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Hello to everyone. Best greetings from Poland.
We'd like to gain your focus on the security of parts
of your software who had not even chanced to acknowledge
their existence. So let's go. The reason we suggested to
you to steal your time with listen to what we have
to say is simple. There is a big hole
in security in every software made and installed due
to opensource components.
96% of companies are using Opensource.
Are they using structured approaches to open source vulnerabilities?
I hardly believe they will tell you about it.
My assessment is they will not.
We have a concept and are developing a tool to cope with this
problem. We treat the problem in the
Devsecops framework to put the
solution in the right place while not adding a fifth wheel
to the wagon agenda covers our assumptions,
solutions, concept and tool current status.
There are two of us who will be presenting
it. Alexander Baronovsky who is
experienced product lead producing
open source software,
Eurolinux, EuroDB, Euroap and so on. And me,
I'm a little bit older and focused
on selling these products,
packaging it and selling. So I
suppose it is a good company to
say you about it. We have now very complex
environments, both infrastructure
and systems on the one side and development and maintenance
on the other. That is due to
technological progress and
dynamics on the other hand. The market
needs better effects.
So KPI are so very strong,
focused on effectiveness,
how to do it with it. There is
a very well tested approach of DevOps to
chain better interaction between developers and administrators.
Having in mind that there are more
digital security vulnerabilities,
we must add some security part to
it. So is devsecops. Devsecops idea
doesn't cover component issues.
Our approach is KYCC,
so it is know your code and coder.
As we said before, we are still in the
DevOps work with some
security aspect added. So let's see at
it. We have here classical
devsecops infinite look with
SEC audit. So it's
never ending story. So we have
static application security testing,
dynamic application security testing,
interactive application security testing and so
on and so on. Many aspects,
many activities, many tools and
on the very end monitoring
to have some feedback from production
line probably we said you about
complexity of the problem. Each of your
software you are building or ought to be built have
some components of opensource
and how to check it. We must check if
the coder is geopolitically securing,
if the code is reviewed
very timely, if the project is active
at all,
if the vulnerability testing is
paid. There is many aspects of risk assessment,
which we are not aware because it
is components which isn't sold
to us. It is components which is part
of only called by
software we are buying. So it is very
important if there
is any structured approach to it. No,
there is no. Is there
any empirical test research based models?
Yes, there are. We will say something about
it. But why?
First of all, we must know from what
our software is composed, what third party
components are in our software. So it is
called Sbom on. It is from
infrastructure bill of materials, concept software
bill of materials. So we must
know what we have inside it is
first and most important thing.
Next, how to mitigate risks
involved with these components. If we know components,
we can check if they are risky
or not. So next,
we must call this risk because no
third party component is risk free.
We're just choosing the less risky
one. And next, we must just
put it in our software deployment
pipeline to have it right
in place. If we don't,
of course, first of all,
we don't know if the project will be
developed in the future. We don't know if
we'll address any vulnerabilities
and we can face the problem at the
very end. We can use it, this component
anymore. So we must change it.
And it could be very expensive.
We must change architecture, we must change whatever,
all, maybe license even it
is very expensive. And in
the meantime, you can lose our customers if we offer
our software to somebody or our service based
on the software. So it's very expensive.
And now our approach, software composition
analyzes risk management, our code
name for our solution and what we are doing,
we are just Sb oming,
I may say. So first, we are
finding what is inside and it
is not the first line, for example,
library or driver or something else,
but even more if the driver
library calls other library part of
software from outside.
We are checking it as well.
And how we are checking. Okay, so when
we are talking about how we might name it scar,
Scarmo, as our code name Mark said,
we are not looking into the single component. Of course,
each of the components has its own score,
but we are also looking at the score of the global score of
a system that we are using. And it's quite similar
in thing about it to CVE. In theory,
you have a single CV in your system, for example, I don't know, York for
J was very famous last year. But when you
think about it, you're not saying we need to patch the CVE,
we need to patch the systems. So, by the
way, this is why the environmental metric in CV
were introduced. So there is the XCV, but there is
the context, and it's the very same with the serm.
So going back to it, basically, at the moment
it's like four vectors. But I personally think
about more about dimension, because when you think about the vectors,
like the line, of course this line can be like
in three dimension, by the way, from algebra,
but I think more like a dimension because we have multiple vectors
in that dimension. And the base vector sales dimensions are
the following at the moment at least. Software code contributor
profile, the product dynamic, code quality and
vulnerability dynamic. We call it CVA plus.
But I have no idea if CVA is not trademarked,
only the code name. Okay,
let's start with contributor profile. And this is
one of my favorite, because it's shown that we are living quite peculiar world.
One contributor programmer can commit to multiple repositories.
And this is like the project world. But on the other hand, when you think
about it, a lot of companies and also projects are using their
mono repos. So for example, Samba, but it's a very
huge project. If you want to check out Samba,
there is a huge Monorepo, but actually have libraries,
the utilities program, things they get.
So one contributor is working
on one project, but it may be because it's
Monorepo. So we are also aware of that. And we
add the grain of salt to this. The other thing is the number
of contributors, and it's exactly what Marek said earlier.
There is the probability that the project will be abandoned.
And sometimes it doesn't look like the project is
abandoned because, for example, it has multiple stars.
There are issues, but for the last
two years, none of the pull request or request for change,
or whatever you name it. So basically, bug fixes or
enhancement to the project were made. And a lot of programmers
just don't care to say that, sorry, this project is abandoned,
so you don't get the clear information about that. Next to
thing is, let's say quite the same, because it's
time zone. When thinking about time zone and
gopolitical risk, they're a little bit interwind,
because it's somewhere done in some time zone. It's probably dont in
some country basically. And we are also looking
the countries that the software is made. So why
is it important? Well, we live in divided world, and open source
can be weaponized, literally weaponized against us.
And I'm sorry to say that, but we have in
the very recent history, the people who weaponize open sourced.
And even if we say that, yeah, I'm against
someone, and I totally get that and I respect
that. Weaponizing the open source put the whole movement
of open and free software at risk.
And I'll be honest with you, it's weaponized but
also on a very different level because when you think for example about the basic
freedoms that Richard Stalman back like 50 years
ago started and for example
an advanced it technologies export control
for example if you are buying something from one country
you cannot use it in another country. And this is like an enterprise
agreement and things I get.
So it's already like threat to
the open source. So you cannot stress
enough the fact that our world is full of imperfection. In that case
I will name it imperfection because I would probably
use a stronger word but well it's divided and
as Marik said, we are from Poland and if
there was a country that is constantly threatening me,
threatening my family and including nuclear inaccuration
of my country I would personally think twice,
at least twice before using the software,
including open source software as well that
is produced in that time zone or country
reality time zone is also important because sometimes you
can see that the fix or predict when
the fix will come because well programmers
are also people and let's be honest,
the bad guys never sleep. So if
something is made, let's say in us it's
very likely that if the bug
is discovered and published and there is the exploit and
they are sleeping, literally sleeping that it
might be delayed until work time or at
least when they wake up. So yeah,
next one is the protect activity and this is like the next
vector dimension. So we are
basically looking at let's say free things. There is much more
but free things. And first one is interesting
project index and it's
I would say quite sketchy in some cases because if
something is popular there is a higher chance that it will be safe because
more people will try to break it, not use it,
break it. And we all know that Eric
as Raymond Linux will, this will say
that basically there are enough eyes on the code
that all bugs are shallow or will be fixed.
And things I get but it's quite
criticized because the hard bleed simple
mistake. But on the other hand it was fixed. For example in
BSD before.
On the other hand there is some data and evidence
provided by Google actually and their repos that
says that well if the project is very popular there's a higher chance there
will be a fix that people, the commits to
the project, especially external commits to the project with
the back fixed security and things I get. The other
thing is distribution of activity over the time.
Well it is how it sounds.
So how much activity is in the protect over time.
But very must understand that there are
the projects that are very stable and won't get much activity and
not because they are bad project, no, but because
we are major. I will give you the short example. There is the access control
list in Linux and there's access control
is utilities. We are using the very same very old,
very basic system calls and
capabilities to create the access control list. For for
example if you are a user and some group you can do
something. So it's very not true
for this kind of software not to have a lot of activity
over time. So we have to take into account that
some protect might get very low activity, but it doesn't mean at all
that they're unsecure. The next one
is the difference of delta basically of active
contributor over time. And once more protect can be abandoned.
And if there is no one who actually can get
the work because there is
one contributor, for example, well it's not
good, it's not good. Think about the bus factor
in that case. So one person and the
protect is gone and before someone will be able to
hack this project and work on it, we take some
time. The other thing is
that these contributors also, if you combine this with a
time zone or go political risk and things like that,
you'll get that. For example, if there was some kind of tragic situation
in the world, including some country or countries,
that you might actually use the access to it. My guitar.
We will try to curse opensource. Yeah.
So next thing is the code quality.
I'll be honest, I was quite surprised when we discovered that a lot of software
won't pass today. Coding standards, sorry,
they won't pass. There are so many
well known issues with
that code. Yeah, issues. For example using voata and c plus plus.
But well in theory a lot of people think that well
it will be threatsafe. Not at all. There is very good
talk about it from Facebook now meta of
course the other things like using buffers that are
not checked, very popular, especially in c.
And when you think about it once
more, you have to take into account the different type of project. Because if the
Linux kernel is using something that is the buffers,
like naked buffers, they probably have a very good reason to do
that. But if it's like the utility program,
some command guide interface program,
then maybe this route destroy, check the buffers.
And yeah, we also believe, and this is
why the scoring is quite important, that if
the code quality is high it will be easier to maintain
this project in the long run.
Also there is not on this slide,
but we are also looking on the things that we call the
language popularity and trends. So basically if you have
some project that is written in the language that is becoming slowly dead,
and I can give you, I know that some people feel
triggered by it, but what it is written in Peru
for example, very good language without
doubt, but this language above.
So it's like for example Python and Python three or
Python 2.7. Yes, and you
have a pervade still maintain the branches of version
the language, but the number of programmers who
are able to program it is dropping and
it's dropping quite sharply. So this project might
actually be the risk, especially in the long run,
if someone don't migrate to the newer version or to something different.
Last one, and this is my
least favorite and I will tell you why, a CV plus
or dynamics or CVE. And of course we
have version two, version three and version four.
You might ask why would you have a version two? Well,
because sometimes the very old bugs are updated
and if there is the update because it was
which are rediscovered or the CV wasn't
fixed for like ten years, it happened,
then we actually need that score because there is no overscore and
there is of course a new version of cvss. So it's like Commodore
scoring system that tells you, and we are
doing basically we're looking in the last 90 days and
it's getting on the very thin ice in my opinion. But I
don't like it because,
well, if you look at the pony award,
this is the award from the security community about
most of the vendors and that they have mismanaged
the security reports and their
behavior to it and how they should respond and so on.
That's basically it. Of course there's also the good part of the one
that says that someone did something very bad is more
popular and let's say culture.
And this is a problem with vendors, why? Because a
lot of vendors might not make the
code, but they want CVE because, well, first of all it looks
bad. And second of all it's not so easy,
it's the extra work. So the programmers like me
are like, I will fix that, I won't tell anyone the
next version will be fixed. Easy. Why even
bother? You know, to make the CV I need the common platform enumeration.
So I need to send the special mail with XML in it
and then I need to do that. And the whole process
of making it, sorry, I will name it bureaucracy is
actually more time consuming sometimes
than making the fix. And I said, there's also the
reputation hit and it's
skating on the skin eye on finite. Sorry. Because we
are actually with the scoring, we are punishing the good guys,
we are unable to punish the bad guys. We tried.
Believe me, we tried. We look into a project that does not have this
or try to avoid them and then try to with
some statistic magic. How much code is put, what languages and things I
get get that there should be probably some CVE.
But while it's very hard to find,
to be honest. So we decided that, well, if it's not
stable, we are able to say about the things
that we are unable to prove. In that case we
can only. And I believe that the scoring must be on the real data.
And there is a great blog
post from Daniel Stenberg. Daniel Steinberg is the author
of C URL. The C URL is like the most popular
software used in the world regularly. Guys, Linux is not that
popular, because when there is Linux
there is this URL, probably.
Yeah, and he wrote about that.
Well, having the CVE and CRO
is the good. And you should also think that if
the vendor is honest with you, the programmers,
people who manage the protect are honest with you and say guys,
look, there is the security problem.
We made the fix, fix your system.
This is good, but unfortunately the securing is
for me. Well, I said it's quite problematic
because once more we are punishing the
good guys. Marek, can you continue? Thank you
Alex, for presenting the approaches.
You ate my time, as usual.
Okay, so let's have a look
when we can use this approach. We find at
this time four touch points where we can
use it in the software development pipeline.
The first one is when we are inventing our architecture.
We are looking for accessible software
and we can miss the opportunity to choose
well. So at the
very moment of the starting of
the project, we can fail.
Next one is when
we are building components and
to be cover vulnerabilities.
We are getting the new
version, it's very usual
scenario. And we can fail again,
because this new version
can have dependencies or
features which are killing our
application. And third point is when
we are using the software in
production real time
and we are trying to maintain
it at update components.
If you are not checking these components,
you are failing again. And the last one is
when we approach the moment
where the component is not viable
for us. It's not developed
or obsolete.
We know the vulnerabilities will
not be addressed in future.
Here is the classical production
pipeline. So first we
have developers, they are choosing
this code. Next there
is code building,
packaging, embedding, coding and
so on. And of course dependencies
in the data. And here are these
four touch points I
have said here before.
So first one not good choice of
the component. Second one unaware
updating of the code during
building. Third one unaware
and unchecked dating software during
production phase. And fourth one is
when we must choose another component.
We can once again fail.
Because conference is about devsecops. We must place
our concept in the framework,
our solution, our approach.
It's not solution yet.
Scarm is placed in
the testing, beyond testing and
on the very end in production files
in vulnerability testing of
software. Because of course as you know,
vulnerability emerges during
the time. Here is our solution,
opensource nation automation of Checking OpenSource
this is basically the protect that is co financed from
European Union and we are very grateful for this opportunity.
It's made with National Research center in our country
and basically we want to provide you the platform and
the rules, the basic rules and also the system
to assess if you are using the right components. For example,
you might think okay, we are building some
application and this application in the end will use some database,
it's very likely. And then you might ask yourself should I use the Mariadb
or should I use MySQL or maybe postgres?
Because all of them, let's say they are quite comparable
and we want to have a comprehensive evaluation system integration
in the portal. We want to
inform you. So there will be security and security assessment,
obvious risk. It will be very practical
usage of cvss because for example you
have the image, we will give you the golden images for
some solutions we are working on.
Some of them are open source, some of them also the open
source were packed by us in the manner that they provide
the whole stack of something. And we were very practical because
the CVSS or this common vertical scoring system will
for example confirm you that you use the image that
is let's say one month old and it already has
this and this and this vulnerability. The next thing is
that of course we have a web interface and
this web interface you can get to the image and get for
example the information that well you're using the postgres and
for example postgres is using, I don't know,
CRL is useful always because I said this is
one of the most popular structure in the world but I dont know, it's using
the postgres libraries of course. Yeah it makes sense.
And with the libraries you can get
the securing for the libraries for example, but also the scoring
for the project and then the scoring for the whole system.
Yeah. And it should allow you to get in depth
analysis of the code, quality of the component you're using.
Of course the possible vulnerabilities, the history.
So as we said, there is like index of something,
we name it, the index of contributors contribute over time
and things they get. So it should have it and
many other risk factors. It's in
the mate and will give you the ability to run
images that are secured or have at moment
things like that. Of course on AWS, on container engines over
the docker. Of course container engines. Mostly it means that it will
be run on the Kubernetes,
your own Linux distribution,
ibaba cloud. Kubernetes will be openshift,
things like vmware and yeah you
have probably right now we have like twelve platforms
like the runtime platforms that we are supporting.
For each image that we are producing there
is quite a lot of images that are regularly updated
that have scoring included and so on.
It should allow you to streamline your securing assessment in
details. For example, oh I want to use the radio.
We have scores for some software well known.
We are trying to get the most software. We are also doing things for our
partners from government and asked us if we can assess
some software for them. So it's like a
little bit of public benefit from our side.
Yeah, but if for example I said you
think should I use redis? And then you look into the profile
of contributor for example and you think yeah, it looks
good or not depending of your go,
political risk assessment and things like that.
You might ask yourself okay, we can use Redis or Rabbit MQ for
making the queues basically in that case.
Or yeah, it depends.
They're not the same, let's say. But sometimes you can change the one to another
and then yeah, I think if it's good enough
or not, it will be.
At least we're informed.
I think it's automation.
we will end here for
your audience. Yeah.
When you will probably see that video. We have about a month
to finish it. It's already in the state. But I'll be honest, I'm proud of.
So I'm eager to wait
to provide it. Thank you very much.
Thank you.