Conf42 Golang 2021 - Online

Confidential computing with Go

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Confidential computing (CC) is a new and much-discussed security paradigm. It enables the always encrypted and verifiable processing of data on potentially untrusted computers, e.g., your cloud provider’s systems or maybe even your local cluster. CC enables many exciting new applications like super-secure bitcoin wallets or end-to-end encrypted and verifiable AI pipelines.

In this talk, we’ll give a brief intro to CC and the corresponding hardware technologies. We’ll talk about how the technology is particularly relevant for the cloud-native space and why Go and CC make for a great fit. We’ll sketch the status quo of Go tooling for CC and given an intro to our open-source EGo framework. Finally, we give some hands-on examples of Go CC apps and discuss use cases.
We argue that EGo is the simplest way to leverage CC - in particular for Go programmers :-) We’d love to get feedback from the Go community for our approach.

Structure of the talk (30min)

  • Intro (3min)
  • What is Confidential Computing? (5min)
  • Why Go and Confidential Computing are a perfect match (3min)
  • The architecture of EGo (5min)
  • How to build your first confidential microservice (7min)
  • Use cases (5 min)
  • Conclusion (2min)

About Confidential Computing

Confidential computing is an emerging security paradigm. With it, data and code are protected inside secure enclaves at runtime. Enclaves protect against potentially compromised OSes, hypervisors, or even malicious cloud admins with hardware access.

Enclaves are created and enforced by the CPU. An enclave’s contents remain always encrypted in memory at runtime. Yes, correct, data and code remain always encrypted! This is one of the key features that make confidential computing so exciting for many, e.g., for Forbes.

Besides, enclaves have access to unique cryptographic keys, which can be used to store secrets on untrusted storage (“sealing”). it is possible to verify the integrity of an enclave and set up secure channels to it (“remote attestation”). In one sentence: secure enclaves enable the always encrypted and verifiable execution of workloads in the cloud and elsewhere.

The most prominent enclave implementation to date is Intel SGX. SGX is available on many recent Intel-based systems. Several cloud vendors already have corresponding offerings.

Apart from unprecedented security, confidential computing enables new types of data-driven applications. The verification aspect is key here: users can verify precisely how data is processed, who provides the inputs, and who gets access to the results. For instance, this enables zero-trust data sharing, super-secure crypto wallets, and many other exciting things.

However, previously, developing confidential apps used to require arcane knowledge, significant code changes, and cumbersome build steps. With EGo, this changes!

About EGo

EGo is used via a simple CLI. In a nutshell, EGo consists of a modified Go compiler, an in-enclave Go runtime and a Go library that makes CC-specific functionality available to in-enclave code and external consumers. Most notably, the library facilitates the process of remote attestation.

With EGo, you can build and debug your Go code as you are used to. Apps built with EGo run on all systems that normal Go apps run on — even if those systems are not SGX-enabled. Thus, EGo can be nicely integrated with existing development and build processes. The following commands build and run a helloworld app:

ego-go build myapp.go 
ego sign myapp 
ego run myapp 

If you tell ego sign that you want a debuggable enclave, you can debug your app inside the enclave using ego-dbg and GDB-compatible IDEs like Visual Studio Code.

In contrast to enclave SDKs for programming languages like C++ (e.g., Open Enclave) or Rust, EGo does not require programmers to split your app between enclave and non-enclave code. It simply keeps all of your data and code inside the enclave. We believe that this is the most intuitive and practical approach.

Most Go apps run out of the box on EGo. This includes the popular key management app HashiCorp Vault, which is a good example of an app that benefits greatly from CC.


  • Edgeless is a startup from the city of Bohom in Germany. We're building confidential computing applications with a focus on open source cloud native tooling. This talk will focus on how to build cloud native confidential computing apps with go.
  • In approximately five years, the cloud will be fully confidential. All the computing power there, all the workloads will be done inside confidential computing. It's not just an additional product that gives you more security, additional features. It will be one of the building blocks for the future of those cloud.
  • Most software there is written in Go. When we started there was no go support for secure enclaves. So essentially we build eg. It's a modified go compiler that compiles your go code that is able to run inside an enclave. Microsoft like it as well and included it in their documentation for building confidential application for the Azure cloud.
  • Ego is a cloud service that's running there with ego in the cloud. It's basically a key value store. You can pass in a key and a value secret and the server stores it. Now let's say we want to put the server inside a secure enclave. How simple is that?
  • The next thing I want to show you is remote adaptation. It works with remote agitation. When a user does a request there, the service creates something like an identity report. This can be verified on the client side to verify the identity of the server.
  • Remote adaptation was very straightforward. We can now bring our map to disk. We need some kind of way of sharing this secrets to persistent storage. And this in terms of confidential computing is typically called seedling. And we can now deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • I hope I got you excited about confidential computing and how easy it is to build confidential microservices with ego. Go to ego Dev, check out our docs, we have some samples you can try out. Same goes for Malvern, on Malvern sh, they're both open source. Hope you enjoyed the talk.


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Hey everyone, this is Smokitz from Edgeless. I'm hoping you're enjoying the conference. So far, this talk is going to be about how to build cloud native confidential computing apps with go so we're edgeless. We're a startup from the city of Bohom in Germany. It's a city probably less famous for returning to the premier division in soccer this year, and more famous for rapidly growing vibrant startup computer secrets startup scene. And we're part of it. We're building confidential computing applications with a focus on open source cloud native tooling. We're roughly ten engineers and were founded two years back in 2019. So before I go into the details of building confidential computing applications, I'd like to go one step back and give you a brief introduction on what is confidential computing, what problem does it solve? And more importantly, why this is exciting and why I'm giving this talk today. So you might have seen this graphic or sticker from the Free Software foundation on some tech conference, on some t shirt or something that says there is no cloud, there's just other people's computers. And of course this is a very provocative statement, but since a couple of years, everybody is moving their data, their workloads to the cloud. It's just private people like you and me storing their data min some cloud service. But it's also startups like us that are heavily using the cloud. And it's great because we don't need to build and buy our own infrastructure. We immediately have all the computing power we need at hand, very flexible, scalable, and the same goes for larger enterprises. They don't want to maintain their own infrastructure anymore, it's less efficient. So they start moving their workloads to those cloud. Well, we have to remember that the cloud is not just some magic place where milk and honey flow, it's some real hardware in a real data center somewhere that is maintained by real people. There's a software stack running on this hardware with real hypervisors operating systems, also maintained by some people. And then there's other customers code running alongside your code that potentially is isolated from your code, built just through regular isolation primitives. So you can't be certain that they might interfere with your computing, they might be malicious and try to steal your data through site channels or other means. So on one hand, for private people, this is the fear of breaches. Data breaches, losing your data, using your photos and what you care about. But for enterprises, that's even more than just. I mean it's bad enough, but it's even worse, because they might miss out on business value here where they can, because of regulations or other reasons, share their data or move their data to the cloud, potentially share it with other enterprises and then do a collaborative computation on data, profit from each other, create new business value, create new insights from merging their respective data. And this is really problem today, right? You could do so much more with those data you already have. If you could share the data without sharing, because you don't want to trust these other parties, these other companies, you would need some kind of primitive so you can agree on beforehand and then be sure that this is the way the data is handled afterwards. And hardware providers saw this problem a couple of years back and decided we need some hardware base that we can build on to create some secure computation space on the upper layers that people can use to process their data in this secure space. And this is typically called an enclave. So a secure space that you can move your data, your code and computers it there. And last year, Forbes acknowledged that this is a very fundamental change in how we see the cloud. And they added the confidential computing as one of their digital transformation trends for 21. So this was of course very reassuring. But it's not just this promise that this is going to be a digital transformation trend. It's already happening. So you see the big cases already having right now today offerings for confidential computing, and they are growing rapidly. It's really starting to gain traction now. People understand this technology more, they understand what confidential computing gets them and asking for these offerings. So of course CSP delivered, you can have confidential computing vms clusters on the cloud today. And it's not just an additional product that gives you more security, additional features. There are people even going as far saying this is a real breakthrough technology that's transforming the future of the cloud. It will be one of the building blocks for the future of those cloud. So in approximately five years, the cloud will be fully confidential. So all the computing power there, all the workloads will be done inside confidential computing. So this is why we're excited about this, and more and more people are jumping on the train and use this technology. So very high level technical overview of what I mean. With secure arcways, we have this stack beforehand. Every layer in the stack could access or potentially access your code, your data, including people that have access to the operating system, for example. So now we introduce a new part in the hardware that bootstraps this secure enclave. You move the code and data inside, and then nothing else in the stack has access to it. And we typically define such secure enclaves with four properties, so they are isolated from everything else. They are on their own there. Their memory is protected at runtime. So even if you have direct memory access to the hardware memory, you wouldn't be able to obtain the plain text there. Then they have some kind of mechanism to seal their state, meaning to persist their state on some storage, of course, encrypted and only accessible to them later on. And then they have some kind of means of proving the identity to the outside, proving they have integrated the code and data that's expected there, and proving this to a third party, to the user. And that's typically called attestation, remote attestation. So those four properties is what we expect from secure enclaves, from confidential computing. I'd like to give you some real, I mean, you can let your imagination go there, but to give you really hands on, maybe a little bit out of the box, examples of where confidential computing is used. First of all, thing that's very interesting for a lot of people is wallets, cryptocurrency wallets. Currently there's a lot of special hardware used, but with this technology, you could actually use commodity cloud cpus, cloud machines to build secure wallets that are even privacy preserving. And there's a company doing this already called bitcoin. The other thing, e health. So in Germany we have the electronic health records and those e, which is basically electronic prescription that is going to be rolled out. And it's built with confidential computing. So you have all your patients data, their diagnosis, their medical history, stored, processed and accessible in the cloud, built, protected via confidential computing. That's one very popular messenger called signal. They do what most messengers do, they do contact discovery. So they go through your contacts on your phone and match them with other registered users of this messenger. And of course, this is often a problem of whether people criticize about these messengers. They basically push your whole contact list to the cloud and signal build confidential computing application that handles things inside an enclave. So nobody, not signal, not anybody else actually ever gets access to your contacts, and they stay with you and you still can have your contact discovery service. Very cool, those. Okay, so hope I got you hooked on confidential computing and what you can do with it. So now let's take a look at how we can build confidential computing application with go cloud native. And that's what we want to do. So first question, why go? Why is this? Where's the match here for us? And I think for most people, confidential computing is a cloud technology. Cloud in most cases means cloud native software means microservices, means scaling. And I think you could say that's most likely going to be some go service running there. Most software there is written in Go. It's quite a good match without going into details of the language here. But when we started there was no go support for secure enclaves. So we decided if we think about how we want to build software for confidential computing applications, we want to build them with Go, we want to build them cloud native. So we need the support and let's get this cool go experience into the world of confidential computing. So essentially we build eg. It's a modified go compiler that compiles your go code that is able to run inside an enclave. We have some SGX specific tooling, so you might be familiar with the go way of building software. Go build, go run. You want to have the same experience with ego. So you see on the bottom there you can install it from the snap store. We have a DAP package, you can install it, build it from source, and then we have more or less the same experience of ego. Go build. And then we have an additional step we will see later on to sign your application and ego run. So it feels very go like. And then of course we have some libraries to give you the specific features inside and outside of the enclave that are very specific in enclave code. So before I showed you the ceiling and remote editation and this kind of stuff, and we will see things in the hands on shortly after things. And it's not only us that like to build software with ego. We heard that the folks at Microsoft like it as well and they included it in their documentation for building confidential application for the Azure cloud. And yeah, of course eg works with your favorite tooling to write your software. We mostly use vs code, but of course you can use whatever you like. So this is the high level overview of eg. It's very short because it's not much you have to adapt. If you write go code, there's not much you need to change. You install it and then you're good to go. And now I'd like to do a little demo, give you a bit of a, more of a practical experience of what ego feels like. And to that end let me introduce a little demo application. So we want to build a cloud service that's running there with ego in the cloud. And it's basically a key value store. You can pass in a key and a value secret and the server stores it. And whenever you pass in the same key again, you will retrieve those same value. So your secret again. So passing in a secret and getting it back. Let me switch into the vs code screen. Okay, so this is our demo application. It's a simple server client application. The server is an HTTP server handling one endpoint called secret. Expect three parameters depending on the first one, the command, it either gets or gets a value. The value is stored inside a map, simple key value store here. And when you retrieve a value, it checks for this key in the map, and if it exists it returns it to you. And the map is essentially the state of this application. And whenever a new value is set, the state is stored or saved and when it initially boots up it loads a state. So this is implemented using files on the local file system. So saving is writing it to a file and loading is reading it from this file. So when it boots up it checks if there are already a state and loads it. So it has some very simple primitive way of persisting state. And in typical go I could now build this application with go build server go and I could run it binary, or I can do go run server go and then it's listening and I can connect with my favorite tool, curl, whatever, it's just an HTTP endpoint. Essentially I wrote, for the simplicity of this demo, I wrote a client that expects a command key value and then builds up the HTTP request, connects to the server and then executes the HTTP get and does the set and get commands. Very simple, nothing magic going on here. So again, I could build my client, or I can run it directly and of course it expects command and value and a key. So let's say test test, it says okay, so now let's try to gets this value and there it is, so secret test retrieved. Okay, now let's say we want to put the server inside a secure enclave so I can deploy it to the cloud and nobody can steal those secrets at runtime. So it's protected. And all I have to do for this with ego, so let's stop. The server is just, instead of say go build, I say eg go build server go, same as before. And as I mentioned, I have one additional step. I built this binary now with our modified go compiler so it can be run inside an enclave. And now I can create an enclaves by saying eg sign. All enclaves have to be signed. So I need this one additional step. And when we do this, we get three new files, a public private key pair that was used for signing, and a configuration. This configuration contains some SGX specific parameters. It contains the application that this is for it contains the key and of course I can modify those values if I already have a signing key. I can use this here for signing, but with the default configuration now we can now just do ego run of server. And instead of booting up my go binary, it now boots up an enclave and starts my go binary inside. And everything else is just working as before. In fact I should still oh no, this doesn't work. I will get to that back later, but I can set this value again and of course retrieve it. So very simple this configuration. We will see it in the next iteration of this demo. But you can go to our documentation, you will find those, it's on ego devdocs. And then you find of course those commands I just showed you. But you also find a reference for this configuration file that is explaining all those parameters, what they mean and what you need to set there for your own application. This is how simple it is to create a go enclave from a simple go application. Same thing works if you have a more complex application. For example, typical thing we show is those hashicorp vault secret store that also runs inside a go enclave or an ego enclave. The next thing I want to show you is remote adaptation. So we just have seen how simple it is to create can enclave. Now it's running inside the cloud, it's protected. But how does the user that wants to trust this application and wants to send over the secrets know that this actually the service we just written there, and it's not this guy, that's some malicious user deployed that's waiting for user secrets and then runs with them. So how does it work? And it works with remote agitation. When a user does a request there, the service creates something like an identity report. In the world of confidential computing, in the world of SGX, typically called quote. So the service sends over this quote to the user, first user verifies the identity, verifies the integrity, and when successful sends over the secrets. Let's see how with Eg we can very simplest have this remote adaptation, so open things code again, go into our server. What we want to do now, we want to, instead of creating an HTTP server, we want to create an HTTPs server so the connection is protected. And with the TLS handshake we also want to verify the identity of the service going into our documentation. It has a link to the go library that ego comes with. So let's see, we have different modules depending on what part of the enclave process you're in. So for the client side, for the enclave side, and some specifics so let's see, the enclave has some explanation on how to use remote editation and what we want to have here. We want to use the very simplest function we can have that's called create editation server TLS config. So it basically creates a go TLS configuration that embeds the identity proof I just showed you in the TLS certificate and returns your TLS config. So this function is what we want to use. So going into vs code we say tls config and some error that we're going to probably ignore right now should be this Mr. C and it was in the enclave package. So this function here and let's ignore the error for now. And now we can use this TLS config when we create the server. So we say TLS config is this guy. And instead of sharing listen and serve, we say listen and serve tls. And because we already configured a TLS config here we don't need to set any more values. So now instead of just doing a normal TLS handshake, this TLS server also includes the proof of identity. And when I run this again sorry, I have to build it first of course need to sign it and then I can run it's. And on the client side let me give you a bit of show you what this looks like. I'm using OpenSSL here basically showing you what the TLS certificates that are returned from those server look like. So this is the certificate chain that OpenSSL parsed, basically giving you some information about certificates. And then there's an extension and this extension is just binary blob garbage here, but it contents the identity proof, the so called quote of things service. And this can be verified on the client side to verify the identity of the server. And of course ego also contains a library for the client. So on the client side we now want to, instead of connecting to HTTP server we want to connect to an steps server. So we set those scheme to HTTPs and where we do the connection that's currently the HTTP get here let's get a client. And instead of saying HTTP get we say client get. And now we need some configuration again and let's go to our documentation instead of those enclave now we go to the client and it says create adaptation client. This is those other side of this API that creates a TLS config for the client and it expects a verification function. And this verification function is there to essentially verify the identity of the service. So the example is right here. So let's copy this part going back into vs code. I'll just do this here now. So this was a lot of code, but it's very simple. So we say we want to create those client TLS config. We need the eclient module for this and then we don't need this anymore. We can just say client get. So what does those verify report function? It obtains the attestation report that is passed during the TLS handshake and now it should verify it. So you can say what values do you want to verify from the server? So how do you want to verify the enclave? And typically you would basically say okay, what security version should be smaller than two, protect id should be 1234. And then we want to have some signer Id. And signer id is set here and it says you can obtain a signer Id from an enclave using ego signer id. So let's go into our enclave json, this is the configuration of the server enclave. It said product id should be 1234, security version should be bigger than two. So let's set it to three. And then we need the signer id of this enclaves. So for a second let's stop the server and say ego signer id of server. And here we go. So we can add things here. So you say signer Id is hex code and probably some error string. Sorry. Okay, and then we can use the signer Id later on. And of course we need to verify the error or ignore it. Ignoring it now. And this should be it. So we basically say this arcade should be signed, should contain those values and that's it. So boot up the server again. We need to sign it because we changed those values in the configuration, then we can run it. And here we can do eg, run client not sorry, it's just go run client. And let's say we want to set a value that worked. So it was verified successfully and let's get this value and that's it. So the client verified the identity of the server, established a secure TLS connection and everything was end to end. Secure end to end, encrypted. Very cool, very easy. You find the details as I did in our docs and in our go package description. Okay, so this was remote adaptation was very straightforward. One thing I admins didn't go into detail yet was bring our map to disk. I had this in original example. I didn't change anything in our enclave version. But we have to be a little bit more careful here because essentially we're storing this in plain text. And if we do so we of course leak our state, leak our secrets. So we need some kind of way of sharing this secrets to persistent storage. And this in terms of confidential computing is typically called seedling. So a client sends, we do the identity proof first, client sends over the secrets, we now want to encrypted them and then store them to disk. And encrypting them is more or less straightforward. The question is if you want to unencrypt them, unseal them later on. We need to make sure things is only possible from inside the enclave and only from the enclave that initially sealed this data or an equivalent enclave depending on. Basically we need to decide on what identity we build this sealed data to. And eagle also handles this for you. So let's go back into vs code again, see how this works. Currently we're just storing them, we just store the data to plain text to persistent to this file. So let me go into our documentation of ego APIs. This time we need the crypto module and it has two functions, seal with product key, seal with unique key, basically saying do you want to bind those identity of your sealed data to this product to this service in general or do you want to bind it to the one specific instance of the service? In our case, let's use the product basically expects the plain text encrypted with your key and returns the encrypted data. So going into vs code saving state here, this is our plaintext data. So let's say crypto data with product keyboard. There we go. And again this returns out our encrypted state and some arrow I'm going to ignore for now. And then we can store instead of the bytes directly we store the encrypted state. And same goes for loading the state. Again, this is a function unseal that's ccspecific. So this works for either of those two sharing functions. So when I load the state before decoding it, I need to decrypt it. So decrypt state. So let's call it the encrypted state equals the ecrypto package module. Need unseal with our binary blob and this probably returns an error as well. We want to ignore it for now. And now instead of the blob I use this decrypted state. Very cool. One thing I need to mention here is ego doesn't mount your host file system by default so that you don't accidentally leak any data. So when we store this here into some random file, it will end up in memory and not on a disk. We can specify mount points in our configuration. Of course you can see this in our documentation. So for a configuration file it explains those mount points. So let's copy this example here. Mounting a path in the host file system. So I'm saying okay I need some mounts and I want to mount, I don't know, the server thing, I want to mount it into data, it should be host of s and it should not be read only, very simple mount point. And now I can say okay store this into Datasecretstore. I probably need to remove the current secret store because it's unencrypted and it won't decrypt well, but that's it, right? So we encrypt, we seal our state before storing it and unseal it here before loading it again. And I need to build it again and sign it with the new mount points. And now I can do eg run, let me make this a little bit bigger. So in the client I can just do the same thing, I can set a value and we will see secret store pops up here. So it's binary data, you have to trust me for now. That's actually encrypted. I can show you directly. So let's see if I retrieve it now. It should return, just go run. Client gets test those. This was the wrong one. It retrieves the cv. Let's restart the server and then do the same thing and return. So the state work was persisted, it's stored in an encrypted file on the those file system now. So this is how simple ceiling is with the EG libraries. So this is all for ego. I hope you had a good hands on experience to give you a quite good impression on how eg works. I just want to give you a very brief, very short vision of how we can now deploy for example the server application we just built in cloud in a Kubernetes cluster and deal with all those ccspecific tasks that you have there. So think of our server now as one service, one instance of a service, one pod in the language of Kubernetes. And now you want to scale things up because a lot of clients want to store their key in your key value store. So you have those in the scheme here you have four instances. Now we need to basically sync our state between each other and all those different instances. They need to attest each other because they don't trust each other from nothing, right. They need to do a attestation between themselves and then from the outside you just want to see this as one instance. So you have a lot of those CC specific tasks. And we build another tool called marble run. That is, we call it the control plane of confidential computing. That basically takes those concepts we just saw from single enclaves to the context of the whole cluster. So you can have end to end confidentiality, integrity, verifiability, not only in a single enclaves, but your whole deployment in the cluster. And everything is updatable, everything is cloud native. So very easy. And we don't reinvent the wheel here. Maran works with the most common service mesh. It's designed to work with kubernetes. It can also work standalone, but together they form what we imagine to be the way of dealing with devop tasks with deployments of confidential microservices in the cloud. Okay, so conclusions? I hope I got you excited about confidential computing and how easy it is to build confidential microservices with ego. I encourage you to try it out yourself. Go to ego Dev, check out our docs, we have some samples you can try out. Same goes for Malvern, on Malvern sh, they're both open source, you can find them on GitHub if you like. Leave a star, we would really appreciate it. And yeah, that's it from my side. Hope you enjoyed the talk. Thank you very much for joining in and enjoy the rest of the conference. Thank you.

Moritz Eckert

Chief Architect @ Edgeless Systems

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