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How do you make a difference in the world? The answer
is you leverage technology. Are you leveraging technology
today? There's many types out there right now, but I'm going to look at
some of the ways you can use not just AI,
it's a big word right now in the world, but how
to also leverage things like machine learning and start to build foundation
models for the company that you serve.
We're also going to look at where exactly to
use AI and machine learning for a given company. And I can tell you
this, it's different for every company. I have a few
examples of the Twilight zone. That's an image here that it
shows. But we're moving very quickly from machine learning
algorithms to deep learning.
As we look at a neural network and image recognition,
we use deep learning and moving to foundation models.
Those models like large language models. We'll talk more about
those in a little bit. I work for a company called Viscosity, though we
do a lot of different services. I spent a
lot of time on the database, but I've also done apps,
much development, especially machine learning,
different clouds, not just Oracle, but Azure,
Google, et cetera. I work with a company that
has several oracle aces, and these are basically the
best of the best that are out there, and they've written many
books. Some of these are mine.
But whether it be tuning, whether it be on Linux, whether it be on
hardware, whether it be on Docker, if you want to copy
these slides, you can send it to the
Or you could just send it to my email as well. And there's my Twitter
where I tweet a lot of stuff. This is from the Midwest Oracle user group
where we actually had spot the dog, Boston Dynamics.
We talked about AI, and that was a couple of years ago now.
But like I say, how do you do well? How do
you make a difference at the company you're at? And the answer is, remember the
acronym win? What's important now? What's important
now so that you will be able to leverage the things you need in
AI? What are the little pieces
of technology that are needed for your specific company that maybe
doesn't matter as much to others? We're going to start with the
economic potential of Gen AI, generative AI,
and also AI in general, economic impact of robots.
How's that going to play out over the next few years? Machine learning and
Oracle. This will give you a feel for some of the algorithms that are out
there and how you might use them. And we'll look at some generative
AI that's coming in. The paper that started it all with
large language models, transformers, which came chat,
GPT was based on with OpenAI, and then foundation models,
maybe where we're going and the vector database and companies
like Cohere as well, Bard from Google
and so on. We'll look a little bit at robots and where we're going,
but if we look at the economic potential of Gen AI,
currently, 25% of
a firm's value is digital capital,
but most of them aren't using it. Are you using that?
One of the reasons people won't share their digital capital is here on
the left, can be copied perfectly, infinitely.
And this comes from a McKinsey paper that Oracle recently
mentioned. There's also a symbiotic relationship
between you and a robot that can help you do your job.
And you could see they talk about ceos or cios.
They say you have to have algorithmic business thinking. And this is
from the university. MIT could see this is their most expensive
class, but it's giving you what a robot
can do. Well. Well, they don't have that creative human touch,
but basically there's this physical and digital that.
If we combine those two worlds, you'll be
even better. With that augmented help
in Twilight Zone, they had something called the brain center at Whipples. That was an
episode where they tried to start to talk about how they're going to
eliminate jobs, and they eventually eliminated the boss's job.
I think robots are much more advanced than the ones you saw
here. Amika has expressions. Spot and Atlas can do physical things
that are amazing. Sophia robot very intelligent.
Tesla bot coming. Elon Musk said
Tesla bot will be bigger than Tesla the car.
But there's definitely going to be an impact to jobs. And in certain
countries, it'll be heavier, but usually at
the lower level jobs, not to say some of the higher level jobs
won't be hit. You could see it at Amazon's warehouse,
where robots are constantly moving that warehouse to
make it most efficient, where robots
stack things, where robots drive cars or deliver things.
How about leverage? Are you leveraging the database,
gps robotics in your company?
And then some people say, well, are we going
to be obsolete? And in the twilight zone,
obsolete, man, the guy worked
at the library, was librarian. But there's a lot of jobs
that are obsolete. Pinsetters, telephone operators that used
to just plug in different phones, ice cutters.
Do we need those jobs, or should we leverage robotics
to help us to do better? Now, if you're
a database administrator and I know a lot of people are here. I know we
have a lot of security talks here, which is phenomenal. I have
some great python, a great python talk,
which also has to do with machine learning. But when you look at the jobs,
they're still growing. If I look at emerging
jobs for developers and dbas work as part
of the, not the analytics team, really, the machine learning or AI team
used to be the analytics team. I always tell people analytics is
maybe when you're looking at 100,000 records or something like that,
whereas machine learning, you're looking at billions, trillions, and you're
looking at them over and over and you're looking at them in different ways.
But when I look at the big data that's out there, I like the five
v's, volume, it's big. Velocity is coming
at you very fast, but the value is different.
Very important to have somebody that understands the value
of those different varieties of data and also the truth,
the veracity of that data. Oracle has tried
to put it. So you could do Json, or you could do relational,
you could do graph database inside the same database,
or spatial for that matter. That's a little bit about
that. But what does data do? For me, it tells me something.
What do I need? It was a guy that would give you what you
needed in the future in this twilight zone. But what
does a CFO need?
We don't want to give them what we used to give them, which was
analytics. Oh, here's how your numbers were. We want
to give them something that's more predictive. Here's what your numbers
are going to be, or even prescriptive. Prescribe.
I'm going to prescribe to you what you need to do to hit the number
you need to hit. So we're moving from predictive to prescriptive
right now.
Also, some people think most of the job when
I get to the world of AI and machine learning is with a data
scientist, but that's 20% of the job generally.
Most of the other part of the job is making sure I have the right
data, identifying it well, making sure it's cleansed,
making sure I don't have any bad data, making sure it's correct, make sure it
doesn't have any biases. These are going to be dbas and developers
doing those jobs. But Oracle has a database called an autonomous
database. Is it a robot? Well,
lux is a robot, Siri is a robot. They just don't walk around and
they work 24/7 they don't ask for a raise. But the autonomous
database, manage my database, secure a
system, use machine learning and AI to secure it,
to tune it, to put on a patch before I even know the patch exists
or is needed. Even Oracle unveiled this
in 18 C, and right now in their main database,
19 C, they have it also in their later versions.
But Oracle's focus isn't to be a
retail innovator. Let's say like
Amazon. They don't want to be a search or marketing
innovator like Google. They're literally about
making you the innovator. They want you to win.
They like, as Larry Allison says, I like leaders. People do
things before they become fashionable or popular. He's saying, I like
innovators, people that do things first, that leverage
and use the technology. And they put machine learning
in all kinds of things, their apps, financials,
manufacturing, and so on.
They've also built an autonomous database. We'll talk about that in a minute.
They also bought an open source platform called, where you can actually leverage those open source
algorithms. When you look at machine learning,
I think it's very important to start with the business problem.
What am I trying to solve? I have good customers. I want
to know which ones are good or bad. I want to know which ones
in big data look like my good customers. What is that business
problem I want to solve? It's not to make more money. It's to do something
specific that maybe will lead to making
more of a profit. Then I find a function. What do
I want to perform? Why I want to separate good and bad customers. Maybe I
want to classify them. Then I have several
classification algorithms I can use.
So what's the problem? Do I want to cluster big data
to see a certain age group that I know buys
my product because I want to increase my sales,
is the business. And then the function is clustering, then the algorithms.
One of the clustering algorithms. Or am I looking for anomalies
like fraud or things like that? So first I'm going
to train the model with 60% of my data so
it gets to know my data well. Then I'm going to use the other
40% and say, how are you doing? Are you
finding the right stuff? Are you finding the most
important things? And as I said,
I'm just going to give you a feel for this. I'm not going to teach
you machine learning. You can download this talk, obviously,
but you'll have to use it in
the specific parts of your business that matter.
So a business understanding product, employees that leave no based
on past employees, maybe that voluntarily left,
maybe that we're doing a great job,
target the best customers. What makes my best customer? Is it
how much they buy? How profitable it is?
What do they buy together? They buy item a and item c.
Is there another customer that I should be using a chat bot to tell
them you should be buying item c as well? Or is it clustering
of data or something else with Oracle? And I won't go
into too much coding here, but all it takes is, you know,
what am I trying to do, trying to find out what
are the attributes attribute importance of
certain customers that get them to want to buy insurance.
And if you know SQl, you could see I look at
a table and I want to do it by customer id and whether they're going
to buy insurance or not and what are the attributes,
then the output is going to tell me what really matters
as to whether they're going to buy insurance or not.
Then I'm going to classify that data.
I'm going to say now that I know the attributes when a person walks
in the door. Now I want to know if they're going to buy insurance based
on those attributes that I know
are the most important attributes. And then I can predict that.
Or I can have a salesperson call different people to see
which ones are likely to buy it. I'm not looking to teach you SQL
or show you that. I'm just trying to show you it's not difficult to
make a very large impact. This would already make a large impact
in your company. Now these are some of the algorithms that are
out there. I'm not going to dwell on these. These are
some of the Oracle algorithms names. They also have different
know. If I'm clustering data. Well, how many clusters is it?
And then Oracle, also very important, has a product called autonomous
database. And you can go to,
go to cloud slash free, and you could actually
get a free copy of this as long as you're using it.
You get this provision which means you've built a database
in all two minutes and then to
start it up 30 seconds. Then they give you a lot of different examples.
So again, how do I leverage these algorithms?
I could do it by getting this free version of the autonomous database and then
go and cluster some data with R if I know R or with Python
if I know Python, or with SQL if
I know SQl. So actually they give me a way to do that
in different ways. Now once
I go in there, there's something called a notebook and it's a series of
Python or SQl statements similar
to the SQL I showed you earlier, where I call some algorithms
to do some function. Once I know what business problem I want to solve,
start there first, and then I can graphically use
some of the other stuff. But what do I need to know? SQl,
Python R. In this case, I'm predicting
where it's anomalous customers and why are
they anomalous, what are the attributes? So once I
found that they're anomalous, what are the attributes making them anomalous?
I look at machine learning, and it's a lot like the twilight
zone, where it's a game of pole, and the guy says, you want to be
the best at something, you've got to have talent. You've got
to have a little bit of luck. Got to be at the right place at
the right time. Oh, you're watching this video. You're at the right place at the
right time. At a time when machine learning and AI is coming.
You got to work. You got to actually build stuff. You got to
leverage your knowledge, but also add to it,
and you got to have nerves. You got to be able to go to somebody
and say, I can make a business decision. I can
make a business impact if you'll make a decision to
use AI. So now I just want to show you,
to give you a feel for some of what's out there. As I said,
what's my problem? Maybe I want to get good and bad customers.
Well, I could use classification algorithms.
So these are the algorithms in black, and classification is the function
I'm trying to perform. But these algorithms are not doing
the same thing as each other. So one of them, let's look at an example
of one decision tree algorithms. Looks at, oh,
maybe I'm a lawyer. I take a case. Maybe I proceed. Maybe I'm
going to win. Maybe I'm going to lose. Maybe there's costs
if I lose. Maybe there's benefits or damages if I
win. Then I calculate all those models
and say they should take the offer instead.
So what is a decision tree? A lot of different choices of data you
already know about a business to make decisions quickly.
One algorithms to classify whether I should take a case or
not. Here's an example. I don't know what
happened there. Sorry. Here's an example of where
I'm using a decision tree, and I want to find
out. I want to classify the data to see if somebody will buy this
sports logo credit card.
And then after I do that, I run it, and now I have the probability
and the cost of this that I could now give to my salespeople.
But it's not a lot of code. I'm not teaching you the code, but just
showing you it's not a lot. I'm giving it a function.
What is it doing? I'm giving it a table, a column,
and will somebody actually by it or not? And first again train
it with 60% and then use it with big data or
something like that. Now, random forest, similar to a decision
tree, but it's like having a lot of decision trees. And I don't want
this curvy line. I want to smooth things out a
little while a decision tree, if I have six ones and three zeros,
it'll say, well, it's a one, and it keeps us from too
closely fitting things. Or do I want to do
a neural network classifier? This is great for classifying images.
Let's see, I show it 1000 pictures of cats and it knows what a
can is. 1000 pictures of dogs, 1000 pictures
of people. And then I tell the autonomous car, don't hit these
three things. Well, you need more than three. But it also does speech
recognition, handwriting recognition, and it's built
based on basically math that was built maybe
70 years ago. Some of it, some of it was even
in the late 18 hundreds, just to let you know. But I have this
neural network, a set of neurons, and maybe I'm looking at the
images and I find edges or I find object parts and that becomes
objects. Then through this equation, going through
these levels, I use something called backpropagation to find and
kind of tweak it. And you see a lot here. I know this slide I
could probably spend an hour on, but it simulates or
really copies the mind. I'm looking at a dog,
I look at different levels of different things I'm looking at. Then it
can tell me is a cat or a dog. Now, the difference with
deep learning is maybe I tell it about which features I want
with machine learning, whereas in deep learning it just looks at the
images and it figures out the features that are important.
So am I trying to classify things? Am I trying
to classify cases? Am I trying to classify
images? Am I trying to classify words? Depending on what it is,
you might choose a different algorithm. Or am I doing anomaly
detection? What's in this sphere and what's outside?
Am I looking for anomalies? Somebody built the math
maybe 50 years ago and said, this is what's inside the
circle and these are outliers. They might not be anything that's a
problem, but they're anomalies, and I might look closely at
it. There's also a linear one where it will separate
good and bad customers as well, not by the green or blue line,
but by the red line. They also use
anomaly detection with very minor subtle anomalies.
Nuclear power plants use them, major airline jets.
Oracle's exadata hardware uses them to look for those subtle anomalies.
So am I looking for big anomalies, subtle anomalies,
and there's clustering of data after.
Let's call k three down below,
trying to find separate this into three equal groups by
distance, just to let you know.
I can also do that with Oracle's analytics cloud product and
just set it to that number. But Oracle
goes one step further, says, I'm going to give you another algorithm where it
separates it by density. When it comes to voting,
well, people are grouped together. It's not distance based where k means
is distance based o cluster density based
clustering. It's also time series algorithms.
Is this the kind of problem you have as a business or the kind
of opportunity while your video games are extremely
seasonal, or maybe an Airbnb is around certain events that
happen? I don't show
it, but they also have some models like exponential
smoothing and double exponential smoothing for Holt winners. So would
you think of a line of a stock that's very going up,
down, up, down, up down? Let's smooth that out a little
with exponential Smoothing. Another kind of time series algorithm.
It's also regression. Most people look at regression and
they go, wow, it's a straight line. There's some points. I know what's going to
happen in the future, but if the points are far from
the line, there's a big difference. The r
squared, it's called coefficient of
determination. How far are those points from the line? That matters a
lot on how good your prediction is going to be.
It's a linear regression. But what about when the points are all over the place?
Well, with machine learning, I can still put lines
through that and find it. Let's say it's a sine wave or a
cosine wave. I could use some of the other ones, like support
vector machines. How about
attribute importance? I found my good
and bad customers. Now let me find out what attributes are making them a good
customer or a bad customer. Can I fix it?
Some of those that are out there, principal component analysis does
what if you think of all the things that, let's say,
make up your good customer. Oh, they're a good customer
because they buy very often. They're near
us, things they buy are very profitable. They buy consistently.
They tell other customers we're good. Then I make a matrix of
numbers and say, this is a great customer.
Then I compute that eigenvector, or what are the principal
components of that matrix? Maybe I have 80 different reasons
of why this person buys something, but 20 of them really
matter a lot. Well, that makes it a lot faster if I limit it down.
But the word eigen comes from the dutch or german
word, which means just like my very own. So you might
buy a car. You say, well, what I really
want is a car that's just like the one I have now.
I want my Eigen car. Well, what you really want to find
is your Eigen customer out there with all those values.
Principal component analysis tells me what attributes
they are, and they're also putting these in toys. Now they know
what attributes make a good toy.
Then there's association rules. Now I found the good customer, the attributes
that make it. What are they buying together? Can I use a chat bot
to get them to buy other things, also known as what
you would like. Next algorithm. You bought the bread.
Now I bet you would like the milk. Maybe it's
called the a priori algorithm. Specifically, what do they
buy together? Well, they buy the beer and the bread and the diapers and the
bread and the milk. Well, really it's just the bread, diapers and milk
that they buy together. Do I want those close together or far apart?
I guess it depends on the store. But do you have that
kind of association market basket kind of
algorithm or function that you want to perform? And there's feature
extraction, and this is to speed things up.
So maybe I have a matrix, but really I just need a few pieces
of each of those matrices, so I'll speed it
up. And then again, I can use principal component analysis
as well. Where I'm looking at the main components, there are very few
components that make up a face. So I can limit it down very quickly.
And it doesn't have to be eigen faces. It could be cats and dogs,
for that matter. But there are things happening
right now with robotics where
people, and this is an example, etern nine is saying,
hey, we can make you better.
We can make somebody that helps you work by augmenting
you. Let's give a robot that will help you, but it's based
on maybe your attributes and things like that. So things are
going fast and you want them to look exactly like you.
Well, they have all the cosmetics they need.
What about SQL analytics? What I
really want to do is look at different views, whether I'm a regional
manager, ad hoc, or want to look at all sales
or financial managers, view whoever it is falls
into a different category. So a product that does,
and Oracle does this, where they look at different aggregates
in different ways and dimensions, but they also put those
things in memory, you get to partition it so I don't have to look at
everything. So it's much faster. But at the same
time, I could put that in memory as well.
And they also have some statistical functions in Oracle and other products
too. But pretty much anything you could ever think you
want to do, it's out there somewhere.
So what did I try to do with machine learning? I'm trying to
find out my problem and the more detail I can get. Maybe it's a
number problem, maybe it's words,
maybe it's something over time, whatever that
is. Then I say, what function is it? Classify good and bad
customers? Regression. See if I'm going to hit my numbers or tell
me what attributes I need to hit my numbers.
And then which algorithms out of the algorithms for a given function
do I want to use? And I'll train that model,
find that out who's good and bad, score it on the other 40%.
Did it work? Maybe I got to do a different algorithm
and then use that algorithms against things like big data.
With Oracle and other products, there's also auto machine learning
where I just say, hey, I want to try all the different
algorithms and classification in this case, and I want to create.
You create the notebook for me when you find the best one with the highest
accuracy, and then in
this case, it's building a python notebook for me. Something took me
days to do, Oracle took all of four minutes to do.
I think you get time enough at last with auto machine learning.
And the reason why it's important is because AI
is really driving things fast, and auto machine learning can give
you these notebooks very quickly.
Oracle also has hardware that does this, whether it
be multi tenant. Maybe those are different business groups or different
customers. Even in memory database,
real application clusters, if one node goes down, the others are
up. That's for recoverability or for availability.
Rather, can active data guard is an off site failover
where it has recoverability.
But like I say, these are some of the key
algorithms I think you should start with. Think of your business. What am I trying
to do? And is there something that can help us do it faster?
Number one job, AI machine learning specialist. It could be you,
maybe after this class. What are you trying to do
supervised learning. That means you have data, then you want to
classify it and see what is identified as fraud.
Or are you looking to build an autonomous car and you need to do image
classification to see so you don't hit things on the road?
Or is it regression to a market forecast? Or maybe
you don't have data unsupervised. Learn just cluster data and
give me customers that are similar to my best customers.
Oracle does this in all of their products where you don't even have
to do that. Whether it be financials, whether it be sales, whether it
be retail. They bought a company called will it be manufacturing something
like JD Edwards or human capital
management where know looking at employees and what they
need to make sure I keep them. Oracle Lowe's going one
step further now. They've got, as I said, the autonomous
data warehouse. You could try it for free, but they also build
into it hundreds of pre built dashboards for financial
supply chain and these other products that are out there.
They're also putting generative AI. So generative AI
is I'm using data to generate even new data.
And here's a QR code that you could get to look at their vector search
that they're building now, but their
goal is to put it everywhere to start to use large
language model to generate the SQL for you. And I'm going to show you
an example of that prompt engineer, just to let you
know, you go to Chat GPT and say show me
an elephant dancing. Well, that would be Dali images.
But if you said build me some SQL that
will find my top customers given my table name is this and
I want to look by this column or sales or something
like that. So a prompt engineer new job coming will
do that for me. And then Oracle is going to build that SQL for
you. So here's an example of a prompt. The more instructions
you give in the prompt, the better your answer will be. I'm giving it
the names, I'm giving it the tables. Maybe I'll even have it create the tables.
And then I'm going to find out the average salary of employees
that are out there. Oracle has a product called Apex,
comes free with the database. I find this to be almost
the best product on planet Earth. I forget exactly
how many implementations are, but it's well over a million
different products that are out there. They have some quicksQl
of building a table with different values and then it shows you the create
table and create employee table that it's building based
on just this little bit of SQL.
That's helping me a lot. I could also look at the table view
and how these tables relate to each other. And again,
some quick SQL here. But then I can create a page
item and say, oh, I want a chart of employees by department. It's words,
it's not SQL or anything else.
So I say, okay, create a page. The prompt is,
I could say, I want a chart of employees by employee and give you
some examples of what you want. And then you go next and
you start and it builds the SQL. You need to look at
these tables that you had built very quickly,
and now you run it and actually shows you employees
by department very quickly.
Now I want to go one step further and say, well, how about show me
average salaries by job? It'll take
that SQl query and it'll now make it average salary
by jobs. This just shows, if you're familiar with Apex, how it's
building that SQL for you that you used to build yourself.
So is it replacing me, a developer? No,
it's augmenting me. It's making me faster. Then this
just shows me. Now I have an employee by department and I have the average
salary by job. Took me all of a minute and I'm done.
Here's the one. So it's 2 million apex apps 3000 a
day are being built. It is the number one low
code, no code product that's out there.
But they're going one step further. They want generative AI to do
this for me. The developer in English gives it to you.
The database retrieves what it needs, then it gives it
back to you based on the context that
you're looking for.
When Larry Ellison was at Cloudworld, just, I think
it was a couple of months ago, he said, hey, generative eye is going to
change everything. He said, is it the most important thing ever?
And he said, well, you're about to find out because they've spent billions on it.
So you're going to find out. Chat GPT is actually 3.5,
came out last year. There's also cohere,
and there's also bard and other things like a lot of large language models.
Think of the algorithms we had. Well, some of those algorithms are for
language. Well, somebody took some of those algorithms and they started
building a very large model, really a foundation model for language
so that they could then ask questions and make it basically do
it for chat. Oracle's doing a lot with healthcare because they
bought a company called Cerner. It's making them improve
their products because they're using their own products.
Oracle is also driving first responders using
the future. Tesla car actually used to use the old
one. They're driving first responders using AI.
But, you know, AI is going to be big because if you look at things
like Uber, it took 70 months to
hit 100 million users.
Instagram took 30 months, still over a couple of years,
two and a half years. TikTok only took nine months,
but Chat GPT-2 months.
And if you look at Chat GPT 3.5 and Chat
GPT four, it also does things like
images, the more recent version. And I put
a few things in here. I don't have time to cover it all, but Chat
GPT, how does it work? It's trying to predict the next
word. You're asking a question. It's formulating a response
based on the entire Internet or whatever else they have.
But it's going to get us to artificial general intelligence. I'll show that in
a minute. But it's this time of what I would call
exponential development. But also some things it
doesn't have. When you're thinking about something
and you're working, you're thinking, you don't write that down.
The other downside is they also have hallucinations,
100 layers of neurons, but still hallucinates means
comes up with something that doesn't make any
sense. Oh, Rich spoke in southern
Illinois, and maybe I never did, just because
I had spoken in a lot of other places. These are all the different
large language models that are out there. There's many of them.
But if you go to Chat GPT and say, what's the top
ten database? And when you sign up for it on OpenAI,
you get Chat GPT, you also get Dolly. Chat GPT
is words, dolly images.
There's also an API, but it gives me the top
database. Oracle MySQL, SQl server,
postgres, mongo. Now, if I go to Bard and
do the same thing. Oh, and I did want to show you that GPT four
arrived just in March. Chat GPT 3.5
was November 30. That was the one that changed everything. It hasn't been that
long, but Google's bard, which they've also been working on a long
time, gives me the same thing. Oracle MySQl, SQl serve, postgres,
manga. But then they have some different databases at
the end. And the reason why is, notice, I'm going to go back again
a second. As of my knowledge, as of September 2021,
Chat GPT, whereas Bard is right now.
So the top half of it is the same. But what started all
this is a paper called transformers. I'm going to point to
Aidan Gomez in a minute, but basically it's
a neural network, has an encoder and
a decoder. The left and the right
use something called transformer technology. And it's looking
for, notice the name of the paper. Attention is all you need.
It's looking at as I get a statement,
what words do I pay more or less attention to? And then
it feeds them back in. And then as I'm writing an
answer, I'll even feed back in what I'm putting so it can use
that information as well. And this talks about it
more if you download this. But GPT
stands for generative pre train transformer.
I'm training it on language so that now when you use it as a chat
bot, it knows something based on
all of this training that I gave it. And how much do I train
it? Well, GPT 3175,000,000,000 parameters.
GPT-2 was only 1.5 billion.
GPT four, 1 trillion parameters.
People use it with things like deep fake GPT four,
not as much information about it.
And here's just how it looks as well.
But I'm going to put images and numbers now and
words so I can get answers.
Oracle, those going maybe a step more functionally
towards something you can use, and they're using a product called Cohere
to do the large language model, but they're also building and now have a
vector database. So basically I'm
taking something and I want to store it in that vector database. So I very
quickly can use a large language model to ask it questions.
And I want to show you an example of that in a second. But they
also have vector indexes, because Oracle is very good at security,
they're good at data, they're good at indexes. They've also put that into
the vector database. But basically I take
a document or image based on
the content, not necessarily the pixels, like I would do in
a neural network, but it's the content of the image.
It matters more. Then I could talk to
the system like Chat GPT and pose questions. But now I'm using a
vector search in the database to get that answer.
It's not going to replace experts, but let's look at an example. So vector
represents the image, represents a document or a video or something like that,
a series of numbers for those that know vectors,
what's the type of roof? You can think of it as the eigenvector.
This is my eigenvector of the house. I want to buy,
well, when it stores other houses, it says, well, these houses are
vector wise very close,
but this one not so close. So you're not going to want to buy these
two, even though maybe they're in the right location.
I can have an app and say, hey, I want this one, go look at
this in this other area and it will tell me which
ones are similar. So if I wanted this house, I'd find one
similar. Then Oracle,
in addition to JSON documents, graph data,
JSON data, relational data,
spatial data, it also is now adding
vector data. So now I can just use SQL
and just say, give me the house based on this
photo that I gave you, which of
course is going to have a vector associated with it in this city at
this price in this house. Now I could search for it just like I do
other things in SQL relational database, but now I
could do it with an image in a vector wise. So Oracle's
added that vector and there's that QR code again,
if you want to look at that vector search.
Oracle didn't build their own large language model. They partnered
with a company called Cohere. And I said, remember that guy, his name on the
transformer paper, Aidan Gomez? Well, he started a company called Cohere
and he worked on that paper that came from Google brain.
But basically they're turning those words into
numbers, but with semantic knowledge and attention
of which words matter and trying to find the answer. So you
don't want it to read 100 documents. I'm going to feed those into
this large language model and I
can go to the vector database. But the hallucination is still a problem.
So they added something called retrieval augmented
generation. They said, you know what, you go to
Chat GPT and you ask questions, well, they're keeping whatever you're putting
there. We're going to give you a way for your company to store its knowledge
in a protected Oracle database where nobody gets it, including Oracle,
only you. And now I can use retrieval augmented
generation to give a better answer and it just
becomes much more accurate. And you can see it also compresses things better,
but 96% accurate. And some of the other ones were only conf fourty two,
fifty percent accurate. So retrieval
augmented generation, I give it a question,
basically in English, goes to the vector database, finds the answer,
builds the sql, and then gives it back to me an answer
in English. So Oracle coming soon,
generative AI. But Oracle has put AI
in all kinds of different products they have. And if you use something called
MySQL, heatwave on things like AWS. It's also
very know where do I app
that? Well, maybe it's some chat bot where somebody on their
phone says, hey, my power generator is not working. I don't know what the issue
is, and tells you what it is. And they give you, here's the user guide
right here. And it looks like you need this park. It looks
like you're missing a spark plug. Where am I going to
get it? Can I actually do a gps? That's spatial data,
too. It's right here at this store.
Or you ask a question, are there hotel
stays covered in my policy? Or maybe it's just covered
in the place you work. Well, it can automatically
go to that document that's yours. Not putting it on the Internet,
putting it only where it's secure.
What comes after machine learning? And now we have large language models.
Well, large language models are kind of like a foundation model
that does some things for me.
And this is another paper 113 offers authors,
I might add, from Stanford. I would say most
of this paper is very good. Some of it is a little fluffy,
not as important to a tech guy like me anyway.
But machine learning, most AI is powered by machine
learning. Deep neural networks train on images
and things like that, maybe an autonomous car, but foundation models use transfer
learning. So if I had a bunch of
algorithms and machine learning models I built,
I now could start to get those to learn from each other and build them
into one model for a given task. So somebody
like Oracle, who also does healthcare now,
they could start to build foundation models to do all
the different tasks and also learn from each
other from those different tasks.
So what's coming next? Are you leveraging technology?
These are some of the robots maybe we grew up with, like in
Star wars, and all of a sudden they said, beware these robots
like Terminator. The real
robots, though, today are, I think, beyond some of the science fiction
movies. They're very
smart, but also they look very much like a person.
Reminds me of mirror image in the twilight zone.
And here's a guy who uses his robot to go give
his lecture. He doesn't even do his lecture anymore.
There's a guy who's a weatherman, and they
bought his face to be the weatherman in many different cities.
So we've seen generative AI inside of that oracle product,
that low code product called Apex. But Oracle's also putting
into sensors and robots inside their
healthcare world. You could also use virtual assistant
with robots. And here's Oracle's virtual assistant product.
And you could also leverage database with virtual reality, mixed reality,
augmented reality. Again,
you have to look at your company. What do they need? And then they call
it extended reality. If I add virtual augmented and mixed reality
technologies together, just call it extended reality. If you ever hear that
they're building this new unified reality,
but I look at something like the metaverse and
I say, are people going to get lost in there?
Is it something where they can't tell? This was a
Twilight zone where the guy thought his role in
a movie was his actual life. He got lost in the
virtual world, so to speak, and he didn't
believe he was the person he was, and he started having a nervous breakdown.
It's going to be this hard to distinguish which reality
really matters. There's a lot of
pieces to AI. The key for you is to see which pieces
matter. You got to choose. Life is like a coin. You can
spend it however you want, but you can only get to
spend it once. You have to know where you want to spend it.
It's also sentience issues. What about a robot thinks
they're alive? This was the Twilight zone where the
mannequin thought she was alive, but Sophia
robot did an interview with her. She's a citizen of Saudi Arabia.
She wants to get a degree, wants to have kids.
What's alive? When is sentience
really going to become an mean? We're moving from using to
wearing to implanting digital in the hive mind. There's also those
robots out there, but it's amazing what we can
do now. Do you want to build your own past?
There's a guy that does videos, and then he dials
in the time portal. I forget what it's called. And the flux capacitor
takes him to the right video, and he looks back and
he's back in the metaverse at some event that he went to a while ago.
So you just got to set the time circuits. Time circuits activated.
Also, if you build this, people want magical.
Don't make it manic or toxic, whatever you do.
And watch out for all the security issues. You're going to see some great security
talks at this conference as well. Make sure you pay attention to those.
Oracle, though, has built in security for 50
years roughly, and right now they're in the latest
version 23 c. They're going to have a database SQL firewall
that blocks unauthorized SQL and SQL injection attacks automatically.
If I look at the hype cycle, 2018, it was all about tech kind
of building this digital twin or smart robot
or quantum computers were also coming. Brain computer
interface. This new reality started showing its face.
But now it's, see, machine learning is already up
the hype cycle, and down here is about 5% of
the people are using it. This is ideas people are talking about.
But notice what's coming in 2020. Generative AI,
things like chat, GPT. Why are things going so fast?
Because if I look at four bit, it's two to the fourth, two times two
times two times 216 in memory
that I can access. Well, I go to 16, but all of a sudden I
was at 64k.
Where are we jumping now? We're jumping from 32
to 60, 418 with 18 zeros, roughly exabytes,
and we're about to jump to 128. Then we're going to
jump to quantum computers that are going to make it even faster to
do it. And these are some quantum computers to show you how much faster,
Google said the program they had built
47 years, something that used to take 47 years, now takes
6 seconds, 241 times faster than
just in 2019 2021
hype cycle. What's coming? Generative AI. Quantum machine learning.
They're putting quantum into machine learning. But as I said
earlier, we're starting to get to artificial general intelligence in
some areas. A computer that is as
smart as a human across the board? Well, they're smart in a lot
of areas, but they're starting to get where they're even more
so. And what happens when we get to artificial super intelligence
and we start really finding something
that is smarter than the entire world?
I used to watch Star Trek, and I thought this was so advanced,
it just looked so advanced.
And I remember that quote, don't get too attached,
Star Trek. We've done everything that Star Trek has
come up with in some way.
Now. We've actually not only moved to the hive mind,
but with Neuralink. Elon Musk is implanting that in
the brain, and they're asking for humans to do trials on
this. Now. How much further? This guy,
his job is, he does tattoos,
but think of if he did haircuts, he'd be Edward
scissorhands today already does it.
So what do we look at? What's the economic potential? Huge for your company.
What's the impact of robots? It's huge, but especially
the ones that assist you are going to be important how hard it is to
learn some of the algorithms and how to apply them to business, not very hard.
What does generative AI do? Makes it a little faster yet.
What started all this gen AI? Well, something called transformers
at Google Brain, that guy went to a company called
Cohere, which now does the geni within Oracle with their
new vector database. We're moving to building foundation models
for the companies we work at. And Black Mirror,
I mean, you see a lot of these things already there. I put
in parentheses that we already have a lot of those things that are out
there. Little dystopian though.
Are we moving to this where people get very angry and are frustrated
with technology? Yeah. So AI should also
help them and assist them. But don't forget, things may
come to those who wait, but only the things left
by those who hustle. Make sure you hustle to get it.
I think Oracle is pretty well positioned for this just because of
their database and their security and things like that.
A lot of references here. Never thought I'd have black
Mirror as a reference, but I do. A little bit about me.
How did I get to this point? Machine learning? Well,
I went back to school, started learning from
MIT about machine learning. They're really quite amazing in my
opinion. But if you want a copy of the notes,
you could see there's my email. There's an email you can
get them at. But I want to thank the people at
this conference for giving me the chance to present.
But most of all, really at a turning
point in history. You have to decide where you
want to focus your time. But machine learning and AI,
it's not as difficult as it looks. The impact is
impressive. So make a difference in the world.
God put you here at this particular time for a reason.
Think about what that reason is. I want to thank everybody for
coming and have a wonderful day.