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Our name.
Hello everyone, thank you for joining me today to
my talk about kics. Kics up your security
app notch with custom query.
So I want to first say that I really
admire us as DevOps. And I tell why, because we've
taken our shoulders all the things that developers
hate to do, right? Developers hate to do operation and we
took that on our shoulder. And lately it's not
only operation, it's also security,
observability, githubs, ML ops,
all this operation stuff became on our shoulders.
And now I know that developers usually do not understand
how do we agree to took all those operation responsibilities.
But we know the trick, right? So what we do to make
this operation easy, we automate everything,
right? This is the key to have DevOps efficiency,
to do automations, right? This is the way DevOps started.
This is why it's called DevOps, because we started to do the manual
operation deploying the server. I remember that I manually
used upload files to an FTP server
and then people automate that. You remember the tools like
chef and puppet, et cetera. And then when everything became complex,
we add also another layer on top of
it. This layer is infrastructure as code,
right? So a couple of years ago, after we do have a lot of scripts
that does everything and script that rules script, we started to
say, hey, maybe we can write those infrastructure as
code. So we started to describe infrastructure
like resources, machines, APIs,
connections, policies, everything configured as
code. And that makes our life easier
and make our job much, much exclusive to developers,
right? Anyway, we do that layer, but you
know, Mark Knappler, telegraph road, then come the laws,
then come the lawyers, then come the schools, and then came all
the mess on top of that. So this infrastructure
as code layer became complex too. So we create
another layer. Now we have tools that
automate what we do on infrastructure as code,
that automate what we used to do with script, right?
This is a new layer that we see now, many, many tools that
take care for infrastructure as code and do some
operations, automate operations on top of it. And now if you
don't mind, let's think what will happen in two years from now.
We will have another layer, and then another layer.
And this slide in the world that we have today,
this slide in couple of years from today will have n
layers as the number of the complexity we will add to our system.
And that's a big problem. And my name is Gabriel and today
I'm going to talk about one of my methods. There are many
methods how to deal with this layer, model, to orchestrate
stuff and making it less complex even. We automate
everything, all the complex system. Today I'm going to show
you one of my favorite methods to make those
easier. But I will not do it alone. I want you
to welcome our guest to our talk. Today we
have a very special guest. This guest is born in Guatemala. He became a
very big businessman there. Guy there. And then he
moved to Mexico. In Mexico, he opened some businesses,
but the security and all the operations became very
complex because Mexico, you know, there are trouble there. So he decided
to move to the country where everything worked smoothly. He moved to America,
to the US. And then he find that
not always things in America works like
in America. Let's welcome gas. Freeing a
good businesswoman with two main business, Los Puerto
C? Romanos and La Vendrea brilliante, but also some
business that we don't want to know about. And let's
see how he went to infrastructure as code.
So, as we said, he get to America. He started his businesses, but then
he find that he need protocols, right? He have a very
complex business model. He do things below the table
and above the table. And he needs time to hide stuff and
sometimes to show stuff. And he wants to see that outside
everything will look great. But inside sometime became dirty.
And this is why he came in love with infrastructure as
code. Why? Because infrastructure as code get you control on the
continuous operation process. If you just have scripts,
if there is something new, some resource, some protocol that
you need to create, nothing documented that. And this is
the point. Gas. And we love infrastructure as code
because we can have all our protocol in one repository,
right? And this is how gas actually
built his business to do everything as code.
The code started in the terraform that define
everything happened. Every store has a terraform resource.
Every bucket that get into that store is a resource in his
terraform. All the API, all the connection between the businesses now
documented as code in open API files.
And then the containers, all the containers shipped on
trucks is on Docker. And this orchestration and drivers
use kubernetes. And also even it does some serverless framework
for all the small stuff in the middle. Now Gus has a
very nice repository with all his infrastructure
documented and protocol. That's code we can find. Gus,
look at the evening at this repo and smile to itself to see how
he got his businesses to do everything work efficiently.
And he can inspect everything. But that happiness didn't keep
longer. Someday an unattended guest came
into one of his businesses and treat the customers and the
team there. And that was a very, very bad event.
And Gus of course after that tried to relax the employees.
But then he got that something got wrong with the infrastructure
as code. He got to his repo and ask himself, how do
I configure infrastructure that could
make this stuff happen? And he looked at the code again and again and
tried to look at Google. And then he find a very small asterisks.
You can see here in line seven. Okay, the actions, you see the
asterisks that said all the actions permitted in
this resource, but that's supposed to be prohibited.
And then Gas asks himself, how could I know that
all those nice stuff that I'm adding as
code and protocol is something that I know
about. And gas as you know has domain expertise.
But sometime this protocol came from outside. And now
gas came to a question that every developers engineer
asked himself, especially in developers term.
How could I know that all my infrastructure as code
do what it aims to do? And gas says look at the
Internet and find a tool called Kix. Kix is a very popular
open source tool. There's some alternative but we will focus on Kix today.
And Kix is actually checking your infrastructure as
code for misconfiguration. It check if there is security problem.
It check if there is any misconfiguration
that can lead you to trouble. Kix actually used
to find what happened to gas. If someone
has this terraform file, Kix will tell you
this is a misconfiguration. You should never put wildcard in the
actions portion. You should put something else right.
So gas started to use Kix. Kix is actually very
easy to use. You can edit as a GitHub action, you can run it
locally, you can run it on every circle CI or CI
system. Just a simple docker image and one
command that you run and it gives you everything happen in your repository.
But not only that, Kics actually has 1600,
more than 1600 misconfiguration and security test
on all the tools that listed here. So you can check
your ansible code, you can check flag cloud formation and azure resource
manager, you can check your Kubernetes config
file, you can check APIs, you can check terraform, terraform can do everything,
which is a very good check in Kix, that it can check all
your terraform for misconfiguration. And actually
gas was really happy. And why
he was that happy because even in the first time that he
ran cakes. And I promise you that if you didn't run any misconfiguration
tool yet when you will run it, you will find some
findings, so gas finds some finding. And then he understood that this
tool will work for him. So he started to use
Kix, put it in a continuous way for every
new commit came to the infrastructure as code repository.
He used to run Kics and find if there are
any misconfiguration problem there. But this
happiness did not continue longer. Why? One of the checks
on kics, called privilege escalation allowed.
This check actually verify that you don't
have containers in Kubernetes clusters that run
with privilege escalation allowed. Which means
you should always have some privilege
permission on your container. But for gas that wasn't
good, because some of the containers got
to trouble. And when it got to trouble,
gas don't want to know what happened there.
He wants to have custom rules that say
if something, then something. So what is
the first thing to do, right. So you find like one
finding that have severity high, but you don't
need it in your organization. So right, gas is a very good
thing for that, it just can exclude that. We know that gas,
when he don't like something, he excludes it from the
system. This is exactly the same what Gaz
does with this particular
query. But then gas understands
that he should not always exclude it. He regrets
on the way that he excludes totally the way of
this query, this test from
his kics run. And he needs to find a way now not
only to exclude that, but maybe create it,
maybe modify it a bit. So the
test will check for privilege escalation,
but only in particular cases. And right, this is something that can happen in your
organization. You started to run Kix, you started to run
some automation tools, and then you find that one of the finding,
one of the test, one of the checks is something that you want to
run, but not always, or you want to run, but you want to customize
that. So let's see how you can customize your kix
queries. So let's take a bit a
broader view on Kix, how it works. So Kix is based in a
very powerful framework called open policy agent. What is open
policy agent? I'm pretty sure some of you already familiar with that.
Open policy agent is a project funded and maintained
by the Cloud Native foundation and Linux foundation.
And it's actually a way to define policy as code.
What does that mean? So think about code. Code is actually
something, in the end static. It's something that computer
understand. And when you translate code, it usually
can translate it, especially infrastructure as code can
translate it into some tree three mean JSon,
right? Json, you must know Json. JSON is always a tree structure
and then you can define a policy that check
if this tree structure is standing
in the condition that you define in the policy, right.
And open policy agent is actually work on many many endpoints
of your product lifecycle. KICs actually takes
queries that written in open policy agent and we will soon see
how you can write your own query, your own policy rules
in open policy agent and implement it on your infrastructure
as code. So how actually open policy agent
define a policy. So OPA, I'll call it opower.
OPA from now has a query or policy
language that's called rigo. And this is a very simple policy
that you can define. So first in line one you define the
package, the package called play every policy agent, every policy
must have be part of a package. And then you can
import some tools. These tools will help you to ask the
right question about what you define right now.
And then we say hello equal to base.
Now this policy agent, this policy rule, this policy rigo
will have input. Input is what we want to check.
Input can be API call. Input can be infrastructure
as code. Input can be Kubernetes data,
whatever it is. The input message equals world
will do hello to true. And then we can check if
this hello equal world. We can
say that true and say the policy fail,
all the policy succeed. This language can of course be
very rich. And this is the way every query in kics
work. Let's look on a real time, right? So every query
on kix has two building blocks. The first one
is the metadata. This is actually the simplest one. So think about
it like the description of the particular KICS
test. So we already talk about the KICS test.
Call privilege escalation allowed, right? This is the one I opened
here and we here declare here a json that
say what is here in this query. We'll go
later further to see every part of this json.
What does that mean? But let's say in short
now we need a query name, we need the severity and we
also need an id. We'll see later how we generate all that.
We can have also description URL so the finding will have some
details. So we created the first one. Kix created actually
the first one. And then we have the rigo. As we said, every kics text
is actually Rigo query rigo policy.
So let's see how Rigo policy looks like. For example,
for the privilege escalation allowed. So let's dive into
this one, as I said, we have a package, we're importing
some tools and we'll go to those tools later. And then we have
policy. Every policy check only one thing in
the infrastructure as code file. It started with the document
here we know it's Kubernetes. This document will be yaml
that defines kubernetes. Then we can take the metadata,
check the spec for the container, check if
there are containers and then check for each container.
If allow privilege escalation is true, if allow privilege
escalation is true, we want to return the
result. So remember, if allow privilege escalation
was false, we didn't have the result. And that's a nice way to see
how query in Rigo in open policy agent work.
So if we return the result, we know that the policy failed.
If we not return the result because the code did not reach this
way, we know the policy passed. So when kics run
it actually go all over your kubernetes file, run this
portion of policy and if allow privilege escalation
is true, we will return this one. Now let's back
to the example that we did have in gas, right? So gas
want only particular cases to run
the privilege escalation policy. So we modify the policy
to say gas. Know that container
that started with the name Regalo shouldn't allow
privilege escalation because this is like a kamikaza
container. If something happened to them, you should burn all the
truck. So he said, if the container
name starts with Regalo, only in this case
get into the failure of the policy.
And that's a nice thing how we can customize and we can take
it to ourselves. Let's say for example, we want
to limit something on s three buckets,
but we do want particular buckets to have public
or this exactly example that we want for example
some model of escalations or some model
of privilege on particular sets of container
we can set on our organization that only containers that started
their name in some particular name will get a
bit different policy requirement on that,
right? So now we copied the original query
from kix repository, as I show you is on GitHub
and we are mounted in a local folder.
And when we run kicks instead of run kicks without anything,
only with our code. As you can see here in the latest second
mount we have the test code. In the first row
we are mounting actually the custom query
into the original query in the
kics container. If we will run kics this way,
it will take the query from our local customized
query and then everything will work smoothly, right?
Only if container name starts with Regalo we'll get the
finding. But for all other container we'll not get the
relevant finding. I'll show you later how to do this.
Mounting more efficient for all your custom queries.
But this is the way it works. So now we
have gas happy, right? So he can now look at their queries and
if something fail which are not supposed to fail, he can exclude
that and he can also customize that. But then
some security incident happened again and gas also
expand his businesses. He decides to not only trust things that
happened in Mexico and also do stuff inside.
So he gets to his business.
One of the biggest name in the security industry
in America. This is let's welcome Mike Armantrout.
Now Mike came into the business, right?
And Mike have some very, very specific
requests. One of them was that anything happened
between the businesses will be under his inspection.
Think about it like you have an API and all
your API should have some header. This header
is not something that Kix will check, but you want to verify
that every developer that deliver
open API configuration to your code base has
this header configured there. So we need now
to create new query. Now kics don't know
what happened in our internal API configuration.
And when we need to think about queries on kics,
we need to think on every particular case. Now think about
it like a unit test. When you write unitest, when you do TDD,
you are thinking on every corner case that your test
can fail. And this is the same way you should think. But custom
queries that we are going to create in kics, we are not going to create
every edge case. But this is something that important to remember for later.
So what we need to do, what we need, our basic request
is very base is very small. So we
want every path, every endpoint in our API
has this header called route inspection. Now let's
think about it as a query. Okay. We need to check there
is header portion for every API we need
to check one of those header is ermine route inspection.
We need to check this ermine route inspection as the right
schema and this is not number right. So I can
count lot of things we need to check. We will need to write
just a query, one query but with
lot of policy portions. With lot of policy
policies configured inside this query.
In order to make sure every API endpoint came with
airman's route inspection portion header,
right. So how we can do that. So first thing, kics came
to help with us. If you will clone kix repositories or just
get into kics. On GitHub you'll find a folder
called template query, right? What is template query
is actually an empty query that
you have and you can write your
metadata, your rigo based on that. But this template
has another thing which is important for you.
If you want to create a new query, it has test folder.
This test folder should include all the test cases.
You need to verify that your rules
works well. Okay let's look for example on the very
basic difference between positive and negative. So in
the left side we have positive the positive missing
the header, right we have here the path slash
which is get method and we don't find any header on it.
But in the right side we find the parameter has header.
So now we know we have test base. The first test case
should not expose the finding and the
second should show us a finding. So this is point to start.
Of course our case has some more positive and negative
flows but we need to start with something,
right? Then we need to define our metadata
JSoN. Now this metadata JSON has some
thing we need to declare. We must to declare all those things.
Query name which is the name of this query. The severity
can be high, medium and info the category of that
which is access control. There are a list of categories can be found on kix
repository description text which is the text that
describe what this finding do. Which is very important because when
people run it you want to be informative to know what they need to solve.
Description Id and Id. Now that's interesting because you need to use
some kix CLI to generate those id.
It's very easy to use. You can find it. I already created
it myself here and the platform. Now what is the platform?
So Kix actually if you remember we say that open
policy agent is actually run on JSON in code
to process trees like a JSON tree
tree structure and then see the policy on that.
But for example Yaml is not a JSON.
Pulumi is not a JSON. Terraform is not a
JSON. So Kix already support libraries
like all of that and allow us to write
queries and Kics will convert those structures
into JSON and do the checks there. So you can
look here on the libraries that Kics support and see what
is the platform that KiCs supported and you can
write today in your creating custom queries.
Good point to know is that KiCs also give you some test
framework. So if you don't want to run kix in order to check your
new query, you have some CLI tools, you can find it
and also instruction how to install it on kix documentation.
And also do test for your queries before
I'll show you later. I'll not get into it too much
because it's something you know you need configuration, your environment, et cetera.
But that's good thing to know. So remember you can test it also in
more detailed and informative way using go
run commands that KiCs include already. And then
we got to the most important part, right? So we already have our
test for the new query, we already have the metadata
Json. And now let's write the first policy. Now you
remember we need policy for every edge case. This is only the policy
for the very basic thing we want to check every
endpoint that we have configured in open API has
parameters. Parameter is actually the
place where we put the headers for every endpoint.
So as you can see we have here the documentation in row six,
right, which is the document which will be the open API. Nothing from our
side. And then we want to check is tree which is important for us because
we don't want to allow user to use open
API two. And then we collect all the passes.
Now all this thing is some syntax you have to learn
in Rigo. This is not something hard to learn, but it's
also similar to go in some ways.
And here we actually collect all the passes from
the Rigo and we check for each one of them if there
is a valid key call parameters. Now remember if
we will pass after row nine, mean if open policy agent
will run on this rule and will go after row nine,
the result will return and then we check if there is no valid
key parameter. We want to go to row eleven. Row eleven
will retain the result and that's our first policy.
This policy want to check if there is parameter and
then we say we miss attribute, right? So every result
has some keys. You can find kics documentation on that.
But we go quickly, we have the document id which is actually the
file. We already ran the infrastructure as code check on it.
We have the search key which is what we want to search. And you can
see here a formatted dynamic attribute from the
particular name. What is the name? Name is actually the name of the
endpoint missing attribute, Mike's header,
right. And if we have write result, this is how we already
write our new query. If we'll take those query
and mount it to Kics, every open API, that missing
parameter portion in
the configuration will throw this result.
Nice. We created our first rigo and
I encourage you if you didn't succeed to
read noise by excluding or by customizing.
Think about new rules. Think about look at your organization
and think what rules you can create
to make your team run much faster.
You can also combine some git apps with that,
et cetera, to see how you can create code owners
for portion. I'm not diving in too much, but creating rules.
It's also not only for Kics. We'll talk about it soon.
You can create rules almost in every tool that
you run automatically. And that's a good way in one
action you do to get rid of the noise
that your developer complaining on. Now if you want
to mount those into your kics, run. So if you remember
we did it in the docker command, but we can
also do it in the docker image. So we have here the
docker image of a kix which is actually
the take from Checkmarkix and
I just copied the assets folder, which assets
is actually my custom rules into the app bin assets
which is the assets that kix has. Now all my queries
will override the queries that Kics has and also add the queries
that I added and then run kics. Easy as that.
We get all our configuration, custom configuration run
together with Kics. Now you must ask how I get this
assets folder. So let's say for example you run in circuit CI run in
GitHub action. You should have some pre step that clone the
repository of your custom queries custom and created
queries and put it in two kics in a runtime.
Supposed to be easy if you're familiar with all those
API actions. So we created a query and
now we have custom run. Now we really have gas happy. And when
gas happy like protocol. So now let's see what is
gas protocol for happy life. When you do devsecops
and you hate the noise that all those security tools
bring to you, what is the protocol? First exclude.
Look at the tools, look at why developer complaints
and see what you can exclude. You maybe not need anything.
Then if you didn't succeed with that, look what you can customize.
This customization can make sure that developers know exactly what
they need to do without letting you as a DevOps
to mess too much with permissions and stuff like that.
And also you can let them the responsibility
for the thing they need to create. And then you can also create
rules that the third stage, look at your tools,
think how you can make them better by creating rules. And that thing is
not only for kics. Almost every security automation tools
that you will hear of it today or it may be run.
Should have some infrastructure to create your
own. Your own thing that needs to be done and need to be assessed
in your organization. And in this way, I'll wish
you all to get rid of noise to get better devsecops
implementation in your organization and make sure
you have happy smile as well as gossip.
Thank you for joining me today. I was Gabriel and I'll be
happy to connect each one of you on Twitter. I'm available on Twitter on LinkedIn.
I'm trying to do developers. I'm trying to do developers. I'm trying
to help developers make their life easier.
See you around. Thank you for joining.