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Hey, thanks for coming to my session on making software billing
materials, or sboms, actionable.
I'm Ciara Carey. I work in developer relations in cloudsmith
cloud native artifact repository. Prior to that I worked as a software
engineer for over ten years. But it was only since working with
artifact repositories, because they deal with your built
artifacts, they deal with your signing
keys, and they integrate with public repositories. And they have
a good idea about how artifacts are built using
metadata that I really understood the software supply chain.
So today let's talk about that software supply chain.
Let's talk about the threats to your software supply chain.
Let's talk about sboms, your software bill of materials,
as a way to mitigate against those threats. Let's talk about the
practicalities of an sboms, how to generate, host and analyze an
sboms, and let's make them actionable. Let's go through a workflow
and we'll finish off with the future of sboms.
So your software supply chain contains all the steps that go
into developing, deploying your software, including your source
code, your scripts, environmental variables,
ides plugins, your build tools
like your CI CD, your artifact repository, your package managers,
and a big part of it is your third party dependencies.
They can be proprietary, but they're very likely to
be open source.
And here we have that lovely XKcD image which
really highlights open source software, how important it is and
kind of how neglected it is at the same time,
open source is really incredibly positive. Without projects like
Kubernetes, Debian, Nginx, Apache, I could
go on forever. Technological innovation would be painfully slow.
I don't think anybody wants to redo Kubernetes again.
And that's why wherever there's software, there's open source software.
I think a conservative estimate is that over 80% of software contains
open source. So mess apart of
securing your software supply chain means securing your open
source software.
So let's talk about these threats in open source software.
So the different kind of attacks on open source software can
target how you consume your open source software through these public repositories,
like Maven Central for your Java PyPi, for your
Python NPM registry for your node.
And some of the targets include dependency confusion
attacks where attackers can guess or
gain information about your private repositories.
Find out those package names, try to push them to public repos,
and using the mechanism of updating,
they hope that they'll bring in the malware,
repo malware packages into your code base and the
type of attack is type of squatting attacks were they hope
that developers bill make a
typo when they're on their dependency list,
maybe in their requirements text file or something, and they've posted
up a similar sounding package and they hope
that you bring that in. They want to trick you into bringing in malware
into your code base. But the most common source
of attack are critical security vulnerabilities in open
source like Logforshaw, which was a critical vulnerability
found in December of last year in log for J, a really popular
Java package. Another attack was harpled.
This was from 2014 and this vulnerabilities
was in OpenSSL and they both had
a huge impact. So let's talk a
little bit more about critical vulnerabilities in open source.
In a report by Paolo Alto's incident responders
in July of this year, they analyzed over 600 incidents
over the past year and they found that vulnerabilities
in software were the suspected initial access vector in 31%
of cases, second only to phishing. And log for shell was
the most popular open source vulnerability to be used. When you consider
this was in July of last year. Log for Shell was only publicized
in December prior to that, and it became like
the number one attack vector for open source. That's crazy.
And other research from 2020 found that in
2020 the harp lead vulnerabilities was still exploitable
even though a patch was released in 2014.
That kind of shows us that these vulnerabilities in open
source have a very long tail. Well, why is that?
Well, sometimes you're using an open source
package which has been abandoned, and that package,
all those dependencies of that package use obviously
aren't being updated. And that's how these
unpatched open source packages get pulled into your system.
But probably more likely patching. Maybe it isn't
a priority for your organization. Or another very
likely thing is that you don't realize that you're vulnerable.
You're using a dependency of a dependency, and that dependency
is vulnerable and you're actually still exploitable even though it's
a few steps away. So developers need
a tool to help them identify all the components in their software
to keep them up to date with their vulnerabilities.
I want to highlight a software supply chain attacks that really highlighted
this issue to the industry. It was the solar winds attack in,
I think it was December 2020, and it was a big attack on
the software supply chain and it brought a
lot of government agencies, big tech companies at risk.
And after that solar winds attack, the Biden
administration published an executive order to improve the cybersecurity
of the software supply chain. And in that executive
order, they outlined how they realized how important open
source software was to your software supply
chain. And instead of saying, let's pull out all that unsafe
open source, they recognized that was going too far. That open
source is really positive, but they wanted to have ways to make it more secure.
And in that executive order, they mandated that organizations selling to
the US federal government will be required to provide SBoms
software bill of materials. They instructed the NTIA
to come up with a minimum elements of the sboms. And since
then, there's been the log for shell critical
vulnerability. And after that, the White House brought in all the stakeholders,
or many stakeholders, from open
source and from big tech, and they came up with this
ten point mobility plan. There was 150,000,000 that
big tech put behind it.
And one of the ten points was sboms everywhere. They wanted
to improve the tooling and the training around s bombs.
Outside the US, the EU have published a cyber resilience act
in September. And in that was the first mention of sboms.
It'll be a few years before that's consulted on
and enacted.
So I've spent all this time talking about software supply chain.
I've even mentioned sboms, but I haven't really explained them. So your software
bill of materials, or your SBOm lists all the components
contained in a software product that includes
your dependencies and the dependencies dependencies.
Also the version number, the component name and the supplier
name. So an sboms
in a standard readable format is really important. This is what
drives innovation, what drives automation, even. And you
can use this to trigger security alerts. And luckily, the sboms,
we have two great standards, SPDX and Cyclone DX. They're both
great. SPDX leans more into licensing
and Cyclone DX leans more into vulnerabilities management.
So sboms, at their core, answers the question,
what is in my software? And that's really powerful.
When a new vulnerabilities comes out, you can use your sboms to
see if you have that vulnerability
in your code base.
So now let's talk about the practicalities of the
sboms. How do you generate an S bump, host it and
analyze it for vulnerabilities?
So let's start at generating an sboms. So there's loads
of great open source tooling to generate an sboms.
And let's go through the different stages of the software lifecycle that you
can actually generate your sboms.
So you can generate your sboms at your source
code level, so this is really great. It's really shift lefty
very early in the software process where you can create your
sboms, and the problems with it though is that
it tends to be a bit inaccurate, especially around version numbers,
and it mightn't give you the transitive dependencies. So this is the dependencies,
dependencies kind of information.
Another time to generate it is that build time. Now this is the time that's
recommended by the NTIA, and there's some
tooling around it like cyclimds, SPDX, but there's not
an awful lot of tooling around this.
The different systems need to come up with new tooling for
this. Another time to generate an SBoms
is on the built artifact itself.
This might be needed because you might know the
specific source code that this legacy artifact came from. It might
be the only time that you can generate your S bomb,
but it tends to be a bit less accurate. Another time to generate
your S bomb and it has really nice workflows around it, is a
container image, so generated from a container image, and some of the lovely
open source tooling around this includes anchor sift
and aqueous trivia tools. They can both generate an s
bump from a container image. And the positives around that are it
can be really accurate, some of the negatives are
it can be a bit slower, it's a little bit later in the software
development lifecycle. And also if
you build stuff outside of package
managers, it's not as accurate. And then
the last area I'll highlight is generating an sboms
at runtime. For example, using this jbomb
tool which can generate a runtime s bomb for Java projects.
The benefit of generating it at runtime is that
some of the other ways of you emerging sboms will list all the components
in your software which is actually what you want. But the problem is apparently
only like less than 10% of that is actually exploitable.
So for security professionals, you want to know what the
most exploitable 10% is. That's were these runtime software
sboms generators come in, they'll tell you what software is actually running
and even like what SaaS tools are running,
what ports are open and closed. And that will give you a better idea of
what is exploitable because it won't list software that's
not running on your system. What bill
be great is take the best bits of all
the different stages of emerging sboms and create a mega
sboms generator. So super accurate, but then also give you an
idea of what's the most exploitable but
that's not a thing yet.
So now let's talk about how to host your sboms so
container images can use six door tooling to host their
sboms. Six Door is an openssF project that
aims to make it easy for developers to sign, verify and protect
their open source. And Sigstor's co sign projects
allows you to sign images and attach sboms and attestations
to container images and they can be signed as well.
Cloudsmith we integrate with cosign, so you can
do all that stuff using cloudsmith. The best
way to host your non OCI artifacts so just
your random packages. The best practice is not fully understood
yet. You can use databases, sure you can use dependency
tracking or tooling. You can use artifact repositories stored
as a raw file, but the best practice around that it's not fully understood.
I've heard some talk about piggybacking on the OCI container
and OCI artifacts, the way they do it. I'm not sure exactly sure
how that would happen, but let's wait and see.
So let's talk about sboms and the
primary use case of vulnerability management.
So let's look into a bit of terminology or varying vulnerability
management again. So what is a
CVE? A CVE is common vulnerability
explosures and it's basically an id about a
vulnerability, so that you know that you're talking about the same thing with somebody else
in the industry. Another thing is
a vulnerability needs a scoring system. You need to know how exploitable,
how dangerous is this vulnerability? And I'll
talk about two scoring systems here. The CVSS
is a well known one. It's the most popular one
and has scoring system from one to ten, one being the least exploitable
and ten being most severe. And if
you log for shell, for example, that was given a ten out of ten in
the CVSS score. That's because it was easily exploitable.
It was like the remote code execution was
the vulnerability, which is the worst thing that can happen.
And it also was very common, so it got
a really high score. Another scoring system is epss
and that has some predictability in it, predictions on
how likely it is that this vulnerabilities will be exploited.
So you have your scoring systems, you have your id, and then
you need like a database in order to connect them all. And the most
popular database is the national vulnerability database.
And that bill store all the vulnerabilities with the CV.
But of course there's vulnerabilities outside of
that realm. And the big ones are the
security advisories. So different ecosystems will have their
own security advisories like Rust has one Pipi
GitHub and they tend to be earlier in the process.
So before you get a CVE, it might be published to one of these security
And I want to mention as well another standard connect to vulnerabilities
management. So this is a new standard and it's a companion piece
to the sboms. It's by the same people, the NTIA, and it's
vulnerability exploitability exchange or VEX,
and it
tries to help. When were talking about false positives,
apparently 90% of vulnerabilities are like not exploitable
and that could be because the software has been patched.
The compiler doesn't load the artifact affected code or
some protections exist in your software to counteract this vulnerability.
And so you might have a software bill of
materials in sboms and you only really want to look
at the top 10%. You want to be able to order by
the worst to the least impactful.
And VEX can be really helpful here, but it's not
really been used in the wild yet. Although the
standard is there, I don't think there's really good workflows around it
yet. So it's very early stages, but it's good to keep
it in the back burner.
So how can an sboms help with vulnerability management?
The primary use case of sboms is to analyze them for vulnerabilities and
to see if any components can be an attack vector for your
software products. Sboms are especially powerful when
critical new vulnerabilities like logj for shell are discovered
and organizations want to know if and where they
are affected. And a good way to do this is continuously scanning
your sboms is a really efficient way to check for
new vulnerabilities in released software.
So let's go into a few workflows and
the workflow I'm going actually just one workflow. The workflow I'm going
to highlight is around container images. It's the most mature
workflow around sboms and vulnerabilities management.
So I'm going to use some open source tooling. Sift and
gripe. Both encore sift can be used to generate
an sboms from a container image. Gripe can be used to analyze
an sboms and it can also analyze container images or file systems.
But here we're going to use it to analyze an sboms.
I'm going to store the s bomb in my cloudsmith container registry
using cosign tooling and then I'm going to finish off with
an action when we find a vulnerability higher than a
certain level. I want to quarantine my
image, and I can do that with Cloudsmith.
So I'm
going to play a video now of this demo. So here we are in
cloudsmith. This is a repository, and you
can see that there's nothing there. Loads of different types
of packages can go into the same repo as their multiformat.
So let's push a docker image to our cloudsmith
repository. It's a ruby image that
I'm pushing.
And if we go back to the repo,
we should see this image being synced up there.
And you can see docker image is just being pushed to cloudsmith.
So that's number one. I've pushed a container image. The next thing
I want to do is to create a
six door key pair to
sign the image.
So I generate a private password for
the private key. And now I have a cosign
public and private key. Now I'm
going to sign the image, and that's being
to be pushed to my container image in a layer,
that signature. If we go in here into
our docker image, we can see that
the signature has been added to a layer in that container
image. So the next thing I
want to do is to generate an sboms using
the sift open source and core tooling.
So you can see here sift docker image name
output in SPDX.
And we'll just wait for it here to complete.
Loaded the image, parasing the image. And now
this is going to be attached to a layer in that oCI
Looks good. Let's check back in the cloudsmith registry.
So here, let's have a look at that s bomb this SPDX
There you go. This is the SPDX standard.
And you can see it contains a debian package.
So now let's push this sboms to our
container image using cosign.
And it's going to be signed as well.
Let's go back to our.
There we go. I put in my password. Let's go back
to cloudsmith.
We refresh the page. We should see the sboms in
a layer in this container image.
And now we can actually verify that signed image.
So using the public key.
And that will verify that it's been signed by
Yeah. Signatures were verified against the specified public key.
Cool. So let's extract that payload
from the container image.
And here we use this.
We extract it out there using jquery.
And now we have extracted the signed sboms
from our container image. And now let's generate all the vulnerabilities using
open source tooling. Gripe.
Brilliant. So we've created a vulnerability
JSON file, and we can actually also
push that to our container image in another layer as well.
We can find that as well as an attestation.
So the next thing we want to do in our workflow is to actually quarantine
that image. If there's a vulnerability above a certain level.
And you can see here we are checking
to see if
gripe fails, then we're going to fail and we're going to quarantine
that image.
Were just getting the slug there.
And we're going to quarantine that image programmatically.
Cloudsmith quarantine add.
And that's using the cloudsmith Cli. And so that
means I can't deploy that image to infrastructure
or download it. So there I've showed you a workflow of
how to push an image to cloudsmith.
Generate the s bomb using open source tooling, push that
s bomb and host it on cloudsmith's container registry using
cosign. Grab that sboms extract,
get the sboms payload from
it, check if there's vulnerabilities using gripe open source tooling.
And if the vulnerabilities are above a certain level, I want you to
do something actionable. And were the actionable thing that we've done
is to quarantine the
So now let's talk about future work.
So sboms tooling allows you to,
when a new vulnerabilities comes on board, that you
can use your sboms to find out if you're
vulnerable, if your co base is vulnerable. And it's
great to have workflows around sboms,
but really, that's where a lot of the future work needs to
concentrate on more tooling, better workflows,
so that you can practically bring this into your CI CD and
to use it as a developer, as a
security person, in the development team, as a vendor,
and as an end user.
But you can generate your sboms now using tooling. And I
expect that this tooling is only going to get better. These workflows are only
going to get better. So yeah,
generate your sboms of try to make vulnerabilities
management in open source security software a little bit easier
and yeah, do that. Okay.
Thanks for listening to my session. Talk to you.