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real time feedback into the behavior of your distributed systems
and observing changes exceptions errors in
real time allows you to not only experiment with confidence but
respond instantly to get things working again.
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everyone and welcome. Thanks for joining me. Today I
will be talking about MeteorJs as a framework
for hyper prompt development. I'll share my experience,
a little story, my journey and then I will
show the demo where we
will build a simple to do app.
But first let me introduce myself. My name
is Armand, I live and work in Netherlands.
I'm based here. I have over 15 years of
diverse experience. I started with Pascal,
CC, post plus Java to modern Javascript and typescript frameworks.
Last five years I'm focused on fintech. I'm helping
banks and financial organizations with automation.
And at some point in past I was a
co founder and a CTO of a successful software as
a service company where we were using meteorjs
as our main stack, main framework.
But let me tell you how it still started.
So our startup journey started at a hackathon
called Startup weekend. We build
a simple prototype. We were building mvp,
showing it in conferences, pitching it, getting into
incubator where built more or less a product and
finding market fit. Then we got investment,
got into very nice startup bootcamp accelerator,
second biggest accelerator at that time in Europe,
iterating over, finding market fit, finding investors,
finally pitching in demo days. And all that journey was
in like four or five months.
Imagine how dynamic it was. And for supporting
such a quick, dynamic environment, we needed very
good tech stack. What were our
requirements? Because in a startup, basically you don't have a luxury to
hire dedicated developers. So you have students,
interns, some freelancers in helping.
So we needed preferably the entire stack in
one programming languages. And that
at some points that one person can handle everything.
We needed a quick learning curve so that we
can onboard quickly some maybe students
sometimes, or some fresh graduates.
And business wise we need a tool where we can quickly
prototype. Because sometimes you had a call from a client,
needed something, then you would need to show
working prototype by Monday morning. And then over the weekend you
needed to build some prototype
that works and of course possibility of future
development. I would say, for instance, it's not just prototype
that you trash away. So you need to kind of develop it. And once
the market niche is needed, so there should be a possibility
to build a nice good product on top of it.
So that's where MeteorJs came in. That's the
full stack JS framework that
fulfilled all our needs. So basically also our
startup was in personality assessment platform where we
were recording personal data.
So it was considered data of mental
health kind of, and we couldn't host it
somewhere in the cloud, so we had to have full control
of the data. So MeteorJs allowed us and
also it was a little bit more cost effective,
it had steep learning curve. So basically
just in one week it's possible to
learn entire VTR js and start building.
And in one week you can learn basically it
from zero to 90%.
Then mainly it allowed us to
do a quick prototyping. And for future
development it supported react view Svelta,
its own blaze UI library. Also it
was built on top of MongoDB. It's a very popular NoSQL
database that is open source. And for the backend it
used node JS. So for now it was a
monolith full stack framework. And then it is possible to
decompose it and then develop in future.
To demonstrate how
quickly it is possible to develop meteorjs, I prepared a
little demo. I pre recorded this demo
and we will build a simple app and it's
a tutorial from official MeteorJs website.
So you can go to Meteorjs,
then you can find a tutorial we will use react
was our UI library, but you can use anything
and then you can go through the steps and basically in your own pace
later. And once you complete that
tutorial and you read a little bit documentation,
you're able to basically start building with it.
Let's jump into demo to set up MeteorJs
project. We just run a command called MeteorJs
create and the name of the app. For example we can call
it rapid to do app.
That's it. This command will generate and
by default it would use react for the templating
our app is generated and we can open it in
vs code. It would have the following structure.
So this is client,
I would go through the main. So basically here
in the service folder we'll have server
site code. So basically our backend
here in UI, we'll have our react application APIs
and so on. We'll get back to that later. So let's
run our application. We run meteorjs
run this
command would start the meteorjs application and would run
it in localhost 3000. So let's
wait for it a bit. Now that our
application is running, we can go to localhost 3000 and
render our application. So here it is. So I'll
zoom it in or disable this.
So yeah, we can see that we have click me
and it's working and yeah, let's proceed.
Now we can see that we have app component
welcome to meteorjs hello and info.
Hello is showing the increment button and
the label and info some links.
You don't need to understand the full project
structure. For now what we need to pay attention is client
folder is our root for our front end for web.
So we have main HTML, main CSS
and main js. This is like the root for our component
that renders the app js.
Here in the imports UI we have
our react component as I mentioned earlier,
and server side. Here we have a node JS code that
connects to MongodB.
Now we are more or less familiar with the structure.
Now we can start building our to do app. First let's
create a task component,
create new file task js
let's import react we create component.
So basically we have a task component that
receives task and then prints a text.
Let's save it as
we are not connected to the server yet to our database yet.
So let's define the sample data which will
be used shortly to render list of tasks.
It will be an array and
let's go with tasks. So we'll have first
task, then we
copy paste and let's choose. We have
first task, second task and third task
let's save now let's render this
list of tasks. Using normal react syntaxes
we can remove those components.
Let's import our
task component. Yes nowaday
list it
it so
we map for each task we would
have per task component.
We should not forget the key.
That's vital as you probably know.
So we put task and
the id of it.
Then actual task would be go to
the task itself.
By the way, let me make a font bigger.
Yeah, I hope you can see it better.
Maybe so let's save it.
Now we can see all our tasks. Task one stacks
1st, second and third task.
If we switch to mobile view now we can see
that it's not that pretty.
What we can do is we can add
some meta tags so we add it to
main HTML.
So let's save it now it looks better.
MeteorJs by default when using react is already
adding a package called hot module replacement.
That package updates the Javascript modules in running app
that were modified during rebuild. So this reduces
the feedback cycle while developing so you can view the
test changes quicker. It even updates the
app before the build has finished and it keeps the state.
Let's do a little cleanup and remove those unused
components. Hello and info
delete those. Yes,
Meteor has already set up MongoDB
for us and in order to use that
database. We need to create a collection which is where
we will store our documents. And in our case the documents
would be stacks. And we can create a new
collection to store our tasks by creating a new file at
API imports API folder.
So let's create one and we call it
stacks collection collection
JS so
we import mongo first,
then export.
We can call tasks collection which is mongo collection
and we call it tasks.
Did you notice that we used import API folder?
That is all code relates to publications,
meteorjs and in general API.
That's just convenience and choice. We don't have to follow the
structure. For the structure that I'm using, we can use different ones
and we can do cleanup here as well. We can remove this
links collection that was automatically generated.
Okay great.
Now we can see some errors in the console log.
It's because there is also some
unused code in the server side.
So we can see that link collection was used. So we can remove
this generator tech code. Sorry.
As well so can completely this
is major startup hook is run when major
app starts. So can remove
this one as well and we can remove
this import.
Now our app works and we don't have errors
since our collection is going to be empty in the beginning,
let's populate it with the first values.
So we import task collection.
Then meteor startup is
the hook run as I mentioned when the
application starts for the first time. So for example if the
task collection, so we query through
all the elements and then we count. And if
it consists of zero clients then we can populate
it with some mock. So for example we have per second and
the third and the fourth task.
Then we iterate.
Actually let's create an arrow function. Here we
go, insert task.
Then for each task text we insert
it in a way that this is function.
So we insert into the collection. And now
for each of those labels we
insert into our database and let's save
it. Now comes the fun part.
We will render the tasks using react function
component and the hook called use tracker.
And that hook is from the package called
react meteorjs data. This package has already
been included in react skeleton when we
initially generated the project.
Let's start by importing the use
tracker. Use tracker is a react hook
that allows us to have reactivity in our react
components. Every time the data changes through the reactivity,
our component will rerender cool right?
So we will also import the task collection,
the connection to our database.
So we'll refactor our component a little bit.
So we would put the
tasks inside and we will now replace the
mock data with use tracker.
So we would need to find
in a query. So we query.
Then we are fetching it. That's it.
Let's save.
Now you can see that we have four tasks that
we previously added to the database.
So basically now we are looking at the screen and we are
getting the data directly from MongoDB.
Now let's check our MongoDb.
We can interact basically with Mongo using command line if
we run meteorjs mongo command or we can also use
UI tool called no scale booster for Mongo
Mongodb so we connect. We use localhost and 3001
so we connect. Now we can see
meteorjs so we can see links and tasks.
So basically tasks is
the collection with four documents. So we can observe here.
So those are the documents that we just created.
By the way, I will leave a link to this tutorial so
you can later do the same thing on your own step
by step. So basically now
we are seeing the tasks directly
from server to client. So we're going
to explore later the publications and subscriptions.
So basically it's not using to be connected
directly as it is now.
Now we can perform a read operation from database.
Now let's create a
record operation. So basically adding that new task to
add new task, let's create a simple form.
I'll create a new react component
here. We'll name it task
First we need to create a simple form component to encapsulate
our logic. As you can see we
use state react hook. So let's
create a task form and
we use text and use
state react hook with initial value of empty
string. Then we create our form.
Let's give it some class name. Then we have the input
field. Let's put some placeholder
type to add new task. Then we add
the submit button,
we can name it, give it a label task
and let's save it.
Let's give it a little more space.
Make this one a bit smaller.
Now let's add this form to our app component.
So right after the
title we could say task
form. Of course
we need to import it.
let's save and we can see our
task form.
Let's first go to task form.
Let's connect the input with the
text state. So we add some
more here. So our value
would be so
would be a text and a change
event would be linked to set
setter target value
and that's it.
And yeah, let's put everything into curly
braces. Let's hit save.
Now let's add on submit
handler submit.
We can call it handle submit and
that's the function that we
need to declare here. So we can let's
handle submit. We receive
branches first
of all it
prevent fault first. So what we
need to do,
of course if there is no text we don't need to save
it. So if there is no text then we'll just return.
Otherwise we
can insert it directly to our database. So we use
task collection insert
here we pass an object,
we declare the text is our text.
So trim it and let's add
also created ad so
we know when it's created.
Later we will use this field for arranging.
So we know
the order when each task is so and we
also need to reset
the state save it.
Now we can refresh our browser and let's try to add a task.
So task,
task five, let's press
add. So yeah, we can see that fifth task
has been added. It's here. Let's check
the database.
Yes, we have our fifth task, task five with
created edge. Now let's utilize that
created add field. And of course when we add a task we want
it to be added not in the bottom but in the top.
To do that we need to go to our
app component and here first
object is the search query,
the second is sorting. So we can add one more.
By the way, this is the standard MongoDB syntaxes.
You can read more about it in documentation. So I'll
just quickly add sort and
created ads and
then minus one which means descending order
and we can save it. Yeah, now we can see the task five
is here. Let's add to another one. Six yes
it has been added. Now we can
successfully read from our collection and insert
documents. Let's take a look on how we
can update and remove them by interacting by
the UI. Since we are building a
to do list, we need our checkbox to check
the tasks that we have done that are completed.
So let's implement that.
We can open our task by doing
that. By the way, we'll implement the update operation.
So let's add the
checkbox. Checked.
Let's code is checked.
New attribute of a task. So initially they're
all be unchecked. And when we click
by the way, let's pass on checkbox,
click that would be event handler
pass from outside. So we add that we pass
the task, put it read only. Let's make
it a little bit more readable and
we close the tag and also let's
wrap text around span.
Let's hit save. Now we can see checkboxes
to implement the toggle itself we go back to upcomponent.
We create a toggle checked.
This is handler function.
Let's pass it to the task component. On checkbox,
click go to toggle
checked. That's it.
So we pass the task. So we
retrieve the id and is checked from the task.
Then here we start updating
the actual record in the database. To do that
we use our collection update.
Then first we pass the id of
a record. Then put set
field is checked would be equal to the opposite
of the current value. And that's it.
Let's save it and let's
try here. So let's check
six. Five. Let's refresh our browser.
Now we can see that we refresh our browser but values
are still there. So let's uncheck so we have task
six and first task checked. Let's check
the database itself. If we
check the database we can see six is
checked and first task is
checked. Let's uncheck the
first task. We go
back to database. First task
is checked false. So now
we are updating our recording
database. Now let's implement the remove operator,
the last one. So we needed to be able to remove. To do
that. Let's go to task component. We'll add
a little cross button.
We'll pass it some handler later so
we can use times.
Let's see if it works. Yes. Then we
need to have a handler click
it. So by the way, by the way here we
add on delete,
click that we
pass from the app component and we
add on delete. Click and we
pass the task.
Now let's jump
into app component. We need to add that
function. So we have toggle checked.
Now let's add delete,
click or delete task. Delete task.
That would be a function that gets task
and from the task we extract its id.
And then here we actually perform the delete
operator. So we do that by calling task
collection remove
and we pass the id.
That's our function for removing
and now we need to add it. Here let's
make this a little bit more readable.
Let's key task
and here we add on delete.
Click go to delete
task. Let's save it.
Now let's try to remove first
And we can see that instead of removing it's
actually toggling. So let's see what's the problem. Let's check the
task component and yeah,
I accidentally put on checkbox.
Click. So basically it's delete. Click let's save and
let's try. Now we remove the first task.
Yes it's removed. Second task removed as well.
Let's remove the third task
and let's check back the database and
we can see we have three elements. Six, fourth and
task five. It doesn't
look that nice for now. So let's fix the styling.
So I have prepared some Css so
I'll just quickly paste it to save us some
time. And now
we needed to add some more tags
to our
HTML. Let's do that.
So we open our app.
So I'll
also for the sake of time just copy
paste the
HTML tag. I'll save it.
So yeah, now it looks nice.
Let's check if it still works. Six.
Then we put seven.
Yes it works. Then we can remove this seven
and let's rename it from welcome to MeteorJs
to do
list. And also
let's put this later emoji.
Let's also quickly implement our hide completed button
that would hide completed task and
show. So basically it's kind of another toggle.
So let's define the state
so we can call it height completed. So we use state
initial value of false. So in the beginning
it's not hidden. Then let's add the
toggle button. Put some class name and
button on click. That would set
the state to the opposite value.
And the label of the button would be either show
all or height completed.
And also let's import use state from
react. That's it. Let's save it.
Now we have a button. I would copy another styles and
I would just add it here somewhere.
I believe just in the bottom. So there are some styles
for filter class. Let's save it. Now it's in the middle.
Yes. Now we can see that state is toggling.
Let's make this button work. Let's open app js.
First of all let's create a filter.
This would be extra logic for the filtering height
height completed filter an
object so is checked.
This is a special symbol of not
equal, not equal to true.
And then we would use it here.
So basically if let's
put it down here so it's a little bit more readable.
So will if height
complete completed
then we would show
the logic. Otherwise it's empty. Then we
can put sort down here.
That's it. Let's save it.
And we have a little error in the console because
we have used a variable before it was
declared. So let's replace and save again.
Now let's refresh the browser. Let's hide.
Now it works. That's it for the demo for the sake
of time. I'll stop here, but you can proceed on your own.
So it is possible to basically
meet your has user accounts and authentication where you
can use email and password or any other methods like
GitHub login or Facebook login and so on. Also, I skipped
the methods and publications you can read on the tutorial or
in the documentation. So basically methods and publications are the
security for the back end. And thanks for joining today.