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Hey everyone, how are you doing? I'm Robert a
solutions architect from AWS, and today I have a
talk for you called stop configuring infrastructure and start
co it. Now, a better
title for that talk could also be how
coding infrastructure helped me to deal with my yaml
phobia. So what do I mean with that?
Let me pedal back for a second here. How did it all
start? Well, if you've
been present in the dark ages of infrastructure
provisioning, you did a lot of stuff manually.
You had wikis, you had playbooks, and you had this one
person who knew everything. Then you
started to script everything. You started writing a lot of bash
scripts that did things most of the time,
unless they didn't, and you were back to square one.
After that we got a revolution,
and that was declaring infrastructure and its configuration
declaratively with things like cloudformation or
terraform. And that was also already
pretty good. And this
is where my story starts, because for me it
wasn't good enough. So let me explain.
Like two years back I was looking at a new
role as an architect, and I knew AWS is the focus.
So I've worked with AWS before and I did infrastructure as
code, of course. But I was figuring out,
well, in my new role I will do it all the time.
So I need to get deeper into it and see
how it feels, because I think I will do it like basically every
day. So I did a very simple
thing. I said, let's build a small example
application because infrastructure AWS code is easy,
right? Can't be that hard. All I want to do is
I want to connect to the Internet, I want to have a load balancer,
and if I query that load balancer from the
outside, I want the request to go
to a number of EC, two instances, so a number of vms,
and of course I want to build a well architected
application. So it should be resilient, so it shouldn't
be just one easy to instance, it should be multiple. So I need an auto
scaling group. So looks pretty simple,
right? Well, I was mildly
annoyed to scared to see that
when I wrote this in cloudformation, which is the native
infrastructure as code language for Aws.
Yeah, I had a fully declarative template at the end.
I had hit and miss ide support
for filling out all these values,
having the right fields and so on. But the thing
that stuck out to me most was that I had to write over
300 lines of yaml.
Why was that? I was
kind of stupefied here. Well,
if we zoom into that architecture.
It's actually not that easy what things
are, right? So of course
you have the load balancer and you have your auto scaling group,
but you also need to have a VPC,
which is the virtual private cloud, the private network
that you are building in the cloud where all these things will be deployed into.
And the problems don't stop there.
Actually, these are the big players, the big parts
that you see in your nice infrastructure diagram. But actually
these things need a lot of additional
objects that have to be configured. And these are
all somehow related to the big resource,
to the main resource or to the others. So the
VPC, it's not just, hey, give me a network and you're done. You have
to think about subnets, you have to think about connectivity,
you have to think about routing. And for the load balancer,
it's not just a load balancer, you have to think about its security group,
which is basically its built in firewall that says which ports
you can connect to and which ones not. And then you have to tell it
what is the target when an incoming request
is going through the load balancer. So then you're going to
the auto scaling group. And that auto scaling group is also not
just it, it's like, okay, you want to scale, how do you want to scale?
What are we actually launching? I need a template.
How do you set up the vms in that auto scaling group? And you
need an IAC role that defines what these
individual instances could do with other AWS services
and so on and so on. So that's the reason why
you come out with 300 lines of yaml.
And honestly that was pretty scary to me.
And yeah, it pulled me down
a lot. That's basically where it all went downhill
for me. And I started to drink a lot coffee.
And then I talked to a colleague about that and mind you, this was
somewhere around 2020. And he said, you know what, Robert,
you are a web developer by trade. That's what I
did before, right? I was a web developer, did javascript,
typescript, node JS, all that stuff. I've heard
of something new. I've heard of a way where you
can actually take real general purpose programming
languages and use those to
model your infrastructure. And I said,
really? That sounds like a dream.
And he got closer and closer
to me and he said, robert, what if
I would tell you there's a world where before
you were doing manual things and you had to be a lucky engineer,
then you went on and you could do scripting,
you had to be a bash engineer now you are provisioning
your infrastructure declaratively, and you're a Yaml engineer
and you hate it. What is the next step?
What if you could use code
and typical abstractions in code
and become a software engineer? And that's what
we're talking about today. So in the recent
years a few new frameworks have come up that help you to abstract
your infrastructure or to model your infrastructure with general
purpose programming languages.
Here we can see two widely known frameworks that
do that. So one is from AWS, the cloud development kit, or CDK
for short, and one is from Pulumi.
Now for today, I want
to dive deeper into the CDK, and I think it should be
transferable if you're coding another framework, because a lot
of the things I will talk about hold true for all
of these, let's say new wave frameworks that are using
programming languages. So what
is the cloud development kit? Well, let me
read it off here, because it's really a mouthful. It's an open
source multilanguage software development framework,
okay, for modeling cloud infrastructure years,
that's what we want to do. AWS reusable components.
So what are the main benefits I
could gain by using the CDK or another framework
that lets me use general purpose languages?
Well, first of all, if I have any familiarity
with a programming language, I'm probably
able to use that language to now model my infrastructure instead of
juggling with a yard of yaml. And you can see here at
the bottom right, all the languages that are supported
by CDK. So you can write in Python,
in JavaScript, in typeScript, in Java,
in c sharp, and also in Golang,
which is currently in developer preview. You also get great tool
support because basically every ide under the sun
understands code, and it gives you things like autocomplete
and inline documentation. Now the
real fun starts with the abstraction.
So you are getting classes, and those
classes, as we will see in a minute, they can do a lot of
smart stuff for you that then you don't have to figure out.
And that's actually one of the superpowers
of CDK and other frameworks like that.
Finally, because you're now using code,
it's easier for you to manage infrastructure and code
together, or to put it differently, in a similar way.
And that can be very helpful, especially for developers
who might know a programming language very well, but might
not like to be Yaml engineers like we are.
So how does CDK actually work?
And again, this is similar to how other
frameworks work as well. So first
of all on the left side, you're writing what we call a CDK application,
and that's really an app in the language of
your choice. In that application you create so
called stacks, and those stacks would represent
everything you need around a part of your application, or maybe
even the whole application. And within that stack you
are creating so called constructs. And these constructs are classes
that are actually representing your infrastructure.
For example, if you were to use it on AWS,
you want to create an object store, which is an s three bucket,
and then you would have a class you instantiate for that s three
bucket and it would represent that resource.
Now once you've written that, you are actually
going to the CDK CLI which you have installed on
your pc, then, and you would ask it to
synthesize the stack. So then the CLI will
execute your application and as an output
it will create a cloudformation template, which is the
native infrastructure AWS code language
we have at AWS. And then it will go
forth and take that template and ask the
AWS cloudformation service to deploy it.
And then your resources are actually created.
So that's definitely a paradigm shift
where before you were writing templates and you would
then ask cloud formation or possibly
another runtime on your pc to actually deploy
the resources. Now you would write an
app in the language of your
choice, and this
app in the language of your choice would then be translated,
transpiled, compiled, however you want to call it,
synthesized into the infrastructure
as code template, and this is then deployed.
So it is basically one step more.
But from your point of view you are just interacting with
the code at the very left.
Now basically back to my problem. I was
writing a lot of yaml and it drove
me crazy basically. So how does CDK help
me here? I mean, I have to write code, right? So what's the benefit here?
And that's where the so called constructs come.
And these are the classes that represent your resources. Now with
CDK we are basically separating them
in multiple layers.
So on layer one we have the automatically generated
classes which are just a one to one representation of the
infrastructure as code template resources
you had before when you were using cloudformation.
Now the second level is where it gets interesting.
So these are high level representation
of AWS services, which have a lot of smarts
built into them. So when you use those you get
same defaults and best practices out of the box.
And in a minute we will look at an example of how that
works. On the third layer we
have the purpose built constructs. And these are opinionated abstractions
that are basically whole architectures.
And this is really great because with those you can really look
like an infrastructure visit without the 60
years of experience that might be required in the job description
because these are basically covering whole architectures.
For example, it could be basically what I
have built AWS, one class that does all the things,
creates the load balancer, creates the auto
scaling group, wires everything together. So you
get a lot of stuff out of the box here.
Now for this abstraction and those same defaults
that I just talked about, let's have a concrete
example for how that works. So now
basically what I've built with cloudformation before, we are now
doing this with CDK. So you see
some snippets from my code editor here. So let's say
I've initialized my CDK project and
now I'm starting to write the code. The first thing I do is I create
the VPC and as I'm typing this you
can already see that I get really nice code
completion and also inline documentation for what this thing already
does. So that's great. Now if
we read the whole text a little bit more you would actually
see that this is a level two construct. And as I said, it has
a lot of smarts built in and it does a lot of great things for
you already. Here's the full bullet list for
that. The full bucket list, so to say. So I will not
read everything that is here, but basically the gist
is it does basically everything. You would want to
have a same default well architected
VPC already created in your account.
And just to give you some ideas of what it does,
it not just creates the VPC, it also creates subnets,
it creates private and public subnets. It thinks about all the routing,
it thinks about Internet connectivity and it tries to be resilient
because it does all of that while at least setting it
up. So it's highly available over two availability zones,
which is also great. So with
one lighter of code we did all of that, which is already
mind blowing for me. And it still is. It was at that
time and it still is. So let's go on.
For the next part we are actually creating
the auto scaling group. So that is the group of instances
that can even scale, hence the name and
represent my web servers. So again
I'm starting to create to instantiate a class called auto
scaling group here. And this time I need to provide
some more properties, some more arguments
for creating that. So I have to pass the VPC obviously, but I also
need to define what instance type do I want to use. And here what's
great for me is that this is actually based on
types and enums or however you want to call them. So these
are defined values that you find
in the code in the classes provided, so you don't have
to look it up in the Internet and maybe make a typo and then it
doesn't work. You can easily fetch those in
your editor, get autocompletion again and basically choose
the right type without any issues. Then we have
to set a few more variables
here, a few more arguments like what machine image, what VM image
we want to use. And we can also say in which subnets
this auto scaling group should operate. And there we are
referencing the VPC that we have created before. So that's
super cool. Basically it's
very familiar for a software developer to
set this up. Now we're already at step three
and that is configuring the load balancer. So again we
are instantiating a class called application load balancer.
We give it some settings and then we use some cool
convenience functions. So there is for example a convenience
function saying add listener. And that means if I
call this and give it a port, that's the port that is
available on my load balancer when I try to connect to it.
And after I did that, I use another convenience function
called add targets. And in add targets I tell the
load balancer that it should forward those requests to
the auto scaling group that we have created before.
And finally, I'm also configuring
the security. So there is a neat convenience function that
says allow default port from any IPV four.
And that means that we will publish
that port to the Internet and that all the security groups
are actually configured correctly to let that traffic in.
And now we're basically already done.
Something I want to point out here, which I find is really
cool, is that what
we've done here is talking to me.
I can understand that.
Let me take a small segue
here into clean code.
This might be known by you. So there's
this book, clean Code by Robert C.
Martin. And that book is basically about
how to write great code. And one of the
pillars or the tenants that they have is that if you write
clean code, it can be understood easily.
And understanding something easily helps with actually enhancing
it by someone who was
not the original author. So it's really a
success factor for collaborating, which I think is great.
And if you think about what we've just saw with
these convenience functions, we have a kind
of story. We're adding our listener to
the load balancer and we're adding the targets for the load balancer.
So that for me is telling
the story of this small picture we have down here.
And that story is my load balancer shall receive traffic on port
80 and send it to my instances. Now this
is something that a human can understand pretty well,
but what's actually happening behind the
scenes and what CDK is managing for you is all the
creation and wiring of the multiple resources that are
behind that. But that part is to some
extent just complicated. It's busy work, you have to do it.
And if you would read the cloudformation template for the
right part, it's much harder to understand
the original story that we have on the left. So that's
something for me that is one of the game
changers about CDK and similar
frameworks, that you can really tell a story by code
if you write good code.
So let's have a look at
how these two things compare. So on the left side
in the ring, we have cloud formation,
the default and native infrastructure definition language,
basically representing the declarative
class of things. It's fully declarative.
IDe support varies on what you have, and it's
rather verbose with 300 lines of code,
or Yaml, to say that on the right
side we have the contender. It's the CDK app.
It has used abstraction via code,
which did a lot of things for us. It definitely has
some imperative aspects because we are writing in a real
programming language. But we saw that
we profit immensely from a lot of built in,
sane defaults and best practices. And in total,
I don't know if you counted, we created less than 30
lines of code, which is awesome.
So that was the point for me where I was
totally. Basically, my mind
blew at that point. That this is possible with CDK is
great. And again, it's not just down to the programming languages I
can use, it's down to these built in,
same defaults and best practices with other
declarative languages. There are also modules you can put in
to make it easier to abstract some of that
away. But the cool thing is with CDK that's all included,
you do not have to search for it. It's in the main library.
And I think this is super powerful. And when I did that,
I was so happy. I was jumping up and down in
my seat. I was calling my wife, saying, hey darling,
I did great things today. I did a lot of work with
a new tool I have, and I did it super quickly,
I was so efficient with that. And she
said yeah, that's great darling.
So you can come home from work earlier
today and do the dishes. I kind of blew
it there, but basically I'm really happy with
that. And from there on I'm just using
CDK for basically whenever I can to create
and manage my infrastructure. Now we
talked a lot about how we can do
this with AWS, but I want to make
clear that you understand that CDK is an open
source framework and there are actually other
variants of it that also deal with
infrastructure that is not just AWS. So as you can
see here, we have the AWS CDK.
We have cdks which is
a variant of CDK to provision resources
in Kubernetes, and we have CDKTF which
is CDK for terraform. So if you are already using terraform,
you can also now write your terraform templates
with CDK in a programming language of your choice.
So the main message to take away here is
CDK is not just for AWS, you can almost provision
and manage anything with it.
And where would you find all those things? Well,
there's the construct hub, which is not only providing
constructs for the AWS CDK, but as you can see here,
four cdks and CDK for terraform.
And you find this under constructs dev.
So let me
sum this up for you. Why should you code your infrastructure
with CDK or similar frameworks? Well,
first of all, you can leverage the developer experience
you already have, and you can work with familiar programming languages.
You can profit a great deal from
IDE support with things like autocompletion and
inline documentation. And as we've seen in my example,
you can use powerful abstractions to build smarter,
faster and more understandable. And in
general you can bring code and infrastructure closer
together. Now you might ask,
why should I not do that? And that's a trick question
because of course there's no reason not to do it. It's the bestest tool ever,
obviously. Just kidding. Of course
if you are more familiar with configuration tools like
cloud formation or terraform,
CDK might just not be your thing. Or if you're
not too deep into coding or debugging stuff, because that
happens from time to time, might also not be your cup of
tea. But the good thing here is you
can actually use both.
Why decide? For one, you can mix and match depending
on your use case and your team environment. So maybe
your infrastructure team that provides like the basic
platform services that is still using terraform,
but for a new application you are building. You are managing
everything for that in CDK. Why not?
We are wrapping up here. I hope I could get you excited
for coding infrastructure instead of configuring
it. If you want to try this out, for example with the AWS
CDK, I can recommend the CDK workshop
which you can find under
And if you want to dive deeper,
there are also resources out there to learn more about the CDK
for terraform, the CDK for Kubernetes.
As I said, you can find the construct hub under constructs
Dev and you could also research CDK
pipelines which is a cool way configuring infrastructure,
coding and code and the pipeline
closer together in basically one
single code repository.
Finally, because CDK is
not just an AWS thing, but really a thing
of a big growing open source community,
I want to make you aware of the upcoming
CDK day. And the CDK Day is
a completely community organized event where
all these things that you're seeing here, not just the AWS CDK
but also for terraform, for Kubernetes,
are discussed and celebrated. And actually this
is coming up pretty soon at the end of May. So I
would say check it out.
I hope you liked my presentation. Feel free
to find me on Twitter or LinkedIn and tell
me if you did something cool with CDK in your
next project. Take care.