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The Impact of Internet of Things on Supply Chain Cyber security

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The growing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in supply chain operations through smart devices, sensors, and connected logistics systems has transformed efficiency and transparency. What are the the risk involve and how are these mitigated? This is the focus of my talk.



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Hello, my name. Hello, my name is Natalie Tapa, and welcome to my talk on the impact of Internet of Things on supply chain cybersecurity. Just to give you a background of my topic, supply chain is Basically the network of processes, people and resources involved in producing and delivering a product or service. This involves the acquisition of raw material, distribution and storage, transportation, Until the item or service gets to the final user. So it's typically all the stages involved in the value chain. Whilst Internet of Things connects physical devices with sensors, softwares, and platforms to collect and exchange data over the internet, enabling automation and efficiency in various applications. And cyber security is the practice of Protecting this softwares, this system and this platform from unauthorized access. Cyber attack and damage the Internet of Things and supply chain management, the global supply chain management empowered by the Internet of Things is transforming with unprecedented efficiency and connectivity. So over the years, supply chain operation globally have seen massive improvement in productivity, courtesy the use of Internet of Things and It's a very real operation and stages according to statistics that, 2021 internet of things market is projected to reach 1. 1 trillion by 2026 with a cut of 24. 7 percent from 2021 connected devices. 12. 3 billion in 2020 is expected to exceed 30 billion by this year 2025. Smart homes. Over 70 million smart home by this year 2025 boost, boosting demand of Internet of Things devices. Industrial Internet of Things is expected to generate 15 trillion in value by 2030, enhancing efficiency. And in healthcare, Internet of Things connected medical devices is expected Billion dollars in 2021 to 182 billion by 2027. The role of internet of things in supply chain. So Internet of Things connect produces distributors and customers globally. This also. Enhance efficiency and visibility in it operations. How does the internet of things transform supply chain management? We could talk about efficiency, which, real time tracking of shipping companies, we've seen most shipping companies, with RFID and GPS. some companies have like barcodes or pallets to track or consignment at any given point in time. We have automated inventory management also in warehouse where shelves have sensors that when an item is taken off a particular shelves, it records the type, the color and the quantity of this item taken off, which actually informed the decision on the item. What needed to be stocked and when example as could be made of e commerce companies like Amazon that uses robots in stocking its shelves. We have pharmaceutical companies using thermometer that record specific temperature and it's Storage space and also coaching companies, and this goes a long way to improve decision making and quality. We have predicting maintenance for machineries where machines have sensors. example could be the automotive industry where the sensors informed when That machine needs a maintenance or an update. we have been connected things, you know, by With the help of Internet of Things collecting all this data, informed decision making by industry players, and also help in predictive analysis to mitigate risk and disruption. So according to Morgan Stanley, Automation World Industrial Survey, AlphaWise, some companies share their benefits from Internet of things in the supply chain operations, there was an improving operational efficiency, which A seed, 45%. There was an improving productivity by over 30%, creating new businesses opportunity by nearly 30%, producing downtime by 27%, maximizing asset utilization by 26%. Ability to sell product as serviced by. 18 percent reducing assets life cycle cost by 18 percent enhancing worker safety by 15 percent enhancing product innovation process by 13 percent and better understanding of customer demands by about 8% So this basically shows how Internet of Things impacted these various companies, these various sectors. there are also some dark side of Internet of Things and supply chain. And that is what we're here to talk about. And so some of them could be, key vulnerabilities like lack of standardization in the Internet of Things devices, expanding attack surface with billions of devices and sensitive data exposure. For example, the solar wind bridge in 2020. So what happened in 2020 is that around Late 2020, there was a backdoor ingestion into updates, which affected thousands of customers, including governmental agencies and Fortune 500 companies. We could also talk about the data on over 3, 000 airbus suppliers, and this is a giant thing. aircraft manufacturing, industry, their data, the data of Over 3, 000 of their suppliers was linked or attacked. There is also an example of MirableNet attack on crebs, cameras, and routers in 2016. So how do we balance innovation and risk in connected work? In a connected world, balancing innovation with risk requires integrating robust security into every layer of Internet of Things and supply chain operation by prioritizing resilience alongside technology. process. So it is encouraged that as much as companies are investing in innovation, there should be a thought to invest in security measures to protect or safeguard these innovations. Some of the strategies to protect Supply chain operation from cyber attack include the adoptation of net zero architecture, where it should be assumed that every device or network may be compromised. Hence, there is a need to implement strict access control. Also, enhance endpoint security by encrypting Internet of Things devices and ensure regular update. There is also a need to collaborate with vendors for security design. So as much as, I mean, there is, investment towards robot software to use or what platform, there should be a collaborate, a collaboration between this, other companies that develop secure, platforms or software to protect. the supply chain system. Other strategies include improve visibility where the use of artificial intelligence to determine anomalies and also implement blockchain to secure records. It's also advisable to create Share to create share security standard and join intelligent platform. So this is basically collaboration among industry players. You know, to share information, to know the latest happening, where the latest attack is happening, and what needed to be done, or what is the latest safeguarding measures that everybody needed, to know of. Future outlook. So we can talk about autonomous vehicle and self healing logistics network. Predictive risk management with artificial intelligence and Internet of Things. Collaborative framework for cyber security. So, There is also a call to action where Internet of Things, as much as it offers massive opportunity, as much as it is helping to improve productivity and efficiency, it is also requiring reports of security, prioritizing cyber security. Alongside investment that have been made towards innovation and also collaborating with government agencies, industry players and tech leaders, basically all stakeholders involved in this cyber attack or safeguarding, Internet of Things and supply chain operation. Thank you.

Nathalie Takpah

Supply Chain Analyst @ ParcelP

Nathalie Takpah's LinkedIn account

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