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Welcome to Conf 42 DevOps edition.
Let's deep dive and green DevOps
building sustainable software guy hi,
I am Neel Shah, a DevOps community guy building
various DevOps communities in my local region like
Google Cloud, Docker, CNCM,
Hashicorp, managed more than 15 plus hackathons and
working as a product manager at Internal Infotech.
So here comes the false statement.
I have all my data on cloud so I don't
emit carbon dioxide. Is that true?
No. Eventually, because each and every one of us
who have hosted their website or application on cloud
are emitting carbon dioxide indirectly as
we have hosted on the data centers and the data centers
emit carbon dioxide. So we are eventually emitting carbon
dioxide as we reveal in the
innocence driven by software development. We also
acknowledge considerable carbon emission carbon footprint
from our products. So how we can reduce
that? Today we are going to talk around that.
So what is Green DevOps? Green DevOps is a general terminology
accused by the normal people to understand and building
sustainable software. Unlike the traditional development
where we were focusing on spare and functionality
of our product, eventually in green DevOps we will focus on
the environmental consideration in the forefront. Then we will consider
the spare and functionality. So it will also benefit for
the environment and eventually it will also benefit for our product.
What are the benefits of brain DevOps? We will reduce
the consumption of the energy, it will eventually
optimize our product, our resources
and it will eventually save
our cost, save our pockets. So the
two benefits are we will reduce the energy consumption,
eventually it will reduce the carbon dioxide and
it will eventually reduce the cost. So win
win situation for all. Next is improve
resource efficiency because eventually we are
utilizing the resources in a go and go manner to
give the customer a very smooth procedure.
We will have a lot of lot of amount of big vms.
Eventually we can do that stuff on a single vm
also. So why we are not coding to have our customer
a battery experience. So eventually precisely
or measuring all the things we can cost
down and we can slow down the number of vms.
So eventually it will improve
the efficiency and it will also have
our cost cutting and eventually we can implement some
code optimism techniques, we can resize our infra.
In that manner we can have some efficient testing will
eventually help us to improve our resources.
Next is enhance software quality.
So as soon as the developers work on the
code optimization and also of techniques, eventually it will
also optimize our software quality.
So we are not wasting the energy in any manner.
So eventually we are saving our cost and we are also working
on carbon footprint. We have discussed around carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint, but how the carbon footprint is
measured on a water scale. So let's discuss
on that portion. So that is GHG protocol. That is greenhouse
gases protocol. And there are different scopes
under it. And eventually from most
of the big companies, from top ten companies. Most of the nine
companies use this to differentiate
their usages in different sectors. Different scopes.
First is direct emission, indirect emissions.
What we can consider is when we burn the fuel directly,
when as a company or as a person, we are burning the fuel
directly, it counts in the scope one. Next is scope two.
That is indirect emissions. The indirect emissions consider
when we are using some electricity, when we are using
a tube light or a light. Then the energy came
from the power supplier, the electric power station.
So eventually they are burning their coal,
their fuel. So it comes in scope too. And all of
the things which are other things like
business travel. So the plane,
the airplane, lot of carbon dioxide,
this sort of things could be considered in scope three from material
purchase and what are the activities and each and every other activity is considered the
scope three. So how it is working
in our DevOps field. So when we host
a website in private cloud, website or application,
anything and private cloud, it considers in scope
two. And when we do the same in
public cloud or hybrid cloud, it is considered in
scope three. It is a measures
given by the grin software formulation under the
GHS protocol. Yeah. So how we
can find out this carbon intensity
in our product or utilize our carbon footprint.
So this is the formula from which we can generally
gather the data and say the intensity in
this region is less, the intensity in this region is more. So from
this formula we can derive with that. And this formula
includes the electricity or energy consumed.
Also the carbon emitters
through hardware and sole software. So this calculates
all the things and it's formalized by Grimsoft
foundation which is working on to use carbon footprint
for each and every product in our world.
Next is the major cloud providers
are also working to help people to
reuse the carbon footprint. So they also have their own calculators
which will detect all the resources used in their
products. So eventually AWS has AWS carbon footprint tool.
Google has Google Cloud carbon footprint. Azure has
azure sustainable calculator. So even the cloud providers,
when we use any resources of them and when we choose some
regions, they will also show the region which is having
low carbon footprint. Eventually there is a small mark and
which is telling us low co2. So it is saying
like the carbon footprint latency, the efficiency of carbon
in that region is low, so you can utilize that.
So also the major cloud providers are focusing on that.
Next is one of the open source tool and largely used
tool is car cloud carbon footprint. It is
widely used by everyone because it's open source and
it is very easy to work on this. And this
is a sort of dashboard which we can gather utilizing
the carbon footprint from cloud carbon footprint tool.
So eventually we need to give our bls
over there and also to give us
a large amount of data. So eventually it will make the dashboards over
there. Next is the major thing.
That is how we can reduce the carbon footprint
in the DevOps techniques. Here comes a real green DevOps
because it will eventually help all the DevOps people to reuse
their carbon footprint.
The first is cache static data.
Eventually when we go on the same website, a large larger
amount of time. So if the data, small amount of data
is cached then it will benefit for us. So eventually it
won't take another amount of time, another amount
of strength energy. Together the same data again and again.
Next is delayed unused storage resources.
Eventually we should monitor all the things and
also delayed all the things which are not necessary and we
can have our infrastructure to bare minimum. Next is implement
stateless design. Another thing is queue
non urgent processing request because when
we have multiple amount of requests, the storage will be optimized.
No, the storage will be buckled up and it
will also have a large amount of request on the same manner.
So we should run this in a sense that if the
requests are not urgent so it can be on the
next tab after the requests which are currently going on.
This is scale down your infra when not in use angel,
it will also cost down your thing and use
serverless cloud services. Why? Because serverless
has a functionality where we don't need
to manage the cloud functionalities. It will manage
by cloud providers and whenever there is necessary
of large amount of storage or large amount of vms, then it will scale up
and automatically. When there is no need it will scale down automatically.
So using this it will help us.
Next is we can have software eco design sort
of thing. Next is choice of instances
and a proper type on AWS. We have on spot
instances. They are just like server layers, they just
use the bare minimum thing. When they are not in use
they will also use the minimum thing.
So we should use the right size of the thing.
Eventually. If we need, let's say some x
amount of storage, then we should see
that sort of instance from the whole group of things.
Next is capertom wherever it will be, auto scale groups
or containers or anything, and change reason or zone.
As per the low carbon latency shown by
the cloud provider, we can easily improve
the things. These are the things which is implemented
in a day to day process. But yeah, we can
slowly start slowly, we can gradually implement them and
have a huge impact then, yeah. So what are cloud
awareness? So temporal shifting.
So when the carbon intensity in our region
is very high, then we can shift over
some work which are not necessarily urgent.
We can schedule them. When the carbon efficiency, carbon efficiency is good
or carbon latency is low, we can schedule them at
that time. Next is demand shaping. So demand
shaping, when we are working with image
or video analysis sort of thing, let's say then
we need to give the output and a high quality image or
high quality video. So in spite of that, at the
time of very high carbon latency in that region,
we can do that. We can pixelate and pixel down the image
quality and give them the pixel down quality.
So the lower energy will be consumed
on that node. Eventually. If we are
working on a CICD platform, let's say something
like jackians, where the architecture is like workers
live nodes. So eventually, when the time
is, the carbon dicency is high,
so we can use some of the no worker
nodes instead of, sorry, some of the slave nodes
instead of all the slave nodes, and do other stuff
after the things which is currently going on
can be down to use them reconvene
instead of doing all the things in a parallel manner.
Next is partial shaping. So what
it is done is you can like,
let's take one example how the automatic load balancer works.
We have the same thing in two different regions,
and it will fetch the request, or it will give the
request to that region which is nearby to the users.
But what Google implemented in between,
it's from the true facts from one of the research paper which
can be published that they implemented
on the top of load balancer. They also implemented to
have the request from the region which has lower carbon footprint,
sorry, low carbon latency.
So it will help produce
carbon in that manner also. So it will fetch the request
from the region which has lower emission of carbon
in spite of having the nearby region.
So it is helping out that. And eventually from
the report, it proves that
using this 51% efficient work
is done there. So yeah, that also helps a
lot. Next is, is it a phenops
plus green ops in green DevOps? Eventually,
because as on the path of green DevOps,
we are also saving a lot of money. Another use case
is when we have a service.
Let's say we have five nodes working on
a day. On a day, we have a sunlight
and we have a good carbon latency, but eventually,
in night, we don't have sunlight,
so the carbon emission would be higher. So on
night, what we can do is we can scale down our
nodes from five to two or three, which are bare
minimum. And eventually, on the day, we can also scale
up. So this kind of thing could be
implemented. And eventually there's both helping
and pin offs and also green ups. Green DevOps.
Yeah. Connect with me for any queries and.
Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Khan for the shoe.
Have a nice day ahead.