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Hi everyone.
Welcome to my talk.
I hope you will enjoy it.
So let's start.
What I have prepared for you today is a talk about environment as a service.
And I hope I will explain it well enough to help you understand how with this
practice you can unlock innovation and speed up product development.
Why I'm talking about this today for you?
Well, first of all, my name is Caio Medeiros.
And, I have been playing as DevOps human, a huge part of my career,
but also a software engineer.
So I'm going to talk from my experience working with teams.
and in the last, six or seven years, I, I had the chance to work with the
different teams and different companies.
So taking all this experience, I want to explain this practice to you.
also I had the chance to start, being ambassador for DevOps Institute,
platform engineering, do my, my participations in the communities.
And I will be bringing the DevOps Days to Santiago first time in
the history with some folks.
I hope if you have the chance to join us here, and also with Open
Source Santiago, we are generating some content, Time to time and we
are planning also to bring the key CD if you are able to come to Santiago,
drink some wine and enjoy with us.
If you want to connect with me, just scan my QR code and the
request to connect in LinkedIn.
So let's start with the talk.
And this is the structure I prepared for this talk.
We're going to Check first what must see behind the continuous improvement
process to unlock innovation inside companies and improve the productivity.
And later we're going to talk about what I have seen and how we can
go through the practice everything environment as a service to help
organizations on that same path.
So the first.
I think I have seen there is, or what Massey is, the adoption journeys of
these three main topics, the endless adoption journeys, because again.
It's about the continuous improvement.
So continuous improvement is not something with a clear end.
So it starts and probably whenever I end or just will
stop for some specific reasons.
But what I have seen or people see based on my experience is Agile
transformation processes to improve the customer focus and the time to market.
DevOps adoption journeys to a customer.
Increase the productivity of teams working throughout the software
development life cycle at the same time, ensuring the reliability of these
products and the platform engineering to ensure that the experience of the
engineers behind the agile and DevOps adoption journey is the best one.
At the same time, is standardizing the practices they will be implementing to.
You know, live the principles, values of Agile and DevOps.
So to, to have a better understanding, I wrote this, my vision of the software
development life cycle is just, a small, or let's say macro vision of the
software development life cycle now, a small value stream mapping where the
customer is in the beginning, right?
And all the needs or ideas of this customer will come through the.
Ideation phase to later develop a requirement, verify and promote to
production, an amazing product that will solve all the needs of these customers
that, probably we know everybody know that, Each of these phases, they have
a specific roles or sometimes specific teams assigned with the ownership of
the specific phase or some of these phases, depending on the structure
of the organization on how they did the transformations that we have been
seeing in the last 10 or 15 years.
But definitely we still have some organizations with teams that are creating
this wall of confusion between them.
Reducing all the possibility to improve the productivity or the
reliability of their products.
They are generating with the software development lifecycle.
So through this three main or most popular adoption journeys, we're
going to see, People or the leaders of these adoption journeys trying
to bring frameworks like Scrum.
The Scrum is the one that they have seen is the most popular, to some frameworks
to scale, the adoption of agile inside organizations like safe, trying to
reorganize in the teams in product.
Multidisciplinary teams where all the different skills will be there.
So the ownership of the whole product life cycle will be in inside the team,
reducing all the handoffs and delays that we can have with other teams.
Obviously, the, the, the, the restrictions will still exist.
That's why Scrum has the Scrum Masters, and the Scrum Coach to improve the
communication between other teams, and implementing the integration practice to
release every, two or one week, right?
that will help.
I have seen that has a good result.
I don't like at all all the different specific details behind some frameworks,
but definitely it's something that works for specific to improve specific
phases or specific parts of the software development life cycle.
Later, when we talk about DevOps adoption journeys, the most popular practices
we have seen, what people see in the market is the implementation of CICD
and everything around CICD, right?
Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.
Trying to reduce the human touch with automation, right?
To give the chance to engineers to work on creation.
On put their minds on generate value, moving left all or shifting, shifting
left all the quality and security gates that usually we have later in
the software development lifecycle process and promoting practices like
everything as a goal, testing automation to reduce even more than human touches.
And finally.
Not only related to platform engineering, but, for all the three
adoption journeys, we're going to see AI everywhere, everywhere, because
with AI, we have, some success.
For use cases like generating, auto generating the testing code to do unit
testing to your, regression test or load test, helping developers to code
or engineers in general to code, to create the infrastructure as a code
as well, if we need to talk about the infrastructure or, operation side,
reducing the time to solve issues because sometimes, People rotate to a lot in IT
world, so sometimes it's not the same person, not the same engineer who needs
to fix an issue or who wrote the code.
So using AI we have seen that this can be improved the time to solve
issues, to generate documentations and some other use cases.
So even without this Different adoption journeys focus on this
most popular practices or movements.
If we want to say that, we're gonna see that not all metrics will be
showing as good as we want to, right?
In case of agile, some of the ones, the metrics I have seen
is spring burnout, customer satisfaction, cycle time, lead time.
And focusing on specifically in the metrics that are measuring.
Time here when we talk about lead time or cycle time, it depends really depends on
where you start to measure to really know if the whole cycle is improving or just
part of the cycle, which is okay, right?
We can improve the whole cycle, just improving some part, but
we're going to reach the end.
Some levels, we're going to reach some level of improvement and
from there it will be hard to keep growing, right, to keep improving.
And we're going to see this in some, in an idea I have so in
the other section of this talk.
Later with DevOps metrics, we have the Dora metrics, the most popular
metrics in the market, right?
Due to the Dora reports, the state of DevOps reports, right?
there we have delivery time, the volume and frequency, time to
restart, change failure rate, and, the idea I want to broke with the
environment as a service, will not be visible in some of these metrics.
And that's why I'm putting them here, because, as well as, some agile metrics
and platform engineering metrics.
The in a pass on boarding time mean time to unlock on resource allegation.
Sometimes they are just focusing on show what is the current state
or where we are in with some specific part of the flow, right?
So I want to invite you to see what I saw there, right?
Because, A lot of organizations using this matrix going through these three
adoption journeys and trying to implement those practices we already talked,
discussed, they seem like, they see that like they are, they are having success.
They are improving.
Everything is going good, but they have so that developers are burning out.
Do some other reasons, some other holes we can find in the software development
cycle because maybe I'm automating everything after my commit push, my
commit and push to the core repository.
But what happens before if I need to start a migration to cloud and, the,
the unique, support they have inside organization is provisioning the
resources, but they need to go ahead I need to go to other side to request
network configurations and I need to go to other side to request certificates.
So everything it's in different teams or even in small companies, the is
the same thing who wants to who must own everything and manage everything.
So all these different holes will generate problems in the flow that
cannot be solved with the traditional We are at least the common practices.
We, I, I, I mentioned it before.
So what I, I, so, as main problems, or if I need to put an
example of Some of these holes.
The first thing is lack of knowledge.
And, you're gonna say probably.
Yeah, it happens.
It's normal.
Lack of knowledge is something that we can we will live with lack of knowledge.
It's a problem that we're gonna have all time.
If we don't have the expertise inside the organizations and thinking on in all 80.
It's a common problem even more and more.
But there I also have seen lack of capacity, lack of budget.
That again, you may say it's, they are common problems.
so to, to reinforce this problem that probably you see, yeah, it's a problem
at the fact that I have seen, in with some of the teams I have worked is,
They took from 3 to 24 months to adapt, to really adapt new technologies.
So it's a, it's too much time, right?
If we want to innovate and be better than competitors and win in the marketplace.
Same thing happens with the tractors.
People that is saying, if it works, don't touch it.
Let's leave it there with the speech, like, we are using, this
process or this standard because we are used to do like that.
Or someone else told me I need to do that and I don't know who decided this.
And the standard says that, have you ever read the standards?
and also sometimes the standards are, based on interpretation and
it can generate a lot of biases.
And the fact gives a story again, because 70 to 80 percent of the
teams I have worked, they had the tractors, they had the skills
to, start, in, improvement path.
And later, we have the bureaucracy that, is one of the holes I want to
reinforce with the, Environment as a service practice because the bureaucracy
generates a lot of burnout on teams.
the probably most of the organizations are trying to solve this with platform
engineering and the agile and DevOps.
but, in the organizations they have worked, mainly in the
bigger ones, even having years working in the adoption journeys.
They still have some problems with bureaucracy and the fact they cannot
look at the software development life cycle as a whole process.
They just focus in specific phases of the flow.
And the fact kills the stories again.
Some teams they have worked, they waited during three to six months
to for their environments to just start deploying some small POCs.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
That definitely will block any kind of competence the organization can have.
So where to start with the environments as a service and how to approach this to,
face the challenges and try to, solve or remove the holes I mentioned that before.
The first thing is a start by name, there is no way to improve if you don't know
where you are, that's part of my, my, my, my pillars, my mindset, and they want to
share this with you before to even talk about the practice because DevOps, Agile
and platform engineering practices have been shared in the last years as something
that can be reused and definitely it can be done, but, it depends a lot on the
reality of each customer company, right?
Sometimes, there are some practices that will really help the organization.
Sometimes, they gonna do that just because they want to have.
C I C D as an example, right?
So Gator data from the value stream is important to understand if the efforts
you can put to implement some practices will really generate the value expected
Gator the data, do some Gemba walks, walk with teams, understand what they
are doing and understand these holes they can have in the in the process and be as
much as possible open with your mind to go fewer, even more to the left, right?
Or even more to the right, because maybe there is the holes that is
really generating delays in your software development life cycle.
So there, having that in mind, let me introduce my understanding
of environment as a service.
Definitely, it takes some ideas and principles from these three different
adoption journeys, the endless adoption journeys I introduced later.
Before, sorry, which is Agile DevOps and Platform Engineering, mainly DevOps
and Platform Engineering because the teams to go and implement the practices.
And the mindset of DevOps, they're going to need technology, they're going to
need, the environments where they will be able to automate the deployments, where
they're going to be able to automate the monitoring, and improve the practice of
DevOps and all the different roles in between them, or even Before after them.
So if we take the idea of platform engineering on generating platforms as
a product inside organizations based on the needs and exposing them as a service
through API's, we're going to have an example on how to implement environments
as a service because, What I have seen here in the market working with teams is
usually they request for environments, and the idea of environments is just
the resources, but it's not just that.
And when they reach production, they discover that they are a lot,
they are, they have a huge gap on non functional requirements and,
specific security conditions to reach production, generating a lot of delays.
So I'm not talking about Infra provisioning or configuration
provisioning, right?
This is just a small part of it, right?
it's not a matter of, putting as a service the generation of a virtual machine
or to request a namespace environment.
I'm talking about, To something greater than that.
Also, it's not just reusable assets, right?
This is a common service that the organizations are trying to implement
generating in their source communities inside the organization to share, Small
pieces of technology that can be reusable to to improve the activity of teams
and also very used by platform teams.
I have seen that the platform teams are generating a lot of
community inside organizations to avoid teams to reinvent the wheel.
But also, I'm not talking even.
of user management.
It's these three things are parts of the idea of environment, right?
An environment.
It's a concept for me is everything you need to put your software and make it run.
So that's the definition of environment.
I want to generate the shared understanding between us right there.
It's everything that need a team needs to start working.
On their, release of the software they are developing of the
product they are delivering.
So it's a box with a lot of things inside.
I'm talking about infrastructure and configuration things.
Credentials to connect with the third parties, services, databases, messaging
brokers, processes to understand how I can promote my software to that environment.
What is the standards I need to follow?
What kind of authentication, authorization, non functional
configurations I must ensure to promote something to production
inside my organization.
The rights, the permissions to my internal team, right, and also
other support teams to ensure that this environment will be useful.
Assets to reduce the reinvention of the wheel.
Ensuring that the teams are using the right.
Tools, the right files, the right configurations, and finally documentation,
which is, something, I have seen, it's, one of the worst things that,
platform teams I had the chance to, to work with, they, they must take
more care of documentation is, is the way to solve the gap of knowledge,
adopting new platforms and environments.
It's something similar, right?
when we talk about the commendation, it's, Achilles, fit, for every
product team, Because, since they are focusing too much on generate
the product, sometimes they delay or they forget to create documentation.
So environments will be everything a team needs.
So, and also in specific organizations, well, in each organization, the
needs of an environment will be sometimes different, right?
So that's why I think the generation of this environment should be a product.
An internal product and as fast as you can provide these environments
will have the teams to not only generate value throughout the software
development life cycle, but also will help them to modernize their
applications in the future, right?
Some of the experience I had was, some teams trying to move from, virtual machine
based environments to go to containerized environments, and they Waste a lot of
time, like around three to six months just waiting for the first environment
to do the first POC of that migration.
That's crazy.
Not, competitive at all.
Some, some other takeaways I want to share.
For you today, in order to really be successful, if you want to go and
try to implement the environmental service with this, this, conception
of environments in your organization.
One of the things you must take care is this is the costs.
So something we discussed a lot with my my friend Francisco Meneses
in the last Q comes out Lake City.
Which is, if you want to give environments to, to the teams, you, you need to
understand the money is, limited, right?
It's not a, endless resource.
So, here it's important to make it visible.
If the information is there, if you are monitoring the costs of generating
an environment, it's enough to generate the shared responsibility.
And say you have your budget.
This is the costs you're going to have if you request this environment and give also
the chance to have a trial plans, right?
Maybe I can request an environment during one or two days to do a PLC
and I can have that environment in a matter of minutes or one hour, maybe,
and remove all the burnout or all the stress of waiting for an whole
environment just to be able to try.
That environment to try that technology.
Another thing which is super important.
I have seen makes the difference between the success or not are the
failure is generating training.
Training, and observability enough to, again, generate this shared
responsibility because we're going to have different teams here.
It's not the same team which will use the environment, who will be
providing this environment as a service.
Which can be even a platform team who will be providing
this environment as a service.
So the different teams using the solution of environment as a service,
they will need some training, some preparation to use the platform.
And also they will be able, they must need to see what is happening there,
to understand what is happening there.
So the team, That will be in charge of generating the environment as a service.
They must ensure that the solution is understandable with the logs.
It's generating the messages, right?
And also have a huge amount of knowledge base to train the team.
Sometimes I will Try to correct what I said on huge training knowledge base, I
will say, as better as possible to guide the teams as fast as possible to start
using the platform and later, last but not least, I think it's super important to
have a clear service level of agreement.
With the support team providing some connection with the users of this
platform and the engineering team working on continues improve this
solution of environment as a service and the delivery time is a is a corner.
Stone that you must take into account, right?
As I mentioned that before, the experience I had with some teams waiting for months
to have the first environment, the delivery lead time of releasing from
when I requested the environment to when I have the environments in my hands can
make the difference between a company that will win And release a new feature
to a company that will be the last one releasing that feature in the marketplace.
So the last part of this talk is, helping you to understand what kind
of tools you can use or what tools I have investigated and tried to
implement environment as a service.
The first one is crossplane.
I had the chance to.
Talk with, Victor Fabric and the last KubeCon Satellite
CD to discuss a bit about the environments, ephemeral environments.
Well, cross plane is, control plane to connect, to manage, providers of
infrastructure providers of configuration.
It's super useful because you can define your.
On APIs, and it's highly extensible, so you can manage the back end and
configure some controllers to manage this environment, ephemeral environments
that I mentioned that before, or even generate connections with some kind
of providers that are not Available by default in the tool, definitely it will
help you to generate everything you need for an environment as a definition and
orchestrate everything for you thinking on those environments that are that are
related on where you're going to offer a service later, deploy an application,
release a service, to, network service, The other thing you have is, that I
think it's important is the technology agnostic that some to some platforms
provides like a test cube test cube.
It's a platform that enable you to orchestrate testing throughout the
software development life cycle.
And for testing, you also need environment.
Environments as a service and test cube can help you to generate these
environments as a service to do testing to ensure that you can move this
feedback of, if your unit, functions are working as expected, if your user flow
is, working as expected, if the load is the expected for your application.
So with test cube platform, you will be able to, radiate information.
Generating environments to on demand to test your applications,
your solutions, your it products with the execution on demand.
As I said, with reusable assets, some of the things we
already discussed before, right?
As part of the environments, everything I need to make my application work and
fully integrated with the whole software development cycle life cycle, something
that the people is just, putting too much focus like CICD, but also something
that people maybe is not doing too much, which is continuous testing.
After deploying the production, I can keep testing my application.
And with TestCube and the technology agnostic that this platform
offers, I can cover most of the technologies or almost technologies
I have inside our organization to implement continuous testing.
And finally, the open cost, because it's something I reinforce with the
takeaways, which is the FinOps visibility of the costs to generate the shared
responsibility over the dispensers I have when I are working with when I'm working
with the environment and be able to have this, this option to work with any
vendor and see the costs in real time.
So joining all these three platforms, I thought it's a
good way to start implementing every environment as a service.
But if definitely if you need some other solutions to complement this, it
depends on, on what technologies you already have, but if you don't have, One
technology for one specific requirement.
You can find a lot of these options in the cloud native computer foundation
landscape from where I took this three important and amazing products, or
platforms, projects as you want to call.
So at the end, we're going to have something like this.
It's my proposal, right?
Have a platform team with a product called environment as a service platform.
Where are they going to provide different, APIs where the teams will be able to
use to request their environment using platforms like crossplane, testcube, open
cost to cover all the different aspects I mentioned it right to generate an
environment, not only releasing resources, not only generating a virtual machine
for a team, but also Put in there, the certificates, the network configurations
and everything that is needed.
Same thing for a Kubernetes namespace.
so all these artifacts will be part and will be needed to generate this
environment as a service solution and, using automation, using platforms like
cross plane test cube and open cost, the delivery time will be reduced,
but definitely you need to tell.
Think in the in the whole architecture of your product, considering this
aspect, because I have seen teams that are providing Kubernetes namespaces
as a service, and they are delaying a lot on generate the environments
due to the resource management.
This is another thing that must be considered.
finally, to Take to have success.
My let's share my, my success keys for platform teams.
The first thing is focus on customer.
That's why I have this sign.
The first sign here, this is coming from another talk.
If you want to, go deeper on this, you can see.
Find that talking in YouTube.
the three practices I recommend to have success with platform engineering.
The first one is focused on customers.
So the platform team must understand who is their customer and how to
generate environments for them.
Because I mentioned it before, the environment for one team maybe will
be different Of, environments to other team in another company, right?
Because each company has different standards, different, providers.
So that's important to understand and identify your customer, identify
their needs and generate a platform of environment as a service based on that.
The second thing is measure and try to implement the practices
you are releasing as a service.
So if you use a tool, you will be a customer as well and will be better
for you to get your feedback if you are using the platform and you have
the same pains that other teams.
And finally, form a team.
Champions inside the platform team where you have different platforms
totally integrated with each other with artifacts specifically created for your
own company or your specific customer.
You're gonna need expertise inside and one person cannot be expert in everything.
So form experts inside your team to support each other with a T shaped format.
and, have a platform team that can grow together.
So my closing comment is do not just replicate what others did think
out of the box and discover the continuous improvement never that
continuous improvement never ends.
And why I'm saying this because a lot of people is just focused on On the
implementing the DevOps adoption journey with CICD agile adoption journey with scam
or scaling with safe platform engineering, generating the DevOps platform engine,
a DevOps platform with a lot of tools, everything connected, but they forget.
about these other aspects that can heavily impact on the time to market, right?
Just imagine, reduce the whole team stress to go from idea to first touch in a matter
of minutes, in a matter of hours, right?
So let's say a team was requested to generate a new product.
Amazing product.
And they want to test deploying the first feature, and they just remember
that they require an environment.
So they go through this platform and request the trial, right?
And they deploy some pieces of software there and they can start
receiving feedback, celebrate.
That will be amazing.
I have seen a lot of stress on teams do they don't have
access to their environments in the time they are expecting.
So thanks for joining.
I hope you will keep enjoying this com, 42 20 25.
I love to have this space to share this idea with you.
And if you wanna want to go deeper on this, you wanna talk about this
with me or some other people, feel free to reach me out, in linking
and or in the chat of the event.
and see you soon for a next another talk.