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Good morning, everyone.
I am Chirag.
I work at Nutanix in cyber security with AI ML.
so today I am going to cover a presentation on pioneering AI frontiers
using deep learning based techniques.
So what is reinforcement learning?
So reinforcement learning right now is a very new frontier in deep learning, and,
Reinforcement learning is, a learning which involves complex decision making and
there are a lot of reinforcement learning based models, which involves neural
networks, which are currently in use.
And the current market of, AI is going to increase.
As you see over here.
It'll increase by one 90 mil billion by 2025.
Maybe by 2030 it'll be.
Almost 10 times more.
And these kinds of deep learning techniques currently can
outperform traditional ML models.
So that is why deep learning based techniques are a lot in demand.
These are, used in a lot of applications like image classification, autonomous
driving, and, many other, techniques.
So the main core over here is a neural network and reinforcement learning
basically is a technique which involves interacting with environments and
using trial and error based approaches.
So wherever the neural network works, it tries to find the errors, then it
will try to minimize the errors and in turn try to So that is how the algorithm
works and combines deep neural networks and also it has state space management.
Now we come to the milestones.
The AlphaGo's victory over Lee Sedol highlighted superhuman strategic planning.
Then in 2018, we saw UC Berkeley, which enabled robotic kind of
grasping, high success rate.
And in 2023, Waymo self driving cars, they achieved 35 billion simulated
and 20 million real time miles.
So these are very good achievements, which have reinforcement learning using
neural networks, which are being applied.
Now we come to.
Accelerating training using transfer learning.
So what is transfer learning in reinforcement learning enables agents to
apply knowledge from one task to another.
And significantly, this reduces the.
Timing, training time, and effort.
So this is a key advantage of this algorithm.
It has faster adaptation to new environments.
So these kinds of neural networks in reinforcement learning have a capability
to adapt to any kind of conditions.
And reduce training data requirements.
So machine learning algorithms work by training the data and then
generating some of the results.
So the more you train the models, there is a chance of overfitting
and that kind of scenario.
So neural network over here is very.
Optimized and it will try to train the model with reduced data Requirements
and it will try to provide generation and output in a short span of time
with high accuracy So that is why these kind of applications like autonomous
driving, robotics, then game AI, all these kind of applications, they are
using reinforcement learning and, these kind of, machines, they leverage, such
kind of neural networks, which will take some of the training data and
generate proper, kind of output, which is capable of, Of improving the experience.
So for example, in autonomous driving, the neural networks are so advanced
that they will be able to detect anything in the road, any issues which
are happening in the road, and it will apply the brakes, then it will
accelerate at certain point of times.
And similarly, in robotics, the robots can detect any kind of boundaries or any.
Places where they are not supposed to go and games, they perform quite better and
it will help in better game generation and using less training of data.
So this is where reinforcement learning is a boon.
And, then we come up over here in this slide, it, it provides information
about the generative AI market.
So how much is the market capitalization right now?
And by 2030 maybe the project, projected, capitalization will be
a lot more, almost around 33.7%.
So it would be, I guess it would be like, around 40 billion.
30 to 40 billion.
And, over here, we also have GANs, Generative Adversarial Networks, and
VAEs, which is Variational Autoencoders.
These are two different kinds of models, so Generative Adversarial
Networks, they focus on generating data and through training, whereas
Variational Autoencoders, they are actually, they create compact.
certain kind of data representation for generation, some kind of
analysis, that kind of thing.
So these two are very different kind of models.
And let's go over here in this slide, how they work.
So GANs are two networks, generator, discriminator, they compete to
improve data generation quality.
And basically it will be utilized to generate certain kind of things
like for example, image generation.
Then we have video synthesis.
Then we have medical data augmentation.
So which involves classification and then we have drug discovery.
So all these applications are it's covering something and using model
training to perform certain kind of generation, image generation,
video synthesis, then medically in medical field, it will try
to improve the classification.
which is a very important thing.
Like you, Using certain kinds of inputs, it will generate certain kind
of patterns and we'll try to find out the pattern and classify into
better thing or classify a medicine or classify certain kind of things.
And similarly in drug discovery, GANs will try to kind of classify
and generate certain kind of modern molecules for medicine development, maybe
fighting certain kinds of illnesses.
So we see GANs.
will have a lot of capability in next few years where it will not only improve the
drug discovery, but also help in image generation and maybe in cyber security or
security and that kind of applications, it will have a very huge impact.
Now, we come to VAEs and over here how VAEs work, they encode the data
into latent space and reconstruct it, and that is how it will learn,
and it will become more efficient.
one good example over here is anomaly detection.
so whenever certain kinds of neural network, they find certain
kinds of issues in the data, it'll classify it as an anomaly.
anomaly detection.
Then we have dimensionality reduction.
So over here it'll have compressed gene data by 98% and it'll,
reduce the dimensionality.
And thirdly, another use case would be music generation.
generated, 16 bar melodies and it will have a lot of, satisfaction rates.
So these, these don't do any kind of generation, but they try
to do certain kinds of, anomaly detection and that kind of thing.
And these.
techniques will become popular in next few years, and it will be utilized
in a lot of other applications.
Now we come to AI in cyber security.
So in this cyber security, it will do a lot of things like threat detection,
threat monitoring, and vulnerability assessment and fraud detection.
We do see a lot of, in, cyber security, we see a lot of, certain kinds of
threats are not monitored properly and it leads to a lot of, issues and, a lot
of threats and a lot of vulnerabilities.
And there are, Current tools, which are available in cybersecurity,
they don't detect such kind of vulnerabilities and threats.
maybe in next few years, AI using GAN and VIEs with, these techniques, they
will improve the threat detection and anomaly detection And basically.
in cybersecurity, most of the companies won't use these kinds of tools and
they will rely heavily in this machine learning models and such kind of things
to improve their security posture and, use AI based threat detection.
It can also do maybe in future AI based techniques.
We can also do threat modeling and, identifying risks, within
the organization and maybe.
Possibly detecting DDoS attacks and such kind of things.
Now we come to future trends in AI.
So in future trends of ai, we have graph neural networks, which can enhance,
AI's capability to process graph structured data like social networks,
recommendation systems and drug discovery.
So graph neural networks are also very important kind of neural networks,
which can be utilized in recommendation.
for example, we see in Netflix.
and Amazon prime.
There are a lot of recommendations and certain things which are being done.
So these company maybe in future can leverage a graph neural networks and
such kind of sophisticated algorithms to improve the accuracy of recommendation.
Then try to process text image or video and certain kinds of applications.
Then we have AI in IoT and certain, other applications
where AI can have a huge impact.
this is what we have seen in enforcement learning.
It has a lot of unparalleled capabilities in doing complex tasks like autonomous
driving, robotics, industrial automation, and it uses GANs and VAIs
to unlock a lot of new possibilities.
Helping creativity and problem solving these kind of approaches can help the
organization to improve upon their security posture, improve the drug
discovery and have a lot of big impact in decision making capabilities.
Even in cyber security, maybe 30 which are being used, they might be either,
GANs or VAEs, which can be used to detect certain kinds of threats and improve the
security posture within the security org.
So that's it from my side.
If you have any questions, please let us know.