In this talk we will focus on four critical security controls that will be integrated as part of the CI/CD pipeline: static application security (SAST), dependency check (SCA), infrastructure as code (IaC) and dynamic application security (DAST). Anything from your Terraform deletes to code vulnerabilities, infrastructure misconfigurations and more can be operationalized and enforced through OPA and ArgoCD or even other GitOps methods and CI tools like Github Actions. Code examples will be showcased as part of this session.
Open Policy Agent has become a very popular project in the Kubernetes ecosystem for finer-grained policy management and enforcement. OPA comes with a very convenient dev-friendly language called Rego that can be leveraged as a unified way to manage any deployment changes at scale.
In this talk we will focus on four critical security controls that will be integrated as part of the CI/CD pipeline: static application security (SAST), dependency check (SCA), infrastructure as code (IaC) and dynamic application security (DAST). Anything from your Terraform deletes to code vulnerabilities, infrastructure misconfigurations and more can be operationalized and enforced through OPA and ArgoCD. Code examples will be showcased as part of this session.
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How do you secure your cloud native product on can ongoing basis?
Probably using branch protection and some CI CD pipeline,
right? You probably have multiple security tools,
each one speaking its own language. You need to configure
them individually and obviously JIT will be hard to scale,
especially if you want to configure those tool in a different manner
depending on the context, some repos being more critical than
others. But what if there was a way to write simple
policies using a single language for all your security tools?
That would certainly make your job faster and less painful,
right? Well guess what? That's not science fiction.
Thanks to a great open source project called Open
Policy Agent, which is exactly the topic of
my talk today. I am David Melamed, co founder and CTo
at JIT, the continuous security platform for developers.
JIT provides a unique set of built in security plans as
code, helping you navigate through your security journey by
automating the integration of tools and processes.
But back to OPA for those who have never heard of JIT or
never used it, open policy agent is a cloud
native open source policy engine whose
goal is to unify policy enforcement across the stack.
It can be used for a high variety of services
like API gateway, message brokers, kubernetes,
API server and CI CD pipelines. It provides
a high level declarative language called
Rego that lets you specify policy as code and
APIs to offload policy decision making from your application.
And the main use case for OPA are authorization,
SSH, access, admission control and data filtering.
Now this is a sample architecture using OPA.
Here you can see there is a request to a service and
in order to decide whether the user who made the call is authorized
to call it and should get a proper response,
the service dedicates the decision to OPA which
leverages some database in order
to get the mapping between the lists of the user and the roles
and the policies which are written
in rego that define
the role of the users that can see
the data. Let's see a concrete example of that.
Here you can see a service called salaries that will return the salaries
of the employees in the request. You can see in
the header that the user that is
making the call is user one.
Now the service is delegating the
decision of whether or not user one can see the results these
salaries by calling OPA,
passing the header, the X user,
user one, and OPA will leverage both the
data in the database that is mapping between the
users and the roles. So here user one is employee and user
two is admin and the policy which says that only
admin can see the salaries. So based
on the policy, the data and
the input, it will actually evaluate the policy
and says that well this user, user one should
be denied and that's the decision that is returned
to the service, the salaries which should deny
the request. Now a
little bit more generate about this regal language.
Basically it's a declarative language, that is that the syntax is mirroring
declarative real world policies. For example,
is X allowed to call operation y on resource
z? And you can see how it's applied
here. The policy at the left
says that if the method
of the input is get the
path include reviews and the user is John,
then the decision should be allow.
And as you can see in the right, in the input,
the method is get the path includes reviews
and the user is John. And so the results of this policy is
actually true. Now if we apply this to the
security world and let's see a
tool that is here a SAS tool. So static
analysis, then you can see the following.
At the left you can see there is the JSON output
of the tool called bandit, which is a sast tool
written in Python. And this output includes
some general statistics. As you can see at the top it
includes the number of vulnerabilities per severity.
Now in the right you can see that the policy
says that if the totals of the high
severity is higher than zero,
then the result should be denied,
decision should be denied. And as you can see here in
the left in the output you can see severity high is four.
And that's why the result is deny test
fail with four severities.
Now for the rest of the talk I will take a very simple
Python microservice. This microservice
written in Python is basically returning the time and
is getting an optional time zone
in order to return the time in
another time zone than a default one and default one. Here is Berlin.
Okay, as you can see the result is very simple
and it's return the time with the time zone.
Now what I want to do with this application is to
apply some security tools in
the CI CD pipeline. So basically
these are the four tools that I will apply here
and I will get back to the signification of all those
tools. But I want to explain
a little bit what we'll do in this demo. So basically the
user is committing comes code to GitHub and
then GitHub is generating some PR event.
Because this is a PR in the PR itself,
it will trigger the CI CD pipeline.
Now for this demo we'll use in the CI
system GitHub actions by GitHub. And what you can
see here is that we'll have four different jobs.
Each job will run different security tools.
These tools at the end will have some output.
And after running all those tools, we have another job
that will run open policy agent that
will leverage both policies that
are written in rego and that are stored in a different
repository, in a central repository. And the result
of all these tools, and based on this
input, so the results of all these different secret tools
and the policies, it will decide whether or not the
PR should fail or should pass.
Now let's take a few minutes to
get into details of each of the
tools here. So the first tool is Bandit.
Why do you need a tool like that?
Basically, you want to make sure that you don't have any vulnerabilities in your
code. So for that you will use a tool
that is doing some static analysis code.
And here you have bandit for
that. SAS are here to detect
vulnerabilities based on existing patterns in
the code. And Bandit is an open source
tool that is written in python and that
includes 35 built in rules for detecting
vulnerabilities. The next tool we'll use
is called Gitlix and editext secrets I
think I need to explain you to you why we need to detect
hard coded secrets, and you shouldn't have hard coded secrets in your code.
And so Gitlix is a great tool
that knows how to search for a lot of different
regexes of well known secret patterns
like GitHub personal access token
or slack tokens, AWS keys and so on.
And it also knows how to search
through Git history, which is very convenient because
you may actually commit something and then
commit another thing, and then you actually forgot completely about your
secret in the history. So this is the second
tool that we'll use. The third tool is has
dependency check, and we'll use that in
order to track third party libraries with disclosed
vulnerabilities. It's very important to make sure that
all your libraries, all your dependencies are sane
from vulnerabilities. And dependency check
is a great tool that is maintained by OwaSP
and includes its own database for that.
So this is the third tool that we'll use.
And finally we'll use zap, which is
simulating attacks on your front end to make sure that your
code is safe. This web application scanner
is open source. It's also maintained by OASP,
includes most 20 built in rules, and knows
both to handle web application and
API using open API or swagger
model definition for endpoint discovery.
So these are the full tools that we'll use in this demo.
Now let's talk for
a minute about the two sets of
policies that we'll write in rego and that
OPA will leveraged in order to decide whether
or not to make the PR pass.
So the first one is for the SAS tool
and as you can see here we have a package, package SAS.
The package is actually collection of
different rules. Here we have two rules. The first
rule is basically saying that we don't want any medium
severity and the second one is saying that we don't want any
high severity. And if you're looking at the right you will see a
sample of the output of bandit. This is
what we already saw previously and he
highlighted basically what this policy
will be able to detect in the JSON that it will
receive after running the SAS tool
in the CI pipeline.
The second policy that we'll write is about the secrets.
And basically here we also have two different rules.
The first rule will make sure that we
don't have any secrets in
this serverless Yaml file,
and the other will make sure that if we have an AWS
access token we'll actually fail the
PR. This is really an example just to show you
some rules. Obviously we'll probably prefer
to make sure that if you have any kind of hard coded secret
you will want the PR to fail. But here, let's say
for example, you have a tool that is creating a lot of false positive
and maybe you want to make sure that comes
specific type of API
keys you want to fail.
And so this is an example of how you can write something
like that. We're checking basically here that if the rule is AWS
access token, then make sure to fail the PR.
Okay, so now that we saw the different type
of policies that we want to write, let's put it
in action. So this
is my ide and this is the code of my small
serverless python application. There's a simple function here,
get function that will return the current
time based on the time zone, whether it's provided
has a query string parameter or using the default
one, which is Berlin. Here I also
have a docker compose file because I want to test my
application locally. So for that I'm using local stack
and this is how we'll deploy my application in a
few seconds. What I also want to show you is
this secret Yaml, which is basically the
GitHub action workflow that I
will run both locally and after that I will run it on
GitHub. So as you can see here,
and as I explained before, I have a couple of jobs. So I have
a job for the SAST tool, I have
a job for the secret detection, for dependency check,
for the dynamic runtime detection
and also this policy valve that will run policy agent.
So first of all what happens in the SAS job?
Basically it's running on Ubuntu
latest, checking out the code, setting up Python,
installing bandits and just
running bandits, saving the output in the JSON
file and after that uploading that as an artifact.
The second job, the secret detection is using
this Gitix action and is
saving the report in a simple file.
And I here need to use
low and secure commands in order to be able to save
this file inside this
action at the end I'm writing this report
here and I'm also uploading as an artifact so that I
will be able to retrieve it afterwards when
I will evaluate the policy. The third job
is dependency check and actually
it's similar. I'm checking
out my code setting up go here
and I'm installing poof, which will
allow me to parse the result of the dependency
check. Here I'm installing
dependency check, making sure that I'm using also some cache
for a database so that it won't retrieve
the database every time. And at the end
I'm running the parentheses check tool and I'm
saving the results in some JSON file.
The DAS tool is a little bit more
complicated because what I need to do is to deploy my
application to a local stack that is running inside my
CI and after that I can run
zap against this public
URL that I will get. So this is what I'm
doing here. I'm getting the results here of
the deployment locally to local stack and then I'm
running zap against this URL.
So now that I have all this for job running,
at the end I'm running the policy
valve and what Jit does basically is
that it's retrieving all these two
sets of policies that
I defined earlier from this repository it's
using comes test which is a tool that is running
behind the scene open policy agent and
then I can retrieve the different artifacts that
I downloaded. I uploaded, sorry. So here it's
retrieving the bandit report and here it's
making sure that the policy,
so conftest, which is running OPA behind
the scene will make sure that the
bandit report will actually comply to
the policy of the SAS. And after that I'm doing the same thing
for the other policies. So here are the secrets
and I'm also making sure that contest runs with
the report against the secret packages.
So this is basically the code and I will see that in actions.
So I will go to the terminal and
here I will just call again here this ping
to make sure that my service is working. And then what I will do is
I will run act,
which is the local version of GitHub
actions, just to show you that I can make it work
locally first before going to GitHub.
So let's make it run. As you
can see there are some secrets that Gitix found
and it's now uploading the artifact,
installing everything here. And in a few seconds we
should have the results. We are also
already running the policy evaluation.
So here we are retrieving conf test as
an image.
Here we're retrieving the policy from this repository.
And here you can see that two tests were
actually run, one passed and
one failure. And that's because I had some vulnerability
that Bendy discovered. And so that's
why it actually failed right here it's actually written SAS test
fail. Why? Medium severity.
Right. Okay, now let's see how it works in
GitHub itself. So for that let's go to the browser.
This is the repository that you can also clone
and that include all the code that I just showed you.
I have another repo for the test
for the policies, sorry. So here you can see
the policies that I showed you before,
right? And here if I'm
adding some, changing something
here for example,
and I'm creating a pr and
then we can see the results here. Actually I already did that before.
So we can see here that all the
difference job ran and at the end the policy evaluation
failed. And if I'm getting here the results, the details,
I can see also the same thing here, that bandit actually
failed and I can see the details if
I want. Here I can see the details that I have one
medium severity. Right?
So what you just saw
in this demo is a way to manage centrally
policies in order to have a single way to write
your policies and a single decision point. And Ajit,
we implemented this as part of our platform in
order to provide a simple way to manage the open source
security tools that we orchestrate in
the context of the security plans that we offer.
And of course you can imagine that you can write
more complex rules per package and even
you can add things like external HTTP called
if you want to other services in order to make things
more complex, or if you need additional
data from other services, or from database or
whatever, you can make things
really more complicated. And at
the end, OPA will decide whether or not your
pr should pass or fail.
If you got intrigued by what you just saw, just like don't
hesitate to visit our website and
try out the early beta version of our platform
in order to start securing your project. And if
you write me a message, then you will even get
vip onboarding experience. So I'm
welcoming you to try it out if you like both
the idea of having some kind of central way to manage
your policies and to manage all your security.
So thank you very much for your attention and if you have any questions,
don't hesitate to drop me a message. Thank you.