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Hello everyone and welcome to this session.
My name is Luis Cardoza Bird. I'm a mobile
developer and go developer. And also I'm the co founder
of this software technology company named Devotion.
In this meeting, we're going to be talking about building blockchains on
the go using GrPC.
Okay, so before everything,
before everything else, we need to do some
clarification related to why we are going
to use go and also why we are going to be using GrPC.
But first, I'm using to do a little presentation about myself.
As I say previously, my name is Carlos Albert.
This is my email. If you have any doubt of want
to ask me something, please feel free
to contact me in any
way possible. So with
that fulfilled, we can continue.
Okay, so before we start, we need to
think on some steps just
to clarify everything. The first thing is,
what is blockchain?
Then we come to the second step. And that is,
why are we choosing go from all
the other programming language like node, JS,
Rust, Ruby, C,
C sharp, Python? Why are we choosing
go as our main language to develop a
blockchain distribution? The third step,
what is GrPC?
And finally, we definitely
aren't going to be doing a code session.
We aren't going to be doing an example.
I'm just joking. We're going to do a little example about
how to create our own
blockchain distribution using microservice with GrPC.
Okay, so with this
we go to the first thing, how blockchain works.
As many of you can imagine,
blockchains you can imagine as a little cube.
However, blockchain is living
aside all that complex theory that most
of the blogs or web or website or
even videos talk about. We can simplify
everything related to blockchain into this.
Just imagine a simple block. This block.
It has three layers. We have the data layer that
is going to be storing
any kind of information. We have another layer named
the hash layer. And also we have
another layer named the previous hash.
These three components are needed to
build a single block,
just a block, not a blockchain. The term blockchain,
as it say, by itself, is just multiple
blocks that are nested one
with another. So, continuing we have
this example. We have our cube, its name,
the Genesis block. Why Genesis block? Because it's going
to be the root, the origin,
the alpha, the beginning, the beginning of everything.
So in this case, we have our Genesis
block and it say, okay,
we have data and is 1000.
So the data on the genesis is going
to be 1000. The hash,
in this case, the previous hash, it doesn't have
any hash. So in this case we can
set up a hard code hash name and
at the end the whole block we applies any
kind of encryption. RSA,
PBKDF, argon, two,
any kind of encryption. It can work.
So the third step, name encrypted,
is just any type of encryption technique
that you like the most. Okay, so with our
Genesis block, we can build a second block.
This second block, it has the
same characteristic as the Genesis block.
We have the data. In this case, we are storing blockchains
of just integer numbers. In this case we have
block 1001. This 1001
is the data. We have the previous data.
That is, the previous hash in this case is
1000. Obviously, the previous
value that we're going to be presenting in this case is going
to be the encrypted value. But just
for demonstrate how it works,
I'm just displaying you the information unencrypted.
And finally, the final layer is the
hash layer. That in this case is just the
encryption. Or if we can say it better, is the combination
of the information on the data layer plus
the information of the previous layer and also added
the information of the encryption
of the whole block. And with that,
we already are building a blockchain and
the same process apply for all the other blocks
that are going to be building. So in this case,
for example, block 1001, block 1002,
if you can see the process, is the same. It's an
iterative process, it isn't going to change. However,
there is a special case. If you can see here
block 1000,
the data is needed to build the second
block. This is the block 1001.
And the block 1001 is
also needed to build the next block.
That is the block 1002.
But there is a special case.
What is that? For example, if we decide to move,
or for example, if we for any reason
move one block from the third position to
the second one, the blockchain by
itself isn't going to be matching the data.
And that's the special thing about blockchains, the security
that brings by itself. Because when a
hacker try to access to the information,
the hacker needs to decrypt all
the blocks that the system has.
But in this case, he will never going to be.
Or, well, if don't say better. It's going to be
really difficult if we
say it may be impossible to retrieve all
those blocks and also to retrieve the
Genesis block. That this block is a special
block because it has
all the necessary information to
start building the next generation of blocks. So as you
can see, if for some
reason we have block 1002. Yes,
it matched with the previous data. However, with the next block
it say, hey, wait a minute, this is bad because
this block, the term one block 1002
can do any kind of matching with the previous
block. So the block 1002
is bad, it's wrong.
So that is the main reason why blockchain is
currently being adopted by more companies, by more
software projects, because all those benefits
that come by itself. However, there's just
one little thing that we need to make clear.
Blockchain, by itself it counts as a
database. So if you like to implement blockchains
with a database, it's kind of difficult
because the structure of blockchain is just
to store information. And obviously a database stores
information, but in a more complex way. However,
blockchain, it can be used to more simplified data,
for example, user credentials or
user information, those kind of things.
And that's the main benefit. Okay, moving on.
We have the compiler about, well,
Golan in this case. Why are we choosing
Golan? The first thing is because Golan,
the learning curve is really, really low,
is a language that is easy to learn,
if I can say the easiest language that
we can learn. And also it has the
big benefits of the compiler. This compiler,
it works like you code once and it's going to run
everywhere on every platform and
every architecture, Windows 32 bits, 64 bits,
Linux 32, 64,
macOS, any kind of
creating system.
The final thing is, and also Golang is
a static and strongly typed language.
There isn't going to be more than one solution. However,
the most used solution is going to be always the
correct one. So go by itself, it brings
you a lot of benefits. The compiler,
the easy code, and also the
static and strongly type language. And also,
finally, we have the best thing of go,
and that is the go routines that is basically using native
threads. However can be combined with
any kind of other threads, native trap
and well, it can notify by itself to
any kind of truth brothers or even the main threat.
So these are some of
all the benefits that go give you by itself.
The next thing is GrPC. First of all,
GrPC is a framework. We can resume
everything on four things. Those are going
to be the first thing is it has a high quality
HTTP connection. But what I say about high quality
HTTP is most of HTTP connection.
As you know, maybe on some of your
projects, personal project, or on
some business software development. For any
of you that have developed APIs, you know that
by itself, the API, all the connection that has been done
is using HTTP one. However, your pc,
inject a little upgrade into that
connection method and upgrade it to the HTTP two,
that it brings you a better performance and also whole
more clear results from end to end.
The second one is framework,
really easy to understand. We are going to see it on the example.
The third one, the change that we are going to be doing
on GrPC are easy to change because GrPC
by itself is going to be segmentating everything
on minimally service and
those services can be rearranged,
restructured without us to be changing
or without us to be doing a lot of change on
the server or on the client apps.
And finally we have the assist that GrPC
brings us that is most of testing,
inspection and modification thanks to the
protocol buffer that is being used
by default on your pc. This is the
kind of thing that maybe you are used to. For example rest API
as I said previously, is based on HTTP,
one that is added with reserves
and that services. We are going to be using JSOn to
fetch and send information. However your
pc, most of the
developers think that it's related to Google,
but no it isn't. Well, the g change
on each upgrade, sometimes it's good,
great, genius, but never
Google. And the GrPC is based on a remote
procedural call. The GrPC is a combination
between HTTP two remote procedural call
and also protocol buffer. Actually is kind of
easy. So with this
presentation done, we can do a little code example.
In this case we're going to be using go
and the mission is going to be develop a blockchain distributor
using GRTC and go. Okay,
so now that we are on our favorite.
Well in this case I'm going to be using Golan just
because I really like how it
handles all the go issues.
But you can use any other
text editor vs. Code or atom
or, well, anything else.
So now that we are using go,
now that we already create our project, we're going
to be doing some setups. First thing we
are going to create directory
name Proto. This proto
is going to be used to handle
our protocol buffer file. This case
the skeleton for our blockchain.
So we're going to type what
name can we keep it? Okay, let's go
with blockchain proto.
Okay, that's cool. So now
that we have our blockchain proto, we can do
some setup. This case we're going to type syntax
equals proto tree.
Then we need to specify the package. In this case
the package is going to be proto.
Don't forget to put the dot and the comma,
the semicolon. Then we're going to type the
message. This message is basically your
model class. If you come from Java or
C sharp or any other language is our model.
So the model that we're going to be using is a block
model. This case we're going to type message block.
We're going to open and we're going to
type string. We need the previous
hash. This preview hash is going to be
the first data type. Then we need the
data that we are going to be storing. This data is the
information. So in this case
it can be a string, it can be a number
or it can be a boolean or even
so it can be another object. But that depends
on the need that you require at that moment.
But this can be
anything. Do you want to use a json?
Just put a json. You want to
use integer, a string
or an object, go ahead,
replace it. You don't have to do
nothing more. Okay, so continuing we
are going to add the final value that is going to
be string hash.
This hash is going to be the encrypted value of the
block. So we
have our block. The next using is
we're going to be adding a block request.
So we're going to add message block
request. And in this case just
string data equals one.
Next message we have a request,
we're going to send a response. Well, this request is just
for the client. Basically the client send
string as JSON
for example,
type API as example.
And the value that we're going to be returning,
or if I can say it another way,
or your pc server is going to be returning is just
a simple string and that is going to be the
blockchain unencrypted. So block
response, string hash equals
But we are going to be doing something
a little bit more complex. We're going to return a creating
of blocks. It's going to be constantly fetching the data and it's
going to be constantly sending the new information to
the client. Going to type message
chain string response.
And this chain string response is going
to be returning an object. What is going
to be this object? Well, it's going to return the
block object. So block
is going to be inside the
variable block and it's going to be the first type
inside our model change turn response.
Then we're going to type empty
model. And that empty model is just using
to be used when the user requests this.
For example, a get that. As you know, the get it
doesn't need JSON body to
fulfill the message. So GRPC, in this case we're going to be
using an empty message just to simulate
that get petition.
So we're going to type chain request.
We're going to open and close.
Then we're going to add message chain
response and we're
going to send a repeated block.
Type block equals one.
No, I'm using to type blocks just
to be more sadly
on the information.
So what do we have
at the moment? We have a message named block that is going to
contain the information of our new block
that we are going to be creating and also the
other blocks that are going to be chained to the previous one.
We have a block request. This is just for a singular block,
a block response for another singular block,
a chain string response that is going to be basically
nested link list of blocks,
chain request and chain response. This repeated is basically
just a while.
It's an infinite loop.
Finally, we're going to add service blockchain.
And in this service blockchain this is
just going to be the functions as you know,
on your controller. On your controller you can just
type this, for example,
get data and then return
JSON. Just an example.
This scenario is going to be replicated,
but inside our protocol buffer.
How are we going to be doing this?
Well, in this case, the only thing that we need
is just to add an RPC, a remote procedural callback,
and it's going to be named add block.
What is going to be receiving? Well, it's going to be receiving a
block request.
Then this block request is going to return a
block response.
That's it. We're going to copy
this, paste it and
stream get blockchain
request. And here we're going to return a stream
chain stream response
and finally get
chain same as before, chain request
and it's going to be returning chain response.
So this
second RTC and the third one,
they're the same. In one we're going to be returning
a streaming, and on the second one we're going to be returning
a repeated object, but this repeated object,
it can be treated as an internal streaming service.
So this one and this one are
almost the same, maybe on a 90%.
So now that we have our RPC,
we need to generate that information. How are we going
to be generating the information or the skeleton?
Well, in my case I prefer to use a
bash. So I'm going to create one.
It's going to be named generate Sham.
Remember mbash? And this is the comma
to generate the skeleton we need to type
proto blockchain,
proto go out
because we are going to be returning go
code and plugins
equals GrPC and
a little dot. And with that can
just run this command, CD,
auto, sage,
generate sh.
Okay. And as you can see,
GrPC add
to the code, project a new file
named blockchain. PB, go. Well,
protocol buffer, go. This protocol buffer
is auto is a code generated.
So please be careful and
please be advised that if
you do any kind of change inside this
file when you rerun the
generate sh, it's going to delete everything and it's
going to add the new information.
So in this
file you
don't need to modify it. It's good
as it is. Okay,
so now that we have our blockchain pv,
we can start coding. Finally,
what do we need? We need the
model. In this case, the model. I'm going to
create a new directory named chainer. In this chainer
we're going to be adding a new go
file. It's going to be
naming chainer.
Okay. And we are going to add
type. This type is going
to be a block. But this block,
if we can check, this is our
model. We have three strings,
name, previous hash, data and hash.
And with that we can add previous hash.
There is going to be a string add data
also a string. And also hash
is a string.
And of course we need to be returning a list
of blockchains because as the name say by
itself, it's a nested list
of blocks, objects.
And with that we can just add a new
structure name,
And in this blockchain we can just add block
that is going to be an array lock.
And we're done. Sorry, blocks and
we are done. We have our block structure.
As I said previously, this data and
this data type. In this case is a string.
It can be replaced by any kind of data
type that you desire. And string a number,
Json, a list, an object depends
of what you need at the moment. Okay.
With all that we can
start doing some more changes. What do we
need? We need to create a new function.
In this case we need to create a new blockchain.
But how are we going to be doing
that? Okay, let's create
a function name make block.
This make block. What do we need? We need
the previous hash.
We need the data.
And both are going to be a string.
And finally this is going to be returning an already existing
object of type block.
Finally, we are just going to be adding the block.
Block is going to be an already existing
And I don't why the autocomplete.
Okay, there we go. Okay, so previous hash is
going to be previous hash data. It's going to be data
hash. We don't have the hash.
Instead we need to decipher the hash and then add it.
Well, with that case, we need to add a new function.
We can call it get hash. Get hash because
what is the value? This is going to be the
previous hash on the data that
we need to encrypt. Also, both are going to be string
and it's going to return a string.
Well, hash is going to be.
We're going to do some encryption.
In this case, I'm going to be using the sha two five
six. Feel free to use whatever encryption
method you like the most. In this
case, I'm going to be using Sha two
five six dot
sum 56.
And we're going to be adding an array
of byte. And that array
of byte is going to be composed of the previous hash
plus the new data.
And at the end we are just going to be returning
the encoded value of hash.
However, it's going to be linked or it's going to
be differences with
this little symbol.
So in this case,
encode two string.
And with that we have our hash function.
So we can just add get hash. And what is going to be
the data? Well, it's going to be previous hash plus
data and return
block. And we are done.
We have our block. We have our
make block. But still I feel
that there is something that is missing and that is
we need origins cube.
Okay, let's create it. Funk make
blockchain. It's going to be returning
an Albert existing blockchain.
And we are going to create a new variable named Genesis
block. And this Genesis block is going to be
make block. As I said previously. Remember Genesis
block. It can
be any kind of information. It's just dummy day.
Well, it's not dummy data in this case it's going to be.
But you can type with any kind of
special key, special characters that you desire.
So in this case I'm using to type Genesis
hash for the data
also Genesis hash.
And finally, with that we
can just do this chain equals an
array of type block.
And this type block is using to be related
to Genesis block. Finally,
we are going to return a new
blockchain. We're going to return a blockchain
and this blockchain is just going to be nested
with the chain. And there we go.
We already have all the information that we need.
So we have make block, get hash
and also the creation of
the whole cube. We are good to go.
But still there's something that is missing.
I believe that more than one found the issue and that is
that we already have the creation of the block and the Genesis
queue. Well, the Genesis block, but we don't have
a function to link
those blocks rather
quickly. In fact,
once we finish this project, you can basically
copy chainer and paste it whatever you
desire on a new project and just
do some little changes just to be matching
with your new code base and you're good to go.
Well, we're going to be creating
a function name apent
block. This apen block
is going to be needed inside our blockchain.
So we're going to be adding a
superpondition and also we're going to be requesting
the data. There is going to be an string data type
and of course we're going to be returning a block.
Okay, so previous block is
a variable, it's going to be chain blocks.
And we're just going to be getting the
whole size of the array, but we're
going to be reducing that size by one.
So length of chain
blocks minus one.
Then with that we can create the new block.
New block. It's going to be
make block. This make block is going to contain
the previous block hash and
the data, the new data that we are going to be creating.
And finally we're going to be adding that result
to our currently existing blockchain.
So chain block equals
apen just to add that new value.
Chain block is the
original array. We're going to be adding the
new block.
Sorry, my bad. I almost forgot to turn new
block. And that's it.
Okay, now we have everything done on
our chainer. Now we need
to be creating our server for the server.
It's going to be rather quickly because the
main logic of the blockchain resides on this file
name Chainer Go.
Well, we're going to create a new directory name services
and in this server we are just going to be adding a new
go file named server go.
Okay, I'm just going to replace server with
main just to be able to be capable of run
this project. And we're going to be
creating some needed structure
just for the GRPC service to start running.
We're going to create our funk main. And in
the function main we're going to be adding a variable that
is a listener. And this listener is going to be net
listen. I'm going to be requesting
a TCP connection.
What is going to be the address? Let's just say 8004.
However, this is giving us an error and it's
because net listen throws more
than one value also throws an error and
with that we can just add another value name error.
Finally, let's just going to check if error
is different from nil love fatal.
What can we type here?
Let's just type unable to listen on
port variable.
It's going to be error perfect.
Then we're going to create server. It's going to be a GRPC
new server and
server is going to be a
new, sorry, server is
going to be a new server.
However, this server is going to be linked with
the chainer. This chainer is
just to start with our genesis cube.
So it's going to be chainer make
blockchain. This is giving us an error
but it is because we haven't import all
the required elements.
Let's just add it using
to be blockchain,
the Gopher chainer.
Let's just copy this paste and
it's going to be proto perfect.
Okay, that's good.
Okay, now what is the issue
that we have here with server services?
We need to create a new structure. This is because
we need to handle this
request inside on a custom structure.
In this case it's going to be type
server and this type server is
going to be chainer.
Blockchain and we're
Finally we're just using to register
our new server or new service
on the protocol buffer. So proto register
blockchain server and this register is
going to be chainer.
Sorry, my bad.
It's going to be our server and
the new value server.
But still we have a little
issue. Say cannot use server as type
blockchain server type does not implement.
Okay. Just because there are missing
methods to be implemented. Okay, let's just add
it. And finally server
serf listener
on our desired port.
Let's just going to add those imports context
generate request.
Okay, we're good.
Now I'm, what is the, what is the other thing
that we are missing at the moment? We have our
server. We have a block stream block getchain
but we
haven't implemented that.
Okay well if for some
reason you are receiving this kind of error
that say unresolved type.
Well to solve that issue it's just needed to
add proto and
automatically detect the changes. So you're just going to copy
this paste it,
paste, paste,
paste and paste
and all the changes are applied as it should be.
Okay, so add block.
What are we using to be doing on this function? Add block is using to
be basically block s
chain because we're going to be appending a new block,
append block and we're going to just send the new information
that is going to be stored and with that
we can just return a new proto
and this proto is going to be block response
and the hash is going to be block
hash. And finally
we just return also we just link anil
because there isn't any kind of error. So we're good to
go. Second one stream
get block. How are we going to be doing this?
Well, basically the stream get block is
just going to be sending all the information that is on the list of
blockchain. So with that we can just
do this for anything in
the range of s chain
We are just going to be adding the current object
into a new variable named result.
It's going to be a new proto chain
string response. And this changett
response is using to have a block. This block is
going to be of type proto
block and we're just
going to be adding this information,
previous hash going to be block, previous hash
data block data hash
block. Well we can add
the same data so we're good to go.
And with that,
and with that we can just say the
services is going to be sending the result but
we're going to be sending this result each second. So we're going to have a
time sleep just
to reflect the changes on,
on a better, on a better perspective.
And in the end when everything is done it's just going to be returning
a neil. Okay,
cool. And we
have our server implemented.
If we run it,
let's say go run server
server go. It isn't going to be doing anything but
the server is already listening for changes.
In this case we're just going to be adding some
client just to be fetching information and sending
the new information.
Well, let's do it. Just going
to add client.
It's going to be a new go file name client package
name because we need to be running this.
And on the client, first thing
we need to declare a variable named client that is going to
be of type proto blockchain.
Okay, so with the proto you can just do this.
Just going to be copying this,
paste it because we're going to be using a lot of information
that we really have and we
can start function main is
going to function main. Okay,
so for this scenario we're going to declare two
arguments, name start and stream. Start is just going to
be adding new block to the
chain and stream is going to be receiving the,
receiving the existing block.
So start equals flag
boolean name start false
start receiving.
Sorry, my bad. Start sending sending
concurrent block to the server.
Cool. Second one is going to be name string.
It's going to be flat o stream,
false receive streaming
of blockchain.
Perfect. And finally flag
parse just to get the information.
Okay, so what is going to be the first thing that we
need to do? We need to create a connection,
a live connection. We're just going to create a
variable name connection. There is going to be a new
GrPC dial and
this dial is going to request the target. The target in this case is going
to be all address.
In this case was a four going
to copy this and paste it.
And finally we need to specify
how it's going to be taking the connection procedure. So it's
going to be insecure
connection. However, it's giving us an error
and in this case as before it's because we are
assigning the response but we are receiving the
error. We're just going to be adding
the error. And then if error is
not nil then we're just going to let fail
f cannot dial
server and we're just going to
send the error.
Then client is going to be proto
new blockchain client and we're just going to be
sending the connection.
Okay, finally if
star is true, then we're just going
to create a new function. It's going to be named
start block blockchain.
If stream is true,
then start stream
Okay, finally we need
to create those two functions. Start blockchain.
Sorry, my bad. Start blockchain.
And we're just using to create an infinite loop.
In this case we're just going to do an infinite four,
in which case the information is going to be block.
It's going to be client add
block. We need to send the context,
context background. And also
we are just going to be adding the
request. It's going to be
proto block request this
block request. We are just
going to be adding the data. In this case the data is going to be
the current time, so time now string.
However, we are receiving an error.
So same as before,
we need to add another variable, but in this case going
to be address error.
Finally, if address error
equals new sorry, it's not new,
then we're just going to copy this
using to paste it and we're just going to say
unable to add block address
error. Cool.
And then if
we don't have any kind of error then we can just print a
new message name new block hash.
It's using to be kick
assigns the string so we can do this instead.
Block hash. Okay,
cool. And finally time
flip because we're going to be adding a new block each second
time second.
Okay, cool, perfect.
This case we're going to start running our client.
Oh my bad, I forgot to
do the change on the client this
case and use variable client client.
I'm just going to remove this and start
the services. Go run client,
client, go.
Where was the argument? Start string.
The purpose.
So as you, as you can see, this server is already sending the
information and it's returning the
new encrypted hash. So it's working.
We're going to let this blockchain
run and we're going to finish the streaming.
So I'm
just going to redo all this and we're
just going to be adding the final function, name function start
streaming. Okay,
so with the start streaming it's the same
as the start block. Well, it's almost
basically a copy and paste. So we can
just do request equals a new
proto chain
request chain request.
Good. Then response string
because we're going to be fetching information.
It's going to be client string,
get blocks context background
and we just be fetching a new request.
For any scenario we have an error, then we're
just going to be type a
new fatal exception error while
calling stream
and then we are just going to be iterating over that
response. So for block stream we're
going to create a new variable that is going
to be receiving the value of the
string. So resource string equals sorry,
recover value. And if
for some reason the error equals to end
of file, it means that we
finish fetching all the information, all the blocks,
so we can say log. No, we're just
going to do a break here and we are going to just type,
we have reached the end of
this string.
Finally we're just going to be checking if
for some scenario we have an error that
is different from Neil, then we
can just lag fatal f, say error
while reading stream.
And after all this we can just
create a new variable that is going to be fetching
the result block stream,
sorry, block stream with n, not with n,
blockstream block
and then block print format,
in which case we can just type previous
hash. It's going to be a string,
then data, it's going to be a string,
then the hash,
which also is going to be a string and
just using to be adding block produce hash,
block hash and
block data.
Sorry, my bad. Block data and
block hash.
And that's it. We have
the implementation to fetch all the blockchain.
So let's just run it. Go,
run client, client, go and
stream through. And as you can see
the information is
being fetched by the client API,
and as you can see, the information is being updated,
the hash is being retrieved. However, the previous
data that was encrypted is already been displayed on
the console. And as you can see,
we have an implementation of a custom
blockchain distribution using GRPC and implemented a
custom streaming service to fetch the data and also to send
the data from client to server and receive the data from
server to client. And with that we
conclude with this
speaker. I hope that it's
going to be useful for you.
And again I say thank
you for being
on this creating it means a lot.
Don't forget, keep coding, keep practicing,
and always go for the best.