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You. Hello everyone, I am hamidarabay.
Thank you for joining me today in Conf 42 and welcome
to my talk about architecting dotted microservices in Docker
ecosystem. So who I am? I am Microsoft MVP,
MVP in developer technologies speaker in doubt. Net foundation.
I'm also MCT Edge certified and book
author. You can follow me on mittenblog, LinkedIn, YouTube or
Twitter. Today we will talk about microservices
architecture, container and Docker. We will
see the difference between Docker, container, Docker image.
We will set up our development environments
to be able to test some demonstrations.
So what is microservices architectures?
Microservices are the natural evolution of service
oriented architectures. But there are difference between microservices
and service oriented architecture. So we can talk about
some characteristics related to microservices.
In microservices architecture, services are small,
independent and loosely coupled. Each service
is separate code base which
can be managed by a small development team.
All services can be deployed independently. A team
can update an existing service without rebuilding and
deploying the entire application. Services are responsible
for persisting their own data or any external state.
This differs from the traditional model where a separate
data layer handles data persistence.
Services communicate with each other by using welldefined
APIs. Internal implementation details
of each service are hidden from other services.
Services don't need to share the same technology step
libraries or frameworks. Besides for the
services themselves, some other components appears
in typical microservices architecture, management of
the component is responsible for placing services
on nodes, identifying failures,
rebalancing services across nodes, and so forth.
We can talk about the different elements
related to microservices like service discovery
that maintain a list of services and which nodes
they are located on. It enables service lookup
to find the endpoint for a service. When we talk
about microservices architectures, we have another important element
to understand that is API Gateway. That is the entry
point for all the entire clients.
Developers consider microservices as an architectural
style that promotes the development of complex applications
as a suite of small services based on business
capabilities and multiple independent subsystems
in the form of can autonomous services.
The following pictures shows the microservices
architecture style. There are various components
in a microservices architectures apart from the microservices
themselves. So we'll start talking about the management part
that maintain the nodes for the services. We have
also identity provider that manage the identity
information and provides authentication services within
a distributed network. Service discovery keeps track
of services and service addresses and endpoints. Here we
have the API gateway. It serves a client's entry point,
the single point of contact from the client,
which in turn returns responses from underlying
microservices and sometimes an aggregated
response from multiple underlying microservices.
An API gateway sits between the clients and the
services. It acts as reverse proxy,
routing requests from clients to services.
It may also perform various cross cutting tasks such as
authentication, SSL termination, and braid
limiting. If you don't deploy gateway, clients must send
requests directly. Two front end services it
creates coupling between the client and the
backends. The client needs to know how
the individual services are decomposed.
That makes it harder to maintain the client and
also harder to refactor services. So the API gateway can
perform other cross cutting functions, as we
said before, like authentication, logging, SSL termination
and load balancing. Let's now understand the role
of an architect. An architect will define the software architectures
of a computing system that presents a set of structures needed
to reason above, a system which comprises software elements,
relations among them, and the properties of both. This architecture
should meet the nonfunctional requirements in development
like maintainability, the stability, all deployability,
and in runtime like scalability, performance and availability.
The microservices architectures offer
tremendous benefits, but it's not a silver bullet.
It also has some significant drawbacks, and the
microservices pattern languages is a collection of patterns that
solve architectures, design development and operational
problems. It enables software developers
to apply the microservices architecture effectively.
Containers combine an Apple plus, its configuration
and dependency into a single, independently deployable
units. Containers are an excellent fit for bundling
and deploying independent microservices.
Let's learn more about containers.
Containerization is an approach to software development
in which an application or service, its dependency and
its configuration are packaged together as a
container image. The configuration can be abstracted
as deployment manifestoise. For example, the containerized application
can be tested as a unit and deployed as a container image instance
to the host operating system. Just as shipping
container allow goods to be transported by sheep,
train or truck, regardless of the cargo inside.
Software containers act as a standard unit of
software deploying that can container different code
and dependency. Containerizing of software this way
enables developers and it professionals to deploy
them across environments with little or no modification.
Containers also isolate application from
each other on a shared operating system.
Containerbased applications run on top of
a container hosted that in turn runs on the
operating system, Linux or Windows, for example.
Containers therefore have significantly smaller footprint
than virtual machine images. Each container can run
a wall web application or a service as shown in
this picture. We have some examples here.
In Docker a container host, we can run the
first application, another application, a service,
and another service, for example. Another benefit of
a containerization is scalability. You can scale out
quickly by creating new containers for short term tasks.
From an application point of view, instantiating an image it's
like creating a container is similar to instantiating a
process like service or web app for
reliability. However, when you run multiple instance of
the same image across multiple host server, you typically
want each container image instance to run in
a different host server or between machine in different
fold domains. In short, containers offer the benefit
of isolation, portability, agility,
scalability and control across the wall application
lifecycle or flow. The most important definite
benefits is the environments as solutions between
the dev and the operations. What is the difference between
Docker container and Docker image? Let's start by
Docker container. Docker container is virtualized runtime environment
used in application developments. As we mentioned before in the definition
of Docker, with Docker, we are able to create, run,
and deploy applications that are isolated from
the deploying hardware. A docker container can
use just one machine, share its kernel, and virtualize
the operating system to run more isolated processes.
So docker containers are lightweight.
Docker image is like a snapshot in other types of
virtual machine environments, it's a record of
Docker container at a specific point in time. Docker images
are also immutable. Why? They can't be changed,
they can be duplicated, shared or deleted.
The feature is useful for testing new software or
configurations because whatever happens, the image
remains and changes. Containers require the existing runnable
images. Two exist. They are independent on images
because they are used to construct runtime
environments and are needed to run an application.
You might want to use Docker containers just to simplify
deployments. Even if you are not creating microservices,
for example, perhaps you want to improve your DevOps.
Workflow with Docker containers can give you better isolated
test environments and can also eliminate
deploying issues caused by missing dependency
when you move to production environments. In cases like
this, even if you are deploying a monolithic applications,
it makes sense to use Docker and Windows containers for
your current. NET framework applications in
most cases. For this scenario, you will not
need to migrate your existing application to.
NET six or seven. You can use Docker containers
that include the traditional. NET framework. However,
a recommended approach is to use the latest version
of. NET six or seven in our case, as you extend an
existing application such as writing a new
service in SP net core. Let's prepare
our environment for running containers locally and
for that we need to follow all these steps.
We need to install Docker desktop. It's free and it's available
for Mac and Windows. Use this link to be able to
install the latest version of Docker desktop with the latest updates.
So we can open and we
can click download Docker desktop here we can
install it on Windows, Linux or macOS.
We need to install Visual Studio 2019 or
the latest version 2022. We can also use
visual Studio code and two do that we will go to
the website of Visual Studio and
here we will use Visual Studio
Here we can select Visual Studio. We have many
version, we can use community version, it's really free and we
have professional enterprise but in our demo we
can use only community version. We have also
visual studio for macOS, for the environment of macOS
and here we can download visual studio code and
it's available for Windows, macOS and also for Linux.
We need to have an Azure account where we are able to
create an Azure container registry and every other
Azure services. We will use Powershell in Windows
or Azure cloud shell using direct link. You need
to open your browser shell
else you select the cloud shell icon on the Azure
portal. We will see that in Azure after if
you are using visual studio code, don't forget to add the different
extensions like Microsoft C sharp for visual
studio code, Docker extension and Azure
app service extension must be unsteaded. As soon as
our environment is ready, we will start with the first step
which is the creation of a docker image of a web
application that we will create from an existing visual studio
template. This is the demonstration flow.
We start by creating and building Docker image.
We will see two methods, the first one using visual studio and
the second using Docker command liner.
After we will tag and pull the image locally and in the end
we will build and store images using Azure container
registry docker app and we will start
discovering Azure container apps. After installing Docker
desktop we will open it. It should be
running. As you can see here the engine is running.
Here we have a list of containers that we will create it
and here we have a list of images. If you need to see more
about the different settings, you click just
here in this icon and you have all information
needed for Dockering giant. If you needed to enable
kubernetes you just select here the different extension.
For example here I enable docker extension. The use
of this extension and here we have general information
related general settings related to
Docker desktop. Now we will open visual studio.
This is visual Studio and we will create a. NEt project.
We will select this template ASp. NEt core web API
we can select web API for example, but in our
case we select just web API. We select next.
Here we give a name to our application. We identify the
location of our application and we will select after
next and I select here next.
Here we have to select the framework. It can be.
Net six or. Net seven for example we select the latest version
of. NET framework. I will disable the configuration
for HTTPs. Here we are able to enable Docker
or not. If it's not enabled, we can
also add our Docker file. We see that after
but I will keep it enabled. We will select the docker
operating system, Linux or Windows after
we select create button to be
able to create our application. So the first
demo consists on building a docker image. We will use we
just showed you the previous solution that we
created. The web application that we created we will use also visual
studio core. Let's start. Now we come back
to our solution. In our conference
managing project we have Docker file that
is generated automatically. As you can see here.
We can add this file just by
right click on the solution. It's really simple.
We select add and we select Docker
support. Here we select the target Linux
operating system or Windows and we click on
ok and the file can be generated also if
we didn't enable the Docker support when
we created our solution or if we want to add
Docker file to containerize our solution in
an old application. So let's try to discover
this docker file. We will start from this
line from
Net SDK seven to tell Docker what
image we would like to use to build our application.
Docker images can be inherited from other
images. Therefore instead of creating our own
image, we will use the official. Net SDK image that
already has all the tools and packages that we need to build
a. Net application. We will use multistage
build as defined stage for building
the web application. We define build stage
in our docker file using us to make things easier when
running the rest of the comments we will use
workteer with the source to create
working directory for our source files. This instructs udoker
to use this path as the default location for all subsequent
commands. By doing this we do not have type
out full file paths, but can use relative
paths based on the working directory also
not necessary. The comments below will make a copy
here only the CS project files and then runnet
restore. Each comment creates a new container layers to
speed the building of containers. Docker caches these layers.
Since these files won't change often, we can take advantage
of the caching by copying these files and running
restore as separate comments.
Next we will need to copy all the
rest of our source files into
the image. This line below is copy the files here
from the source directory on your local machine to directory called
source in the images in the local so we keep the
copy locally and here. In the end we need to run
net publish command line to build our project.
Let's go back to the first line. We will specify
the image that we will use two run our application
and we will define our runtime stage.
We will specify the working directory at this stage
also and we will expose the poor
80 to incoming requests.
We will use entry point to tell Docker what command we
want to run when our image is executed inside the container.
We do this using the. Net here
and our dll of the solution as you can see
here and to make your build context as more
as possible. We have inside this docker docker
ignore that includes all these
folders. Now to build our image. It's really
simple. We just select here
build or rebuild to clean and build and we
will try to check docker desktop if
we have any container deploying or
any image. As you can see here we have conference
manager we will try to check our container.
We need to run our solution to be able to
have or to create our container and to see
it in this place. So I
will select Docker. It's really simple way to run
our solution and our container using Visual Studio
2022 and I will try to
see here what happens. As you can see we
have container support. We can
see our container, we can stop it. We can
open terminal windows to see what's going on.
And this is our application. It's really simple
application. Let's check Docker desktop
here and we see as a
container already running here we have the conference manager
is created, our container is
created and we are able to see it here using
Docker desktop. Now we
will open visual studio code and we will create.
Net web API using. Net.
Net web API as it's
created. I will close the terminal and we will use control
shift p command line if you want to
see the different command line to create our docker file for
example. Now I will open the folder
and this is our solutions.
After we will select control shift p
to be able to add our docker file control shift and p
and we say docker add file to
workspace. We select this one, we select our framework.
Net in our case the operating system,
the ports needed. I will change it here
and he will ask me about adding Docker
compose. I will say maybe yes, in this time
we will detail it after. This is
our Docker file. It's more and more detailed,
but it's the same concept we
use from Workteer copy. We have the endpoint so
we using publishing net restore.
So we have basically the same content
as before. Now to build our image I
will open terminal, new terminal and I will
use this comment line Docker build t
minus t conference manager image and
I give version, let's say version. It will
be a tag. We will see that after and we
enter here and it's building
as you can see here. Now to run our container we
will use Docker can. This is the port
number and our image that we already
build it and we select here and
we check in Docker here.
Let's go back to images. We have
our image conference managing image and in
container we have the name of this container
as you can see here and this is the image I
go back here. This is container created
from our image. Now we will see how we
can tag an image. The docker tag helps maintain the
build version to push the image to the Docker app.
The Docker hub allow us to group images together
based on name and tag. And we have the same thing
with the azure container registry. Multiple docker
tags can point to a particular image,
basically as a git. Docker tags are similar to specific
commits. Docker tags are just an alias
for an image id. Let's see
now how we can use visual studio code to add text
if we come back to our solutions in the terminal.
If we come back to the terminal, we use it a command
line, this one run. This is
the port and we use it. Conference image 1010
is our tag in our case, but we can
add more tags using Docker extension.
As you can see here we have the first tag and we can
click right click on conference and
we add our tag by selecting tag here we select
tag and we can use this one
2.0 for example and we run
it as you can see here we have
our second tag. We will see in Docker
if we have any changes related to the tag here.
As you can see we have the first one and the second one.
Now to build and store our docker images we will use
Azure container registry. So we'll open Azure portal
and we will create Azure Container registry.
After we will deploying using visual Studio 2022
now we will create our Azure container registry using
Azure portal Select create a resource
after in categories we will select containers and
here we have container history. We click on Create.
We have multiple tabs. We start by basics tab
and here in project details we need to define subscription, resource group
and the different elements needed to create our container
registry. The name of our registry location availability
zone and here we select basic or standard
or premium SKU. As you
can see I updated my page. If you are using
a private ip you need to select networking tab
and you select private access. Here we have
encryption. If you need to use customer manager key you
can enable it and use it. We can add some
tags and in the end we will select review and create.
As you can see the validation based after we select create
even our Azure Container registry
is created. We will use here
visual studio to publish our application in
this registry. To do that we select
container manager the project right click
Here we have multiple choices.
We select Azure because we need to use
Azure Container registry. You can also use a docker container
registry or folder, FTP,
ftps server, ias or just import profile.
If I select Docker container registry I will select next for example and
we can find also azure Container registry in Azure.
We have also Azure container registry.
Here we have Azure app service and Azure container registry.
We can use also Azure
app service as a container. If we need to just
deploy one container. But if you have multiple containers,
we need to add our container in Azure
container history. We select next and
I need to check if our container history is already created.
As you can see here it's already created. We click
go to the resource.
Here we have the login server. We need just to check the
repositories. We don't have any repositories.
When we upload our application we will see our repository
and our container inside the repository.
Let's go back to visual studio. Here we have conference
manager. We click on finish after we select close
and we click on publish to be able to publish our container
in Azure Container registry it takes few
seconds. Now we check
Azure portal to see our registry and
here we select repositories and we have our
repository container manager as
you can see here now
if we open Docker desktop here we
can see our repository added in
the list. As you can see here we will use now
visual studio code to see how we can push our
image to Azure container registry that we already created.
We go back to visual studio code and
we will use the docker extension as we did before
and here we can see all the registry.
We have Azure or Docker hub. I will select
the first second one, this one I will say push for example
and I will select Azure.
I have a list of the registries inside
my Azure account. I will select conference manager and
we will use the tag image, the same tag image.
We've not made a change here and
here. As you can see it takes few seconds
to be pushed to our registry and we check
after can Azure portal I will finish it.
I will open Azure portal and I
will go to repositories and we find
conference mentor image using our
tiger as you can see here, this is the tiger.
If we check Docker we
are able to see also the image here conference
manager image if you need for example to
push the first tag, we see how
we can proceed. What is the result? I will use the
same tag for the same image.
Let's go back two Azure portal repositories and here
we will check the first one, the second one as you can
see here we have the fourth project we created using Visual
Studio 2022 and this is the second project
uses visual studio code. Here we have only
one tag. Latest the default one, use the default one
and here we have two tags.
To create Azure container registry we can use Azure porter,
Azure Cli, Azure Powershell, any template arm
templates. In our case we just tested
the use of Azure portal. We can use Azure Cli.
So I will just go to shell
I need to be authenticated to
my account and we use this
command line Azacr
created I will define our resource group.
I will use the previous created one, the name and
my plan. I select enter
and in a few seconds our edge container registry
will be created inside the same resource group.
It's running now and
as you can see here we have a JSON file as a result
and I will check in my resource group
the different resources created here.
And here I have my container for conference that
present our container registry as
registry. We are using Azure container registry but
we are able to deploy our
image, our container image two docker app
that is a public registry and
to do that it's really simple. We can use
the same publish here I will select a
second one for example here a new one
here I will select docker container and I will select
Docker as you can see here we are able
to publish our application as a docker image to any container
registry in the cloud in prem
so you need just to define your
path of your repository. Now we select Docker hub.
We click on next we need to
add the username the password after we click on finish.
As you can see here we click it on finish. After we
select close and we select publish it
takes few seconds. Two be published to Docker Hub and
we will try to check Docker hub to see if our configuration
image was pushed or not in Docker
hub. Now if I open Docker
hub using app,
I'm using my personal account and we
can find my container image conference manager.
If you are using visual studio code, we can also
publish our image to Docker Hub.
So for example let's select this one and we click
push and instead of selecting
as before Azure, we will select Docker hub.
I select my own account. If I have multiple accounts you can select
the convenient account needed.
I leave the same tag
after it takes few seconds
to be run. In this way if
I go back to my Docker app
we can find the conference manager image.
Let's open some description. Here we
have the tag as you can see the first one.
As you break down your monolithic application into separate, closely copied
microservices, your team will gain core autonomy and freedom.
However, they still have to closely cooperate when interacting
with the infrastructure the microservices must turn on.
You will have to solve problems like predicting
how much computing resource each service will need,
how these requirements change under cloud, how to carve
out infrastructure partition and divide them between microservices
and enforce resource restrictions.
Kubernetes or orchestrator solves
these problems quite elegantly and provides a common framework
to describe, inspect and reason about infrastructure research,
sharing and utilization. That's why adopting
Kubernetes as part of your microservice rearchitecture is a good
idea. Microsoft Azure offers many options
to work with containers and orchestrators.
We use it before Azure container registry to store and
manage our private container image. We use also
docker app for public images. Azure container instance
or Azure app services can be used to run isolated containers.
We have also Azure Kubernetes service that is a great option
for more complex scenario in which full container orchestration,
automatic scaling and service discovery are required.
The problem is Kubernetes is extremely difficult
to use and we have another service that is
Azure container app.
If you need two, learn more about building modern application
using microservices containers. Azure services
orchestrator you can see these books on Amazon
and if you have any questions after this session you can
reach me by email via Twitter LinkedIn.
Thank you for joining me today.