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Hi, welcome to our platform engineering from the trenches talk a deal
of beautiful vistas and open sewers. My name is
Gert. I work for Q Qxperts, which is
part of CBI. I work as a product owner for continuous delivery
platforms. My name is Hug Staplesva. I'm also a
product owner for the CDAs platform and for pipeline enablement
within national and Ayland. That's a
big insurance company within the Netherlands. So in this talk,
we'll take you through our experiences building platforms
over the last few years. We've been doing that both in various
roles, I guess engineering and,
well, as the slide says, currently we're both working as
product owner. So yeah, we have a story to share and
some lessons learned so you don't fall into the same traps as we did.
Yeah. Let's first take you through the agenda for this talk.
We'll start off by setting the scene and then giving you an overview
of our teams versus actual reality. We'll be talking
rainbows and unicorns. Then the juicy part,
tensions from the trenches. And then we'll spend a little
time talking on where we see ourselves move. Yeah. Just to give
you an insight what we're working on and which you perhaps can
take as inspiration for yourself. So let's first
set the scene. It's also important we
both work in largely federated organizations,
so we have lots of customers that are dealing with,
that are internal customers and we are within a regulated environment
as well. And that means that we're subject to
rules coming from the financial sector, rules maybe
around privacy. And most of the times
we are in a central part of the organization where
costs are actually very important so
that you have to bring costs down and it
is still considered a cost center and
we are part of centralized it. So sometimes
you get a bit of a feeling that you are
from the ivory tower and you're telling everybody how you should do
things. And finally, we are
dealing with limited
innovation or speed of innovation. This is where
the platform dream and what the reality is.
So we are dealing with both the
vision there where we want to go and
all the troubles that we have or the impediments that we have
to face or that we have to resolve. Yeah.
The interesting thing here is with these huge organizations is
that especially these federated organizations, is that you
have so many people there, each with their own ideas
and their own agendas and their own goals,
because in the end everybody is trying to achieve something. So everybody
has his own goals and
bringing that together. Yeah,
that is quite complex, but also interesting.
So if you look at it from a platform engineering perspective,
what you ideally want if you're building a platform
is frictionless delivery
of business value. You see the picture with
the person playing curling. That's the way I really see
how platform engineering teams work,
moving this broom so that the
curling stone slides with almost no resistance all
the way across
the lane. So yeah,
this perfect, seamless,
frictionless way of delivering software,
running software, whatever your platform is doing, that's the
ideal. It should just be working.
So what does it mean? It means also that
the process that are baked in into the platforms, that they are actually
aligned with reality.
So it's not something theoretical from a slide,
but people are actually behaving the way the
process is designed, or the process is designed in such
a way that it aligns with how people are behaving.
Furthermore, ideally, obviously everybody has a
clear and steady goal so that you know where people are moving
and you also have a focus on business value. And there is always
time, and this is a real engineering one, there's always enough
time to build a proper solution that does
things proper, not a hacky way, but in a
perfect way. However,
reality is, yeah, reality is sometimes
something different. So first of all,
priorities, what do you do first?
How do you bring the most value to your customers who
are actually your colleagues in such a way that you
do the most important thing first? That also
brings a lot of value to you as customers.
Most of the times we already have a huge investment,
for instance, in tools and the way they have set up.
And to really come up with an integrated vision is also
meaning that you have to transform something that is transforming
while the shop is open. And of course,
being in enterprise, organization means that you're
always in a changing environment. Business department
or business unit can change, stakeholders change
means also priorities change. And somehow
there is always the trap that you end up in the priority
paradox. Yeah, because that's
interesting because especially in these really
large scale organizations, these federated organizations where I
mentioned it earlier already as well, where people have their
own goals,
everything becomes a priority because everybody is trying to
achieve his own goals. That's what matters at the end
of the year, right? Yeah.
So priority can be a challenging part. Customer relationships
can be difficult as well, especially in a being organization.
It can be very difficult to see
who is your actual customer. You have people
that are making noise, so you
intend to move towards,
you usually start moving towards these people.
However, in reality, often there are a lot of other people using your platform
as well, and then you have the people
using your platform. So engineers. But then you also have
usually internal security teams or compliance
teams. Then you have architects who usually have
an idea as well about
what your landscape should look like.
So identifying these customers is already
hard enough. And even if you identify them,
how do you communicate with them?
If you're working in a small team, you can sit around the table and just
talk to each other. But how do you do that in a large,
decentralized organization? And then
even if you've managed to fix that, how do you know
that you have the right features for these teams?
Again, if you're building something for someone who's
sitting next to you, that's easy. But how do you
do that when you're in this huge organization
where people might be on the other side of the world?
And then the last one that's also an interesting one is
team specific. Own solutions.
Usually when you come into
an organization to bring a platform, there are some problems that have
being existing for some time and teams,
it is usually filled with smart people.
So people try to build their own solutions.
Yeah, they work around organizational problems.
Exactly. And how do you
have a good strategy to honor what they already have built,
not breaking so much stuff and
also letting
them be heard as customers and let them feel, okay,
this solution that I have created can
be part of the larger solution that we roll out as a platform.
Moving to our next topic,
rainbows and unicorns. Obviously we
have an idea of how this should
be, what this should look like.
So let's start there.
First of all, the most important thing for
us is to be customer centric. So we have to
understand our customers. We have to understand how
we collaborate with them. Of course we need
to have a feedback loop on if they are using our
product, how are they using
our products? Are they happy with the product? And we
want to do something that does not need
force. So, meaning that we seduce our customers instead
of having a force adoption.
And of course we want to see our customers or our colleagues
actually as partners within collaborating on
creating this new platform.
That's interesting because platforms are not a
new concept, but this whole shift in how
do we collaborate with our users, and especially the
don't use force part, but treat
your customer like a customer, make them happy. That is
something relatively new but essential
to get your platform successfully adapted.
Yeah. And the second topic that ties into this is the product
mindset. Product thinking will help you
design your platform in such a way that it actually
really focuses on two things at
one hand, balance. So balance between the
customer requests,
which are usually opinionated on how something should be resolved.
But yeah, also about how
do you cope with the problems as a whole and
also bringing it there in the dynamic of
how do we solve this problem right now? Because usually
a team comes towards you with an urgent problem
that they want to have resolved right now, but how does that fit into your
long term vision?
And the second part is about real value.
So it's really important to find your unique value
proposition for your platform and that is
unique to your context. Every organization is
different, so that means that we're talking principles now,
which we think are quite generic.
However, how you apply them in
your own organization can be completely different.
So also coming back to that,
if we look at the goals that we set for our platform,
it's frictionless delivery of business value.
But in a startup that can mean completely
something different than in a heavily regulated environment.
For startups, it could mean we all want
to have speed where in regulated environments
it could be security and compliant, where you offer lots
of services that could be your unique value proposition
for your product. Yeah, and as users
on board, on your platform, your platform grows and this
evolves also over time. So it's really important to
every now and then, step back a little bit and think,
hey, are we still on the right course?
And the second point is, what's also really
important is always focus on capabilities rather
than tools. We all
have our own personal preference regarding tooling,
and we always think that the tool we use is the tool
best, otherwise we wouldn't be using it.
However, you need to find a balance there,
or you need to find a balance and instead focus on
what are we trying to achieve here,
what are we trying to do? And since your
platform is generic, how can we do it in such a way that might
not fit with the ideal tool for
a specific team, but rather empowers
all teams using the platform to use this certain capability.
So of course, measuring your success is also very
important. And because this
is the rainbows and unicorns part of
our presentation, it's really interesting. So it's the
obvious that you have to measure, but what do
you measure and where do you start? So our opinion is here,
let's start simple. So, measuring numbers of
user, number of projects, but there are already a
lot of measures out there that are really quite wonderful
to use when it comes to delivering
more technical platforms like the
Doya metrics that are described in
the book, accelerate or sdp metrics.
And of course, it's also important to start with
metrics for people.
Start talking to people, for instance, to gather feedback,
but also measure things like customer engagement
or employee satisfaction to see whether people are
really happy with the product that you are creating.
Without these measures, you're not in
the business, I think, of running a proper platform.
I think your customers are your
way to success because then you're bringing real value to
them and you're also achieving your
goal of delivering business
value. Yeah, the interesting thing here is
we coin these automated trend analysis
terms, but this is not where
you start. You can always start relatively
easy, low level, just by starting to talk towards
people and then only as your platforms grows in
maturity, also grow in maturity of how you
gather these measurements.
Don't try to do it perfect at once.
But be mindful though that you do want to
be measuring. You do want to be measuring, so it
should be integrated part of what you do.
Okay then a
unicorn topic is self service.
These platforms where their value really also
is in how they can easily scale. So how
you can onboard more and more users without
becoming a bottleneck yourself. So self
service and enabling your
teams to do stuff themselves,
that's really important. So empower
them and also make
it easy to use your platform. We were talking about this product thinking
earlier, people should not be annoyed
to use your platform, but rather be happy because
you're solving an issue for them, something less for them to worry
about. Yeah, and last point,
also, always be sure to
remove waiting times if you go shopping in the
supermarket. I don't know about
you guys, but I already get annoyed when I need
to wait for like a minute before I can do
the checkout of my groceries, let alone if
I need to wait four weeks before my new project
is available for me on a certain platform.
So remove waiting times. Yeah, I think that is one
of the most important things that you can do to really
improve the customer experience and also improve,
for instance, employee satisfaction within your company
because things are easy and teams
can then focus on the things that on
their own goals instead of dealing with the toil within
the organization. Yeah, especially when working
in agile environments, people, they are working with
the small increment of work that they are working on. So if they
need something and they get to you, they need something and otherwise
they get stuck and you don't want to be yet
another impediment. All right,
so this is our
magic rainbow unicorn world.
Obviously reality
is not that perfect all
the time. Of course we're product owner, so we have to sell our
platform. So we might say it is so. But I'm
telling you right now, it's not always like that.
What we will be sharing here is our insights of
how did we start building platforms ourselves.
First of all, we needed to build trust
and help people agree
that we are going to build a platform.
And the interesting thing here is,
well, at least my first pitfall was how
do you build trust? I thought you do it by proving
that you can do what you say.
So it would be by building stuff, building new capabilities.
However, reality shows that people,
well, obviously they care about this new stuff as
well, but it's way more important indeed that
they trust you. So focus on the person.
Yeah, indeed. So build up
relationships with people. This is one important
thing I learned as well. Build up this relationship. Tell the vision
that you have on your platform, what your problems that
you're going to solve. And also
be aware that these
things take a long time. You are
building something foundational that is going to be
used through all alti whole company. And that
means that you have to talk to a lot of people to get your message
across. And also what
we notice is that you really have to focus on influencing
the right people and the right teams so that you can get
some traction. That is an important lesson that I have learned.
Yeah. And the interesting thing is usually
within your customer base you have a few people
who are very vocal about any issues they run
into, capabilities they want.
However, be always sure to check that
these people are not just some people
who are trying to solve their own problems, but rather are the people that are
really influencing what's going on in the organization.
Because usually it turns out that there are some people,
at least some people who are less outspoken, who are,
because of the
social role they have in the organization, are actually way more influencing
your customers. So figure that out.
Yeah. And one thing that I really
wanted to briefly add as well is regarding
the pacer steps. So we were talking already about this
whole organization that is moving. But be
mindful of the pace that you are making this change because
depending on what your goal is,
people need to be able to move with you.
If you're being away a part of the organization and you're
focusing on to a certain x percent of the organization that
you want to move with you and you don't
care about the rest, you can set
a completely different pace than when you want to
move your whole organization with you. Because then
people indeed need to learn as well. Yeah. So a good example
here is if you're, for instance,
responsible for maybe some security and compliance
checks, you can make it a direct stop
of what a team is doing. But instead
of educated teams,
hey, this is what we're going to introduce. This is what you need to
do. And maybe this is a channel where you can ask for help.
And that is really how you pace
yourself, but also move at the speed
of the organization and also ensure
that it's adopted by everybody. And otherwise you
become this platform of frustration.
And that is, I think, an important learning as well. Yeah.
Know who your first followers are, who helps you create
this movement. And the last
one also to briefly stop by again about
recognizing what's there.
Be aware about. We mentioned it earlier
already. Be aware of what is there already,
and not because of the
technology that it is,
but also because it was created in a certain context.
Some decisions were taken at some point in time. So it's always
good to be mindful of this context as well. Even it
might not be obvious from the solution itself because
there are pitfalls that you can fall into again. So better
prevent that when you then start delivering
your platform, there are a few things that you need to think about.
First of all, yes, we were talking about building this trust,
but in the end, delivering something,
how minor the increment is, is essential
because it will
allow you to start getting feedback on what you're building.
So my personal take on this is being launching
customers. So for every new capability
that you're building, focus on
find at least a single team in the organization that will be using this
capability. By the way, good double checker.
If you can't find a team that is willing to use your
capability, you're probably building the wrong stuff. Yeah,
so I completely agree with that.
But often teams are already asking for capabilities
and try
to build it with them together. Offer them a channel to
really communicate with you on every iteration that you
deliver to your customer. Also have a discussion
of there are some downsides for
every feature that you deliver,
make these decisions together because they
have the advantage of being the first mover for that capability or
that solution that you're offering. But you
always have to keep every user of your platform in
In a sense, you become a bit of the devil's advocate
of the organization when meeting
the demand, maybe of one or two single teams. Yeah,
what Hulk mentions here is really important.
You're building this for the organization as a whole. So working
together with this launching customer doesn't mean that you're going to do
exactly as they say, per se, because you need to,
also need to take into consideration this bigger vision
and also the needs of the organization as a whole.
So working towards an
evolutionary model is always a practical
approach there.
Yeah. Two more things for this
iterative platforms delivery. First of all,
create an upward spiral. These processes,
like Ilka already said, can be long, so it's good to
get frequent positive reinforcement.
You can do that by
often releasing small new capabilities that make
the lives of your users happy or
better. And that's good for the
spirit of your users, but it's also
good for the spirit of your own team.
About this team,
get tough people in there.
Well, the icon shows a rugby player.
You can choose rugby players. It's not necessary
per se, but the thing here is platforms
are complex. You're building
complex multilayered stuff.
So you need a team that loves hard problems.
Yeah. So indeed you need a team that
really loves hard problems and likes
to also solve those for everybody.
So a platform is an excellent
mechanism to scale out certain capabilities
within your organization. But most of these
problems are really hard problems that you have to solve.
So you need people who can
deal with it, or you need a team really that can
deal with this context.
So of course we always
need some platform design principles. If you don't start out
with principles, you will run out into problems
with these principles. It's a bit of a guidance
that you offer also the team that builds
the solution, but it also offers a way
to communicate to your customers a
couple of principles that we saw that were essential for us.
So first of all, is the authorization model.
It is really the foundation that you have to build everything
on. Without a good authorization model,
especially in a regulated environment,
you cannot build those integrated capabilities that you want to
offer, but you also
want to. One of the principles is reduce
the number of touch points.
The strategy that hitting and I
both chose were a more reactive or event driven
approach, so that people can use the tools
as they were intended. But these
tools, we do our magic on top of
those tools or beside of those tools.
So without the customer knowing
that we do something to improve that capability
that they're using. And of course we
want to create working standards or define
working standards. And there is always
a bit of a trade off between simplicity. So how
can we dumb down this particular process or
this particular way of working versus is it really compatible
with everything within the organization?
And lastly, we don't want to break
stuff or we don't want to fix
things that work.
There is always a bit of a history of using
certain tools already in the organization
and you're building a platform, maybe next or on top of those tools.
So you don't want to break the experience
or radically break the experience of the people who
are using those tools. You have to have a really soft touch so
that people keep enthusiastic about your platform and
that you're really offering something more than the tool itself.
It's really about the integrated solution that
you're building and solving those complex problems
for those teams. Yeah, and this is also again,
where this frequent feature or capability
delivery comes in as well. If you
take small steps and take them often, then this
is a journey that you can make together
with your users, rather than throwing helps
and helps of unwanted change upon them.
Also, one of the things we really like to do is building
a community around our platform.
This is actually for multiple reasons. First of all,
for knowledge sharing purposes.
What we figured out is, especially if you work in
large organizations, often multiple
people are looking for the same answers. So if you
have a centralized community, it becomes
easier for people to find their answers.
And also what can happen is that actually
users start help each other out.
As one of these communities grow and people become more
involved in it, they are also more willing and almost
automatically starting to share their own
knowledge and also their own experience. And if
they don't know something, they will start asking questions.
And these
questions are interesting for you as a platform
development team because it will give you insight in
what's going on with your user. So if
people ask the same question over and over again,
don't be annoyed with it, but learn from it. Hey,
why are people asking this
over and over again? Is our documentation not clear enough
or is there a hiccup in the system? Or is
the experience of our platform as a whole lacking?
Yeah, use it as a moment to learn.
Yeah. So very good way to receive feedback
on what you're building and
what you're delivering to your colleagues.
Yeah. And then last one, also standardize
on the way you communicate. I personally have a very strong
preference of single chat channel.
Either be in teams or slack or whatever tool you're being,
moving all the communication there, because it
will allow teams to understand where they
go with their questions and go to meet the community.
And also always be mindful that you're open
communicating here. So for example, one of the
patterns that I really focus on is if the
question pops up, answer it in
this channel. Yeah, we sometimes
even go as far. If you get a direct question
from one of your colleagues who is using your platform, ask them
to repost the question in decentralized
channel, because not only
you are going to learn from it, you can see whether others
are also experiencing this problem, but it's
also a great opportunity to help inform others how
you can solve a certain problem within the platform.
And lastly, this will also help again build trust in
your platform because it shows to your users
that you care about their questions and care about their
opinions and see that you're engaged and that you're actually
intending to work with them to build the best experience possible.
Yeah, I think it's a good lesson to learn as well
to really think about community here.
So we, as platform
team or platform team owners, we are really on a
healthy diet of complexity. And when
you go back to one of our first slides, we said we want
to have friction delivery of business value. I think
when we're eating complexity, and especially within the enterprise,
we can eat a lot of complexity
and make sure that every feature
team, for instance, is able to deliver as fast as possible.
And yeah, there is something
called core versus context.
We are really in the business of helping teams focus on
core instead of context. And again,
listening to our customers, receiving feedback are essential here and
also delivering a solution that really helps to
fulfill those goal.
Yeah. And in addition, also be aware
that if you're starting to reduce context, so if
you are starting to abstract away complexity
for teams in the organization,
be aware that these teams are no longer aware
of this complexity that there is.
So that means that always think
about, hey, is this something that we are abstracting away
for them, but do we still want them to be aware
of? In which case you also need to make sure that you explain
what you're doing or is it safe for
the teams to, well, just rely on it?
Is it just like electricity coming from an outlet?
Yeah, exactly. It's there. You don't know how it's generated,
where it comes from. It's just there. And that is,
I think, the ultimate goal. I think also for
platform teams to just be there and help teams
deliver business value. Yeah. And then that also means
that sometimes the biggest compliant you can
get is zero compliant.
If you don't hear anybody. Well,
either they're not using your platform at all, but most probably,
at least from your other metrics that they are using it.
And if there's no complaint,
actually it could very well mean that you're doing quite a good job.
All right, so this is our experience so
far. Let's have a brief look at where we are moving
towards with our own platforms.
First of all, it's improving metrics.
We actually seek two kinds of metrics.
The metrics from the system.
So this are usually technical
metrics, and then you have the metric from the people,
which is the complaining we're talking about,
or, well, other kinds of
opinions. What we're working on
is shifting there from the relatively
easy to gather flat metrics
like number of projects or number of
pipelines run something like that towards metrics that
are more
interesting from a business success
perspective. So again, here you can
think about, for example, Dora metrics or software delivery performance
metrics, but also, for example,
about instrumentation of capabilities.
So how are people actually using
this platform? And then
on the people side.
Yes, do surveys. Yes,
ask this feedback in your community,
but also think about stuff like customer
engagement or net promoter scores. Yeah. So especially
the net promoter scores are quite an interesting thing because it's
standardization, how you measure,
how building people are to promote the product that you deliver.
And especially when your platform is growing or you want to
grow it within the organization, or you want to have it adopted
by the organization, you need to have these
scores correctly in order so that people
are really sharing the message that
you have within the organization. And what we mentioned
before is we are both within a federated organization.
It's very large. So how do you reach everybody,
especially when others are going to promote your platforms?
That would be great.
So also we need to work more towards defining
standards. And we are
aware that we are on a journey. And the
environment changes, team changes, the organization changes,
and we are set on a journey,
and it's not one time actions that will follow.
So we are adopting a more evolutionary
model. And it's important to keep your principles
in mind. The principles are the basis for your
guidance. And the main goal that we still have,
if you look one year back today or
five years in the future, is accelerated delivery
of business value. And this is where we bring value
to our organizations. Of course,
there is always the balance
between, okay, this is what we envision, this is the direction where
we want to go to. But there is also something
that is the daily reality.
Things are not perfect,
and this means that
you have to deal with impediments, your dependencies,
but it's also to keep on a focus on
your ability to adopt and what
your customers need. And there,
it's also what we previous
touched upon this journey part. It's also part of this journey.
Yeah. And here again, the topic of evolution
comes in. So if you are defining a standard,
make sure that you not only think about right now,
but also how is
it going to work in future, for example, with the authorization model.
Yeah. One thing you know for sure
is that there will be tools in your platform phased
out and there will be different tools and they will have
their own access model, for example. So be aware that you
design this in such a way that you can evolve with it and
can make your platform involve. Yeah. And also make
it as easy for your customers as possible. And that
is, I think the next part that we have on our slide is
really about keep improving the collaboration with your
customers, helps them to
make those technical decisions together. Often our customers
are quite technical and make them part
of the conversation that you're having and continuously
validate whether the technical direction
that you are going into also meets
what your customers can deal with. But also,
it's also good feedback. Maybe I need to simplify something.
Of course, we mentioned already a couple of times
before, we really need to measure when we
are successful. So the goal is to accelerate the delivery
of business value. I think Dora metrics
are an excellent way to do this.
But also think about, for instance,
employee engagement or net promoter score to see
if you can have the organ or see
whether the organization can help you to scale your platform.
Yeah, so that's it.
Thanks for watching. If you
have any questions or want to discuss further,
we're delighted to have the conversation with us with
you. So we'll be of available in the Discord channel
of the conference and you can also always look
us up on LinkedIn and just drop us a message and
we'll discuss. All right, thanks.
Thank you.