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Hello. Today I'm going to talk about the complete handbook to
open telemetry metrics. My name is Prathamish. I work as
a developer evangelist. At last nine at last nine. We are building tools
for observability and monitoring and we have a time series
data warehouse called as levitate which you can use for
all your high cardinality metric needs. You can store application,
infra business and product metrics. It's an end to end monitoring solution.
So today's agenda, we'll talk about why you should care
about this talk. If you're already doing something else,
why should you think about opentelemetry metrics in the first place?
We'll discuss about Prometheus and opentelemetry metrics,
the key differences between both of them. We'll talk about
opentelemetry collector in detail, how it can help us and
do lot of heavy lifting before shipping our metrics to
the destination. We'll of course touch upon some of the
formatting changes between otel metrics
and then the conversion to Prometheus metrics. We'll touch upon
some of the advanced concepts like cumulative versus delta temporality,
and then we'll see what is coming in future. What are
the roadmap for supporting hotel metrics
natively in Prometheus? First of all, why should you
care about this talk, right? Opentelemetry is getting lot
of attention and it is getting a lot
of adoption as well. It's the second most popular project
in the CNCF landscape after kubernetes, and overall,
the vendors that are supporting opentelemetry is increasing.
The adopters who are trying to use opentelemetry
is also increasing every day. It helps
in certain senses. It helps us bring standardization to our
opentelemetry. It helps us with vendor neutrality because
we are not tied to one single vendor at all.
Because of the API as well as spec standardization,
we can try out different vendors for our data.
It also has promise of signal correlation because
it emits standard metadata for all signals
and the naming conventions are also present so you can have correlation
between your logs, metrics and traces. It has support for
a lot of languages for sdks as well as
client libraries so that you can start using them for
hotel metrics. And then other projects are
also considering adding native support for opentelemetry
metrics. So there is an experimental support in Prometheus for
consuming the Otel metrics, and there are some enhancements that
are planned for future as well, which we will discuss. So that's
why I think you should listen to this talk and know
more about opentelemetry metrics. But before
going to opentelemetry, let's talk about the standard
of metrics that exists, which is Prometheus,
which allows us to scrape metrics from
applications different targets, and then store them,
run alerting on them, create graphs and so on. You can
also optionally remote write these metrics to a long
term storage like levitate for better reliability and performance.
So that is the typical Prometheus architecture.
You basically scrape metrics. It's based on a pull based
model. Optionally you can write it to a storage as well.
Most importantly, data is collected as cumulative
data. So if you collect something at t one,
the value was one, then at t two the value became four
because the difference between t one and t two was three.
But the value that gets reported to Prometheus is four.
The cumulative value very similarly, at t three, seven will
get reported, and at t four, nine will get reported.
And this will play an important role in our future discussion.
I'll talk about that. How opentelemetry considers temporality
slightly differences in terms of formats Prometheus
supports two formats. There is a text exposition format of metrics
which it supports, and of course it also supports the
open metrics standard for metrics as well. It has
float values for like the type of values is basically
float. You can store all of them as float by default.
It is based on a multidimensional data model using
labels so that you can have any number of labels
for each time series. Their values can be anything as well.
And in terms of getting the data, it is based on the
pull based scrape model. So those are the key characteristics
of Prometheus. If you think about what is opentelemetry,
it is basically a collection of APIs, sdks and tools.
This is the standard definition that I have captured from opentelemetry
website. You can use hotel to basically generate
instrument, collect all your telemetry data, and even
export it to different storage backends depending on your needs.
The key difference here is that Otel supports all three signals and
another key difference is that there is no storage backend. With Otel
you have to use a vendor or open source tool like Prometheus
for storing these metrics and other telemetry signals.
If you talk about metrics, Prometheus is the natural backend for your
Otel metrics. There are other hotel compatible
metric backends as well. Levitate is one of them. There are others as
well, datadog and new relic as well. But Prometheus is a
natural choice because that has been the standard and pioneer
for metric based platforms for a long time.
So if you think about the open telemetry architecture,
there are standards specifications, then there are
sdks and client libraries, and then there are tools
which can help you collect this data,
transform this, and then export it to storage backends.
Now we'll touch upon the standards as well as sdks as
well, but let's look at the middleware tools because they play an extremely
important role in the lifecycle of how the metrics are collected
and then finally shipped to the storage. So there is
a component called as hotel collector which basically connects
the source of data to the destination backend.
It does the heavy lifting of transforming processing
the data. It can basically convert some
parts of data for interoperability as well, and then finally it exports
to the compatible storage backings.
There is a hotel operator component as well which allows
you to run hotel collectors at scale. In Kubernetes
you can manage the service discovery. You can do auto instrumentation of
your services in a Kubernetes environment using otel operator
in this talk will not touch upon a lot on hotel operator,
but will focus on hotel collector a lot because that plays
very important role in terms of how hotel
metrics can be used by the end user.
So opentelemetry, as we said, does not have any storage
backends. Prometheus is a good fit for storing
your hotel metrics. It also supports storing
them as well with certain charts that we will discuss.
There are other commercial backends as well, like levitate neuralink Datadoc,
where you can send your hotel metrics as well. If you think about the
opentelemetry promise and what it allows you to
do is basically being vendor neutral means you can try but
different platforms. It helps you standardize your metrics
by providing semantic conventions so all HTTP
services will follow the same naming conventions for your
metrics. There will be default metadata emitted
for all the metrics so that you can correlate your metrics with
other signals such as traces and logs as well.
It also has certain design decisions which can help you
do performance improvements in your pipelines because it can
do some of the heavy lifting of transforming the metrics or even
dropping running high cardinality workflows and all
of that. If you think about the metrics project
goals, it's important to know about it, because that
will also help you understand why we need to talk
about opentelemetry metrics and Prometheus metrics
in this kind of a way. So the idea behind Opentelemetry
metrics project was basically being able to
connect metrics to other signals because hotel's aim was to
support all three signals of observability metrics,
logs and traces at the same time.
At that time, the goal was also to give a way
to customers who are using open census metrics so
that they can migrate their projects to opentelemetry. And you
will see a lot of the influence in the design spec of opentelemetry,
which is influenced from opensensors. And then
of course working with existing metric standards like Prometheus statsd
so that the interoperability exists, you can move
data from one system to another, you can push Otel metrics to
Prometheus and so on. That was also one of the design goals.
Now, if you think about hotel collector, and this
is the diagram from the official website, but you have three
layers. Basically you have receivers where you can receive data in
different formats, including Prometheus and OTLP
format. Then you have a pipeline of processors. So you
can run these data streams via different
processors. You can run it via batch processor, an aggregate processor,
transformation processors, and at the end, after all the
things are done, then you can export it to a storage backend of your choice.
If you compare it with an earlier diagram that we had seen with
Prometheus architecture model, this is how
the Otel collector will look like. There will be some applications
which can push the metrics in an OTLP format to
the collector. The Otel collector also can scrape metrics
from slash metrics. So if you have standard applications who
are emitting metrics on slash metrics, Otel collector
can just scrape those metrics as it is without changing anything.
And then of course it can remote write it to a storage
backend. Or it also exposes slash metrics endpoints.
So you can have your own Prometheus which can scrape metrics
from an Otel collector. Otel collector can also write
push in OTLP format to other commercial
storage backends as well. Recently,
Prometheus has added the capability of pushing metrics
to Prometheus in an OTLP format as well.
And there are a lot of plans of supporting
and improving this experience in future. But that option also
exists where your hotel collector can just push now
to Prometheus in an OTLP format.
Let's talk about the receiver, because that is the entry point for
basically getting the metrics into hotel collector.
So there are two receivers that the collector supports.
It's basically a drop in replacement for your Prometheus
to scrape your services like if you're using hotel collector and
Prometheus receiver, then you don't need a Prometheus to scrape the data,
you can just get rid of it because the receiver will do the
same job. It also supports service discovery
the same way that you have it with your scrape config in Prometheus
configuration, just that you have to basically copy the same YAML configuration
and put it under the hotel collector stanza and it
will start working. There is a simple receiver
as well that I didn't mention, but it is used only for
scraping limited services, so that's why it is not to
be used in production workloads. Talking about processors
now this is the most interesting part, because here we can literally
do renaming of metrics, dropping of metrics, we can perform
memory analyzations, we can do redactions, we can do attribute
changes and all of that. So there are two Prometheus that
are applicable to metrics and there are default Prometheus.
The first one is batch, which basically ships these metrics
in batches to a storage backend.
And then there is a memory limiter processor as well,
which does memory analysis so that it can check periodic
checks of your memory usage of the collector. And then
of course will begin refusing the data, forcing gcs
to reduce memory consumption when the limits have been exceeded.
All of this just to make sure that your collector doesn't
go down if you send too many metrics to it.
And of course you can change these memory limits. Some of
the limits are soft limits, some of the limits are hard limits.
But the cool part about processors is you can do lot of other things
as well, not just the memory checks or sending data in batches,
you can generate new metrics. So let's say you have two metrics.
One is the CPU usage of a pod and then
the other is CPU limit of a node. You can literally
create a new metric for Pod CPU utilization by
basically dividing these two values. There are otel mathematical
operations that this processor also supports. You can use
addition subtraction multiplication to create the
new metrics. By just adding these mathematical operations.
There are other processes as well for transformation. This is
where things get really interesting. Your recording rules use
cases probably will not be needed anymore because you can just create
or transform the metrics in the collector itself. You can rename
them, drop them, aggregate them. So even if you
have some high cardinality metrics, you can create new
aggregated metrics out of them using the processor
for transformation, and then send the end result to
the storage back end so that way you can have lot of
heavy lifting to be done at the collector layer itself instead
of doing it on the storage layer or after storage layer like using
recording rules. And that is one of the key advantage
of opentelemetry collector exporters.
After the processors are done and you have
completed that pipeline, the next task is of course to ship
these metrics to the storage backend.
There are three mechanisms basically that the collector provides.
You can scrape metrics from last metrics endpoint
that the collector exposes. So that way it
works very similar to how your Prometheus can scrape metrics from the
application targets. Instead of application targets, it will scrape
it directly from the collector. You can also remote write from
collector as well to long term storages like
limited and the recently added experimental support for
OTLP push. So you can push to Prometheus
as well. So now as of today,
Prometheus can accept data in OTLP
push format as well. Not just the pull format
that we discussed earlier, but things are
not that straightforward when it comes to shipping
metrics to Prometheus. And the reasons are many,
right? The metric types are different, specifications are different,
hotel metrics. Spec is not same as open metrics
format. There is a use case of cumulative versus
delta temporality as well, and both have their own pros and
cons. Naming conventions are different. Hotel has semantic conventions
and it has to take care of making sure that those
conventions are same for not just metrics but for
logs and traces as well, so that you can do the signal correlation
out of order metrics metadata. There are a lot of things that
are different in case of hotel metrics and Prometheus
metrics. And all of them basically play an important
role when you are thinking about shipping metrics to Prometheus.
So let's start with metric types.
There are of course different metric types in hotel and
Prometheus. Some of them are compatible.
So there can be a one to one translation of these metrics
for certain data types. But then there are some other types as well.
Like there is a gauge histogram,
asynchronous context. In case of hotel, Prometheus has standard
types, counter gauges, summary histogram, and then recently
added sparse histogram as well. So the Prometheus
receiver and the exporters, they basically can
convert the metrics that can be converted one on one,
but other metrics which can't be converted. They are basically not supported
when you're shipping those metrics to Prometheus.
Let's talk about the cumulative versus delta temporality.
Temporality cumulative temporality, right? Like what we
discussed earlier was in this case, the overall
value gets submitted to Prometheus. So at
t one the value was one, but at t two the value became
four because it increased by three.
And in case of cumulative temporality, four will
be reported to the storage system. In case of delta temporality,
three will be reported because three was the delta from
the last value. Now, there are pros and cons of both of these
approaches. Cumulative temporality means that you
may have to maintain a state because you always want to increase
the value from last time. So you have to maintain a state on client
side before pushing out these values to the storage
backend. Delta can be stateless because
you're just capturing the difference, right? You don't want to worry about
keeping the state at all. There are certain backends which support
only cumulative, like Prometheus supports cumulative. As of now,
there is no support for delta. The other backends like datadog
recommends using delta because it can improve certain performance
things on their side. So it's a choice, and hotel
leaves it up to you how you want to do it. Cumulative is the default,
I think, but you can configure it in the applications themselves
and you can restart the applications if
you change the configuration. Of course you have to restart the application so that
it takes the effect. In case of delta temporality,
if somehow you drop the samples, that means there is a data loss because
you cannot really recover the values.
If certain labels are dropped, certain samples are dropped.
But in case of cumulative, that's not a problem because over a long
time rate and other functions can absorb the lossy
values, and then you don't have to worry about
losing out on data. In case of cumulative,
the naming conventions are also different. In case of hotel and Prometheus,
Otel uses the dot notation, so HTTP request
duration is something that it uses. Additionally, it enforces
that every metric should have a unit as well.
In case of Prometheus, it does not use dots. It uses underscores
for metric and label names, and sometimes the unit is also
part of the metric name itself, so that is one of the key
difference. The receivers and exporters have the ability
to normalize the hotel metrics into Prometheus
metrics based on the naming conventions. It can also do it vice
versa as well. When scraping data from Prometheus,
it can convert prometheus metrics to hotel naming conventions
as well. Of course, it cannot scale up the values or do
conversion between units like it cannot convert milliseconds
to seconds or kilograms to grams and so on. That is
still a processor task. It basically
does only the naming convention changes.
By the way, the naming convention changes also mean that if
you have standard dashboards which are using a
certain style of naming, they may not work if you are doing these
transformations or if you start using hotel collector to
ship those metrics. So that is one of the trade off that you have to
consider while choosing otel metrics
versus Prometheus metrics. So what we discussed so
far, open telemetry metrics as of today,
there is a way to consume them and then ship them to
systems like Prometheus. There are some gotchas and conventions
rules that you have to follow. We discussed the collector
in a very detailed way. We discussed all three aspects of the collector
including the receivers, processors and exporters.
We also discussed the recent support that has been
added in Prometheus which can allow you to push metrics as
well, Otel metrics as well in an experimental
way apart from just the pull mechanism that Prometheus is very
popularly known for. But Prometheus
is also working on adding lot of other capabilities for hotel
support and making it first class for hotel metrics so
that you can use Prometheus as a backend,
natural choice of backend for your Otel metrics.
There are issues created for this in Prometheus issue
tracker. Some of the interesting issues are around out
of order support because Prometheus earlier
did not have a support for getting out of order metrics. But Otel
pushes batches of metrics so there can be a case where
but of order metrics are reported and Prometheus
is now working on supporting that. Then the UTF
eight support for label and metric names. This is also something
that might be added in Prometheus and that will solve
the case of normalization that we discussed earlier where dots
were converted into underscores and vice versa.
The delta temporality support is also being discussed.
While the delta to cumulative
conversion is not very easy. There are some discussions around
supporting that in native Prometheus as well.
And then of course supporting the resource attributes metadata so that
those can be stored in Prometheus correctly and then utilize later.
There can be some performance improvements in all of this as well. So all
of these issues are tracked on Prometheus issue tracker and
you can basically check their progress. Some of these issues are
also slated to be completed by Prometheus
3.0 roadmap as per the last dev summit discussion
that I saw on YouTube. But that is something that
is very interesting update and I think that will be
very great addition to the community if all of these
things are supported natively in Prometheus. So,
to recap, what we discussed was we started with why you should care about
opentelemetry metrics. We touched upon how they are different from Prometheus.
What are the key differences between Prometheus and opentelemetry,
not just in terms of the specification, but also in terms of architecture?
And we also touched upon what are some of the things that opentelemetry
can offload from Prometheus. If we can ship
metrics from hotel to Prometheus directly, we discussed
about the current state of the art of opentelemetry and Prometheus interoperability,
and then also discuss what is upcoming. What are the plans of Prometheus
project to make the experience of using opentelemetry
metrics in a more seamless and native
way. So that's all mostly what I have for today,
discussing about the open telemetry metrics and
how you can get started with it. You can find me on Twitter,
you can follow me or last nine, and then of course check
out levitate, which is our hotel and Prometheus compatible
TSDB to manage high cardinality workloads.
Thank you.