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How can you make a bigger impact in the world? How about getting a robot
to do some of your job for you? Well, this is going to be a
talk that talks about autonomous database and how you can
get Oracle to manage some of your databases in an
expert manner. I'm going to start with the
DBA and autonomous in the cloud and how it works.
A robot may not look like one. Is an autonomous
database just a robot? How about Alexa? How about
Siri? We'll look at do you want to manage something that's
more transaction processing related, getting rows
very fast? Or do you want to do something more like a data warehouse where
I want columnar storage and where I can use the
entire column in memory instead of individual rows.
Then we'll look at machine learning and how it plays into all of
this and get a copy of the notes. You can send me an
email. You could just go to conference 42 with DevOps
and they'll get it to you as well. I work for a company
called Viscosity. We focus on data, means the
database, data lake, you name it, Apex,
and apps on the front end of that then infrastructure,
whether it's Oracle cloud, whether it's Google Cloud, whether it's Azure,
or whether it's AWS, we can help you.
We've got many Oracle aces on the Oracle side if you
need more help there. Things are coming very
big in AI with Oracle, with the new vector database,
and we'll see a little on that at the end of this talk.
We wrote many of the books out there, not just Oracle Linux
you see there, and also things like ASM virtualization
and cloud storage. One thing to
note, if you are an Oracle DBA, be on at least 19 c.
That is a long term release of Oracle. The next one is
going to be 23. The releases in between there
are innovation releases where they show you some things
that you might test out.
When I look at autonomous database, is it going to take my job? And the
answer is some jobs are gone. Computers surpass them.
These operators work faster. Will they keep their job
if a switch is going to replace them? No. Rod emerging. Put it
this way, the competition between man's mind and
the product of man's mind. And he was speaking about robots with this,
they're standing room only in the twilight zone.
I've seen robots at Oracle's conference maybe seven,
eight years ago and then again five years ago at
more of their product conference. If you look at
this robot, this is pepper the robot.
A thousand units of pepper being offered September years
ago, sold out in 1 minute. That's how you know something is
hot. But it is time for workers to start
to worry about AI. For a
DBA, the workloads are increasing. As you see,
78% of the dbas have unplanned downtime.
95%. Automation is lacking.
Autonomous database is going to make this number go down where
there's automation everywhere. Two out of three dbas are struggling
to give full security protection.
The answer from Oracle, we're going to give you something,
a self driving, self securing, self repairing database.
Is that gonna leave me unemployed? I don't think so.
The autonomous database, you could see how serious they are with
their advertisements. I think the vendors think the cloud and
databases in the cloud, it looks like this, but really they
want to take you down this very narrow path to get there.
If you go quickly, sometimes it's very dangerous and you got to be very
careful. But I can tell you this, with the cloud, a few
years later, it looks like this, especially with autonomous
database. A long time ago,
and I mean probably a decade ago, economist magazine
has talking, actually 2017,
talking about how data driven organizations are much more
productive, much more likely to find customers and retain
them. And if you look at it, it makes sense, because if you look
at how to make an impact, the better you know
your customer, the better you can find customers, the more effective
you're going to be. As I have more and more data,
I start to get where a very small population,
kind of like a survey, gives me a very high result
in what I'm trying to give to my customer. But data is
often very big. The volume is high, coming at
me very fast, velocity is fast, different values of
data. A lot of people don't take that into account. Different varieties.
People sometimes use different databases and maybe
they cloud do it with the same database and then different truths of data.
How accurate is this data? I could
do each database individually, or I could use Oracle's converged database.
Oracle gives me relational JSON key value graph
spatial files. Now we're moving into where they have a vector database.
And if I look at that, you can see all of the features that are
already built into that. If we look
at IoT, it's another thing that's coming very fast. We don't have a lot of
security sometimes in IoT because it's a very small
device that you can't store as much. So you got to be a little more
careful what you have there. But this is just going to add more data.
I can go to my refrigerator, and my refrigerator might say,
I've talked to the bathroom scale, and unless you order
some of these vegetables, we're locking the refrigerator on you.
This is reality in the world we're living now.
But big data took us from we used to say, what happened?
Why did it happen?
The could happen. Give me a prediction
now. We could say, what's the best thing that can happen? So if we do
things right with data, we'll do prescriptive analytics.
Prescribe what needs to happen for the
best solution, for us to hit our numbers
or for us to solve the problems we're trying to solve.
Emerging jobs you could see data engineer
DevOps if I can handle twice as
many databases because I use autonomous database,
how much better am I going to be at this job of data engineer?
But also in the world of machine learning, the data scientist is
only 20% of the job and the other
80%. The most of it is a DBA,
but a lot of it is also a developer as well.
The robot may not look like one. As I said earlier,
alexa, Siri, they're robots. They don't
complain. They work 24/7 they never ask for a raise.
Well, they ask you for whoever sells them ask for more.
Their autonomous database is really a robot. It just doesn't get up and
walk around. Self healing.
How about a database that can put the patch on before I even know
there's a security risk? Self driving
manages all the dials that I need to do. Self tuning
as it finds things that are problematic. Self recovering,
self administrating it came out with Oracle's
18 C database over five years ago.
The reality though is will your job change if you
use this? I hope so. I hope it will help you to
find more time, help you to manage more databases.
Should get you closer to the business and innovation. Maybe you
go into the data side, be more of a data manager.
Autonomous database spreads to online transaction processing
so Oracle has an autonomous data warehouse which was very good for
analytics, did columnar storage and
also in memory queries. Automatic transaction
processing made transaction processing faster,
faster at the row level. So am I doing a report where
I'm summing up columns and comparing things, or am I looking for individual rows?
Oracle created a database that is going to be perform
and tuned for that application specifically.
The other thing is it withstands errors.
Server outage well, real application clustering rack
also gives you multiple servers. Going to the same
database gives you availability. Also has
autonomous data or active data
guard that allows you if one there's an outage in a region.
Now all of a sudden it's going to fail over takes seconds of time.
Rack I could tell you is pretty much automatic. You don't even
notice data corruption. I can use data guard to
recover it has well patches,
rack and so on. So another thing it does
for me is gives me an incredible SLA.
99.995 is amazing with
data guard. What about the
autonomous database in the future? Well, first of all, I always
tell people before you go there, make sure
who's tuned it before it gets to the cloud, because you want it
to be has fast as possible because you'll pay less for
the cloud. Who makes sure the vendor is
charging me correctly for the Cloud? A lot of people make mistakes when they order.
They buy the cloud and they're not watching what's costing them
money. They don't shut things down when it can save money.
Who builds the policies? Who makes sure the security is
working correctly? The answer is the
DBA. The DevOps person is going to set that
up. So how easy is it? Well, first of all,
it's free. Cloud try it or cloud slash
free and you create your first autonomous
database here. Here I go to it
and it shows you what you get for it. Compared to AWS,
I get two databases instead of one. I get four instances
instead of one. I get 200 gigs of
block volume instead of 30, ten gigs of object storage instead of
five. So you get a lot and it's free.
We'll ignore that. Get started for free ATp
cloud slash free when I sign up gives payment
information I always want to know when I sign up for something,
how do I end it? And the answer is your account automatically
gets decommissioned. So free cloud will continue on
as long as you're using it. There's no limit to it, but it does give
you the first 30 days where you can use all
the different things within the Oracle cloud, and you
put in your account information, your name, your email, and pretty soon
you can see all these new features you could try out now with
the free version, you could do the cloud in the exact
number of databases, instances I showed you earlier.
But in the first 30 days you could try all these different things. I want
to try some big data, I want to try some AI type of things.
As I said, you could do autonomous data warehouse autonomous transaction
processing I'm going to show you jSon in a
minute, but basically you could see the hamburger
icon here. You click and you get a pull down menu where
I could either do things at the block level, I could do autonomous database.
And this shows how I look at autonomous databases.
And there's some of the things that I would set up on the right that
I might want to know. When 19 C came out,
this is five years ago, they already had it on 18 c.
Larry Ellison said, we're going to automatically tune it. So with autonomous
transaction processing, he literally made
it so machine learning will look and monitor potential
indexes. Do I need new indexes? How does the execution
plan work? Do I want to go a different way? And it
would change it if it was needed, has to be tested,
validated, et cetera. Of all the different sqls on the system,
how hard is it? Well, basically create an ATP database.
Click on that when you're ready. Once I do
the free version, I first of all get on the cloud. Once I log
in there, I'll see that menu. When I go
to create that database, it's going to ask me what
I want to call that,
whether I want to do transaction processing or data warehousing,
what version I want to have it on, and then some
administrative privileges.
If you are a current Oracle customer, you bring your own license
and save money with this too. Now the free version,
you don't need any of it. Autonomous transaction processing
to provision a database, two minutes,
70% growth rate in Oracle's first Q four after
they release this, stop the database. All I do is
go up here, more action. Stop. Are you sure you want to stop it?
Stopping. Stopped. Very simple to use.
How long did that take? Provisioned it in two minutes.
Got it built two minutes. Once I knew the settings
I want stopped the database, 25 seconds.
Restarted. 30 seconds. I can scale it.
Oh, I've got one cpu to start with here.
Let's scale it up to two. Now all of a sudden it goes
to two. Once it's available, as it's scaling,
can also stop and start a database in 40
seconds. So it shuts it down and it restarts it.
You can see, very easy to do this,
just pulling up a pull down menu.
Restart, stop, start, whatever you want. You also can have an auto
start stop schedule that you could set up as well.
So this thing is unbelievably easy to use,
free to try. What else is in there?
I can cloud the database, do a full clone.
Everything included in this database is somewhere else in another place.
Or I can do a refreshable clone. This is my main database.
I'm going to keep updating it. I'm going to build a clone, but I want
to make it refreshable. So this one refreshes it every
seven days in this case, or within seven days
rather. I also could go to database
actions, do SQL to my database and
you cloud, see some of the other. I can do rest objects, I can do
JSON and so on. There's several choices in here of things
I can do. I'll show you a few more in a minute.
There's also a performance hub, what's taking a long
time, how many users are doing things, what are they using?
There's also a service council where I can look at activity and I can look
at individual pieces of SQL and how long it's taking
of database time or I o time or cpu and so
on. Could also
do provision a database for autonomous data warehouse. So we just
saw autonomous transaction processing. So is data warehouse any harder or
easier? Took all of a minute and 20 seconds to provision. That means
create it. But I find autonomous
database is very optimized depending on what
you set it to. So autonomous database originally
was autonomous data warehouse, built for
things like columnar storage and doing calculations and
doing analytics and things like that. But then they came out with ATP,
autonomous transaction processing that worked more at the record
level and it had automatic indexing as well.
And here's just some more examples of different
ones. One optimizes complex I'm looking at
a lot of information, summarizing data maybe
of a whole field or computing all the
salaries, whereas autonomous transaction processing
response time. I'm looking for just one salary.
Columnar format autonomous data warehouse
row format for autonomous transaction processing
creates data summaries, creates indexes
and does auto indexing. Memory is
unbelievably fast for columnar in memory storage
and querying things in autonomous data warehouse.
And the memory is used generally for caching individual records.
When I look at autonomous transaction processing. So depending on
which one you want to go to, you pick one or the other
if you have something more in between. I tend to go with ATP
compared to Amazon. As I talked about earlier,
if you have things in memory, if you have a lot of
performance tuning type of features built into the product,
and automatic tuning, it's going to be faster and
the price is going to be a lot lower when you
look at the cost of what you're producing,
whereas Amazon, I mean, obviously you
buy a lot more cpus and do the same
thing. Maybe you're doing at Oracle, but with Oracle
your price performance is substantially better.
My benefits,
patching, automatic patching is probably the biggest one.
I think it takes a lot of time for people. Automatic tuning
is another one. But most of all, you get to sleep at
night. Here's all some of the best
features. We'll say automatic provisioning, you saw it under
two minutes. Automatic configuration of all the different
things to optimize for the workload you want.
Automatic indexing, automatic scaling
if I want to do that, automatic data protection, things like
patches, automatic security backups, patching.
Security is encryption, by the way, that's built in as well.
Detection and resolution. It's always looking for
different issues as well to try to solve those and then automatic failover
to other regions if needed. It also
has a cost analysis. I can go to billing and costs when I have autonomous
database and then this will tell me what I'm doing and maybe I'll
shut some down or close some databases to lower the cost
over time for a given month. There's not just ATP
and ADW, but there's also autonomous JSON database.
It's not covered here. And there's also Apex, which is a front
end application. Roughly 2 million people working
on that, currently building
applications. I forget how many applications a day it was, but it
was substantial. Create and run notebooks in Oracle
if you're not familiar with notebooks. Some people use Jupiter,
some people use Zeppelin, Oracle has Zeppelin. But there is
a way to use Jupyter as well through Oracle.
But basically I'm listing SQL or PL SQL
or something, or could be Python.
And then I'm querying that data and I want to graphically show it
and I do it all within a notebook. So I have a list of sequentially
listed statements. Then I could do graphical analysis.
But what I think people really need now is predictive and
prescriptive analytics. And I talked about how
that is, and this is an old twilight zone where
this guy could predict what you need.
But we're really moving to prescriptive now with AI and
advanced machine learning. And I'm going to show
you a little more on Oracle's machine learning. But if you look here in the
Oracle autonomous transaction processing we're looking at here and
going to development, we have Apex, which I talked about over
2 million apps I think built a year. We also
could use Oracle developer, but we also have machine learning notebooks.
And I'm going to talk a little more about that. And then here's just a
dashboard as well of different performance metrics,
alerts and so on. Let's go into that machine learning now.
What does it give me? Well, first of all, all kinds of documents
to learn about it, create jobs to do things and so on.
I can just run some SQL or SQL scripts, or I could build
a whole notebook or set jobs up. But some of
the examples that are out there are either in Python
or SQL. Could also do it in r, but things like
classification, things like anomaly detection,
association roles. Here's some more Python,
just to give you some examples.
If you do go into machine learning, first, it's what's the business problem
I'm trying to solve? What is the function here
on the right that I want to perform? And then what algorithm do
I want to use? So let's say I want to classify data into
good bad customers, or, I don't know, maybe three groups,
or maybe it's age groups.
So has my problem. I want to know my good and bad customers.
Then what function do I want to use? Oh, I'll use classification.
What algorithm do I want to use? Maybe I'll use support vector
machine. I'll show you the algorithms and
the functions. In a moment, though. I want to build and
train the model with data I have because I know what
my good or bad customers are. And then I'm going to go and
test and I do that with 60%, train the model
and then the other 40%. I'm going to say,
how well did this algorithm do? Should I use a different one?
But you can see some of the functions. Am I looking to classify data?
Maybe I want to cluster big data into age groups, or maybe
I want to look through customers to see any anomalies that are out there.
What makes a very good or bad customer? What makes a potential
security risk regression? Or maybe I
want to do predictive analytics and then
do prescriptive analytics after I find the answer
of how to fix that. Or maybe I want to find the attributes of
good or bad customers. These are things I want to do in machine learning,
but I have to define well what I want to do. Not target
the best customer, it's what makes the best customer. You have
to know what makes a best customer for you. Is it how much they
buy? How often they buy? Do they buy in the right season?
Do they buy highly profitable items for you? Whatever that
is, that's where you're going to classify into good and bad customers.
Maybe it's age groups and
I'm going to go to big data. Let's consider this big data. Maybe we'll
separate things into age groups. After I find
my best customers by age group, I'll go to big data and see if I
could find some of those same age groups and customers.
Now let's look at an algorithm. What is an algorithm? It's just math.
We don't have to do any of the math. Somebody wrote it 50 years ago.
Some of it goes back to the 18 hundreds. But anomaly detection says,
make a circle around all the good data and the
outliers are out here. Maybe it's fraud, maybe it's something
else. Maybe it's a good customer or a bad customer.
But whatever it is, I'm looking for an anomaly.
There's also support vector, linear support vector
machine. And this is a support vector machine, SBM,
where I separate good and bad customers, not by the green line,
not by the blue, but by the red line. So future points will
land on the right side, hopefully. So a
one class support vector machine looks for anomaly detection
now within Oracle. And you're not going to learn machine learning here. I'm just
showing you that once I build an autonomous database, I could start to
do machine learning. So I want to maybe select
star from customers means select all the customers.
And then I also have ways in the settings to then graph all
of those customers. And I could pick the kind of graph. Obviously I have a
bar graph here, but I could stack things into different colors
by the marital status of the person.
And then it also shows what year they were born.
Let's go one step further. How did I build the
anomaly detection? Well, have to have
some algorithm if this is the best one. There's more than one
support vector machines. A little bit of SQL
here. I'm going to put some settings into there, and then I'm going to
go and call that algorithm and say the
probability from this customer table that it's
null, which means it's anomaly. Then I want
you to graph that. So I do a bar graph in this case again.
Or I could change my SQL to say, what are the attributes making
them anomalous? And I could find that very quickly.
You're not going to learn machine learning here. You're not going to learn SQL here.
You could see if I build an autonomous database
now, I could write SQL and start to build machine learning
inside. And it's not a lot of lines of code.
Here's another example of an algorithm
decision tree algorithm maybe. I'm a lawyer and I
want to decide whether I should take a case or not. They're offering me a
settlement of $30,000. Well, if I proceed,
I may win, I may lose. There may be costs, there may be damages.
If I win, there may be lower or
higher damages. Should I proceed? What the
decision tree algorithm will do is calculate all of
these paths of this tree and say, overall, you're losing
$2,500. Take the settlement.
How's the code look? Not that you're going to learn it all, but let's
see how easy it is. First of all, these first three are just comments.
Then I'm using an algorithm that's a decision tree algorithm.
Then I say the function I want to do is
classification. In this case, I'm going to classify whether somebody
will buy the Chicago Bears logo credit
card. Are they going to buy it? Then I want to
take that data. I have a list of data. Some people are very likely
to buy it, and some people are not at all likely, and you end up
with, oh, there's the Bears fans, and these are packers fans or
something else. But very quickly, what do I do?
I give my salesperson a list that they could very
quickly look at and say, what part of the list should I focus
on? What are the Glengarry leads there?
Other algorithms include time series algorithms.
Sales are very seasonal.
Airbnbs fall around events that are
happening. You can also do exponential smoothing,
time series algorithm, where you do single or double exponential
smoothing to smooth out that very rough stock market line
to a smoother or very smooth line.
What do you want to do? Do you want to classify things
where you have all of these algorithms that are out
there, separate maybe into good and bad customer? Do you want
to cluster data? Oh, by age groups have
several algorithms here. K means is separate them
by distance, o cluster means separate them by
density. I want to do anomaly detection. You'll see in
the later version. There's more than one algorithm there, time series.
I want to do regression. Not just simple regression,
but very complex regression. Once I
find those good customers, wouldn't it be nice to find the attributes that
made them good customers? What are the people
buying together? Maybe I cloud build a chatbot to ask them, do they
want to buy part b? Because everybody who bought part a
wanted part b. So you know that with association rules,
a priori algorithm, specifically Oracle
has many predictive queries and SQL analytics built in.
They've written them for the last 30 years. Do I want to
do feature extraction or text mining support?
Things like Chat GPT have to do with text? We'll look at that a little
bit later. There's also statistical functions.
What kind of machine learning algorithms are used in healthcare? Well, guess what?
They did a graph. The guy just read articles and I
had the computer read them and figure out, do they ever say
any of these algorithm names and they did support vector machine.
I wonder why. Neural network.
Maybe we're doing image classification, looking for tumors or something like
that. There's also auto
machine learning. I did a machine learning notebook,
took me maybe two, three days. I went to auto
machine learning, tried the same one. You could see how quickly it
does it. It can try every algorithm for you,
tell you the accuracy of that,
and then it can say, create the notebook. I said okay, and created
the notebook. And there's my answer in Python.
The entire notebook is built in four minutes,
something that took me two or three days. Amazing.
There's also auto machine learning. So what do you want
to do? Is the biggest issue? Do people in
your company have algorithmic business thinking, so they
know they want to classify things or cluster things, or look for anomalies,
or find out what people buy together, or look for
regression, not simple regression, like a straight line, but complex
regression. What are they trying to do exactly?
But machine learning is big machine learning.
I can have supervised means. I have some data to train it, as we
saw earlier. Maybe I'm going to classify that
data and look for fraud. Or I have some data, I'm going to train
that data. 60% of the data use 40% to
pick the right algorithm. Then I'm going to do image classification. We're going
to build an autonomous car. Maybe I'm going to do regression,
forecast the weather or forecast my own market.
Maybe I don't have the data. Somebody just gives me some
data. I want to just cluster it into targeted marketing of age groups.
There's all kinds of ways to use this. You have to know what
your business needs the most. But with Oracle,
everything in autonomous runs on exadata, which means
it's multi tenant, so it could separate different business
units into different places physically from each other.
It does in memory database, where it can put the entire database
in memory, but with autonomous data warehouse, it'll also
put columns of data in memory. Real application cluster
allows me to fail over to other nodes automatically, so I have
multiple nodes going to the same instance. Active data
guard gives me recoverability so I can clone
something somewhere and then send that last bit of data over.
If one region fails and I go into another one, partitioning makes
everything faster because I cloud now, segment my data into smaller
pieces to not look at all of it. Then they also have things called storage
indexes, where they're building indexes on the
fly and also putting things in memory on
the fly. Don't want to write it yourself?
Well, guess what? I could use Oracle analytics that's
not free. Machine learning is free with autonomous database.
But I could use Oracle analytics, and it's very graphical
and very intuitive
for the people that are using it. If you write it right, you could see
all the different kind of graphs. It's not just a pie chart and a bar
graph. I could do a tree map graph where I'm putting
things to show different quarters. Obviously, my quarters
are getting smaller. That's not good. Maybe, unless it's losses.
There's also much more complex. Maybe I want to look quarter by quarter,
but by customer group. And maybe the profit
is the width and you can see different things. The size, the width
of it is the profit, the color is the customer segment,
and this is quarter by quarter. Or I could do
it in other graphical ways, but I also can do
machine learning with Oracle analytics. It's often called
OAC, where I just say, you know what I know,
I want a k, means I want to cluster some big data into age
groups, separate into five groups, and do it
by age.
Very simple to do. So, a very intuitive
way to do that. Oracle also has AI and
machine learning built into things like manufacturing,
financials and things like that. Also have IoT
connections and chat bots as well, if you're
interested. But we're moving into this future world that
really is enabling innovation now. Why are we going so fast?
Feel like things are getting faster? It's because there are, if you
look at it, four bit was 16 bytes of addressable
memory. Eight bit was 256,
although they had extended, if you remember, bags around the original
windows, 16 bit. Sixty four k.
Thirty two bit came out around the
Internet. Oh, we jumped to four gig. And what
happened? We got the Internet. It was huge.
And this is two to the fourth, two to the 8th, two to the 16th,
two to the, now two to the 64th. 18 with
18 zeros, roughly 16 exabytes
of data, and you got to do 1024 times 1024.
That's why it comes out to 18 and 18 zeros. But think
of the jump we're about to make with robots and AI with
64 bit coming into play. I put in miles an
hour. We went to 16 bit.
We went from mainframe basically to a pc.
And if I call it 1 mile an hour,
16 to 32 is like going 65,000 miles an hour. We got
the Internet. We went to 64 bit
just recently. It's like going 300 trillion
mile an hour. So if you feel like things are just going so
fast, I can't believe it. We're getting to robotics,
AI even we're about to
jump to 128 and then I don't know, I would say the next
three to five years, three to seven years, 5 trillion trillion billion
miles an hour, it's going to be implants and things like
that. But here come the robots. This is robots
maybe we grew up with, we saw in movies. Real robots,
though, are much more realistic.
This is a twilight zone. I like this guy. Hey, Siri, why don't my
relationships work out well? This is
alexa service.
Robots are already out know. Can I seat you at your table?
Can I take you to your meeting? Can I check you in at the hotel?
Can I show you what's on the menu? Oracle also
has pepper the robot connected in can
also connect in all the different things like
Siri or SMS, WhatsApp, you name it.
Oracle has a virtual assistant interface that I can
use with pepper the robot as well to see what people are
asking pepper the robot if, let's say pepper the robot is
here at a conference like it was.
Remember what rod emerging say the competition between man's
mind and the product of man's mind. It was about robots.
And it's the only time he ever said for this. They're standing
room only in the twilight zone. Everybody is waiting to see what
happens. We have Amika with gestures.
Spot and atlas could dance and do somersaults.
Tesla bot Elon Musk says will sell more than
Tesla the car Sophia robot
is a citizen of Saudi Arabia.
Robots and automation what is the impact of jobs? Well, in some
countries that have lower skilled jobs,
it's a much higher impact. You can see the lower skilled jobs are
much higher than higher skilled jobs, but all of
them will be effective. And you can see the Amazon warehouse
here. How do you make a difference? How do you lead the way?
You leverage technology. That's what Amazon does. That's what
Oracle does. That's what Microsoft does.
Robots and automation impact the jobs are ready
delivery. What about the talked
about it earlier. Is autonomous database going to make me obsolete?
So the twilight zone called the obsolete man we're seeing.
We used to have pinsetters and ice cutters and street lamp writers.
Do we really need that? Is it replacing
the DBA or DevOps? No, of course not. 11% growth
rate to 2026. Although that is the government telling you that
I think the DBA is going to be more important or the data engineer or
the DevOps person is going to be the most important person because they're going to
find a way to leverage that data through virtual reality
mixed reality. Augmented reality.
What if somebody has Covid and they can't get to the store?
Well, wouldn't it be nice if they could see those on the shelf?
Or maybe if they had an iPad, they could do it there. So whether it's
virtual reality or augmented reality on an iPad,
there's ways to leverage this in your company.
I find Apple a great tech innovator, I find
Amazon a great retail innovator, I find Google a
great marketing innovator, and they use Tensorflow
to actually do basically image recognition.
You saw the algorithm earlier, but Oracle's
focus is really making you the innovator and building the technology
for you. Although with the acquisition of Cerner, they're going
to be much better at medical things and
building applications where they can vet them out to make
sure they're doing well. But Oracle has machine learning in the
autonomous database, which I've mentioned many times here, also bought
a company called, and they have it in
all their applications. They also have it in Oracle analytics, cloud or
OAC, rather.
If you look at machine learning, it involves a lot of things
we saw earlier, and there's also natural language processing,
things like Chat GPT. And these start to
give you AI, but there's all kinds of things that go with it.
But the most important thing, I think, to remember is how
can your business leverage it? Which piece of it can it leverage?
If we look at Chat GPT, I mean,
OpenAI, I remember a guy speaking who knew
them very well, and he said, we came out of the first version of GPT,
it was GPT one, then two, then three. Nobody ever noticed.
Then when we did Chat GPT and it was four, we thought
it wouldn't do any better than anything else, and it just took off notice.
How long did it take to hit 100 million users?
Google Translate, 78. I mean, it's something I use all the time.
Pinterest, 41 months. TikTok, nine months.
Chat GPT-2 months. Is it going to
be big? Yes. Developed by OpenAI,
I think leveraged most by Microsoft, but every data
company will leverage OpenAI and things like Cohere
and other AI that are out there. But basically, what is it?
It's a large language model that has used algorithms,
and you'll see a little bit more than algorithms to look at
Here's Chat GPT. Once you sign up for
it, it has dolly. Here's Chat GPT itself.
I said, hey, what are the top ten database databases
out there? Oracle is number one, but the data is
only as of September 2021, came out in November.
Notice GPT four, which passed three,
take it back. 3.5 was the initial hit.
And then four is even better because it includes images
and words like Chat GPT.
But I actually like Google barred leveraging
alumina leveraging Gemini even better.
Here's the top ten databases. And all this is slightly different, especially atp
the bottom, because Google is looking at the most up to date information.
Why did Chat GPT get so popular? And the answer was
a transformer paper that found a way to
feed back in the information. As I'm building a
story, I say
once upon a time and it starts to build the next word, it will
find the next word, then it will feed that back in
on the right side and
then create the next, and so on and so forth. And then it
keeps doing this over and over. But the most important thing
compared to recurrent neural networks, GRU lstm
the reason it's much
more amazing,
I'll say, is because the old algorithms
we're using might be able to build you a story of 50 words.
This can build you a story to build you a novel that's
five inches thick. Could use Shakespeare,
read all Shakespeare's works and then build the next
one for today. If we wanted to do that,
what are we searching for? Well, we're searching for
what's known as a foundation model. So we're doing
all kinds of tasks. Remember the business problem we have,
then we use some algorithm and then we find some
important information has a result of that. Maybe I want more sales,
maybe I want more customers. They want to find out which are the good customers.
But we're moving from machine learning to maybe
deep learning, which looked at image recognition and I can even
look at pattern recognition and things like that. But the foundation
model is all those things you want to do for your
given company. How do I do that? And Stanford
says this will be what's next.
And these are the many model way of doing things. Or I could
build one foundation model which will learn
from the different things called transfer, learning from different things.
And Oracle is now partnered with Cohere, similar to OpenAI,
it's basically generative AI,
and they're doing it with healthcare because they bought a company called Cerner
and they're going to build a lot of applications and that's going to make Oracle's
tools even better. Something I should
note here, though, when we're using things
like chat, GPT and Bard and so on, is it also hallucinates.
So what's a hallucination. A hallucination means they
came up with a fact. Since it's generative AI, it generates
something it thinks is right and it's not necessarily a fact.
So you got to watch out for that as well. And the way you solve
that to some degree and cohere does this specifically
is you can go to your own data, which they'll keep private
to give a better set and give you a better answer.
The other thing Oracle came out with is the vector database
for those in DevOps or DBA. Basically, I could build
a house hunting app and know, here's my house,
find me one that looks just like it, and it'll tell me in a
vector how close they are based on all the different attributes
that are out there. It will vectorize that house.
How hard is it to do? Create a table or just make one a vector,
put the photo in and then vectorize it.
Then if I want to find a house, maybe I'm in California
and I want to move to Texas. I'm just thinking of Oracle's headquarters.
Recently. I could say I want something within
my price range, something in the city, but give me a vector
that's very similar to what I have now. I'm going to show you
the house I want and get me one just like it, but somewhere
else in this price range. So vector search,
I showed all the different things Oracle does, JSON, relational image,
spatial, et cetera. Now they have a vector database as well.
Oracle's eight a stack. They have a digital
assistant. They do speech recognition, language vision,
anomaly detection, forecasting. But this generative AI
is a big one. But you want to look to build your foundation
model for your company. What pieces are there? Not necessarily what somebody
should tell you, but what you know are the ones.
I want to finish with some tech trends that
Gartner has. So notice at the beginning, it's kind of this
mass media hype starts to continue. You have a product,
but guess what? There's no working products yet at this point.
And first generation products, negative press,
maybe some failures. Finally out here,
less than 5% adoption, and finally out here,
30% adoption. So let's just look at
the world of tech over the years.
2013. What was coming, coming was prescriptive
analytics. Well, you know, it's here now because I just showed you how to do
it. Internet of Things was coming. Big data was coming
very close. Cloud computing still
not even at 5%. Virtual reality, not at
5%. Predictive analytics was
finally at 30%. Prescriptive analytics was coming. And notice
the different shapes are different number of years, how long something
will take. You could see quantum computing more
than ten years. Don't go down, though. 2015, all of a sudden,
it was all about robots coming. Human augmentation, brain computer
interface we're working on, but it's going to take a long time.
Connected home that's coming, and it's coming pretty fast.
In five to ten years, you know it because it's already here to some
degree, autonomous vehicles were coming.
Virtual reality, finally at 5%. See how
fast it's happening. 2016, all of a sudden, its implants are coming.
Quantum computing still is going
to take a while. You can see virtual
personal assistant, brain computer interface. They're looking at more 2018,
all about robotics. Quantum computing, first time
ever now is coming very fast, and we're starting
to see some of them. Brain computer interface
not so far away that it used to be digital twin.
I want to build. I'm the DBA or DevOps,
and I want to build an autonomous one that does the work for me.
2020 hype. Augmented intelligence coming.
Smart robots coming, but coming very fast.
Machine learning in 2020 has not even at 5%
yet. Chat bots were still not even at 5%.
Gpus at 30%.
That was just three years ago. And then the latest one I
have is Gen AI coming fast. Quantum machine learning.
Now I'm looking at. I do machine learning, but with quantum computers.
So the final thoughts is the world is changing fast.
Those who use things of the world should not become too attached,
for the world is present form passing away. Boy, it seems to be passing away
every month in a different way. Things that used to be
popular. If I look at all the things that used to seem so
advanced in Star Trek,
all of them are either here or they're coming.
Things may come to those who wait, but only things left by those who hustle.
Are you hustling?
It used to be the mainframe that was using digital
wearing digital implanting.
Digital has already started the hide mind,
the Internet, leveraging it with things like chat,
GPT already. And then I have Elon
Musk, also with neuralink with it something that will be
implanted in your brain so that you can access the Internet.
Just thinking about it,
I think a big thing is autonomous database giving you time
enough atp last. So when I look at autonomous database,
it does a lot of that work for you.
So first of all, you want to leverage a robot
for yourself, get an autonomous database. A robot may
not look like one. Autonomous database can do that for you.
We saw how fast we can build it. We saw how fast we get
started, shut it down, add cpus if we
wanted. We looked at the machine learning. We can access
no charge with autonomous database and then
the future ahead. With robotics. We make a
living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
I think conf 42 gives a lot to you.
Education is probably the best thing out there.
And I certainly appreciate all that they do to make that. There are some
books I've written in the past. Those are the two most latest.
A few references,
a little bit about me. I've done a few things.
And if you want a copy of the notes, I want to thank you all
for coming. I think anything you
want to build is out there and ready. You just
have to do it. Make a difference. Leverage technology.
This is your time. You got to say, why did God put you hear at
this point in time? It's got to be for a reason.
But with AI, with machine learning, with autonomous database,
you can make that impact. I'm looking forward to it.
Bye now.