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Hi everyone, I want to first thank the team
from Conf 42 opportunity to speak and share our
ideas with everyone. My name is Lionel Longcap.
I work as an independent DevOps and cloud engineer
and today I want to discuss with you how
to build universal CI CD pipelines.
Let's see our agenda. We will first start
by giving you a little bit of history, how I came up with the idea,
and then we will focus on the definition of some terms
to follow up with what are the core principle of
universal CICD pipelines. Then I
will just give you what I
just tell you what I learned throughout the process and
we will just taking from what
we will share together how you can go further with
the same ideas a little bit about the
history behind all of this. As a DevOps engineer, we are quite oftentimes
tasked to create CI CD pipelines. Things to
streamline the software delivery and to continuously
improve the quality and the security of our software. The thing I realized
throughout my experience after creating a lot of CI CD
pipelines is that things
are quite similar in the manifest we
wrote and someday something started to
shape in my mind. Let's see together here you
have two manifests coming from two tools to
do CI CD. The first one is a Jenkins
file and the second one is the manifest file.
The workflow manifest file from GitHub actions.
I give you like one or 2 seconds
to just see if something come up.
When you see those two manifest,
I hope you realize that when you remove the noise,
we are only left with name of stages and
actions and those two manifest files
look quite the same. Let's take another example
with a manifest file from GitLab CI same thing,
stages and actions. So we could agree that
if you have a way or a DSL to express
only the intent, maybe a tool could be
able to generate the noise and thus all
those manifest files. I want to give you a disclaimer.
Those ideas are free to use everywhere,
so don't hesitate to copy and
steal from those ideas because I really think that
they will provide value. Let's see some definitions.
I know everyone knows the definition of
CICD. CICD stands for continuously
integration and continuous delivery. Sometimes we
use continuous deployment to include
in CI CD, but those practices
are very separated. But throughout the talk when I said
CICD, feel free to think about the tree.
So continuous integration, continuous delivery and
continuous deployment let's see the definition of CI CD pipeline.
A CI CD pipelines is a workflow first triggered
by any means to automate every steps or activities involved
in the delivery of a fit for purpose, that is
functional requirements and fit for use nonfunctional requirements
software. Sometimes CI CD pipelines look
like this. You have a trigger. The trigger makes
sure it's done. You come up with the source stage
and then the build stage. We do some tasked here.
Going forward to the test publish, we face the
quality gate sometimes that
just give us some guardrails
before going live. So that's
the simple look of CI CD pipelines. We are
still on the definitions. Let's define universal
in the dictionary. Universal mean applicable everywhere
or in all cases general or
used or understood by all.
That's the two main characteristic
of the word universal.
This will help us define some core principle
universal, as I said, used and understood
by all and applicable everywhere or in
all cases. I really
like to change the first one by build Anubiquistos
CI CD pipelines. If we get in the
context of CI CD pipelines, and for the
last one applicable everywhere, I will say
platform agnostic. So a universal
CI CD pipelines will be a pipeline
that is built around a ubiquitous
language that is semantically correct
and that is platform agnostic.
So we already seen this
pipeline. So let's build one CI CD pipeline together,
and not only a simple CI CD pipeline, but an ubiquitous
CI CD pipelines. As I said,
we start from the trigger,
then after the trigger we went to the source stage.
And if you zoom a little bit on the source stage,
we realize that in the source stage we have many
tasks to execute. We have sensitized
the code, linting the code, analyzing the code,
linting the docs. You have many tasked here.
And after that we went to a stage that
I like to call create. So in the create stage is
where we compile the code, compile the docs,
run some unit test, and then we went to
the verify stage. In the verify stage, as you
said, I tried to be expressive in
the intent of the task here.
So after verifying everything, we went directly
to the review stage.
And the review stage is where we take what we
built and we put it in the
QA environment. After that,
and only after that when we realized that the package
is right, we package all things up and we
deliver it to an artifact repository.
And I try to, as I said, be expressful
or use good
words and good verb to describe the
intent here those to summarize that
that's how ubiquitous CI
CT pipelines will look quite
expressive. And everyone that even
know how things work could understand
the pipelines without going into the implementation
details. So after the
delivery is where continuous integration and continuous delivery
stop. And we have like an approval,
manual approval that will forward us
to another stage which is putting
everything live and we have the same
task at the end. So that's
the whole idea. And continuous deployment only means that
we remove the manual approval. So that's the
UB crystals CI CD pipelines.
To implement something like this, we need
to have task managers,
because task managers, as I showed you in those manifest file,
task managers help just hide the
implementation detail and let us express the intent.
And also it's a good practice to use project generators
because project generators help also to spread the
good practice and make sure that everyone got the same templates
and start from the same basis
from the told requirements. My own preference as a tax manager,
I use make and from project generators, I use progen.
Progen is the project behind the AWS CDK
and it differentiates itself from other project
generators because other project generators got
the same ideas. I take my template and I generate
a project from the template. This works at
the bootstrapping phase at the beginning of the project.
But if the template evolve, you can't really
get those updates in the project that derived
from the template. So where
project shines is that it keeps your template
in sync with all projects that were generated
from that template. Take a look at this
project. It's very great then to
build those ubiquitous CI CD
pipelines, you have to shape your project and being
a little bit disciplined about how you
use your task managers. This example, I will show
you how I use make to implement
those, to make my task more
expressive. So the action part,
and there I have a make file and the make file
is quite empty. The only thing is there is
that I include all other make
that present in the task folder.
So I split every actions, every steps
in those make files. And those make files are only
generic because what the only thing they are doing is calling
the script that is on the script folder.
That's a little snippet of how to do it. And so
I use this shape to produce my manifest.
Let's take a look of a manifest from GitHub actions,
because I really like GitHub actions.
So you see, I just put my task
and they represent the intent of what
I need to do. And those
instruction will forward everything to
the script that could be written in any language.
So you see that we have something that
is quite expressive and everyone coming
to the project without knowing the implementation details
could understand the goal of our workflow. And that's the
end goal of building very anubiquitous CI CD pipelines.
The second principle of a universal
CI CD pipelines is that it should be platform agnostic.
So when you reflect on that, being platform agnostic
will mean that we will have a manifest file that
will help us define our workflow. And also
you have to have something that will be well integrated into
all the CI CD platform on the market and
that will work on every platform.
And what I realized that I found a real project that
could do this, and it's dagger. Dagger is
mainly a programmable CI CD engine. By programmable
CI CD engine I mean that you could create
not the entire manifest file,
but the main part could be
written using either Q go,
Python Node js, and maybe a lot of other languages,
because they created an SDK pal language
to communicate directly with the dagger engine.
And under the hood it works with Docker.
So it ensure that your
pipeline or the things you express using those
SDK is also portable from CI
to CI. Let's see, on an example
you can scan the QR code to go to the project.
You will see in this project something that looks
similar to what I showed you here. I didn't implement any
task managers. I just wanted to show you how I
use dagger to program my CI CD
workflow. So in the tasked you
have there you have one
task which is the script.
Oh, this is my pipeline being programmed
in Python. I won't show you the implementation because
it's not important. For now,
let me give you a walkthrough of
the repo. So in the repository you
have the GitHub, and in GitHub you
have two workflows.
We will see the CI CD workflow that is implemented
without using dagger, and the CI CD workflow
with dagger. To see how things are
made and what the benefits we got,
let me show you in real code
how it's being implemented. Here you
have a gif of those two workflow
files. The one on the left is the
normal workflow and the one on the right is the one using
the dagger SDK or using dagger.
So as I said, you see the differences
between the two. We use an internal
action called prepare, and its goal is to prepare the
CI environment for both workflows.
Let's see the content of this action.
It's a composite action,
and its role is to
just install node JS.
If we skip the dagger SDK,
and if you want to use the dagger SDK, it install dagger
IO and Python. That's it.
And we also make sure that the version of the
Python we are using in development is
the same that is used in the CI.
Let's go back to the diff you
see there. That on the right is the workflow
using dagger. The only thing that the workflow using dagger
is doing is calling the Python script here.
Let's see the content of things script.
Here we import the dagger SDK
and we're importing also any IU. Any IU
will help run our pipeline. And the pipeline is just
an async function. And inside that
function you declare a client like
this and you could build and
customize a container that will be the
base container for your action.
So here I'm using the node 18
base image and I make sure that
all my script run on that image here. And note
that you could also do like multistage pipelines
by also creating another container variables
with the client container function.
So that's all the things
you can do with dagger. As you
see, dagger is very powerful and you
could have everything defined in pipeline script
and the fact that there
is a code. You can also imagine some use
case where you can test your pipeline too.
Now let's try those workflows on GitHub to see
if it works. And let's hope that the demo
gods are on our side.
So if I go with actions normally,
I would first execute the first action without dagger.
So let me run the workflow,
say run here.
So the workflow will start and
it will execute all the steps I showed
you before. So for
one of those steps, if I go directly to the
you will see that it's very fast and the workflow was done.
And at the end of the workflow normally what
we got, let me go on
here and we will see the package that were
created after running this workflow.
So if I go to packages,
you will see that I have a new version
published. So one 10 Rc
eleven that were published 1 minute ago.
That's a simple workflow. So let's use dagger then to
trigger another workflow. If it works, we will have
normally a new version that will be like
one 10 Rc twelve.
And there we are using dagger to do this.
That's what I was saying, dagger very things
there, because you can also create like multiple
containers as code and just forward
the output from one container to another one.
And everything in the code, the workflow succeeded. And you
see the workflow is simple. If you go
to the packages normally,
you will see a new version. Let me just refresh the page
and voila, you have the twelve
version. So that was Dagger
and GitHub actions in the nutshell using the Python SDK.
Okay, I hope you like the demo. Okay,
what I've learned throughout the research on
universal CI CD pipelines is that it's important to
focus on semantics and less on technology and
told, and also that onboarding is also
important. So make sure that if you choose to write your pipeline in dagger
to use the right abstraction to
not confuse newcomers. And if you choose the
tax manager route, make sure also,
as we discussed at the beginning, to use
good name for your actions so that they will just
get the quick grasp of
what your workflow is doing. The dagger team provides some sdks and
I think that's great because you can come with the language you know
and just start writing pipelines.
I know today we have only go Q node
js and Python, but the project is evolving
so I think we will have many languages to come.
Dagger could also replace in some part
tasked managers, because everything is defined
in your script as code and the only thing you have to do is call
Python and the name of your script. So to keep
your pipeline semantically correct, you could just choose
to name your script the right way.
Then what next? Today I
try to follow the same process and my
two exploration at the moment are
universal project specification. So trying to define
a universal project folder structure that could
work with every framework, every language,
any tool, and a universal
code documentation specification that could help you create
documentation and from that documentation create more
generators and that documentation could be
embedded in any language. Let's imagine that
we have like something similar to Javadoc
or GSDoc, but that will work
with any language. So I
hope you like the talk and feel free to connect
with me with my provided handle.
Thanks a lot for your attention and I hope that you
will enjoy the conference.