of the time you are either not familiar
with all the languages or you want to offload this
to someone else. So people used to give this
responsibility to some third party organizations who will do the translation
on your behalf. So that means there is a translation cost involved.
And this translation cost, unfortunately is not a one time cost because
every release you are going to add new features to your applications means you
are going to add new more text, more content, more messages on your application,
and those needs to be translated on every. So it's like a recurring
cost that your application will have to pay.
But still, I think this cost is still bearable considering
a cost to spin up a new application into that language.
Localization testing as we have already discussed in the previous slides,
once you translate your application, you have to test
both from the quality of the content as well as the UI.
For example, I have built some UI assuming some
character length, but when I translate that text to
some other language, those character length got breached. So that
means my UI will break somehow. So that's why
testing can application after putting in the latest
localisation is really important overhead
in case of partial translation. So I have one interesting
use case. Let's say I am having a platform or
application where I have two user personas.
One are the system admins and the other one are the system users.
So there are some pages into your application which are only being used
by the system admins. So system users, they are not going to see those
pages. Now, let's say all my admins, they are
good in English, so they can use my application without fail. But some of the
users, they don't understand English.
They understand their native language only. So that means I have to translate my
application to their native language. My application is
internationalized, so it's not a big deal for me to translate
my application. But what is matter here is
the translation cost. If I have to translate the entire application,
it will have some cost associated with it. But I
want the translation only for the end user pages. I don't want to translate
the admin pages because those end users are never going to see
the admin pages. So how can I do this partial translation?
So I think I paste this somewhere
in the past into one of my projects. And what we thought
of doing was that either you segregate your resources
into multiple files and there will be one which
is used for admin and the other one which is used for end user images.
And based on whether your user is admin or end user,
you will render either the end user file only or admin
plus end user file. Or what you can do is you can namespace your
resources in the config. So in the config where you have all these key
value pair, you can namespace those, maybe suffix or prefix
them with something so that you can identify, and you can translate only those
resources which are required as end user level.
So these are some of the interesting challenges
which you will face when you try to start
within internationalizing your application.
I think this is one of the interesting, and one of
my favorite images I have seen in those past when I started
looking into this internationalization stuff. So you can see
there are three images. In the left one there is
a user who is very lazy, kind of sleepy.
And then the next image says there is an energy drink. And the third one
you can see is full on energy. So I think what I'll
drive out of this image is that I think this guy,
after drinking this drink, this energy drink,
he got some energy, right? Just flip the
sequence and you can see there is a guy who was full on energy
after drinking this energy drink. He is stuck, he's down.
So you see, just by changing the sequence of events,
the ordering of these images, the meaning got completely changed.
In the first slide, it was like an advertisement of this energy drink.
And in those slide, I'm not sure how this will impact
this organization, who is dealing with this energy
tank. This raises an interesting concept called as right to
left. So we have some languages, we call them RTL
languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, urdu, Farsi.
So these languages are written and read from right to left.
So that means if you have to build any application using
these languages, should those application be also rendering from
right to left? I think the answer is yes. So you have to toggle the
layout. Most of the application they have sidebar on the left
and on the top navigation bar. Their menus start from left to right
and they have a layout which will usually drive from top to bottom and left
to right. So all these things should be flipped, should be mirrored.
So your sidebar should be coming from the right and your menu should be
starting from the right. Your layout will flow from right to left.
So this thing should happen. And then you should also change your input
language. So when you're typing something, should you be able
to type only in English or since your application is Arabic,
you should be able to type in Arabic once you're typing how the rendering
should be. Because when you're typing in a field, it should be right aligned
right it should not be left aligned.
Then the text representation. You definitely have to
change the flow of the text as well. Image transition and slideshow
I think this is what we have seen in the previous slide that you also
have to take a look at the slideshow whether your back and forth navigation,
they are working as per the RTL notation or not.
What are the browser support available to implement this?
There are different ways to achieve this.
If you are working with HTML, I think you can use this attribute
dir equal to RTL. So if you use
this then your direction will be RTL. The default is obviously
LTR. Then there are some tags like BDI,
bi directional isolation elements. So if you have a mix
of RTL and LTR content. So browser will use
its bi directional algorithm to decide whether
has to render that into left to right mode or right to left
mode. Then on the CSS also you can do this thing
by putting this props in direction equal to RTL.
Then you also have your custom css written into your application.
So what you have to do is you have to figure out if there are
direction specific rules. For example float left
right or margin left margin right padding left padding right. If you
have those kind of rules defined into your custom
CSS, probably you also want to segregate those. So most
of the time what we usually do is we create one
common config, one common cSs where there is
nothing specific to direction and then we create one lTR
CSS and one RTL CSS based on the user language,
whether it's RTL or lTR. So let's say if the user's language is ltr,
we'll pick common plus ltr. If the user's language is
rtl, we'll pick common plus rtlcss. This way
we can actually try to control the layout of our page.
Then, like we have seen in the currency conversion in
two slides back where we were actually translating some
number into german, japanese and english iron.
So there are some Javascript built in function, two locales, two local
strings. So you can find a numerous number of Javascript functions available to
do this job for you. There are some other things to be
taken care while you are working with those internationalized
application. So let's say you have a text,
you have a message, right? So translate the text as a whole. Do not try
to translate it partially because sometimes you
feel, okay, I have this common text into
two messages. Probably I'll just translate it separately, and the rest
of the things I'll translate and then probably I'll try to
concatenate these two strings. That's not the right approach,
because in this way you will lose the meaning of that message altogether.
So that's why it's preferred to translate those whole
text. Do not translate partially, don't just rely on
language code. You should also look at country
code, for example, en us engbc. You see, we are talking
about English only, but they have their own country
codes associated with it. Because the language is different,
the locales are different. That's why instead of focusing on language,
I try to focus on a word called as locales.
Right? So you have to focus on the locales, not just the language.
Do not design your application based on any assumption,
like, okay, my content will be rending in this space because the moment you
translate it, you don't know how much space will it take. So try
to build generic or dynamic content applications.
I think this is what I have. Thank you everyone for listening.
Let's go global. If you have any question, any doubt, or any
suggestion, feel free to reach me. Thank you so much.