Conf42 JavaScript 2022 - Online

Development productivity in a post serverless world

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The journey from physical computers to functions running in the cloud has changed how engineering teams work forever. The role of software developers and infrastructure engineers is not what it used to be. But what is coming next ? What’s beyond devops, containers and serveless ? In this session we will explore new emerging models for software development which aim to boost productivity and reduce time to market. Warning: this talk might contain code


  • Jamaica real time feedback into the behavior of your distributed systems and observing changes exceptions. Errors in real time allows you to not only experiment with confidence, but respond instantly to get things working again. Domenico: How did we get from Argo to the cloud?
  • traditionally you had the development, the developers, kind of software engineers on one side, and the operational engineers on the other side. Docker came in and I think this was the most significant shift in terms of reducing the distance between development and operation. The distance between the two worlds is still there even in function as a service.
  • Two emerging patterns that I see more and more when talking to people and companies implementing. One is platform code and the other one is infrastructure as code. The two things are kind of going to be merged together. Think more about systems over differentiating infrastructure and infrastructure and application.
  • The first pattern we're going to be talking about is platform has code. From a deployment perspective, it's kind of an atomic system. And you deploy the system has a whole in a single CI CD pipeline. Pulumi has some interesting, I guess, metaprogramming characteristics which allow us to meet the three.
  • Pulumi lets you create an application in a single language. You need to tell Pulumi on which cloud provider I want this application to be created. Then you need to install the AWS NPM package. Finally, you can actually deploy the application.
  • Next pattern I want to talk about is infrastructure from code. The idea here would be that the system whats I built, it's decoupled from any cloud provider. And that infrastructure just becomes a sub resource of the application.


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Jamaica real time feedback into the behavior of your distributed systems and observing changes exceptions. Errors in real time allows you to not only experiment with confidence, but respond instantly to get things working again. Cloud hello everyone, and welcome to development productivity in a post serverless world. I want to start with the story, so you may be wondering, why am I showing you a slide with a scooter or a moped, as they call in the UK, and what apparently looks like a computer or a server? So this is a story of 20 years ago when I was working for a telecommunication company back home in Naples. And what we were doing in that company was we were providing authentication for some of the biggest broadband provider in the area. So we did not have the infrastructure to actually run and provide the broadband ourselves, but those kind of broadband provider, they would offload authentication to us. So when somebody will try to connect to the Internet from their home via their router, a request will come to us to say, should I authenticate this user? Should I authorize this user to actually go over the Internet or to access the Internet or not? And then based on accounts and all the information that we had, we would either authorize or deny the request. Now, all of these was handled by a serverless called Argo. So actually, Argo was a server that we have had for some time. It was actually living in our office, it was connected to the Internet. Argo was actually living in a room where there was air conditioner to make sure it didn't get too hot. And Argo looked very much like the computer you can see here on the slide. And everyone knew Argo. He has been with us for a few years. We would regularly look after him. We will regularly patch Argo, and we relied on Argo to be there to do his job of authorizing or denying requests to allow people to go over the Internet. Now, one day what happened was that there was a power cut into the area, and therefore, once we had a backup generator to give power to Argo, we could not keep Argo alive for a long time. And actually we did not have another argo. So Argo was the only server that we had to handle the job. We could not recreate a new Argo in a reasonable amount of time. We did not know what was on Argo. Argo was a few years old, and during that time, he was patched, he was reconfigured, updates were applied, so we didn't really know what was going on. We did not have either the hardware or the knowledge to recreate a new Argo in time. So what did I do? I unplugged Argo. I took Argo on my scooter with me, and I did drive in the traffic of Naples as quickly, as fast as I could to take Argo to my house. Actually, it was my parents house at the time, in my bedroom. So I arrived in my bedroom, I plugged Argo back in, I connected it to the Internet. I phoned up our broadband provider partners, I gave them the ip address of my house so they could redirect requests back to Argo. And job done. We were back in business. Actually, Argo was very noisy. He had a very big fan to kind of keep it cool. So one night I couldn't really sleep with the noise that Argo was making. So I unplugged it again and I moved it in my living room. And so my appeals changed and that kind of caused a little bit of downtime in service, but there you go. Why am I telling you this in a boost serverless talk? I'm telling you this because there was a time in which servers were not ephemeral, they were very important, they were long lived. And entire businesses were actually built and would rely on physical servers to actually keep going. So my name is Domenico, I'm a principal engineer at economics. Recently we kind of rebranded ourselves and now we called Hardall. So those are some of the things that I do and some of the things that I really can't do. So I've been in the industry for more than 20 years. I still cannot write a simple, regular expression. So what I want to talk to you, but today is two things. One, I want to talk about how did we get from serverless, like Argo, to running functions into the cloud? So what has the journey like to move from physical servers to AWS Lambda and azure function and all of that kind of good stuff? And also, I want to talk, but a little bit about infrastructure as code and what kind of role I think that's going to play into the future. So let's start from servers to serverless. So initially, back in the days, we had physical servers like Argo. I mean, they were much better looking than Argo. So they were flat and they could fit in rack space, and then those were leaving kind of data center. And then you had, traditionally you had the development, the developers, kind of software engineers on one side, and then you had kind of the operational engineers on the other side. And kind of the words between these two was very different. Kind of the tools that they were using, the day to day activities that they would perform were very different developers. Whats will write a code. They had little to no idea what was going on into the production environment. They would hand over the course, sometimes in the form of a package to kind of operation, which would then go ahead and deploy the software onto the server and the operation they were looking after, patching and maintaining not just the configuration of the servers, but also kind of procuring the hardware issue, replacement parts and whats kind of stuff. And so the distance between the two worlds was very big, like significantly two different jobs with two different kind of skill sets. Whats you will need. Then virtualization came in and this is where I guess the distance between the two words started to reduce a little bit because here you'd have things like starting to do some scripting and potentially some configuration as code over those machines. I mean there was still like a physical hardware potentially owned and run by operation. And the service here are still long lived. But I see it in terms of tooling, it will start to kind of reduce the distance between the two teams because both operation and development might start to do some bashing or some scripting. And developers started to get a little bit more information and knowledge around what kind of the virtual machine looked like. And potentially they would also do some of the configuration on those machines themselves to actually run their own software. And so like I said, the distance kind of shrink down a little bit. And then Docker came in and I think this was like the most significant shift in terms of reducing the distance between development and operation, because here is where kind of the environment in which the software runs becomes ephemeral. We don't talk anymore in terms of servers and we don't give those servers names. They're not long lived anymore. But we talk about in terms of processes and maybe amount of memory I need to run my application and the number of cpus. But we also change the way that we write code and we stop relying on service being long lived and configuration being applied upfront. And this is also where I guess in terms of tooling and ecosystem brought those two words together, because now developers can deploy their own application much more easily. Tooling is kind of shared, for example, in the kind of Kubernetes world. If you use that as an orchestrator, you might use kind of helm as a tool shared between operational and development. And even if you think about activities like scaling, for example, developers started to take ownership around some of those, because now it's a much easier thing to do in terms of the tooling and in the ecosystem. And so the distance between the kind of activity, the tooling, the skills, I guess between those two words significantly reduced at this time with the advent of Docker. And then after that serverless came in specifically function as a service. So the idea that you write some code, you push that code into a cloud environment and that code magically runs for you. And this had I guess an impact in terms of reducing the distance between the two words. But I guess in absolute terms, in absolute values, it was not, in my opinion, as impactful as the advent of Docker. And whilst here we don't have server to manage, and we now talk about business logic, write them processes, and we talk about events that triggers those function. The distance between the two world, I think is still there even in function as a service. And why do I think there is still distance there? It's because for once, for example, the kind of tooling and languages that we use for the infrastructure to run serverless and write the serverless function, the business logic itself is still different. So for example, here you can see on the right hand side we have an example of an AWS lambda function written with typescript. And on the left hand side you see kind of this yaml configuration file which is used to provide kind of the serverless ecosystem on which that lambda functions run. Now this particular example is using the serverless framework as a packaging tool for lambda based application. But you can see that there is still the notion of infrastructure versus application. And the way that we define the tool, it's still using two different languages. So we still need to have to understand the yaml, we still need to understand what's behind it, and we still need to understand typescript and whats is still two different tooling. Now the question for me is what's coming next? Have we reached kind of the plateau in terms of reducing that distance and therefore maximizing the productivity and the speed in which we can write application? Or is there anything else? And if so, what is the next thing that is going to reduce the distance between the two world even further? Is it going to allow us to actually be even faster at creating systems and application? Okay, and with that, so let's move on a little bit on that and try to explore what might be coming next and talking about infrastructure as code and what kind of role it might play. So actually I think whats, there's not going to be infrastructure as code anymore, or at least infrastructure as code is not going to exist in the same sense, in the same way that he exists today, because I think going forward we're going to move to a world where we think more and more about systems as a whole over differentiating infrastructure and infrastructure and application. And so what we called it's going to be the system as in something that produce values, the business and solves a problem, rather than thinking about this is the application and this is the infrastructure on which the application run. The two things are kind of going to be merged together. So actually the real thing I want to talk about is in our agenda is forget about infrastructure as code and talk. But I think two emerging patterns that I see more and more when talking to people and companies implementing, which I think is going to play a bigger role into the future. I mean, of course that's my bet. I might be wrong, but this is where I would kind of put my money on. And one is platform code and the other one is infrastructure as code. Now, I think the best way to talk about those pattern is to actually see some code and code something and write something. And for that I'm going to use some specific tools and libraries. Just a little bit of a disclaimer here. I have no commercial relationship whatsoever with the tools I'm going to show you. I'm not trying to sell you anything. I just think that those two tools I'm going to show you are a good example of an implementation of those patterns. But you can achieve the same things, I'm sure, with many different other tools. Okay, so the first pattern we're going to be talking about is platform has code, and with platform has code. I guess the idea for me is that there are three main characteristics, I guess that those type of systems would have. The first one is that the language that you use to code your system essentially is the same. You code the platform over thinking about either the infrastructure or the application, and you do that by using a single language. So there is no Yaml or typescript anymore. There is only one thing. And also is that from a deployment perspective, it's kind of an atomic system, it's a deployment unit. And you deploy the system has a whole in a single CI CD pipeline, so you no longer deploy the infrastructure and then you deploy the application on top of that. So with these three characteristics in mind, let's see how this look, I guess, concretely. And for that we're going to be using Pulumi again as a tool that I think is a good implementation of this pattern and particularly the metaprogramming aspect of Pulumi. So whilst you can use Pulumi to just create the infrastructure like you will do with terraform or CDK or cloudformation. Pulumi has some interesting, I guess, metaprogramming characteristics which allow us to kind of meet the three, have the three characteristics that I'm outlining here on the slide. Okay, so let's move to write some code then. Okay, so what we have here is, as you can see, is an empty kind of application. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to create an application in Pulumi. So we're going to say Pulumi new typescript. So what is this going to do? This is actually, okay, we need to make this empty. So what this is actually going to do. Okay, so we're going to create a new application with Pulumi. So Pulumi new typescript. I'm just instructed Pulumi, let's create a new typescript application. Let's give it a project name. I'm going to call test conf fourty two dollars and let's run this dev name for the stack. And now it's installing a bunch of dependencies, a bunch of NPM packages. So I'm using typescript here because that's kind of one of the language I'm used to. But of course Pulumi supports a bunch of different languages. So this was now created. So if we do Pulumi app, this is going now to create an application. So you can see he's asking me, I'm going to get a new stack. Do you want to create the application? Not, I'm going to say yes. And now this is happening in my own kind of account, right? So I still own kind of the cloud infrastructure under which this will run. So you can see this now is an empty application. I have a single index TS file, which is kind of standard for kind of typescript or node based application in general. And this is empty at the moment. So there's nothing in this application. So let's try to put something. Okay, so I'm just going to copy and paste this code. Now, what I'm creating here is a simple, I guess, HTTP rest API with the root on hello, which is going to return some JSon. So you can see here, I'm not defining any API gateway or any infrastructure as such. If you're familiar with Express as a framework, for example, this looks very much like Express, and I'm using one single file, one single language to create my application. Now I think before we can actually run this, I need to install the NPM package that I'm using here. So Pulumi cloud and let's try to run it. If you do pull me up. So this now will try to create the application for me. So let's give this a second, perform this update. I'm going to say yes. It say yes. And okay, so you can see that he did not manage to update this because he's asking for the cloud provider. And this is because I own this infrastructure. So I need to tell Pulumi on which cloud provider I want this application to be created. So I'm going to be doing that by saying the cloud provider I want to use is AWS. Okay. And then because of that I also need to install the AWS NPM package and I'm going to need to also tell in which region I want to run the application. So I need to give it some configuration about my WS environment. So I'm using EU west one and now I should be able to actually deploy the application. So you can see that this is now telling me it's going to create a number of AWS specific resources like API gateway and rest API and permission and staging. So pulumic is inferring what kind of the infrastructure should be based on the application I want to create. But if you look at this, this is like a single file, it's a single language. I haven't specified any infrastructure myself. I didn't talk about lambda at all. I'm just saying this is my code for the application. So I am given a URL while the application is running. So let's have a look at that. So let me share, let me share this so you can see, okay, so if I do hello, here you can see my hello world. So my application was deployed. Okay, let's see something more that we can actually do here. So another thing, for example that we could do would be to actually maybe define a queue. So if I want something to actually happen asynchronously. So you can see here I can define a queue, and here I'm being explicit about there is like an AWS queue and what the queue is. But then I can say when there is an event on this queue, I want to run some code, this console log, it's my code here. And again, this is usually like for example a callback function, which as a typescript or JavaScript developer you might be very familiar with. Also the thing that I can do here, I can share code between you. I can say I have a constant of variable and this is const of dummy and this has some value and actually you can go ahead and use this dummy value everywhere. You can use it in here or you can use it in here. As you can see it's one application, one file, I guess one thing. So I can actually go ahead and then run this. And now behind the scene this is going to create for me an sqs queue, and I'm assuming a lambda function with the trigger on that sqs queue. But you can see I've done all of this using one single language, no terraform, no yaml, no cdk. My entire application is in one file. So what I coded is the platform, the system rather than the infrastructure on one hand and then the application on the other hand. And I'm using construct and paradigms that as a developer I'm very familiar with. And this is just I guess an abstraction layer on top of the application because all of this is still running in my own AWS environment. And you can see there is some knowledge about infrastructure because here you are defining a queue explicitly. Okay, so hopefully you would have seen how something like the metaprogramming language of Plumi could help writing an application like this and thinking about the platform rather than infrastructure and application. I guess the next pattern I want to talk about is infrastructure from code. And I guess it's an evolution on top of platform s code that we just discussed. And the idea is whats we're going to have, application driven system. So all we think about is the application. So we forget about the cloud or the infrastructure that we even need to run the application. And that infrastructure just becomes a sub resource of the application, it gets inferred from the application. So the application is scared at first and then the infrastructure becomes a side effect of that application. And the idea here would be that the system whats I built, it's decoupled from any cloud provider. Like I write some code and I run this code somewhere I don't own anymore, I guess the cloud provider on which this code is running. Okay, so let's use again a tool to show this, and the tool I want to use to show you this is serverless cloud. So serverless cloud is a new offering from the same company whats runs the serverless framework. And I think again, it's just for me a good implementation of the infrastructure from code pattern that I want to show you. So let's see, we start again from an empty directory. So I've pasted some code snippets to run. Okay, so the first thing we're going to do, we are actually going to run create a new application cloud is kind of a little cli to kind of manage serverless cloud application. I'm going to say create a new one. I want to create a new application in typescript. So yes, I want to create a new one. I confirm I want to use typescript, I give it a name bigger. So let's call it cloud 42. Now this is installing a bunch of things. So you can see already kind of a structure emerged here, again with an index ts kind of file, again very similar to what we've done before. And one of the things that is interesting here, if it is like it's connecting to my personal sandbox. So I'm already without doing anything, without configuring any AWS or azure environment, I was given a URL in which my application is running, so they are hosting the infrastructure for the infrastructure for me. So let's try to write some code. So maybe what we can do is I'm going to get rid of all of these and I'm going to have a very simple hello word. So you can see this is very much like express like kind of structure when I just give it a URL and then define my API and this is what I'm going to monitor on. So the interesting thing is that the moment I save this, this gets updated in my kind of remote cloud test environment. So if I open up this URL, maybe let's open up the browser as well here. So you can see if I open up this URL and I do hello. So you can see, I don't know if you can see this, but I have my hello word, my hello word here responded. And again, no cloud configuration words whatsoever. I just defined the API and they're running this for me. So let's look at some more interesting things that maybe we can do. So you can see here, you get the primitive, so you get an API, you can deal with some data, you can do some scheduling, and you can have some kind of environmental parameters as well. And those kind of primitives are the ones on top of which I can build essentially my application. So maybe let's look at some data. One, so I'm just coming to copy those kind of two API here where you have an endpoint here to store the data and one to get the data. So you can see that I can use the primitive data here to kind of store some data and then I'm going to get some data. So the moment I save this again, look how fast this is. This is already kind of synced with my cloud environment. So if we're going to open this one up again, so let's look at the browser. So we have get data, store data. So if I do get data, since this is returning nothing because I haven't stored the data yet, and then if I do store data, the value is stored, and then if I do get data again, I get the value back. So again, you can see that here I'm dealing already with data. I haven't defined any database myself, I don't even know what the database is. I'm assuming it's dynamodb running in AWs. But I have no idea and nor I care at this stage because this is all run for me behind the scene. The other interesting thing that we can look at is scheduling. For example, the other primitive that we have available here is scheduling. So you can see I can schedule something to happen every minute and if I save this, this will be deployed and you will also get direct logging in your console, in your terminal here. And so this I guess also solves some of the problem with serverless around the local development story, which is not, I guess, the boost in terms of tooling and ecosystem. But of course you can do, I guess, more complex things like with the data. So for example, one of the other things that we can look at is here, this would allow you to do query, for example. So if you look at something like an API like this, SS users, where you can get the data from the user, and here we're getting all of the users, but here you could write query. So this does give you ability to actually operate with dagger, a little bit more complex data structure. And you can see here I'm getting also the logs for the scheduler function I've created before and all I has to do is just to save it and everything is running behind the scene. And again, this is a step forward on what we talked about before. No, it's still a single language, it's all typescript or c sharp or go, whatever language you want to go for, but I only care. But those primitives, I don't even know now what kind of infrastructure or cloud environment this is running on. I guess some interesting thing that you can do here. This is kind of my now local development environment which is running to the cloud, but I can actually create a copy of that environment by sharing it with someone. I can type this kind of share command here. And what this is doing behind the scene is creating a new copy of the environment and it will give me a new URL and then I can share that URL with a team member or a QA. And the interesting idea here is that as part of that new environment that is getting created, it also contains the data. So whatever data I've created so far, and I think I've created one entry with the kind of store data, that data will be there. And in fact, if I'm going to open now this new URL which I was given, let me show you the browser. And I do on this new URL get data. You see, I already the value in because also the data was actually copied over. And of course, I guess from here I can then do deployment. So I can actually do deploy to prod. And now that I am deploying in prod, actually one thing that we're going to see is that data will not be synced, right? Because when you deploy in an actual environment, you only want to have the actual code or application deployed, but not the data itself. Now, because the product environment does not exist for this application. Again, behind the scene, this is also creating the environment for me. It will give me a new URL and that's now kind of the production URL. And then any change I will be doing on my local environment here, it will not affect production. That's still my local environment. Okay, cool. Yeah. So hopefully you may have seen that how something like this, I guess, can help us implementing the infrastructure from code pattern, where we do a step forward and really think about the application as the main thing that we code rather than the infrastructure that runs it. And in this case, with this particular tool, we are also offloading against the run of the infrastructure to somebody else. That is everything I had for you for today. So if you have any questions or you are interested in understanding more about some of the patterns that we discussed today, please drop me an email or follow me on Twitter at mimotzo. And I'm happy to engage in conversation about those topics. Thank you, you very much and you have a good rest of your day.

Domenico Musto

Principal Engineer @ Chronomics

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