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Jamaica real
time feedback into the behavior of your distributed systems and
observing changes exceptions errors in
real time allows you to not only experiment with confidence
but respond instantly to get things working again.
Code hello
everybody, my name is Anton Kalik, I'm software
engineer from and
today I'd like to present my topic about
translator words application on JavaScript.
Literally it's a story of creating
from scratch startup till the workable end solution.
We're going to talk about what kind of tools it's
necessary to have in order to bring up
the startup with a potential scalability
for the future. We check the corner
cases and what
kind of tool better to use in scope of JavaScript
for sure. And we going to check the
details of the schemas, how to connect,
communicate and make alive
your startup idea and example of
that. I choose that project
which has been created actually by my brother and
I was involved with to set
up the service for that and client
side for desktop. And here
mostly a story of creation of that project
where we were started, where are we right now?
And all of that development details
which could be interesting for you. So first
of all, let's take a look on what is the project. Is that so?
My brother created that word deposit iOS
application and I was thinking
with him just to improve the project itself to bring
this more scalable for the future,
which database to use, which service we're going to use
and how we're going to use the clients in our case and so
on. Yeah,
so server and client,
this is the crucial communication between that and what I decided to
choose. I decided to choose node on the server side and react on
the client side. Definitely my tool is Javascript
and that's why I decided to go in that way and
where to start. So this is actually very important question
because firstly I
was thinking, okay, I need to create something like a
logic algorithm to check it
up, like how it could work, and up
front of that algorithm to build the project. So what
I mean by the logical algorithm, it means like the basic
basic solution of the problem solving and
then according that simple small
problem solving solution to have a scalability
architecture. Okay, so from the small one solution
to the scalable architecture and let's go to the very basic
one schema, how I was thinking how
we can spread out the project. And I
was thinking like okay, we have to create a database,
whatever it is, postgres Mongo or something else.
We communicate with database through the server
and brings the data right to the client
desktop and glide mobile well
eventually the tools for database
was MongoDB server created
by node JS together with GraphQL
which will show more expanded simulatedly.
But the most important instruments over here mongo node
react and some of the clients could be on react
native or iOS or whatever it is how
to store and serve that service.
Because all of this could have
to communicate between each other.
I choose Amazon Web services instances.
I split three instances between client server
and database and
this is the communication. So for the react
native or for any other phone
applications it could be Apple or Android
development platform which is fine.
But today we're going to talk mostly about
the database server and client
on react and all of them was
an instance Amazon web services and communication
between them through the routine 53 inside
the Amazon there is a couple of rules between
connections, the security part and
engine setups that I will show you lightly.
So for now let's take a look on the
code JS server. What we have over here, as I
said, we have a database MongoDB and
MongoDB ODM. Actually communication with database
through the models and models app
and Apollo server applies as models and
communication with the models through the resolvers and
resolvers could be mutations, queries, in some cases it
could be subscriptions. And it's
like a structure of communication and manipulation with
your database. So Apollo server applied
that resolvers which is mutations and queries
and comes right to the Apollo and there is the flow of communication
and all of structured data which is
going to
the clients has to be alignable
for the graphQL schema and everything
spinning around from the code server.
So launch it on the code server and that's
how we are providing our data for the clients
docker for sure. Locally you can use
Mongo, you can use for the Docker just to use the
Docker compose app to build Mongo and connect to the database.
Let's take a look on the initial setup of the CoA server.
I choose CoA. For the node server you
can choose express and whatever you want.
But in this case we consider that
framework code. So from Cora
I creating the application itself instance of database
and connected to database couple
of middlewares. For example one of the interesting graphql upload
code which is handling the uploading of files
listeners and open the port for
our server. But it's not, that's it actually
we have to set up Apollo server and
in the same and the same way we're just starting
our Apollo server with applied middleware
for specific path we're going to listening app
v one graphql in order to have our
request against server.
Yes. So what
is the Apollo server startups over here. So this
is pretty the same like it's prescribed in documents and so on.
I just bring for
this session the whole amount of work,
what has been done in order to have a
skeleton of building your
startup solutions where
we included GraphQL and Apollo server.
So here you can see that we using
the maker executable schema, which is getting the type devs,
which is schema, graphql itself resolvers.
As I show it in the schema, back to the schema,
you can see that Apollo communication with resolvers and
we're catching the years and formatting
the years and also the context.
So context creating the token
from the context arrived right from the cora.
We are getting that token from
authorization header, validate that token by
validation we will understand is
there a session or not. So if they have session,
we provide that session passing through
the context or session could be a null if there
is no validation has been failed.
Where to go that context write to our resolvers where we can
reuse our session and asking data from the
sessions like email, id, whatever it is.
So let's back a little bit to
the database layer and let's
just take a look how we communicate with database. So we
have for sure some of models, in my case the
models of words stacks,
collections related to
an end of cost user. So just a couple of models
over here that for example words fema,
which have a unique id
creation date for sure, and translation,
which has to be from tools like language
is a cult of the language and value of
the word itself. As I said that a multilanguages
that means it could be different languages and
words has to belong to the specific stack where we're training
our words, which has been created by the user and for
sure author who was creating that stack and that
word. So how looks like the stack schema,
it's build of course title, possibly subtitle,
date creation and stack can consist some
bunch of words. And of course that
model belongs to the outro, that user
who created that stack. So resolvers,
as I say, those models comes right to the resolvers
where we can reuse those
models and communicate with database.
In this case, for example, we are taking the model
of words, trying to find by specific parameters, the specific
word, specific words,
count them, trying to find
the real items, sorting them and passing
to the specific function. And just to
let you know that resolvers always returning some information,
always the queries and mutation according
schema what you describe it in
your graphql schema. So cursor output will
bring the object
structured exactly how it's described in graphQl
schema. This is the pagination part cursor
output. So this is what we're expecting in the end
from that get words by stack id notation
is the same thing we are asking just
a context, where are we expecting
to get model? Because remember we're passing to
the context all of our models. If we just back here, you can see
models always returning from
the context. So that's why we get that model over here.
And access to the session user
has been find for example here from the session id because we can find that
user by session id if it exists there and user makes
some update because it's mutation. Mutations is something what we updating,
what we posting
to our database queries actually
what we're getting from our database. And for sure in the end of
the process of mutation we are returning some get statistic
stuff over here. You can see that we using
get statistic really literally right
from the query. Because if we go to the get statistic,
we're going to see that a bunch of additional queries where we
in the end from the promise returning some
structured data. Exactly for GraphQl
schema. How looks
like the GraphQL schema. I think for most of you it's pretty
familiar. It's just types
where we describe our queries mutations. As I said before,
subscriptions could be possible as well. And types
of what we're expecting from
our queries or mutations. Let's say like we have a gas stacks,
we're protecting stacks type
or let's say when we are update user
on a mutation, we're expecting to receive
user updated user with updated information
and type user describe all of the fields what we are need the explanation
mark here the administratory fields we should receive always that
type from that field.
So execute schema with resolvers.
Actually that what I told before that makes us possible just
to communicate with GraphQl from the client side
and to use queries mutation on the client side.
And we are using this graphql schema
mutations or queries and we're using on
the client side. So time I think to go to the client
and as I said before locally
for now we just using to use that local host the API Vivan
Graphql what I told before when the
initial entry point to the server where
we started our Apollo server, we put the path API
v one graphql. So v
one GraphQL could be not from under local host. It could be
a different Amazon web services. Through the router you can provide everything you
want especially with a specific authorization part and security
layer. So now we're just talking
about locally connection and
let's take on the react client now as
I say technology a server provide to us through the local
host through the road app v one GraphQl
the possible of the connection to
the data through the GraphQL react client
making those requests to the GS server and exposing
to the browser locally it's a local host 3000 but
you're going to build your files and going to use
your build files on other services through
engines part in my case, as I
told before, it's Amazon instance.
So let's dive into the react client
for sure it's bear
schema where what
I'm using the application mostly if I'm
creating another application,
another service on the client side mostly I'm
using the same structure application applies
the Apollo provider which is Apollo client.
What we passing to the Apollo provider queries,
mutations and fragments fragments spread using
by mutations and queries and Apollo
using the Apollo client and the providers
comes right to the application also state
management which can be created by redux
or whatever you want. But I using context with read
user with actions dispatchers and I have
an initial store just
to have everything in box. But of
course you can say that we can reuse power of Apollo
client because there could be some kind
of Apollo state or we can reuse some other approaches
to have global state management.
In my case I'm usually trying to split
it up between in the entities like
context with the state management, Apollo with queries,
mutations, style it components.
It's just a feature for the styling
of your components and views and other things.
For example global styling of course
components itself and views.
Okay, so everything, all of
these parts, all of application in
the end goes right to the DoM system.
Okay, so how looks like the providers
itself. So I'm struck the application first
I provide the Apollo provider to the
Apollo client how it looks like Apollo client. I will show you
later. But then I just go into the context provider
which is a state manager and then theme
provider if we have something like a dark theme or
day theme, whatever it is and global styles for
sure. So some generic styles team provider
global styles comes from the styled component
context provider. We are using the powerful
of react itself and Apollo provider
comes from the Apollo client.
Well Apollo client is
that how we are connecting to
our server through the creating HTTP
link we just put there that exactly that
path. What I told before on the server side that we open that API
graphql. That's how we are connecting to the
HTTP link for sure you have to have a proxy for
that with the specific for
the local host and for the production one.
So Apollo, before creating the Apollo
client you have to bind different
links. The first link you can see HTTP link
which is collections one year link which is handling
the errors and exposing some specific error from
graphql years or some other errors forwarding
the apparition itself. Then we are creating outlink which is using
headers in order to provide a token to the headers
which is authorization and
cache. In the end we are caching our
pagination part. In my case I just using the fields
get stacks or get our words.
When you're scrolling you can fetch more data
like list of the data. In my case it was in translation application
it was list of words and you can scroll and you can get the pagination
that relay style pagination provides
right from Apollo client and once again
all of tools what I describe it here,
it's like no more, no less. Exactly that amount of tools
that functions, that features. I'm using exactly in
scope of that tools.
And in the end Apollo client with all of the links,
yarrow Link, alt HTTP link and cache itself.
That's how we are creating Apollo client and we providing
before showing you right to the Apollo provider
in Apollo client over here. Well context
provider as I said before the context manager
here also there is no any specific good
approach like good practice or something. This is just a
bare minimum to have your
project up. And here for example
this is the state management where we are creating
the context provider. I just getting the child provide to the child that
provider with the store and dispatch for
the actions and creating the reducer
with the initial state for sure. And across my application
I have access to global state management.
Whatever I have to save there. I have the next dog
there to
have a scalability and to not have everything in disorder.
Nice to struct all of your components views
in the same structure. Like to have a rule.
I want to show my own personal rule how
to struct independent components,
atomic components which you can use across the all application on the
react applications. For example let's say we have button.
So always the folder button from the
capital letter consists index js file
with the implementation itself in the code button
test where we are having our unit test for the
button and styles which is styled component
and you can see that views and components
they are different, like they're different folders. In the source folder
where we have the full of list of our components with
all the time, the same structure index,
the component name itself, test stylus,
all of them have the same structure
and the views the same, literally views the
same component, but logically views it's
related what we are showing in the router how
it looks like inside the component. In implementation it's just like
an input with styled
containers, stylet elements
with passing props and we are reacting on that props.
So there is no any
tricks. We're just using the component and style of
that component and for sure in
the same folder has to be a unit test.
Okay, let's back to the graphql to the Apollo client site
and we can see that user fragment here.
It's just the same list of fields
what we have seen in the graphql
schema. So here the necessary
fields to us on the client side which we can be used
as a fragment across all of our mutations
and queries in Apollo
client. And for example, as you know, Apollo client has
the specific hook for the query use query. We have to provide that
query. For example over here it's a get session where we're
using our fragment, that fragment has been created
over here we're just reusing over here that fragment and that's how we
can reuse that fragment across the other requests,
other queries or when we don't need
at all any fragments, we just can use
the plain fields. In this case we have a
mutation for sign up user and
we are expecting just to return the token which we're going to use lately for
the header and uid of course.
Well also about the
fragments, you can fragments
creating exactly from the type. So we have type user,
we can create the fragment of that type,
we have type of word,
we can create the fragment of the word and reuse from the sum fields.
So in
general, what to take to the application?
This is actually a very controversial
question on the beginning when you want to bring up very fast your startup,
which tools to use. I suggest
in this case in terms of JavaScript, who are using JavaScript
to use the tools, which is really
familiar and very famous
and successful tools for now like graphQL style components
are using everybody Amazon web services for
sure now is a really big benefit to serving your data services
databases, database, for example MongoDB because it's just
very easy and very fast to
build up your application over there.
Also, as I told before,
very important to keep good structure in your
applications, in the folders of
your components views or in
your resolvers on the server side to
split up like between this is mutations, this is resolvers
and where's utilities and so on. So to keep
everything in order and as I
say, what to take and where
to start and how to keep it in order, that's the
approach like to have good folder structure in your
applications. And in the end
this is the full of the tools what
I'm using for
the service, it's a jot docking Graphql
Apollo server which works
to us for the communication with GraphQL client which is communication
with the graphQL through the server.
All of these tools actually this
is enough to create the
application till the end workable
solution. On the production side it
doesn't matter what you're going to choose. For example, you can choose the Amazon Web
services instance or it's going to be another service,
heroku for example, maybe you're going to use the
postgres, but like postgres you have to use some kind
of orem system in order to communicate with postgres.
Almost the same, like more or less the same. It's going to be just another
database. Couple of tools what I'm using
here for example, why I'm using core because it's
my opinion just a bit easier and much faster than exprs
and consequences of middleware stays are really
straightforward for me hosting it's just up to you.
Not mailer for example I'm using for the handling
emails to send some emails from my
server, for example forgot password or whatever it is,
just send email for
sure. In the future you can increase and reuse some of
services for the emails. It's just a
bare beginning of the application for the startup
PM two for example, that's just a tool when you have
keep running your server instance
on a production without stop.
So circle CI for deployment process jest for unit
tests for sure. Passively together with jest you need to
have additional tools for the react for example testing
library or enzyme.
So that's up to you. But mostly it's everything it's unit tested,
just tests very important
in the beginning as well.
So for the validation of fields,
yes. And, and the price is actually
for the starting around 65
$70 per month I
think for the beginning of the application. When you create some workable solution
it's not a big deal, but it's more or less that price
for the month. So I would like to say thank
you so much for the listening. I hope that
information will help and inspire you to bring
your ideas alive. I could say that
my solution for the service and
client side took around three months.
So thank you so much.
Have you seen that? In another session.