Conf42 Golang 2023 - Online

Swiss Army Knife for SaaS Products Build with Go

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You will learn how to implement your SaaS product with Go and handle the remaining parts with automation. Static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, infra, application deployment, etc… will be all automated by default.


  • In this session we will talk about how to build a software as a service including infrastructure management, payment system, these kind of scenarios. We will check how to do infrastructure as code management and at the end we will see the payment system.
  • Go releaser helps you to build cross platform artifacts, windows, Linux, whatever you need. In quality check we will be using Golang CI lint. Whatever you are doing in CI system you can do that in GitHub actions.
  • In order to charge your customer, first you need to understand your customer and then youneed to track your usage. In stripe there is three important models in stripe, let's say the domain model. All the remaining parts will be handled by stripe itself deployment.
  • ArgoCD lets you create secrets in your Kubernetes environment by using secret manager providers. Like with external secret like Argo CD, you need to deploy the external sort manager. You can use sort manager to integrate your resource with third parties.
  • In Quizzer I want to start from CMD folder. Using Yaml Parser here there is a default config file which is config yaml. Now I will try to connect to a database. Using fiber for rest endpoint. And here I am registering an endpoint metrics endpoint. The application is running right now.
  • In terraform cloud I created a workspace and in workspace I just connected this workspace with my repository. It simply creates a Kubernetes cluster. If I have them in my code base I can easily sync everything to my production with single push or single tag.


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Hi everyone, my name is Hussain and I'm a cloud engineer. In this session we will talk about how to build a software as a service including infrastructure management, payment system, these kind of scenarios. Let's take a look at scenario first here. In this outline you may need to do a configuration in your project. We will see it how to do a logging, proper logging in your application. How to generate artifacts including binaries, docker images how to do some kind of static code check in your project. How to include your project artifact generation into a pipeline, CI pipeline. We will check how to do infrastructure as code management and at the end we will see the payment system, how we can integrate with the payment system. Let's say that you are building a project go project. You can just start with go code in it, right? You provide your repo URL which is for example GitHub URL. Then that's it. Your project will be synchronized to GitHub. You can push it to removed, you can pull it again. So this will be your modular project. When it comes to configuration I just wanted to suggest a project which is called conf. There is of course a couple of other projects about this configuration management but this is the simplest one that I use. Quf. On the left hand side when you take a look at there is a YAML configuration and on the right hand side there is a Golang struct. So if you use you can simply unmarshall your YAML configuration into a Golang struct. In Golang struct there are two sections as we have in the YaML configuration f and db. On the right hand side there is an app and DB. Under DB there are a couple of fields and under app there are port section which is 3000. In the Golang strugg you can even use a receiver function. There's DSN for example in database connection we will be using DSM for postgres connection. You can use this kind of best practices to use in your configuration system. Most probably you have heard about twelve factor app. In one of its rules there is a section which is do your configuration over environment variables. Here I am exporting a couple of environment variables but why? What are they? For example app underscore port is equal to 3000. Here underscore means the indentation in the yaml. In Yaml we had app indent there is a child port here, app underscore port. So you can set this one through environment variable and it will be again can be unmarshalled to a goal length track, same using environment variable is the best practice in the cloud environment because you have a workload, for example pod you can just parts environment variables like this notation. After configuration you may start to think about logging. Here I am using Zep and in Zep as you can see I initialize logging here and then there's a deferred function because this kind of performance well performant libraries, they are buffering the logs. They are not writing logs to some kind of destination like system output right away they are buffering them and they write to console in batch. Here let's say that if there is a problem as a final step there before the exiting, it will just flushes all the logs from the buffer. It is a good usage. In order to log something you just provide a sentence and then you can provide a couple of context item. For example in our quiz application if there is a problem while fetching the quiz questions you can say that oh, there is a problem but in which session for which customer you can provide key value pairs here. This part is important especially if you are sending your logs to a logging backend. If you have lots of applications then by using these fields you can easily filter out the log statements in the logging backend like elasticsearch or Graylock. These kind of tools assume that we built our application, but how to generate artifacts? Artifacts means here binary executables or docker images go releaser helps you to build cross platform artifacts, windows, Linux, whatever you need Mac and also helps you to release something. Release not only means release to GitHub, for example, it can also announce some new release versions into discord, slack notification, these kind of things. You can simply create a Goreleaser yaml file and run this function. Go releaser build or release clean to delete this folder after operation finished here in the Yaml file I defined a build section. Under build section there are a couple of builds you need to provide the id because there is a cross reference inside the yaml file. Id is queezor API. Main is when you say go build you need to provide a main file which is the endpoint. This entry point contains a main package and main function right here. Since I have a couple of modules in this project, I am providing my quizzer API endpoint and as an output I am saying that binary name will be quizzer API. This execution will be for Linux and AmD 64 for Docker section. Here I am saying dockers and in same way like we have in the executable generation, we provide an Id. I am saying that this docker image will be for Linux and AmD 64. I am providing ids because these binaries will be used to generate docker images. Image templates is used for generating docker image. Basically tag which we say docker tag you mean here tag is coming from git context, git context and it is dynamic. For example whenever you push docker image into this repository, you will see this current tag will be used here to generate docker image names for build flag template. Basically in my docker image I am providing a couple of parameters, for example module name, these kind of things. I can also use these build arguments here. In my case there is a module key. I am also using label which we will see it soon in the example extra files means this part is important because while goryleaser builds something, for example docker image in the docker context there are only two files, docker file and the artifact binary executable. So I need also config this yaml. In my current project these extra files is used to include also this file into docker context. Skip push false is used for just push this one into docker registry which I will be providing in the GitHub action. What about quality check? In quality check we will be using Golang CI lint. Golang CI lint is used for maintaining all the linters. There are lots of linters as an open source project this Goling CI lint just manage them to run. It is very easy. It runs them according to your configuration. Again you simply create a goaling CI yaml file and run Golink CI lint run. There are a couple of lots of linters but let me give you a couple of examples. For example, if you expose a structure outside but didn't provide in a comment so there will be an error. For the list of full reference you can just take a look at linters in the URL. We provided lots of executions these operations, but again we can run them locally. What about if we are working with team? So whenever you push something to remote they will be all test verified right here we can use GitHub actions. In GitHub actions we can verify test build artifacts. Whatever you are doing in CI system you can do that in GitHub actions easily. Just an example here I am saying that whenever you pull push something to repository or create a pull request, an action will be triggered. In this action Ubuntu machine will be used as you can see in runson and in order to run these actions I will need a content read and package write. Package write is for generating docker images and attached repository and also creating releases. Of course content read means I need to read contents like git content or release content, right? Because I need to know if there is a tag or not these kind of things. In the step sections I check out the code base. I set up goal because I will need it. In the goal release I do some linter check by using goaling CI linter there is an action for that. You don't need to do nothing manually. I am using camel because this is an emulator. So if you are doing a docker build operation you can use this emulator. I need to log in to my GitHub container registry right here. The registry URL is GitHub container registry IO. The username is repository owner which is my username in GitHub. And also there is a GitHub token because I need to log into here first and then as a final set is Gore releaser. In Gore laser there is an action for that. Of course as a parameter I am saying that release clean so it will build everything and release to GitHub. There will be a NIV release, there will be a NIv docker package and the final output will be something like this quizzer. On the right hand side there will be a release and again in the packages section you will see Queezer API. What is next? We build lots of things. So where do we ship them? If there is a docker image, most probably we will ship it to a containerized environment, maybe kubernetes, right? So who will manage kubernetes? We will manage it by using terraform and in our case it will be terraform cloud. We will see an example soon. So you build a software as a service project. But why? Because you like to develop tools and you want to earn money out of that, right? Because you need to earn money and then put another investment on top of your product. Here. In order to charge your customer, first you need to understand your customer and then you need to track your usage. Here we will be using stripe and in stripe there is three important models in stripe, let's say the domain model. The first one is subscription. You let your customers to subscribe a plan. So you simply define your plan. In stripe you can define your plan in order to subscribe your customers. You can come up with a UI. There will be a link and these links will be redirected to stripe checkout page. Again, checkout subscription plans, they are all managed in stripe. You can do that because in stripe there is a no code notation subscription item is let's say that there is a plans, right? Under this plan there can be some kind of line items like cost per storage, cost per request count, these kind of things. And we will be using this in our calculation metric. Billing means this is called usage record. You need to track your customer and send them periodically stripe. So this is the only part you need to handle on your own. Let's say that there is a cron job and in this cron job you simply calculate the usage. For example, in our case in quiz application, question count per hour. For example, each hour you periodically etc. The question count per customer and you send them to stripe. So at the end of the billing period, stripe knows how to calculate the total amount per customer and then multiply it by unit price within their plan. And then it will charge the customer and then it will notify the customer. That's it. You do nothing if you use stripe, almost nothing. Of course the first step is subscribe your customer. As I said, there will be a link click on it, check out session, they will select plan, they will provide their payment method. Everything happens on the stripe servers, not on your servers, and your customer will be subscribed to a specific plan. After that. Since you know the customer plan, how do you know customer plan? You know because in GitHub site there is a webhook system. Whenever somebody subcontracts a plan, you can be automatically notified. So I am notified and then I know in which customer belongs to which plan. And then periodically, each hour I am calculating the usage. For example here quantity is two for these hours. Two questions. For example, I am sending this to stripe and as you can see the action is increment. So increment means I send 2257. So they will be all incremented on the stripe side. At the end of billing period, stripe will get the final amount and multiply it by unit price. Again, to sum up, the only thing you need to do is just calculate your pricing. I mean the customer usage. Send it to stripe. That's it. It is only amount. All the remaining parts will be handled by stripe itself deployment. So here Argocd really deserves a separate session for the entire ArgoCD concept. But here I just wanted to focus on one of its custom resource, which is application. Here I am saying that just create an argo application with name quizzer API and in the spec you see this application will be under default project and the source will be a helm chart. Let's say that you already have a CI system. It builds everything and it generates helm chart. Put it to GitHub pages, right? You already have a helm chart here. I am saying that this application is responsible for deploying a helm chart. Here is the repo URL, here is the version, here is the release name. Just deploy this. Deploy where it is defined in the destination section. It is the current Kubernetes cluster. So wherever you deploy this argo CD, it will deploy this helm chart into existing Kubernetes cluster and in namespace dev. Okay, let's assume that we deploy our application helm chart. What about confidential data for example postgres database password and stripe key for example for the integration. For example, do you like to create secrets manually in Kubernetes environment? Most probably no, right? But there will be a manual operation and there will be lack of synchronization. Here there is a project which is called external secret. In external secret you simply synchronize your secret and secret from the secret providers and your Kubernetes secrets. When you take a look at their pages, you will see something like this in AWS GCP vault, there are lots of secret providers. You can maintain your secrets in vault AWS or GCP and secret manager external secret help you to create secrets in your Kubernetes environment by using these secret manager providers. So assume that you put something into vault or remove something from vault or change something from vault, they will be synchronized to your Kubernetes secrets. This is very cool, right? So you don't need to maintain secrets manually. Public access. You deployed lots of things in the Kubernetes environment. They are already. But how do you expose them to the outside? Of course you expose them to outside by using Kubernetes service, maybe ingress controller, that's fine. But they expose, for example in GKE they expose ingress load balancer. Right? But do you like to provide that IP address to your customers? No. Right. Then that's why you need to create some kind of DNS entry for that. Assume that we are using Cloudflare. They have terraform provider and you can just create a Cloudflare record. It is a resource. And in order to create a Cloudflare record, this is a DNS record. I am saying that just create this record under this zone id. It is a Cloudflare specific thing. Let's say that you created a domain there and there is a zone id for each domain. You need to provide that information here. Otherwise it cannot know in which domain. I need to add this entry if my website name under Cloudflare is Queezer IO. When I add this entry, it will be something like terraform, queezer IO and it will point to this specific IP address because it is an a record. A record means name to IP address. Okay, now my quiz application is up and running. I can access it by using a fully qualified DNS name. Now when I open the application in the browser, I see oh this page is insecure. Where is my secret? You can use sort manager if you are using Kubernetes environment, sort manager helps you to integrate your resource, especially for example certificate manager management with the third parties. Basically you can see lots of configurations in sort manager web page. But I want to focus on one thing here again like with external secret like Argo CD, you need to deploy the external sort manager. Yeah, just helm shard. Once you deploy it there will be a couple of custom resources available and issuer and cluster issues are one of them. Here I am saying that just create an issue for me which is named example issuer and this will be integrated with the Cloudflare. So I already have domain names in Cloudflare and Cloudflare will know that oh there is a TLS in my Kubernetes environment. So there will be an HTTPs request up until Cloudflare. While Cloudflare connecting to my resource which is quizzer API, it is using ingress resource, it will also connect Cloudflare also connect to an endpoint which is TLS, right. And this will be using a let's encrypt. You know let's encrypt is an open source free system that you can generate your certificates periodically, right? So I have an issuer, it can be also cluster issuer. It is a system in my ingress record when I provided this automation sort manager cluster issuer example issues, you see this ingress will be automatically, you know, when you add an ingress record, ingress controller just refreshes it Nginx configuration. So there will be a TLS section under this configuration. So Cloudflare will be connected to TLS endpoint on this part. So everything is HTTPs. You see from bottom from Golang project up until to a production environment we can have this kind of system. So very summarized notation of building a software as a service product. What is next? Let's take a look at an example in the code base here I build a project which is called Quizzer. In Quizzer I want to start from CMD folder. In CMD means CMD is the entry point folder and here in the entry point there can be multiple or single, whatever you prefer under API for example, there is a main main in main co. As you can see it is a main package. There is a main function right here. If I am trying to wrap something, for example logger library, I use a notation, package notation which is technology x. Since this is a logger, I am saying logger x. So under internal I have a logging logger x. When I say new, basically it returns a zeplogger. So basically it returns zep new production, right. If there is a problem, it will do a log fatal f. That means it will exit one, right? And it will print a log. And after that I am initializing one configuration. Let's check what happens there. In initializing there is a struct here config Db app. It contains all the thing. And in the init function you see I am initializing the quant which I mentioned before. And also I am using Yaml Parser here there is a default config file which is config yaml. And if you provide a config yaml environment variable config location, I will also use that. You can override the location of config file. Here I am saying that could you please load the configuration for me? It will load the configuration. Let's say that there is a byte array, byte or slice of bytes. And here basically I am saying that unmarshall this byte of array into the config. That's it. So it will return config. Now I will have a config struck and all the fields are already pre populated. I can use this config in any other places in my application if there is a problem. Of course it will do a log fatal and fail to initialize config. What else? Now I will try to connect to a database. Here I am using gorm. I will show you an example entity there. Here gorm is orm library for go and it has different drivers support like postgres, mySql, etc. Here I am saying that as you can see DBDSM there is a connection URL here. Could you please connect to postgres and it connects to postgres database and I will show you the entity. Let me show you entities here under domain. There is a for example question entity here. In question entity there is a field description and also there is a gorm model. This contains id created, updated, deleted. This is coming from gorm orm library. So you don't need to put Id created this kind of common fields all the time for all entities. While we are running our application basically in the repository section. Again by using gorm I am using auto migrate and I am providing my struct as a reference. When you do that it just do some kind of reflection. It gets all the fields and it creates a table out of that fields. Let me show you the column structure for that. When I run this application I need to check if I have this application running or not. Okay. That database is not run. Okay anyways I will show you that later. So basically there will be a database table that only contains a description field as a custom and there is also id created, updated and deleted section. Let's continue with the main file here. Also of course there is defer here. I need to close my db connection before exiting something. And I am using fiber for rest endpoint. This is a very lightweight and good well performance library for go. You can use fiber for that. And here I am registering an endpoint metrics endpoint and I'm using prom, HTTP. You know Prometheus is very well known library for monitoring systems. It is for metrics for the application. If you do that it will basically expose some kind of metrics to the outside. And finally I am initializing the question repository and as a parameter I provide date, database and locker. I have one more endpoint questions and it returns list of questions to me and this application will be run on port 30,000 and okay I think I managed to run. Okay the application is running right now. Let me show you the database. I will scroll this one like this. Okay, here there is a public tables, entities columns. As you can see we have description and we have deleted updated created Id. Very simple. Okay, so let's move on. I can also have collector main here. This is another endpoint I just wanted to show you. You can add lots of entry points into your application. And in Dockerfile let me show you the docker file. Because Gory laser uses this docker file. There is an argument which is module and inside module I am copying this module. This module is used for binary executable. So if it is quizzer API it will be quizzer API. If it is a cron job it will be another enterpoint. And I am also copying the config disk file here. And of course I am providing config location or config Yaml and running the binary executable. So who passes this argument? Who passes this argument? It is passed on Golang releaser. As you can see here, build angular module is equal to queer API. If I had another build section here, I can provide for example payment collector or usage calculator, these kind of things. So for the configuration I think that's it. So when I push my changes into remote, let me show you what happens at that time because I want to show you a couple of examples. Tab quizzer in Quizzer you see for example I created a pull request change not count. For example, as you can see here I have CI build green and also there is a terraform part, I will show you that one. Also in Queezor you will see there is a release and there is a package. When I check the package part, you will see it. Now there is a version Queezor API and I can simply do a docker pull on this part, right. And what else? As I said, there is a terraform integration here in terraform, basically in terraform cloud I created a workspace and in workspace I just connected this workspace with my repository. And in my repository I said that there is an IEX folder here and there is a main file. So basically I am creating a container cluster, I am creating a node pool under it and that's it. It simply creates a Kubernetes cluster. So let's click on this terraform cloud link because it only does a plan section. When I click on it, it will redirect me to the terraform cloud page. Let me go through it. Okay. As you can see the plan is finished. Inside the plan you see one to create, one to change, one to destroy. You can see the changes here. If it is okay, you can just apply this plan. Once you apply it, let me show you also Google Cloud console what it creates engine. Okay, as you can see there is a queer Kubernetes cluster and it created everything. So um, including infrastructure, everything. If I have them in my code base I can easily sync everything to my production with single push or single tag. So that was it. Hope it was a valuable session for you and thank you for listening.

Huseyin Babal

Principal Cloud Engineer @ Kubeshop

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