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Hi, thanks for having me at Conf 42. Cloud native my name
is Lian Li. I'm a cloud native engineer and engineering manager
at Container Solutions in Amsterdam. We are a
consultancy focused on programmable infrastructure and we
help our customers move into the cloud. And you can follow me
on GitHub or on Twitter at chimney 42.
I'm also one of the organizers for serverless days Amsterdam.
So we are the Amsterdam chapter of the Serverless Days conference
series. It's a global series of community events and
we had two conferences so far in 2019 and
in 2020, unfortunately online and we also
have monthly meetups every first Wednesday of the month. So if you're interested
in checking out what this is about, then let me know and I'll
tell you where you can find us. Or just Google serverless days in Amsterdam so
today I'm here to tell you Kubernetes wont save you.
You and now I told you a little bit about me. You might
be thinking, well what about serverless? Well bad news,
serverless won't save you either. Why?
Because it's not about technology, it's about your culture.
It's about your culture of problem solving, of adapting to change,
building trust and resilience in your organization. That's the crucial thing.
And everything I tell you today is based on my
experience working in tech for about the last decade.
I started as a web developer with PHP, actually moved
to front end, then full stack, then DevOps, and now I'm
a consultant. First things first, let's take a look at the
state of Kubernetes. So originally, if we were in the same room,
I would ask you to do a show of hands who has heard about
Kubernetes? And even though I can't see you right now, I will
assume that most people probably have heard about it. If not, the very
brief explanation is that Kubernetes is a containers orchestration
platform and it has become quite popular in the last couple of years
because it providers to make infrastructure tasks easier to automate
and thus cheaper and faster. But as I said before, this talk is
not really about Kubernetes specifically. So this is just a
stand andor for the popular tool of the month, really. This same principles
apply to any kind of cloud native tooling that you can think of.
So this image is taken from a white paper written by our CTO
Ian Crosby, which in turn is based on a book called
crossing the chasm by Joffrey a. Moore. And in that
book, Moore takes a look at the technology adoption cycle and his
hypothesis is that before any tech is adopted to the mainstream
market, it needs to cross something called the, you know,
before it's only available or only interesting to early adopters,
and then at some point it will cross this chasm and
become part of the mainstream. And this image is about two years
old when, two or three years when the white paper came out. And I
would argue that in fact, kubernetes has already crossed the chasm.
Kubernetes has become mainstream. And that is both kind of good and
kind of bad. So these are a couple of headlines that I've taken from the
last three years that have caused some outrage andor
interest in the DevOps community. This is a very interesting story
where pivotal was sued by Ford because
Ford claimed that kubernetes is the industry standard and
pivotal didn't teach them properly to use it.
So I guess they alleged malpractice or something. I'm not super
sure about the american legal system here, but I
encourage you to Google these stories later because it's quite interesting that
even Google tells developers now kubernetes has become boring.
And that is good. And I think these headlines are super interesting
because they point to two things. So first of all, kubernetes kind of
the de facto industry standard right now, which generally I think is good because I
think Kubernetes is a great tool. But they also point to the fact that people
are slowly waking up from this dream that kubernetes will come and
just magically solve all of their problems. You have to
put actual elbow grease in it, too. So to me
there are two aspects why cloud native
transformations sometimes fail or don't go as fast as you expect them
to. One is the attitude towards technology, towards the products
and tools that we use, but also the ones that we build. And the
other is the attitude towards people, the attitude towards how
we work together and how we collaborate with each other.
So I want to start with the definition of cloud native. What is cloud
native? Who has good explanation, please put it in the chat or
on Twitter. I'd be very interested in your definitions.
I find quite fuzzy. If I ask 20 people, I'm probably going to get 40
different answers. To me, it's kind of at the intersection of
culture, people and technology. And I'm going to tell you what I mean by that.
First, let's look at what the CNCF defines
in its charter. So they say cloud native technologies empower organizations
to build and run scalable applications in modern dynamic environments such
as public, private and hybrid clouds, containers, service meshes,
microservices, immutable infrastructure and declarative APIs
exemplify this approach. This is a very interesting definition
for two reasons I feel so. First of all, it's very technical.
It's only about computing. But then again, it also doesn't
really define specifically what cloud native
technologies are and what they aren't, but more what
they do. They empower organizations to build and
run things in settings like public,
private and hybrid clouds. And then they list a couple of examples
that would exemplify this approach.
So it's also not 100% clear. It's kind
of like just a list of examples. But then also it leaves
us all these other aspects, like what but project management?
What but your business strategy, how do those change? So this is another way
to look at cloud native. This is something that we call the cloud native maturity
matrix, and we use it as a tool to assess kind
of the current state of a customer, also show them where we
could take them and how far away they might be from
their goal. And what's important to understand is that cloud native is not just
a collection of tools here, but more like a philosophy
or mindset or approach around individual aspects,
like culture, like architecture, like infrastructure
alignment. So when you meet a client for the first or second time,
you sometimes do an assessment with them to gauge where the organization currently
lies on each of these axes. And this
is what it could look like then. What's nice about this tool is that it
really visualizes all the dimensions of cloud native. So for
example, if you look at microservices, most experts
in the cloud native space would recommend microservice architecture.
But if you do that in a waterfall culture, it will not yield the best
results for you. So you're still carrying maybe legacy processes
around you, but only when you couple microservices
architecture with an agile and lean mindset. Then you'll be
able to leverage all the fast and speed and flexibility
and the goodness of cloud nature. So I don't claim that there's
any objective truth with this matrix. This is our interpretation
of cloud native and we iterate on it and we could make an
argument, is serverless really the next level of provisioning?
Or is it just another tool in cloud native
orchestration, similar to like Kubernetes? If you feel like
you want to discuss kind of what we put in there, then feel free
to hit me up, because I would be very interested in your definition of
cloud native and what it means to you. If you're interested in looking more
deeply into the maturity matrix. You can also follow this link and do an
interactive assessment for yourself or for your organization and
then message me or message us because I guess we would be interested in what
it came out for you. So another aspect of how we are
solving the wrong problem, in my opinion, is illustrated in
this XKCD entitled automation.
So in this XKCD, I think this is something that we're all kind of familiar
with. You spend a lot of time on a manual task.
Annoying, it's boring, it's slow. So you think I should write a program to
automate it. And in theory what you're thinking, what you're imagining is
I will write some code and then in the beginning
it will take me a bit more work and time, but then at
some point automation will take over and then actually I
will have all this free time because my script is doing
the task automatically, I don't have to spend any time on it. But what happens
in reality is that you start writing the code, then you need to debug it
because it's not working correctly. Then you have to redesign the whole thing and
it just takes forever and it just takes on its own life and you don't
have any time for the original task anymore. And I
think kind of most of us know this problem,
some of us might have been victim to this, I know that I certainly
have. And this is basically the stunk Andor cost fallacy.
So as an example, we had a customer that
developed a piece of technology, and this was a camera that
had a chip that could do object detection and facial
detection on an incoming video stream. And this was a
pretty cool piece of software, and it would send that detected
face or object to a platform which we were supposed to build.
And it should be highly scalable, highly available. So we built everything in
microservices Kubernetes. We were partnering with a company
that were then on the platform that we built, built some applications
to do mood detection, and we used Kotlin
and we migrated to typescript in the middle of the project. Andor AI and Iot.
It was really, really fun and interesting. As an engineer, it was one of my
favorite projects ever to work on. At some point the customer pushed
us to deliver for a demo with investors in press and the
use case changed, so now they wanted it to run
only on one physical server. And we were like yeah sure. I mean we can
run a single node Kubernetes cluster. It's not ideal,
but the nice thing about Kubernetes is that you can just do all kinds
of things with it. It's very flexible. So we can run one instance of this
platform on ones physical server andor we can still
run a public version of it on GKE. So we were like yeah sure,
physical server, no problem. And they're like yeah, but this server also can't
be connected to the Internet ever. So what
happened was they bought a physical server,
they shipped it to us. We installed our application on
it on a USB drive. Actually we had a helm shot on a USB
drive and then shipped the server back to them by mail.
And there's two ways to look at this. So we either were
working with entirely different projects in mind, or we did
the most physical handover of a cloud application that I've ever seen.
But in any case, we already built everything in the cloud native
way. And then even though the entire use case changed,
we were like we already built it, so we're going to still use it,
we're going to still do that, even though in retrospect we could have just built
one monolith, one Java application, put it on a Tomcat server and
be done with it. The title text of this XKCd
by the way, reads automating comes from the roots,
auto meaning self and mating meaning screwing.
You might have heard of this design principle. Form follows
function, which means that the shape of a building or object should primarily
relate to its intended functional purpose. Or to put it in a different
way, first think but what something should do and
then think about how it should look like. Kind of fairly straightforward, but when we
transfer this into business, sometimes what we see is that
not all companies follow this principle. Some companies will use
tech like AI or blockchain or kubernetes, simply because
everyone is doing it. And it might be interesting to
shareholders or vc funding, but it actually has no added
value to the actual product or business. In my mind, tech is
a byproduct of problem solving. So the goal
is to solve a problem for your customer and you do it by the
tech is the means to solve that problem. So you really need to
ask yourself whether the tech you're maintaining and building, is it still solving
the core problem and contributing to your core business? Or has
it kind of begun to have a life of itself? Is it like a Frankenstein
monster with an unquenchable thirst for resources that
just keeps on growing? Most companies, they don't need to manage
their own kubernetes cluster, but somehow a lot of them still feel
like they do. One way, if you're uncertain about the purpose of your
business is to use this model developed by Simon Sinek, which is
called the Golden Circle. And he uses it to illustrate why people
tend to flock to companies like Apple because they have a clearly
communicated purpose. But you can also use this as a tool
to try and find your purpose. And this is how you could do that.
You start from the outside with the consistency of what,
what are the products solved, the services offers, or your
role at work. So let's say you are a company that sells
photo cameras. Andor also a community platform
where people can share their cameras, where people can maybe touch up images.
It's very simple to use and it's
great. So then look at the next level, the discipline of how, what are your
strengths, what are your values, what are your guiding principles?
So maybe you just have great customer support. Maybe your
tools are amazing at helping people really express
themselves. Because your guiding principle is that you want
people to be able to express themselves through a visual medium.
So finally, you will then look at the clarity
of why? Why do you do this? What's your purpose? What's your cause? What is
your belief? Maybe you believe that every
person has an eye for beauty, everyone is an artist, and you
really want to give every single person on earth the chance to
share the beauty of the world as they perceive it to
other people. And this purpose, this cause, is something that your
customer can really understand, can ideally
relate to, and that will then be expressed through loyalty
to your brand, to your purpose. This is why companies like Apple are
much more like the brand of Apple is much more successful,
like has for example, the brand of a thinkpad or Lenovo,
because it doesn't have this purpose, this belief that
people can relate to. So finally, at the end of this section,
I want to share this quote by Tatiana Mack, who's an engineer
building inclusive, accessible and ethical products with thoughtful
practices. And she says that a solution is
only as good as your framing of the problem. Everyone who has ever worked with
machine learning or anything like that understands that you really need to understand
why your customers are using your business, why you,
why not another company that provides the same product? Only when
you understand that can you also understand how to best optimize your
solution. So your technology, your services. So I spoke about
attitude towards tech, and now I want to talk a bit about the attitude
towards culture, andor towards people. And a lot of this, what I call the
cloud native mindset we probably already know, are familiar
with from agile thinking and agile working, for example,
the concept of continuous learning. Quite important because we're all
kind of new to this. Kubernetes was released six, seven years
ago, 2014, if I'm not mistaken. And so we're
kind of like, no one's really an expert expert, like a 20
year experience kind of expert. And most, if not all
modern paradigms in the tech industry now kind of show the same trend where we're
moving away from really stagnant processes that are kind of like trains.
If you get into it, you just go straight ahead,
and if you want to turn left or right, then someone
has to have already planned this, someone has to have already put
like a check, but for you to do that, and now we kind of move
in much more fast and flexible processes, like a bike,
where you can react very quickly to obstacles
by just turning left and right, and you don't even need a road sometimes.
So instead of planning out our releases for months or years in
advance, most companies now follow agile principles
of failing fast and early and often. And then they build
this process of failing fast and often into this perpetual feedback
loop with ceremonies to optimize this failing process
with the feedback. And we call this kaizen, or continuous learning.
An example of this is scrum, which I think most of us are kind
of familiar with. So you have these sprints, which are usually probably
two to three weeks, and at the end of each sprint, you have
a retrospective andor retrospective. You discuss kind
of issues you had that you could improve. And everything is
kind of geared towards optimizing your delivery, your delivery
of value. And then you take the action
items from the retrospective and you try to implement them in the
next sprint. Andor then at the end of that, you know, you have another retrospective.
So you constantly have this loop forever if you want to do that,
if you want to have this cycle of continuous failure, but not
burn out your employees, then you need to create a culture that
encourages failing and learning from it. And we have
to be intentional about these things because failing is not
something that we're happy with or that we enjoy or that makes us happy.
So to be able to be resilient through these kinds of things,
this will require abilities like taking responsibility,
self efficacy, so the belief that you can do something, that you
can learn something, also being able to handle stress properly.
So all of these things tie into this need of psychological safety,
why it's so crucial if you work in a
sector that is moving very quickly, where you have to try things Andor fail often.
So, to illustrate what I mean, we can look at this grid.
So you see now that there are two axes the accountability
axes, which just kind of means how much are you being pushed
to do new things, to grow, to learn to do things that you're
unfamiliar with, meet demanding goals and the axis of
psychological safety. So if you fail, what happens to you?
Are you getting scolded? Is it completely horrible or is
it okay to fail? So in a low accountability,
low psychological safety environment, no one's really pushing you to
do anything. Also, if you were to do something, you will probably get
scolded as soon as you do one little mistake. So why should you do anything?
This is the apathy zone. This is a zone that is very, very dangerous
to productivity because people who are in this zone will also take
down the people around them over time if you let them. As opposed to
that, if you have an organization where you have low psychological
safety but high accountability for meeting demanding
goals, this might be pushing you into an anxiety zone
because you are constantly being pushed to meet more and more demanding
goals. But if you fail, then you immediately,
you won't hear the end of it. So this is very stressful and this is
an area where people actually burn out a lot. On the other hand,
if you have high psychological safety but low accountability
for goals, then no one's really pushing you
to do anything to move out of this comfort zone. It's comfortable
because it's fine. You don't have to be worried about your job,
which is a good thing, but you're not learning anything, you're not growing,
you're just being comfortable in a setting of cloud
native where things change a lot and where you're trying to achieve optimal
effectiveness, the comfort zone is not the best zone to be in.
The zone that we're trying to be in is the learning zone.
And we get that when we have high psychological safety and
high accountability, you push yourself. You ask to push yourself.
If you fail, it's not a big deal. You just dust
yourself off and just try again. And if you're interested in reading more about this
concept, you can click on the link and go to the blog post. It's written
by our in house psychologist, Andrea Dobson. And the reason why we have in
house psychologists is because for one thing, the way that we approach
consultants, it's really but empowering Andor mentoring and coaching
our customers. So we put a lot of effort to kind of understand
how people think and how people learn. And psychologists are great at explaining
that to us, but also because we work in these
fast moving environments that are very stressful,
there's often a lot of money involved. We need to make sure that people
are resilient, Andor can deal with this amount of stress. So that's also
why we have psychologists in house. Lastly, the factor
of collaboration obviously is also very, very important now because everything
is distributed, your microservices are distributed,
and with it comes often also a split in teams. And the
infrastructure team is now kind of can AWS implementation team.
So you really need to put a lot of effort into streamlining your
collaboration now. And maybe you should think about even not doing
collaboration anymore. And what I mean by that is that
there's a book that's called Team Topologies by Matthew
Skelton and Manuel Pace. In this book, the authors take a look at how engineering
teams in cloud native organizations work together, and they have
defined these three modes of interaction. There's collaboration.
So teams work together for a defined period of time to usually
discover new things like APIs or practices or technologies.
It's really like a discovery. As a group you have facilitation.
One team helps Andor mentors another team, and then finally you have x
as a service. One team provides and another team consumes
something, has a service. So collaboration is really kind of
the slowest way to get anywhere because it can only move as
fast, has its slowest member. So if you need any timely
results from it, you should try to not do it via collaboration.
In facilitation, one team will help another teams
for a set amount of time and then ideally the value
that's been created from this facilitation will be multiplied further
down the road. X as a service actually takes a lot of
time initially because ones team probably has to build that service,
then moves much faster later because consuming
a service can be automated, not as facilitation corporations that
cannot be automated. And thus it is the fastest way of two
teams to work together with one another. So as an example, if you have something
like delivery deployment, you usually have a platform
team, can operations team that manages, let's say your
Kubernetes cluster, and then you have development teams that
will build maybe helm charts, maybe Kubernetes manifests
and then want to deploy those to the platform. You could
do that through collaboration. You have to send someone an
email, give them the thing and they have to then manually deploy,
which already it sounds like, okay, there's not a lot of,
actually it's quite time consuming. Facilitation would be
a situation in which maybe the platform team explains to
the development team, okay, if you want to deploy something, these are the
steps you need to take you need to do this and this and that,
and then you need to do this Andor that. So ideally you have to do
these facilitation meetings once every couple of months maybe,
and every time you change something on the platform, but then it will
hopefully multiply down through the teams because one person will then tell
three other people and so on. Finally, in X as a service, the platform
team would provide a service, maybe even a self service, to the
development team. So instead of having to be there
and walk the development teams kind of manually through the
process, they just provide, let's say, can API with very
clear constructs and very clear expectations. And once the
development team has everything configured and set up,
they can just automate calling the service.
And the speed of delivery will immediately increase
in speed as soon as the dev
team becomes more independent. So coming to the end
now this is a quote that I kind of lifted from
the book. Team topologies don't do a transformation because you want
to use kubernetes. Use kubernetes because you're doing a transformation
because you are transforming. You want to transform your organization to
a different way of working and of understanding and addressing your customers.
That's when you are looking to choose the right tool for yourself.
Andor it might be Kubernetes, it might not be Kubernetes, it could be something completely
different. Whatever works for your organisation, as long as you understand
the problem that you're trying to solve, that tool will be the right tool.
So if you're not too scared of moving into the cloud now,
or you absolutely have to, you could take a look at our cloud native transformation
kit. It consists of a book written by Pini Resnick
and Jamie Dobson, which are our CRO and CEO respectively,
Andor Michelle Gino, who's our editor,
and this book, Cloud Native Transformation consists of
a bunch of patterns to move your
application, part of your application to a cloud native
state. And these are what the patterns look like.
So they really are suggestions and they're intended
to inspire you to come up with the right solutions for
your problems. And if you want to know more about what we do has a
company, you can visit us on Twitter and
on our website we have a newsletter, a monthly
newsletter named WTF is Cloud Native? In which
we talk about, explain, discuss cloud native
patterns, technologies, ideas, all of
that. So if you're interested, check us out on Twitter or LinkedIn or website.
Thank you very much for your time again, you can follow me on Twitter as
well or on GitHub. Thank you very much.