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Good night to everyone. Thank you very much
for inviting me to give this talk.
My name is Alejandro Mercado, I'm from Mexico.
I am web and mobile developer,
adding some DevOps tools
under my belt.
Very honored to be here to talk about
this experiment that I made almost
a year ago. It's about having
some c plus plus code in web.
Something a little weird I can
say, but pretty fun. So thank
you very much. Let's start.
I'm going to share the
presentation. This article is on medium
if anyone have interest to
read. When I write. Well, I write of course about
web technologies and the bops,
so you can follow me on medium.
This article, as you may know, is back to the future,
from C Plus plus to angular. For me it
was like chalk minding
to figure out how can we do
that to have a
real old c or c plus plus code?
How can we handle it in a
new framework like angular react or this
Javascript state
of the art framework?
So that was the curious
and what led me to write this article and
to make this experiment.
Maybe not, it depends of your
age, but back to the
old school days. I remember writing a lot of C and C plus
plus as my primary language from a
lot of school projects.
As you may know, C and C Plus plus is now
to be a very powerful language. You have
a lot of control with these languages,
and with this control it means
It's not casualty that a lot of engines
uses C and C Plus plus to
make the games. For instance,
unity or autodesk uses these
gaming giants to make
prairie faster applications. The render
always to deal with graphs in
terms of memory are pretty exceptive.
So you need to have a lot of control to
deal with the performance. It's like a must.
So C and C plus plus are like the
more powerful. I don't know if they're more powerful, but are the
better two languages to deal with that
with graphs.
But nowadays it sounds like a little weird
to do web development with these languages like
C plus Plus, Us prolog, Perl and
many other good languages that are not considered.
Or it was not by any chance
idea to have this as a
web languages.
But things changes
and maybe you have heard about webassembly,
maybe. If not, there is a couple of
links here where you can get the
detail about what is this about?
But the idea is
this bridge between these all
languages and the web
browser that is everywhere. So what's
the deal? Well,
my first approach was to compile just
a c code, something very
easy code. So for
that we used webassembly using
a tool called echemeScript.
So echemeScript to
JavaScript compiler. So that
was the magic. So that
was the first step. The installation and setup
instructions are detailed in the site, so you
can click here to to go directly to the
specification. It's pretty neat.
Well just here I am just verifying
that everything the max scripting
is already installed men's version,
because I was pretty sure that I already have it installed.
After that I made my c code, as you
can see. Now if you remember,
this is pretty basic, the hello world. In c
you can use of course notepad or visual studio
code or whatever you want. But to build the
JavaScript version of this code I
simply specify the c. In this case
it's c, but it can be both c or c plus plus
file. After Dell mcc
use m plus plus to for the compilation,
as you can see here. So this is just
the line, as you can see,
it's pretty neat. So this way I
can generate my files
that are going to be my
web files.
As a result of this I get two files,
the aoud js and the a. Out was
the wasp file is our
webassembly compile code,
and the other one, the js, is our JavaScript
file which contains the runtime support
to load and execute it.
This is something like that, something I
can say in LG level.
So well this is our binary
file. So having
that with
all friend node we can run
this aodges using code so
I can get the output.
In this case, the hello world is pretty simple,
as you can see here, I just
run with code and I get the hell award.
But it was like the
aha moment, a very
particular moment. Well, at least for me
to have this from c to javascript
was like wow,
because it was something
I was like joining, something that I
made 20 years ago with something that I am
using nowadays. So because of
that I can start
in a lot of possibilities.
That's why for me was like a
very happy moment. So to generate the
HTML because well in this example it's just
the hello world, but to generate the
HTML with MX script,
we can generate the HTML output with
something like that, with the output
indicating the file, in this case
hello HTML,
of course we can see, or we need to see it in our browser,
and for that we need a web server.
For this experiment I find that
a pretty easy way to do that was using the Python,
the simple HTTP server.
Now with just one line you can get the
Python server running,
but of course you can use any server,
web server that you want and just
open them, of course in localhost,
in this port the file,
so you can see the
output. Then the output,
as I said, is pretty simple because it's just a hello world.
But the potential is
enormous. It's from here. Now this is the starting point
because you
can start doing a lot of crazy things.
And this is where I
get wild, because I
remember when
I was at college, I have this
subject, this graphics programming 101,
we did a lot of these things about to draw
to draw and interact with different figures,
to draw circles,
donuts, toroids and a lot of crazy things
like this that you can see. And it was
in this subject, in graphics programming 101,
we use it at
that time, we use the SDL
AP that this was the
simple direct media layer that was a
cross platform, because it's still available. It's a
cross platform development library designed
to provide low level access to audio, keyboard,
mouse, joystick and graphic hardware.
So via OpenGL and direct
3d, so we can not just draw things and move
things and animate things, if not to
interact. So we were
opening like a whole world about
games, about a lot of,
I mean it was the
imagination, it was just the limit with all these
graphics and libraries. But as
I wrote here,
this exercise was made in 97,
22 years ago.
The surprises is still working well,
some not just of course to communicate with was
in webassembly to communicate,
but it's almost the same code.
So as you can fear
at that time, we don't have angular, we don't have react,
we don't have spelt or
any view or any other fancy front end
Well that's the experiment
that I was trying to accomplish
with these
new possibilities about webassembly.
So since some other code,
this was purse, the following one
is with c plus plus,
it's about a nice color cube.
Also using this library that
I already mentioned, the SDL. This is the
sample direct media layer. The idea
is just to grade this cube,
but with some gradients and they move and change
the faces as
well. You can access the repo here.
You are curious. This is the code in
GitHub. If anyone wants to replicate
some of these exercises,
you have available documentation and resources.
so the, the tricky part where I
spent more time of course was between
the communication, you have some language,
C code, but you have something in the
middle there was that you want to communicate
or to try to make a javascript,
to work it in JavaScript. So with
this CPP C plus plus code.
I'm not going in detail to the code,
this is c plus plus.
But if
you want to trade, you have to take
care of these kind of things.
How you are going to communicate?
Mcscript provides a number of hepard methods
that making interactions between the model and JavaScript
easier. And that's the whole idea,
to take care and to be aware of these
helper methods.
Mm scripting includes a conditional compilation
symbol. This is when you see this
eggmark script like constant.
You can use it to detect if the solution is being compiled
by Mx scripting. So this
is pretty helpful to
run your programs.
So this is the idea. Well, this is
like a
pretty basic explanation because
it can be pretty complex and deeper and deeper,
but the idea is, was just to achieve some
of these experiments and to see
if that is possible.
So we have this external c block
in C plus plus function names.
C plus plus function names can be overload.
So to make sure the name is unique when compiled,
this can happen.
The compiler mangles the name by adding information
to it about the functions parameters. The compiler
changing the names of functions when the code is compiled is
a problem for external code. Wanted to call
a specific method because that method's
name no longer exists. So this is,
I can say the network part where you have
to spend more time.
Well, it's just in the documentation.
So you want to tell the compiler to
not adjust the name of the method that the JavaScript code will
be calling. To do this, you need to
include an external C block around the methods,
continue it, repeat the previous
compilation steps. As you
can see here,
this is 10ft
very high explanation
about how to make this possible. Now this
code running on JavaScript, on a
web browser. So as
you can see, I have this color cube running
on the browser. This is the output,
and having this in the browser, to have
it running in
a framework,
you are in the other side. It's not that easy, but I
mean it's JavaScript. And the idea nowadays
about JavaScript is to have
components. So you can have this component
or C plus plus code in a component and use
it in angular or react
Yes, having Mx
script the HTML that we generate
with Mx scripting is not typically used for production,
but that's like a first approach.
It's pretty useful if you are learning about
Webassembly. That's the idea. As you may know,
Webassembly now is evolving too fast.
We have a lot of programs,
languages using Webassembly.
So webassembly, in my humble opinion,
opens a fantastic and interesting new alternatives
and it's already supported in browsers.
One question that a lot of people ask me
is about if Webassembly is going to replace JavaScript.
The answer is no. Webassembly doesn't
replace JavaScript, but those expand the web enables
new hybrid JavaScript
designs. So you can see
here the
support the
Webassembly support in the browsers.
I don't know if this image
is a little updated, we have to
verify it, but well, it's evolving
too fast.
And the part of the angular integration,
well, with angular integration,
angular per se, it's not that
easy. It's not that easy framework.
I guide you through the process. You have
to make the project to
see if the project is running like
showing here, so you can follow the whole
article now to have it.
And I create a component with the angular command
line. I'm creating
the component, I just put
it already made code
with C and Wasp as a service.
That was everything I
did. So it was just like,
I don't know if I was cheating, but it was pretty easy.
The word cc could be located
in the same folder, the one with the color
cube seminars code. But just
be sure that after compilation you
get the files webassembly and
webassembly was inside the color cube folder.
Because I didn't have this couple of files,
I have a lot of time trying to figure out,
but it was not working so well.
Taking consideration that you can save a lot of time,
well, a microscript build like
can include as a plumbing file in that
HTML file. If you want to go for
this approach,
it depends how do you want to display
the app? A JavaScript
plumbing file is a JavaScript file that FMac scripting
generates. It can
be in this different way.
I don't like it.
You can generate with angular the
UI elements, but well, you can
generate with
scripting. It depends
what are you doing? And it's something like
So, well, this is basically the
approach that how can I use
this? I can say all
and powerful languages as a
component in modern projects, in modern front end projects
where I see the
business cases is because a lot of
this code,
c plus plus or c code,
the performance is better, is way better from
JavaScript. So I think,
I'm pretty sure that we are going to see a lot of things like
renders games that they are
going to run in the browser pretty smoothly
and we are going to see a lot of hallucinance
things, awesome things.
Well, we are seeing a lot of things with Javascript
in combination with these kind of
technologies that are pretty good for something
in particular. Well,
this will be amazing. So I think that's
why I don't think that Javascript is going to disappear.
It's going to be,
they are going to complement with a lot of other technologies.
So. Well, this code is about how I
include in the component.
This is just angular. When the
angular side of the project to
include the web assembly,
you can take a look
in detail if you have time. So the
idea is just to achieve the
original example. That was because
there is another example. I have several examples
here, but the idea
was to accomplish this. This is the angular component
as a service. Well it was load as a service,
but this is the final result.
The C Plus plus code run in
angular. Yeah.
Well this is it.
I hope that it gives
you a lot of ideas of
crazy things that you can achieve with
this combination of technologies with Webassembly.
I have another article about
this very quickly about,
I want to show just in
two minutes because it
makes sense.
It, it's about web assembly
then this is about other,
about web components and it's in Spanish.
Sorry about that, but I just
wanted to show the final part
that is like
a picture about if
Javascript is going to die,
I can find it. Well maybe
I have to.
It was pretty interesting because a lot
of people think about this about,
well there is going to be about a lot of
new languages like C
sharp with Blazor or per.
There is a lot of new alternative,
but JavaScript is going to stay there and
it's not going anywhere, don't worry about
But it's not in this.
Sorry, my mistake. I think
it was at the same
presentation, sorry because of that.
But well you
are going to see more and more of these examples
with a lot of more, not just with
C and C plus plus, if not with Perl,
Python doing a lot
of this kind
of web development.
So. Well that's
what I have to say. I just want
to say thanks and
thank you very much for everything.
If you want to, to grab me.
Well, let me see.
Well you have my,
this is my twitter.
Thank you very much.