Conf42 DevSecOps 2024 - Online

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Comprehensive protection for Infrastructure and Web Applications: Key Differences and Strategies

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In today’s complex threat landscape, safeguarding web applications and infrastructure requires an integrated security approach. Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solutions are critical for defending against sophisticated application layers. However, without robust DDoS protection, organizations remain vulnerable to high-volume attacks that can cripple their infrastructure and render applications inaccessible.This presentation explores why combining WAAP with DDoS protection is essential for comprehensive security. Attendees will learn how this dual approach ensures both application-layer and network-layer resilience and minimizes risks. Case studies and actionable strategies will highlight how businesses can achieve a unified, scalable defense against modern cyber threats in 2025.



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My name is Łukasz. I'm a security solution architect at G Core. Firstly, thank you for organizing this conference, CON42. I'm excited to talk to you about our comprehensive approach here at G Core to protect infrastructure from Adidas attacks. Also, why connecting web application protection with protecting infrastructure is crucial in current times. During my talk, feel free to ping me over Slack. If you have any questions or comments, I will do my best to answer all of them. Firstly, I want to, in my speech, talk about the G Core infrastructure, what the cyber security means in current times. also about the DDoS attack, what the DDoS attack means, protecting your infrastructure with the G Core. firstly, let's go to the G Core infrastructure. G Core, so we are a global company, It means that we are located across the whole world. You can find our point of presence across the whole world. We have more than 180 points of presence across the whole world. Also, we have more than 50 cloud locations. We are located in Luxembourg. There we have the headquarter. But also, like I said, we have the global presence. At the core of our industry, this is the low latency secure network. It means that we are focusing to provide a low latency network for all of our customers. Also, what we can say that due to that our network capabilities, we are more than sure we are able to handle everything, all the traffic that is coming to us. Also, the biggest DDoS attacks, but about that, I will tell you a bit later on. what the cyber security means. so cyber security, okay. Cyber security is very, very large topic. So what that means that protecting and monitoring, we need to protect and monitor everything. Yeah. Why not everything? It's impossible. But let's split it. So we need to protect the Network, of course network. This is the core thing for most of us, most of our businesses. Endpoints. physical endpoint, physical end devices in each of the company. This is crucial that we need to protect them and monitor what users are, what users of our, in our company are doing. What, our, workers are doing on the devices. This is crucial from the security point of view, from the cybersecurity. Later on, applications. Also web applications. Yeah. And also the applications that we have on our endpoints. Yeah. Web applications. Yeah. We need to monitor them and we need to protect them. Web applications, crucial for our business, for most of us. later on access. I am so connect. So privileges and the, what the users can perform. This is crucial to protect and monitor what the users can do and what they can do. Provide the lowest privileges that they should have. To just be sure that we are not providing something access to something someone shouldn't have access for so All of this, we are going to the cyber threats. Cyber threats are escalating. Yeah, everyone will agree. I don't think so that we'll have here someone who will say that cyber threats are not escalating and they are decreasing. No, cyber threats are increasing a lot. We received, a lot of reports that this, this rise in the cyber threats is parabolic currently. Maybe later on in the coming years, it will, just be increased step by step. Maybe due to AI, due to maybe machine learning, we'll be able to like, reduce the, the rise of the cyber threats at least by something. But currently, I don't think so. cyber threats are rising. It means that the crimes, the number of the crimes, cyber crimes, will be more and more. For us, it means that we have more and more DDoS attacks. So we have more applications to protect, more infrastructure to protect, more servers that we need to protect. So more things that we need to protect, number of the attacks are increasing, so we have like more servers, more attacks, more different types of attack. So we have disaster from security point of view. Yeah, and here we have G Core to protect you from everything. Okay, from near everything. Okay. like I said, number of the trees is increasing and the scale of this increasing also the scale or the DDoS attack is increasing. So this is the, this is with what the people need to face. in case that's okay, our security, protocols, everything that we have from security point of view is fine here and now. Here and now our network capabilities for, dealing with the DDoS attack are fine. But what about in five years? What about in 10 years? Are we sure that without doing anything that will increase our capabilities to deal with the cyber threats, we'll stay on this business. We'll stay on the network. We'll be visible. We'll be able to provide the services to our customer. I don't think so. To be honest, you need to, increase your security level. Constantly, you need to increase, increase. You need to build better services. You need to build more services. You need to build everything, better, more and bigger infrastructure. going further, what about the DDoS attack? DDoS attacks? We can have one attack. Maybe we have more attacks. Yeah. So we have, mostly three different types of the DDoS attack. The first, the three, the most common one, to be honest, Volumetric attack. It means that, we have an attacker that is sending tons of the request, like we can imagine millions, the whole ocean of the request of the traffic that is coming to our, backend server. And our server won't be able to deal with it. I'm more than sure that in case of DDoS attack without any protection, 99 slash 9. 9999 percent of the servers will be taken down. Of course, in case that there will be small DDoS attack. In such case, maybe server will survive and we'll have super, server from, from future. So volumetric attacks. So here we have the tons of the requests, a lot of requests. Mostly it means that there is like this attack. We'll try to use all the bandwidth, all the resources that we have on the server, on the bandwidth that we have available. Mostly here, attackers are using EDP flat, ECMP flats. So. IPsec flat. So a lot of, packets that they are just spamming with it. Spamming, there is totally spam on this request. And there is like near zero of the good requests here. So this is a typical volumetric attack. Later on, we have, connection attacks. So here we have the attacks that they are just, creating attacker is creating here the connection and never ending this connection. It means that we have the one user that is logging into the shop. For example, the webshop, adding something to the cart and doing nothing. And we have 10, 000 such, clients. Okay. That will just over That will just use all of our resources that the server does we have. Later on, what in case that we have the game server? And we have the, attacker that is establishing 20. Thousand or twenty millions connections to the server from the one user. That's possible. And in such case, without a DDoS protection, this user, this attacker, being Tritos a normal user, will just use all the resources that we'll have on our server. So here attackers mostly use the, like previously UDP TCP protocol, but mostly this part that is responsible for keeping the connection. So the connection is still kept open. So the connection is keep open forever until we from the server side, we will close this connection. So it means that if the connection is never closed. So we have problem because our server soon will be out of the resources. And if we don't have the resources for attacker, great. But in the same time, we have normal user who want to perform some actions. In such case, he won't be able to do that. Due to that, Without, that the user won't be able to perform normal actions due to the older resources are reserved for the non existing user, for the connections that there are opened by the attacker. It means we are just, we have the problem. We have the problem because normal user is not able to perform any actions later on. So these two, types of the attack, they are mostly on the layer three, layer four. So on the layer seven, we have the application attacks. Application attacks, they are mostly focusing on the complexity of the attack. They are trying to use some kind of the vulnerabilities on the server, vulnerabilities on the web application. So it means that we'll try to use some kind of the small part of the volume that we can. to just use the server in a way that he will, for example, do some recurrences, do some loop inside the, some, some processes on the server. And in this way, we'll just use all the resources on the machine, on the server, and that server will won't be able to response for the normal user activities. So that's the issue. That's the problem that we are facing here. The application attacks. Okay. What's further? So we have the attacks, we have the attacks, and we have challenges. Yeah, because we have attacks and we have challenges. What the good DDoS protection will be able to handle? What good DDoS protection will be able to do? Firstly, real time protection. Real time protection is crucial in current times. Can you imagine that? Okay, we have two scenarios. We have a DDoS protection that is providing the protection since beginning, always on. Full traffic is filtered and second protection that is filtering 100 percent of the DDoS attack, but after one minute, you have 100 percent fully mitigating all the DDoS attack. You know what? the first DDoS protection will be better if we protect from the, even for example, it will be cheaper. 80 percent 90 percent and he will do the same because he will first clean all the traffic and the second protection will be much cheaper But it will clean the traffic from the first after first minute in the one minutes Attacker will be able to for example sent to you one terabit per second over 60 seconds. I Don't think so that we have the server in the world that will be able to handle one terabit per second over Constantly one minute I don't think so that we have server like that on the world. The issue that we are facing with the DDoS protection, this is the real time protection. It means that all the traffic that is delivered to the server, it must be already clean. And this is the approach that, for example, we at GCON, we are doing. So we are, be sure that the traffic that is sent to our customers is already cleaned. If you are not cleaning, firstly, the whole incoming traffic, that's the issue. That's the big issue, because you are allowing the attacker to send the malicious request, malicious payload, malicious amount of the huge amount of the traffic to the server. Even after one minute, you will clean everything. The server will be already down after this one minute, or maybe not responsible for, I don't know, a few hours without resetting. So that's the issue. That's why the real protection is needed. Also, okay, we have two different scenarios, the web application and the game server. For the web application Okay, after one minute, maybe we restart the server, everything that will be fine because we have this protection. Okay, maybe someone want to make this approach, but what about the game server? Okay, about the game server, if we have the game server, we need protection here, now, in real time, always. I can't imagine that someone who is hosting, for example, the game and have thousands of the servers will allow to restart all of the servers After one minute, because the DDoS attack happened, I think he will have tons of the angry players that will stop playing his game. They will leave the game, they will leave the server, they will stop buying something in the shop, for example, from this game. So that's the huge problem. Going further, network code design. This is a challenge for Intuitus Protection. Because, for example, if we take the game servers, the netcode of the games. Games, different games using different netcode. It means that different netcode. it's used by different games. So we have. We can have thousands of the different type of the, we can have thousands of the different and network code design are more than sure in at least even 1 percent of this code is vulnerable. We have problem for this game that there is in this protocol because, attackers will more than sure use this vulnerabilities. So here we need a DDoS attack that will be preventing from exploiting such things. In case that, okay, there will be vulnerable, vulnerability that will allow attackers to use something. But in front of it, we have the DDoS protection that is blocking all of the malicious requests based on some rules. Yeah, with this approach, we can leave the DDoS protection part. from the network code design. Of course, code should be good, but we can left this network code design part to the DDoS protection solution to be sure that the DDoS protection solution will prevent everything from that. It will prevent the attackers from using these vulnerabilities. Later on, we have the evolving threats. Like I said at the beginning, threats are evolving. Okay. I will tell a bit later on, but also Evolving threats, what we are facing currently, what scenarios we are, this is scenarios from the real cases, like attackers are doing a lot of work, they are spending a lot of money to just realize that the user, that the customer is, for example, hosting the web server, the web application on the same machine, on the same network, that also the infrastructure, for example, the game servers. We have the case that the someone is using the, someone's hosting the game server, for example, I don't know, Minecraft. We have the Minecraft server, and we have also the, some shop inside the Minecraft server. And maybe this shop is on the same machine, on the same network that is the game server. So maybe we can use the web application that is not using the web application firewall to take down the infrastructure, to take down the server, the game server, and vice versa. Maybe we'll be able to take down the web application taking down the whole infrastructure by taking down the game server if we don't use here, if we don't use here the full comprehensive approach. Also, using bot, botnets, this is also a huge problem for future and also for current times. Going further, high performance infrastructure, crucial point because I can't imagine that someone will be able to handle a huge DDoS attacks without the good infrastructure, good performance on this infrastructure, and good quality of the service that he is providing. Without the good infrastructure, you are not able to provide the good service. So we need high performance, super fast servers, and super good fast DDoS protection with the lowest latency. Because of great. All kinds of the, all kinds of the protections, adding some latency. Here at G Core, we are providing the lowest latency that is possible for our customers, because we are the closest, and the closest source, we are the closest on the source attack that's possible to reduce the latency, to reduce the risk for our customers. Going further. we have Nudinus protection and we have the web application. Okay, so we have the web application. When we have the web application, we need also, we need to protect it from the latest attacks, layer three, layer four, mostly, for example, the infrastructure and also the web application. For protecting the web application, the typical web application firewall. Yeah, because we need it. This is I can't imagine going live with even a library with a non profit sample, non profit service, non profit application without the simplest, at least the simple web application firewall. This is totally no go from security point of view. Later on, bot management. We have good bots and bad bots. Good bots, they are bots that they are, for example, they are the web search bots. Indexing bots and other bots like that. They are good one. We want to allow them to flourish our application but in the same time we don't want to allow bad bots like Scrapping bots, some bots that they are doing some autonomous test, penetration test on our website. We don't want such bots and we need to block them. We need to block them on the application layer. Later on, we have a DDoS protection. We have the layer 3, layer 4 DDoS protection, but also unvolumetric attacks there. And also we have the volumetric attacks on the layer 7. Yeah, it happens. Why not? We have, you can have tons of the middle, have tons of their, DDoS attack that they're on the layer seven and they are, for example, the HTTP floats. Yeah, why not? Attackers can do that, can send that. So we need also the DDoS protection, also the volumetric one on the layer seven. For that, you need the huge infrastructure, you need huge network capabilities. API security. This is like also very important thing. I can't imagine that you, just, running application, running some services. We want API protection in the current times with the current solutions with the current threats that they're arising This is crucial points and everything like that. You have for example in our solution in our web solution Going further we have a we discussed the two layers of the DDoS protection to be honest This is the free layer from the technical point of view Layer 3, Layer 4, and Layer 7. But let's split it here as two layers. Layer 3 and 4, protecting the infrastructure, and Layer 7, protecting the web application. For the protecting the infrastructure, so our main objective is to protect the infrastructure, the servers, the network, the heart, the inside, the core of everything. Here on the web application side, we are like protecting the infrastructure. the web application, it can be, we can say that this is the front end, front to the front end for the, for our customers, for our clients that they will use, for example, some e commerce shops, some shops, they will try to, for example, make some, actions on the bank accounts, other things like that on the layer three, layer four, we are focusing against, to protect against the, attacks that will exhaust network bandwidth, and they will just overhaul our resources that we have on our servers. On the web application side, we have same risks. And also, additionally, we need to figure out that if the attacks want to use vulnerabilities on our web application. I can't imagine that we're running web application without the WAF, and we have vulnerability that will allow, for example, have negative balance on the bank account. You know what? I don't think so. That's, that will be good from the reputation point of view. Speaking about the reputation, we'll tell, we'll speak about it later on. Going further. So we have the DDoS attack. And what in case that we have a typical small customer that is using, for example, a few servers. Oh, maybe some tools like some small WAF, maybe some, let's say, manual DDoS protection rules. In case of the DDoS attack, his chances to survive are near zero, because this is like he's trying to build the protection without having enough tools. For example, I can imagine that it would be similar situation like we are trying to build a wall without the tools, wall for example from the bricks, but we can't make bricks, because we don't have enough tools, or we can't cut the tree to build some polysate, because we don't have also the tools to that. In such case, here, the user, the person that is trying to protect himself and his infrastructure from this attack, without the tools, his chances to survive are near zero. But when he will start using some tools, he recognize that, okay, I have more tools, I have more options, I have more capabilities to deal with the attacker. Maybe I will be able to survive and my business will be on the Good road. Yeah. But you to that, to do that, you need the D protection. You need some tools. Tools can bring, you are bring by the D protection or the web application protection, by the, by the solutions. like our, when we are able to provide the tools for our customers to survive the DS attack, to survive the attacks from the attackers survive on the current of the current risks. But when we have a DS attack. Okay, we have a news attack. Let's say we blocked 50 percent of the traffic with our manual tools. We didn't use any advanced provider. And okay, we survived somehow, but we had a few hours of interruption of our services. Our database is somewhere in the dark web. Okay, and what's now? Okay, we have problem. Yeah. In such cases, we have problem. So going this direction, such user, such typical small company will have issues from the financial point of view. Yeah. Because first of all, for example, that was the webshop and they were not able to, users are not able to, make some transactions on the website. Yeah. Okay. We are, we lost revenue, but what in case that We had also some legal consequences from that point of view, because we had some agreement with other companies that in case that, we won't be able to sell some kind of the shoes or something. Let's say shoes, let's take the shoes. in the same time, we need to pay the fee because we, our shop was unable to sell. We are unable to sell the shoes for 10 percent of the time during, for example, one week or one month or one day. And due to that, we need to pay the fee because we agree on such agreements. Thanks. So we have second time we have the financial use first one users Customers didn't buy something in a web shop second one. We need to pay the fee So combining these two things we have we are losing reputation This is we are losing the trust in our business. this is very good. This is very important point of view going further comparing everything, we have disruption on the operations that we are performing and our users are able to perform. Can you imagine that you are hosting bank, international bank, and your users are unable to perform international bank transfer, or maybe you are not able to send a bank transfer between different banks. , that's issue because for example, what in case that you want, you are not able to pay the law. If you are a bank and you need to pay the law or something like that, we are backing to the legal sequence and this is why, because there was a attack and you didn't realize that maybe you need some protection going further. Customer impact, this is the issue that's. Many, I'm still facing this and, that people don't recognize that the customer is a king. Customer is the king. This is the truth. And we need to agree on that. Customer impact from the attack is huge. What in case that we have the group of friends, like 10 people, 10 friends, that they want to play some game, they buy the server from some hosting provider, let's say they want to play Minecraft, they want to build some houses on the Minecraft. Okay, great. What in such case they buy the server, they pay for the server on the hosting that is under DDoS attack. And the server is constantly down. Okay, maybe they will survive somehow and maybe they will play on this server when there is outside of the DDoS attack hours. But I'm more than sure later on they will never ever back to this hosting company. And also they will tell their friends that don't go to this hosting company. They are constantly under DDoS attack because we didn't were able to play on the Minecraft server that we paid the money. So can you see that this is like the spider web? This is increasing, like the customers are spreading the news, spreading the truth that this hosting company was not using the DDoS protection at all, or maybe some pure one. And we will pay for the server, but we are unable to use the services. And going further, we have the competitive disadvantage. With all these points, we have the issue that these customers, they will come to a different provider. different hosting company, we are losing the clients. So we have minus one point and our competitors are plus one point. So the distance between us and our competitors are two points, everything due to that. You didn't think about the use protection. that's a problem that the people are still not thinking about the use protection and that's crucial. So what to do, how to survive in this cruel world? Stay with the G core , protecting infrastructure with the G Core. So how, what we are using in the G core, what's our, what's our, approach at the G core? So firstly, I want to show you a quick video from the game, from the inside the game. On the left side, you will see the, the video on the game server that is unprotected. And on the right side, the server that is under the DDoS protection from the G core side. Game Counter Strike. I think everyone played this game or at least know this game. So just please watch with me As you can see on the left side On the left side, we saw that the screen was shaking. The player was just constantly lagging. There was literally unable to play What will be your experience from playing on the laggy server? I think negative So you will just let the server, let the game go to a different server Provider. Yeah, on the right side, smooth game, no lags, everything was excellent. So on the left side, okay, what this person will think? Okay, I don't want to play on the server. I will go to a different server provider. What about that? That will be totally two different games maybe? And what in case that from the first one, that next game that is not under the users protection, the user will decide to just leave the game, go to a different game, and , he will spend money on the different, on the different game, on the different server. So we always in clients due to that, even if the server was still done up, server was still up, it was working, it was partially responding, but it was lagging, extremely lagging. That's the issue going further. combining the web application protection and the, and also the protecting the infrastructure is crucial. Why? Because, okay, we have the Layer 3, Layer 4 and Layer 7. Protecting the infrastructure on the, protecting the infrastructure on the Layer 3, Layer 4 is different than protecting the web application layer. When you have here, for example, on this slide, we have the , HTP flood attack. We have excellent web application. Firewall is blocking everything great. We allow only valid HTP requests that will come to our end point endpoint server. Excellent. And in the same time, attacker recognize that, okay, we are in this network. We have in this day, we are in the data center. This is our server, and he's attacking our infrastructure on the layer free layer four. Our server will survive? I don't think so. We can have the best web application firewall. We have, we can have 20 different web applications from a firewall, each one behind each one. But when we don't have the, any protection for the infrastructure, our server will be down. Everything will be down. Because, the server will be down late on the, due to the attacks of the layer three, layer four. layer seven will have nothing to do with it because there will be no server to, to proceed the layer seven requests. So this is why you need the, protecting, you need to protect also the infrastructure protection on the layer three, layer four, in the same time, protecting the web application. So we need to protect layer three, layer four. Also, layer seven, what in case that you have the game server, this is example from the slide, what in case that you have the game server and also the web shop that is associated with this game server on the same machine, you need to protect both. You can't protect only the web server. And. will leave the game server without the protection and protect only the web application. You can't do that because the attacker, I'm more than sure they will check and they will attack both in the same time. And they will check which one is down due to the attack. And later on they will constantly attack that one part that is vulnerable without the protection. So that's the problem and this is why you need to protect the web application and also the infrastructure G Corp, provides the comprehensive solution. You have the multi layer defense, so we can protect against everything we can protect against layer three, layer four, we can protect against the layer seven attacks. We have everything that is available. I think what we don't have, maybe it's only some future technologies, but to be honest, we have the AI and I think soon maybe. We have, we are working, constantly on the good AI and I think, even we'll have technologies from the future that no one ever will have. first, let's take a look on the access control. What in case that we have the two different, two different servers, game servers, one server in the US and second one server in the Europe. Firstly, on the server in the US, we want this server to the users to play on the from the US like the players from the US and play on the servers in the US. And for this server, we are blocking access to the traffic from the outside the US. Great, because from the data, from the security point of view, we are just blocking most of the work. So most of the attacks from the other countries won't be able to, reach our server because on the DDoS site we'll just block this, we'll make it go blocking. And the same for the Europe. Traffic from the Europe stay in Europe, traffic from the US stay in the US. Right on, we have the right meaning. Let's say that we need some limitations. Let's say we have the Minecraft server. Minecraft server, normal user, let's say, can create maximum 5 connections in the same time. So let's make a hard cap, 6 connections per user. on our server. Okay, great, because we are limiting the number of the requests that one user will be able to perform. Backing to the previous slide, we had the connection attacks. From this part, we are complete, we are safe because we are protecting against such type of the attacks because we are blocking the number of the requests, number of the connections that the attacker will be able to perform, reducing the, the power of the attack in case that we'll have something like that. Later on, we have, let's say, the packet validation. In what in case that we don't want to, proceed by our server, some of the packets that they are like corrupted. Let's say the network. On the network side, there was some malfunctions. So there, there was like some device, network device was not working correctly. Some H route was not working correctly on one of the ISP. Okay. We don't want to provide such packets because we are not sure that if this is the normal packet or maybe this is the packet that they are sent by attacker and they are just looking like they are, not fully good. there is something wrong in this packet, so let's block them. Yeah, why not? The game will work, players will be able to play, because we'll just proceed only with the valid packet. Later on, we have the machine learning, behavior analyze. Okay, what in case that we have in this game, we have the web shop. We have the web shop that will be inside this game. Like inside the pop up, the screen, the web browser that will be open inside the game. It's possible. let's say, And in this web, in this web, in this webshop, players can buy some, let's say, some skins, some items in the game. Everything is connected with the account. Maybe you can add the credit card there. this is a huge machine. Everything is there. Everything is inside the game. And we have the connection, everything. Our infrastructure, web application, and also, players were able to pay there. Okay. And here we have someone that is adding constantly 10, 000 things to the cart. Okay, that's not normal. And here we have the behavior analyze. So we can check if this is normal user or maybe this is not normal user. I don't think so that normal user will add 10, 000 different items to the cart constantly. This is not normal. And here we have the behavior analyze and our web can just block it based on the behavior analyze because this is not normal behavior for the normal user. So this is like a huge. With this approach that we have in the G Core, you are able, we are protected against the layer 3, layer 4 attacks because the infrastructure is fully protected. We are protecting against some, against the other attacks based on the signature analyzing. We are protecting against the attacks. And for example, the behavior, use behavior analyze. So this is huge. So we are fully protected. Everything in one place, everything is global. You can do it everywhere, every, on each server. So everything is fully automated. You can use everything from the set up everything from the home. Excellent. So later on we have the DDoS protection. We have the WAP. And also we have the CDN. When can you have this? let's say the example from the previous slide, this webshop that is inside the game. Okay, maybe we have the servers across the whole world and we want to just reduce the latency that the users are expecting, that they are having in this webshop to minimum. So we can use the CDN. We don't use the CDN from the provider that we are already using the WAF and this, and the DDoS protection. Everything is working correctly. Everything in one place. Everything is working correctly. And also. We have the DDoS protection and the web also for the CDN. Wow, looks good. I don't think so that someone, some attackers when they will see that they can't break the layer freely for protection on the infrastructure level. They can break the web application and they see right now, okay, the customer, this person is also using the CDN. Let's just leave and try to find another person to attack. Our CDN is also fully protected against the DDoS attacks. So it means that we are protecting against the DDoS attack with the CDN with the content that you never network. We are also able to deliver everything to our customers with the lowest latency. So it means that if normally, let's say the web shop will be loading in five minutes, five minutes, three minutes, maybe two minutes, because there will be a lot of pictures, videos, maybe on the website or something like that with the CDN, it will load in 10 seconds. Why? This is huge. This is huge reducing, let's say. I don't think so that, users will say that the loading as loading time three minutes is better than 10 seconds, or maybe one, maybe 30 seconds, even 20 seconds. So this is everything. That's everything that we are providing in the G Core. So we have the DDoS protection WAF, and also we can combine the WAF and DDoS. Inside the CDN, so we have we can protect you against everything. We can protect the infrastructure. We can protect the web application layer. That's looks good to be honest. We have many companies, that trust us. We have many companies, many hosting providers. We have many games that we are protecting. Everyone is like happy from using us. I'm more than sure that at least a few websites that you visited, last time and few games servers that you played and few games that you played are protected by us. And I'm more than sure you expect you had there zero lags, zero issues with everything. I hope you enjoy the talk. Thank you for joining me today. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or you want to discuss any part of the solutions I presented today. Have a great conference. Stay safe with the G Core. Bye.

Lukasz Karwacki

Security Solution Architect (Edge Network) @ Gcore

Lukasz Karwacki's LinkedIn account

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