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Hello. Welcome to my presentation where you will learn how you
can be one step ahead of the competition using AWS step
functions my name is Oscar Neumann and I'm a solutions architect
at AWS, and I want to walk you through how you
can use step functions to build modern applications
in the cloud. But let's talk about serverless first. Why would you
want to invest in a serverless application?
Well, I think this quote from Werner Vogel sums it up pretty nicely.
Your design time budget is finite, so any time you can spend on
writing business logic is obviously a win for you.
And serverless services help you a lot with that. But there's
much more to serverless than just AWS lambda.
We have serverless services at all layers of the application.
So for example, we have Fargate as a compute service,
we have s three as a data store, and many other
services that surround lambda, for example for messaging,
orchestration, storage and compute. And we see
that when these services come together, you really start to gain all the advantages.
But now let's look a bit at orchestration. Why would we need orchestration
in a modern app? Well,
obviously you know that lambdas are stateless functions that
exist in the cloud, but there aren't many apps
with only one function, one entry point, one module, or one
component. So there's more than one function.
In fact, there will be lots of functions usually,
and they talk to each other.
And in fact applications, serverless or not, they also have databases,
right? So the functions also talk to a database.
And in the cloud, I noticed that a lot of them
also have queues of one kind or another. So they also
talk to queues. And some of the lambda functions might
also connect to servers. And this is now what an
actual modern serverless app might look like.
And you notice that these arrows also have different colors,
because there are lots of different ways for functions and serverless components
to talk with each other and control each other or orchestrate
each other. So let's talk about what
we can do with functions when we have more than one.
So maybe I want to sequence two tasks,
so a comes before b, or I want to retry
failed tasks, or I want to maybe catch
an event or catch an error message, or I want to
execute functions or tasks concurrently. Or I
want to do a choice based on the outcome of
one functions, or I want to run different
tasks in parallel. So how could we
do that? Well, you could coordinate
by a method call and just link the functions together. That's not terrible,
but that doesn't give you like modular, independent functions
that do one thing well, you could also chain
the functions after each other.
So yeah, one function invokes the other
and you do it synchronously, but, well, that doesn't really scale that good
because it might want to call another and so on.
So you do it asynchronously, which is maybe a better design,
but then you get really hard. Error handling and
finding out about errors even requires extra assembly.
What you could also do is coordinate by a database
so you can track the state of your function and write it into a database
like DynamoDB or other relational databases.
And you could use SQL for transactions. People are using this
and they get good results. But once again, there's still a lot of work.
What also could work is the coordination by queues,
which is another approach to pass your state and
control it through queues or streams. Once again,
this involves lot of bookkeeping. The function that
reads the queue gets a failure and you need to catch and rewrite
the state back into queue.
And if you want a timeout or retry,
then you're going to have to do that yourself. So what's the
solution now? How do you orchestrate these serverless applications?
Well, business workflows are rarely sequential from start to
finish, so you have multiple decision paths and multiple
steps for processing and need to handle failure. So you
need to isolate tasks into logical components
and centralize the orchestration into workflow. And that's
where AWs dev function comes in to help you.
So what's AWS dev functions?
Well, first of all, it's a serverless workflow orchestration service that's
offered by AWS. A workflow
in step functions is built using a state machine. It is composed
of steps which we call states, and it moves from
one state to another via state transition. It's written
using our Amazon states language or ASL,
which you can think of like assembly for the workflow,
and you can use it to orchestrate multiple AWS services.
But how do you now build these workflows? Well, there are multiple ways
to do it. You could do it using the drag and drop a
workflow studio editor. You could just write your own JSON
or do it using CDK or DSDK in Python.
Then you can visualize your workflow and finally execute
and monitor it. Now let's look at an example.
So I have this example image processing workflow where
I want to first make a thumbnail, then identify
features in the image and store the image metadata.
For example, I have this picture of mountains,
which also contains people and snow and I want to
identify that. So how would a state machine look like for that?
So we could use different state types for
that. First we have the start which is the entry
point for this workflow. Then we have maybe
a lambda function that extracts the image metadata.
Then we could do a type check based on the image extraction
metadata. If the image is not supported, we fail
this workflow. If it's supported, we store the metadata
and then go into a parallel execution we call
recognition to recognize what is in the image and to
generate a thumbnail. Then we add the text
once recognition is complex and end this workflow,
let's look at the state language. How do you write these states in JSon?
Here's an example how to do that. And there's also really
good documentation and this online builder where you can drag
and drop and edit these. So you don't really need to know
all the document, all the annotations for
that. So let's look at some state types.
Youll have seen most of these in the talk already, but there are also a
few additional ones. For example like the map state with which
you can process an array using the state machine.
Also there are other helping states like paths where
you can transform inputs into another output
and feed it into the next state. But what
services do integrate into step functions?
Well, there are a bunch of services that integrates into step functions
and there are multiple types of integrations available.
So let's look at the triggers. First, you can trigger
the step function workflow, for example using a lambda function. You can
also directly trigger it with API gateway or using
an event and eventbridge or using another step functions workflow.
Also you can trigger it from a code pipeline or using IoT rules
from looking at the step function inside. There are also different
integration types. There are some optimized integrations
which provide additional functionality and UI elements
in workflow studio. So you can directly integrate
some AWS services, but there are
no performance benefits over SDK integrations, it's just optimized.
Then there are SDK integrations which allow you to call
over 200 AWS services directly from
within the step function. And yeah,
basically you still need to write less code because you don't need
to write a lambda function to call this API. You can do it directly
in your serverless workflow. Then there are different
integration patterns. So for example request
response where step functions will wait for
the HTTP response and then progress to the next state.
And also you can run a job synchronously so
you can call service and have step functions wait for the
job to complete. The same is true for waiting
for callback. So you can basically asynchronously
call a step and then wait for the task
token. And once the token is returned with the
payload, it continues. So now let's
take a look how you can handle and modify data
within a workflow. In step functions.
So you have input and output processing.
So as a step function receive AWS
input. It's usually in the JSON format and it
passes this input to the first state in the workflow.
Then the individual states receive the JSON as input
from the previous state and pass JSON as output
to the next state here.
Then the output of the workflow's last state becomes
the final execution result.
ASL now has different tools to manipulate
these inputs between the states. So let's look
at the anatomy of a state and what you can do to modify this
input. So of course, first you have the state input,
and this state input is passed to the task.
Now you can start to modify this input in the task already before
executing the task. So first there's the input
path and all these paths. They use the JSON path
syntax to modify and select a
portion from the JSON input or from the result.
And the path is a string that begins with dollar sign and identifies
nodes within the JSON text.
So with the input path you can select
a portion of the state's input. Then you
have the parameters field, which allows you to create a collection
of key value pairs that are passed
as an input. Then you
can call the AWS service integration, such AWS,
a lambda function invocation, or an activity worker.
And you can filter these using
the JSON path expression AWS the input again.
Then you get the result selector.
So you can now use the result from the integration
and filter from that again,
and then you can put that result back into your
state input using the result path. You can either overwrite
the input at all or just append to it
in a certain node. Then you have the output
path after the final result and that
becomes the state output.
So let's look at the different states,
which I just mentioned in detail again.
So first we have the input path. As I mentioned,
it allows you to filter and select the portion of this JSON
state input to use. And yeah,
here's an example where we select, for example,
the numbers field three, four using dollar sign
numbers. Then we have the items
path. That's a field in the map state which
allows you to select an array in the input.
So here we select words as an example.
Then we have parameters, the parameters
field creates again the collection of key value pairs
that's passed as an input to the service integration.
So for example, we can add static values
here like just a string, or we select the
first or the second number from an
array as an example. Then we have the result
selector. The result selector allows you to filter
and construct a new JSON object
using the task result. So for example, we have the task
output which is sum seven, and we select the
sum field and add a static value. And then we have
the result. Then we have the result path.
As I mentioned, you can now add this result to
your JSON node from the input from
the original input, or you can also override it.
Then we have the output path where you can filter
the final result before it becomes a state output again.
Yes. So let's look at the context object.
You can also get some context information
from the step function's execution outside of the state input
using dollar dollar execution. And then you can
for example get the id from the execution or
the start time, which is useful in many cases.
Just that youre heard of it already. Then there are also
some intrinsic functions which you can use to modify
the inputs in the state already. So for example,
you can format a string, you convert it from
escaped string to jSon, or from json to
string and do multiple things. There are also some more intrinsic
functions which are not listed here.
So now let's go to the different workflow types
of a step function. One is the standard
workflow type and one is the express workflow type.
So what is the difference between those two?
It always depends on the use case which you are trying to implement,
obviously. So standard workflows are
good, for example for it automation report generation, order processing,
or payment and billing processing, just to name a few.
And express workflows are more like for
event driven microservice orchestrations or APIs
that need fast response. There are also
different limitations that come with these different
workflow types. So for example, the standard workflow can
run much longer, while the exprs function can
process much more events and functions at
the same time. So yeah, it always depends
on the use case what youre trying to achieve. But now let's look at
some best practices and workflow patterns which you can
use to integrate serverless workflows and step functions.
So one easy one is of course error handling.
So you can catch errors which can be thrown
for example by a lambda function or by
another integration. So you can then transition
to a different stage if you catch an error
which is unexpected for example.
Then you can also retry
with errors. So if one task fails,
youll can just try it again to reduce the complex of
your workflows. Youll can also have child workflows.
So from one task you can call another step
function and wait for it to finish and then continue in your
main step function. That makes it easy to build
more complex step functions.
Let's look at some more use cases where you could use step functions
well. You could use it for data processing, it security and
automation, machine learning, or microservice orchestration.
You as a developer might also be questioning what tools
you can use to work with step functions. So let's look
at developer tooling. So as I mentioned, there's workflow studio
which is like a low code visual workflow designer
for drag and drop, and it helps you to generate
these RSL. It has three different sections,
one where you can browse through the states, then you have the canvas
and on the right hand in the inspector panel you can configure
the different state. However,
as a developer you might be using visual studio code, so there's also
a plugin for it where you can build the state machines
locally, visualize them, and also execute them
on your local machine. Of course, you can
also use your favorite infrastructure as code to build
these workflows, like the serverless application model or
CDK. As I mentioned, it's possible to
also run these workflow locally using step functions local,
which you can just download and install and run it on your local development
environment and mock the SDK service integrations
let's talk about a few best practices when
using step functions. As I mentioned, working records from
a use case, choose the right workflow type,
then use timeouts to avoid stuck functions.
Finally, when you have larger payloads,
store the file in s three and then just pass the file handle.
Also avoid reaching history quota and handle lambda service exceptions.
For example, when your lambda function gets throttled,
try to handle that exception also in your workflow.
In closing, I have some more useful resources
for you where you can play around with step functions.
And please reach out to me. Feel free to connect with me on
LinkedIn and I'm happy also to answer any of your
questions. So thank you very much for listening and looking forward
to seeing.